Prince Rupert Duily New., Wednesday, January 23. 11)52 2i Stewart Mines 5 - Stewart Logging Outfit LanAr Two Million Feet Now Cut . STEWART. Towed by the tug "Lird;, Vancouver Tug Boat Company, equipment t Change Hands WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE 1 'A. ' L STEWART The Forty Nine and the Hercules Mines are reported to have been purchaser by Vancouver Interests and woikj will be commenced sometime; during this year. i The Hercules has all the ear j marks of a producer of ba-s..' ( Western ood rroducts Logging Co. was 1 here last Thursday.- j - - Taken in tow by E. Lewis' gas land J"f shipment u the w., pulp mill boat the scow was landed at nign tide on the tide flats. A rampi All the key ,,. ... . matte and the eiUlpmcnl, ! jvas under the maiu-n,,,,,. Wallace and nVe o,,. metals. Hiuh gold and silver values , i , -!on.skit,nL' of two tractors, two ifT - -.'irrl arc expected later : pick-up trucks, two six wheeler i 'rucks with trailers and one ; I donkey engine, were landed un- : Expansion Sale Now in Progress Storewide at WALLACE'S of Course ,1er their own power. Stewart (ad have also been encountered or. the Forty Nine which was operated some years ag under thJ direction of Harry Howson. a well known mining operator. Future developments on these properties will be watched wiln Interest by the people of this district. A road across the half mile of flats bulldozed by Bill Kilroy ; Iff - ills of the Alaskan Road Depart- l7t7Pf UflfnnL - ment, the Public Works equip- wr"u'iP mem being in use at the time. STEWART John l: The Captain of the Tug re-1 FOrU( tllal hu . ported heavy weather was ex-; Canal Gold Mine hVLf" perienced during the voyage and under option and th.i t" he had to pWl Into Port Simpson , b(. commrnced shoni'i I B I JOHN H. Stewart Pioneer Hospital Patient STEWART Mike Birmingham, i scneeute snii!i(!. xiu, (lUUia Oil lllli'Ui 11 ui iinnn. The heavy snow here has , adjoins the B;g Fun, been reported favuratl eial engineers BULGER caused a let-up in the logging operations of Lie company but ' Consiuc ruble work hi it is expected that, with the new an old time AlasKan ana in-; koner. was taken to the Stewart, General Hospital for treatment. ; He is reported to be making good FRONTLINE CHECK POINTS Careful watch on all road traffic moving to or from the front liner in Korea is maintained by Canadian and British aimy provost personnel In the Commonwealth Division. Movement of North Kor nn agents and saboteurs has been a major Dioblcm with United Nations troops. At this point, the large sign reads: "Agents? been done but dunn, i ination made tluj JfJ. showing was uncuvp.- equipment, operations will be resumed with unabated energy. progress towards recovery.. It is reported that there are two million feet of logs ready is saiu. considerably . the value of the Draw i from National Defence i Saboteurs? Guerrilas? Leave unknown Koreans with the MP." John Bulqei Lid. Third Avenue s Extensive Work For Silver Tip Tenders on Big Seaway Long Liners Paying Off l.orkeport Skippers Show How OTTAWA. Two Luckeport N.S., fishing captains have been , showing the traditional inshore fishermen of Buiiavista, New- founcliand. how to make more money by going into deeper waters with long-lining operations. Dr. W. Templeman, director of the Newfoundland Fisheries Research station, told the annual meeting of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada here how the educational program conducted by the Board for the inshore fishermen had paid off. The success of the 1051 experiments already had induced two local fishing crews to switch from inshore to long-line methods. The two Lockeport fishing captains engaged for the work .wt'e Captain Russell Decker ! with his 42-foot open boat "O o i.iny J' and Captain Gordon "'OA, fi, ! t. r JieiK-. TI5'i' 1 STEWART Returning from the south last week W. R. Toolh. chairman of the Village Commissioners, said he had hud a pleasant trip du.iivr which 'he attended the Liberal Conventlpn as representative of the AUIr. Liberal Association. Mr Tootli TORONTO fl The government's newly-created St. Lawrence seaway authority intends t ca1! t 'nders for as much as re?ib'e of the construction of IH'' ..i IT' Transport! attenttea tne annua: meet-, the big waterway. Minister Chevrier said. ' ln of silvi'r Tip Mining Cota- "We cannot be sure yet that01 an(1 reports that finances , that will mean all its construe-! re available for extensive tie- , Red Rose Shipping ll irltcin Property Starts Dclivcrinc Sfi.5fl0.nnn of Tungsten Concentrates Initial shipment of tungsten concentrates from the Red Rose Mina of Western Uranium Cobalt Mines Limited is now on the way from Hazclton to Vancouver. Thi is first performance under he coinna'r'V contract to supply t.250 tuns oi ,'nci nlrates worth '".oO'.noo at tn? present market 'Viet for f nnten. Thre '? ..i rxce'lent. crew m '-e Red Ro'e md steady increase - production mav be expected. Charts M. Campbell, Jr.. mining ?iigi;v er in charge, says. He said also th re is a competent, hardhitting crew on the Rocher de ou'e ropper-gold-tungsten mine where a'l work is now centered op completing installation of a VO-tons daily concentrator. Walter .Si ephens. metallurgist . Hon work, but It should mean the ""pmeni m's .va ew imn greater, part." he told-the Cana- j equipment will be installed and WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired MOTORS And solij Now and Rebuilt Generators B - 13 - 32 volts Itox 13117 Ph. I'.litp 3!1 Will IV Mil lilt' yi UJI I IJ Will LH" pushed expeditiously on Uk various showings. The shipments made during the past year 1951 were pxtrenielv encouriietnff nnd ' furnish evidence of the potentiality of the properly as a future producer. ri7.rti!Y Named Chief For Kitimat j Col. Franklin Mathias , To Head Great B.C. Project : RICHLAND. Wash. (API Col. Franklin T. Matthias, wartime construction chief at. the Han-ford Plutonium Works, has been named general manager of the $550 000.000 Kitimat project in British Columbia., In his new post Matthias will be employed by the Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. His headquarters will be at Vancou- ver ( ! The Kitimat project is described as or. of the most spectacular engineering efforts attempted by man. It involves construction of a huge aluminum reduction plant at Kitimat. about 50 miles southeast of Prince Rupert .and construction of a huge power plant on the Nechako River which is xpecled to be comparable to the Grand Conic (lam plant. Since leaving Han ford ufter 'he wa Matthias has been in charge of the construction of huge hydro-electric projects in Brazil which were largely fin-financed by Canadian firms. Friends 1. tm iast we"k learned of his Kitimat. appointment. t'csfe has bt m completed from the mine portal to the mill ore bin. The crushing plant is complete except for installing the rolls, which are on hand. Footings are all In for the table concentrators and f (ratings for the flotation vquipmcnt arc under construction. The ball mill is . t?inv p'aeed'on its foundations tnd th" thickener installation is nearly complete. Work on eli.i t.r c. wiring is also well advanced. Many Nafions See livrc Canadian Picture FOR HIGH CLASS " PRINTING IN 1952 As Always . Hcmeon with his 51-foot decked j b( "Miss Osborne." When tne 'Miss Osborne" was destroyed by ! m explosion and fire last An-, i gust, Captain Hcmeon used ; ' Newfoundland schooners. i Between June 9 and October I 31. said Dr. leniplcman. the ' U .vnniiv O with a crow of three.; caught a total ut 342.000 pounds I ii ir.aiketable fish, including i liO.OOU pounds of cod. In the arae period Captain Hemcon 1 With h.s crew caught 3;i..000 pimmis oi li-Oi, including p.-und.s of cod. WiUrnil fne lire aoo.ird tiie "Miss Os-Iji n-m;" ihe hitter's catch could have reached 450.000 pounds of marketable li.-h. The returns of those, taking part in the long-line experiments have proven considerably higher than thoc of the inshore fishermen. Dr. Templeman said. It was probable that the long-line methed wouid become tlv-establLshed means of fishing at BonnvL-ta before long, to replace the traditional inshore fisheries, he told 11)1- meeting. U ''i',''7Vi.v I dian Construction Association in 1 ar address prepared for 1U an-j neal dinner. There is no thought of the . authority undertaking anything that can be done as well or, better by private firms in the construction industry." ; He estimated requirements of i ma 'iial. rhould the United ftali- decioe to join in the con- i stiuetion but not including power houses or power development in' the Laehinc section, at; 70.200 tons of reinforcing steel; 108.600 letir of structural steel; 4.400 tons of copper; 7.G30.0OO barrels of cement. and 118.700 thousand l:oard feet of lumber. Roii".h'y one-half of the quan-!'t e;- would be required In Can-i'(la. with a greater proportion In lmubei and a Ies,er proportion In stcl So far as Canada was concerned, average annual steel requirements would be a little more than two per cent of present annual consumption and average atmual cement requirements about four per cent. Employment on the project would average about 15 000 men, "assuming an accelerated eon-stnieiiiin schedule to complete (lie wor kin live years." said Mr f hevr'ei . Of th .'sc. an average i f about 9.500 would be employed in Canada. 11" said Canada s determined ' have th- siaway "at the ear-t'es- i-jssible dale" and to "override the powerful minority interests that have denied it to u; these 20 years and more." : f anade would prefer to have ' ."till U.S. participation In the nr i 'el But Canada no longer .'s asocial ,'d with Mr. Campbell In directing initial milling at V i Hose i rl mill installation at Roi'her de Boule. It is announced that the superintendent of one of the largest milling cor-pirai imi in It O. has accepted an offer from Western Uranium to a- charge of both mills. Tilling in of the Red Rose mill 'rrwi December 1. when Mr. nnmob"!l took eharge Most of Deeembe" w spent, in making necessary adjustments atid reorganizing the camp. Actual 'ailv ornduction startvd December 27. Operating on ore from the lowest, grade stope in the mine, seven tons of concentrates worth approximately $5,000 per ton were produced by January Evening Shows 7-9:05 p.m. Matinee Sat. 2 p.m TOTE! A FAMOI S I'l.AVIRSl' ' iii.a i PLACE ORDERS NOW r t Dihfc Priniing Co. Of Royal Journey OTTAWA it - Arrangements Imve been completed for widv international distribution of "Royal Journey." the new color film by the National Film Board on the visit of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to Cpnada and the United States. Details of tlw arrangements were announced by W. Arthur I win. chairman of the crown-' 0"rned film board. In the United Kingdom the film will be distributed by Oen- 1 cral Film Distributors of the J ' Arthur Rank organization. II i opened Its first engagement In tl. Odinn. ' Leicester Square, f London On Jan. 17. II is expected ' l be shown in some 2.000 theatres III the British Isles. In th" Uielrd Stales, theatrical ; r ghl to the film have been ol- ! 'tilled by United Artists Corporation and it wlM b given na-1 tlonal disti Ibiition throughout ' Ihe United Stales as a feature. The film will be distributed In ; the British Commonwealth, west- ' em Europe, Africa and the Far East by J. Arthur Rank Overseas Film Distribulors, Limited. ! An original Canadian version j , in French will b,; used in France, and other French -language countries. I If you war.t to sell it, advertise it, Ncas classified. TODAY "BANNERLINE" 7-8:20 THE MAN WITH ACLOA, 10, despit ,.' intervening holidays I ThR romp' t ion of a transmis- STtAMbK 'op line to Ihe Rocher re Boule md went her of the most severe A Love Story That Pulls No Punclt Prince George lp- provided ample power fur mine, mill and camp. T if new high capacity compressor." have been installed at the Red Ro;,.. providing more' thn" sufficient air to operate that mine at. mill capacity. Assaying for both mines is in charge of assayer and chemist. Tm sorry, Jim... I never p. said . I was i ; r Wirt'" Tf Pinmount prisentt K:W ftfN0 rtllAM DOUGLAS - PARKER BENDIX -.WILLIAM WYLER'SsTmins SAILS FOR Vancouver ami Intel mediate Ports Each Thursday it 11:15 p.m. Fcr KEVCHIKAN VM.UNiis.DAY MMINK.II I luxury at Low Cost m L-slic R. Hiirrlson, who has had ula a""ru 10 on IU" u o-experience with both copper and participation as the only choice, " 1 1 tungsten. West jn Uranium's Red BRISBANE, Australia (T-For-mine inineii ti, mnt. ,.f nn 'mer R.val Navy Captain H. V. ; CI "h.irarter. This performance was well in line with expecta-'ions for the low grade -material Mndled. The management regards success of the operation assured. Ore i; now being drawn from three slopes resulting in a higher average cade and the daily rate i' no to 40 tons. Unless unusually severe weather interferes with nlans. the managements expert; the mill will shortly be handling 75 to 80 tons of ore daily and sta'es that it. will be brought up to capacity of 150 tons daily as -oiiii as possible. Meantime, at the 40-ton rate the mill is producing half a" ton of concentrates daily. Additional equipment now being installed will appreciably improve the rate of recovery. "AY AT IIA7.F.LTON Under contract with Derby & I c London, England, Western Mranium is being paid for the ! first 25 tons of concentrates 1 V'jf'"'1 TOMORROW producers before the end of 1951. I lie rompnnv's Rocher de Boule. mine will .'lioitly be in a position to demonstrate its earnings' potential, officials point out. Hudson, 08. who sailed from Britain three years ago in a 75-foot ketch "to .s.'e the world." has arrived In Australian waters. Cup-tain Hudson said he is taking t he ketch Palmosa around Ihe world because he "loves the sea." Plus Cartoon News r.vcnint M""' k , CAPITOL A Famous Players Theatre For Resei vations Write or Call CITY OR Dt.PO'l ofkici: pkinuk rupert. B.C. Sat. Matinwjp KEEP WARM ELECTRICALLY ELECTRIC HEATERS' dlOI.I.K. DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone (ireen Sill anil Red 17 Ships and Waterfront mi DANCE. Out. (CP) Two farm- Sa'dings from lieu for Van- ei's near this village in the Rainy t DANCI1. SQUARE Friday, January 25th ly ( rouver oy ine si earner inncoiin niver aisinci u.sea part oi tne will in future be at 8 p.m. During Christmas holiday season to recent weeks the sailings had thresh grain. As in parts of the been at midnight alternate Sun- 1 west, threshing could not be days. Henceforth It will be 8 completed last, fall because of p m. every Sunday. bad weather. CIVIC CENTRE 600 watt radiant H'fk" Kvrryone l'h.Hi p.m. vhen the tungsten bearing ma terial is loaded in railway cars at Hazelton. The net return to the orodueir.g company at present, narket amounts to approximat- ly $5.0(10 per ton, f o.b. Vancou- led 5.75 7.75 10.75 16-20 19.50 -DISHES- v r. On tlus basis the seven ton 1000 watt radiant 1000 watt radiant 1100 watt radiant G.E. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE 25o Off Wc have the largest stock of ' dishes in Northern B.C. DINNER SETS SUNDAY ss. C'hilcotin 8 p in. TUESDAY ss. Camosun 12 noon AI.K i; ARM. STKWAKT AM POUT SIMPSON Sunday. Cainosiin. 11 i.m. i ok north wi i:i;n ( II AKI OTTK ISLANDS Log Fireplace 1200 40.55 v watts V 1 CUPS ond SAUCPJ": SNOW SUITS BREAKFAST SETS shipment now enroute has netted the company $35,000. Sampling at point of shipment showed tungsten content exceeded Derby & Company's specification'!, officials report. They state also that or future sales Western Uran-Inuin has a number of offers on wen more favorable terms. Mr Campbell. B.C mining engineer who has had a great deal ol experience in managing mines in Western Canada, Including 7' 2 years in charge at Siscoo Go'd Mine, says he bases optimism regarding progress from now on chiefly on the excellence of the present crew and on hope for ' :vas'. liable weather conditions. AT l;)( III K DE UOIT.E At Western Uranium's Rocher de Boule mine, Dick Batcr, superintendent, reports that good progress has been made in instal Especially good selection of TEAPOTS and WHITE KITCHENVARtlj February 1 C'hilcotin midnit ht ss. 9 BOMBER JACKETS COAT SETS MATERNITY SUITS MATERNITY SKIRTS The Stork Shoppe , Northern B.C. Power Co. Besncr Blk. Ph. 210 l'rim e lUijurt, B.C. Stewart, B.C. Gordon & Anderscj I OK SOI'TII M VVS I IIAKl.OITK ISLANDS ss, Chllcolin January 25 FRANK J. SKINNLK Prince Rupert Agent Stands $upjvmjt tANOUEHAY, CORDON t CO. LTD. . . . th larfsl gin dittilUrt in Hi world I Iiim Mill t iamtiii. in itiib puuimliult 3r displayed by the I,l(ii(ir Control Boartt or by the Government or HrttUh Coluinblik. I !" Phone Blue 810 263 3rd Ave West Third Avenue Phoi'e 568 lation of mill machinery. A i