ice Kupert Dairy mm As I See It VICTORIA REPORT By J. K. NF.SKITT REMINisci Now and then, earthnnoi,, by y if OH I - -' Monday, May 10, 1954 n independent eij newspaper d.oted to the upbuilding of Prince Kupert end Northern end Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press - Audit Bureau of circulation Geaadlan Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily Newt Limited. 1. . MAQOR, President H. Q. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: u if earner Per week, 25c; per month, II 00; per year, 110 00. ut5STE"Siip )y mall Per month, 75c; per year, $8 00. tuthorued as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa occur along the Pacific coast I , Net infrequently, they are ! li S' small consequence. But some- thlnr 1 th thl, times, a quake can scare one know V ,t stiff. A few weeks ago there 5' " 4 a sizeable one not so far south of ro. h- ' L San Francisco. Tremors were Uis L!? by enough to roll some folks out n ! hls ITl H: bed. '1 hat's no way to start the it r.. S ft VICTORIA Matthew Bailey Begbie, British Columbia's first judge, is frequently called "the hanging judge." Sydney C. Pettit. jociut professor of history at Victoria College, who has dug into the life of Begbie, says the term la wrong, that. Begbie w not a Our His Neitfhbor NOT LONG ago I received a letter from a long Back In April. 190 we tminn i. 1 Tlali!in valorous fashion as a cub rn- i nm t o! mug leie-iteen hills . traph. published In St. John ! docK i;,S(V(nt,'E time ladv reader who sai hanging judge. At a recent mectmu of B.C. Historical Association, Professor Pettit told how the term "hanging judge" came about. He said that the Cariboo was New Brunswick. One afternoon itri) ,fUrt a vounir man ..lh Int. ,... ,. . fnimpn .fc 7, huwi waier ' "lc' area mu. tiiins rulli.l1 ut th ,tn... li,.... . , ... - u,ivct m ill i i..t-- . could we tell him about Ban '. itenti. "T011: Francisco, his home city? The-.' merly known .. v" had been a dreadful earthauak ! SunK ? "s Vt' iiuimicua ueiiewen opart ' rvitt she was grieved to see "anti-Americanism" corroding my writings. I think I am pretty hard boiled. Having spent nio.;t of my li ft' in (hi field ef controversial writing; and having done my deliberate bit to get a rise nut of a Kood many fnlk.s on various quea-tlons, I have, never objected when anybody look a good track He hart people there. He wa a ' hK1i",!, mm v KOl'R-YF.AR-Ol.n BRIAN Fl'DGF. puckered up in fine style to say gootlbye to his father, LCpl. 0. A. Fudge, of Sydney, N.S., and Petawawa, Ont., when Cp!. Fudge's unit, "Dog" Squadron of the Royal Canadian Dragoons left for overseas earlier this veek Trained at Petawawa, the squadron will serve for a year in Korea as part of the 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade. Daughter Trudy, 5, and Mrs. Fudge, wait their turn to say goodbye. (National Defence Photo) whims travelling man ana a stranger i not die, populated by hordes of miners, many of them rough, carrying weapons and ready to shoot anyone who got in their way. Coventor Duuglu vn gmvi iy concerned and asked London for a Judge. Sir Edward I.ytton picked on Begbte, and it' reported I.ytton said that British Columbia needed a man who would take an American gunman and string him to the nearest tree. That, according to Prof. Pettit was the start of "the hanging aown easi. Ana he was anxlors about his folks t'OriJlNT 8AV i at me. e 1954 J OTTAWA DIARY -SUISSE But that particular crlUclxn really cut me to fit' tjUtck. For The Morning Telegraph ot 8tJ Jolin would have been overjoyid to have given h'.n the latest' data, but couldn't. What did the Telegraph have? Hardly any-; thins save the fact of a great' city being on fire and riven streets. Away down In the: Friaidn The faces of the top brass pened at all for an hour or more. around the air force Including Defence Minister Brooke Claxton Refrigerot judge," business. j Begbie, himself, added to the i legend. On one occasion he was trying a man accused of murder; j the jury brought In a verdict of '. manslaughter. This enraged Begbie, and lie's reported to have said: "Prisoner: i It Is far from a pleasant duty for j me to have to sentence you only Then they were told that the plane which was to fly them had just arrived from Europe and would require "routine servicing." Would the MPs like to while away a half hour or so drinking morning coffee in the officers' mess? The MPs drank morning cof I 11 Marltlmes, In 1906, the glamorous and storied coast of California seemed like the other si lc of the universe. We couldn't tell the worried stranger anything. "But perhaps you could .l'p HISTORIC PASS The South Kootcnay pass, ancient Indian ro.ite across the fee until close to the noon hour to Imprisonment for life your Then they were informer' that crime was unmitigated, diabnl it looked unfortunately as if the ical murder. You deserve to be ! Pi 1 I IS 1 t 1 an cH vatlon of it wan clear evidence that I had fallen down badly In- making myself clear. If I HAD to name one world cause which I think more Important than any other cause, whatsoever, I would surely place at the top of the lLst the free growth of unity between all the democratic countries of the world. That cause must beRin with the U.S.A. and the British world commonwealth. The only real prievance that I have against the U.S.A. is that she is not moving toward that type of world order as quickly as I think she might. THERE IS no doubt that American foreign policy prestige reached an all time low point at about the time when John Foster Dulles left Geneva for Washington. There is also no doubt that such a low point was reached Rockies, has 6,003 feet. are a little bit red these days. It's the result of a high-class .snafu which occurred over the week-end. The RCAF had invited a group of Parliamentarians to take a quick flight up to Churchill to see first-hand Just how the peoples' defence dollars are being spent up in the Arctic Circle. A good proportion of the! money is going there for radar screen and other protective installations. Some 50 of the MPs accepted the invitation. The Idea of a first-hand glimpse of the costly Defence Department In opera-lion appealed to them. They thought it should be on impressive sight. Come the scheduled morning, the MPs bolted an early breakfast in jthe Parliamentary restaurant and were whisked out to Rockllffe Airport In Defence De- hanged! Had the jury performed their duty I might now have the painful satisfaction of condemning you to death and you, gentlemen of the jury, you are a pack of Dalles horse thieves, and permit me to say it would give me plane would have to have a more j extensive going-over than orig- j lnally had been believed. In fact. it might be quite some time be- j fore It would be available for the trip to the Arctic. Under the' circumstances, what was the pleasure of the MPs. great pleasure to see you hanged AS LOW if Need Facts About Cemetery IT IS with concern that we notice it has been found I necessary to engage a new caretaker for the cemetery. Although the duties there are of a limited nature, the position has its own special importance. A well-kept cemetery is a visual pleasure as well as being a source of gratification for those whose memories it holds. The caretaker who is being replaced is a young-man named F. G. Pritchard. He is not well known about town but, to judge from the appearance of the cemetery, he is a diligent and competent worker. Recently, for reasons of his own, he had a part in a police case which led to the sentencing of two taxi-drivers for unlawfully keeping liquor for sale. While this is somewhat unexpected for one whose duties, and domicile are so far removed from the centre of activity, we cannot see that it would have any bearing on whether or not his work was satisfactory. , , Although it is not reasonable to suppose that a full report must be made every time a city employee submits his resignation, a change in the position of cemetery caretaker raises questions of public interest. Is the pay sufficient for a capable man? Are the conditions of work satisfactory? If the answers to these are in the negative, what is needed to improve the situation? If there are difficulties in connection with this particular job, they should be made known. The intimate associations which the cemetery has for so many make this a matter of considerable importance. Tourist Service Week T HIS week every community in Canada which believes it has a special attraction for visitors will have something to say about it because the period is being celebrated as Tourist Service Week. Sponsored by the Canadian Tourist Association, the occasion is so named to emphasize that tourism is one of Canada's most important industries. Locally the week is well timed as it comes just when the recently organized Prince Rupert Tourist Bureau has opened its bright new office at the museum where a full-time receptionist and secretary, Mrs. Jocelyn Bolton, is in charge. This step to show more interest , in visitors, and attract others, is already bringing results. Mrs. Bolton reports that her brochures and travel folders are going like popcorn at a circus. The museum visitors' book (Mrs. Bolton is also curator for the museum) is taking on a well used look and, even at this early stage of the tourist season, visitors from as far away as Ireland and Norway have added their names. Developing interest in the museum, and the s269 The MPs took the hint. Thir each and every one of you, for pleasure was to have the Defense declaring a murderer guilty only Department busses come around of manslaughter." to the door and whisk them back After that, the lawless element to the offices they had lert so called Begbie "the hanging hopefully in the early a m. There J judce." and the name has lived, was no lack of conversation in , and been played up by some his- 7 Models to (W I OR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY I TRADE-INS Alt! Terms ulu partment busses. The first half the buses on the trio back to torians. because the general attitudes of, of the party were air-borne on parliament Hill. It centred main- However, Prof. Pettit Insists uie present American govern- i scneauie. i ne remainder waited iv on the fact that, in spite of ; Beebie did not rejoice in ax- $26.95dnn$144 ment are such that they make ; expectantly, but nothing hap- the scores of millions voted an- editions, that there were few In such disastrous losses of pres , nually for the RCAF. it apnnr- ; his dav. and that he deplored "The Store that Sr ! McRAE BROS tige highly probable. i The United States, under Dulles, has been flying right in the face of all the lessons learned over a long period of years by Phone 6 oi i CNR Develops New Container For Fish Shipping ! ently had had to wait for the them Begbie, said Prof. Pettit, : arrival of a plane from overseas , may have been a stern Judge. to complete the modest move-! and an unorthodox judge, but ' ment planned for that dav to he was just, and not a hanging Churchill. Many of the MPs judge. wondered what the answer of i the RCAF would be to the move- I , I ment needs that actual warfare jCOttlSll SGtHftldfl ! would raise the British Commonwealth. Tht main lesson, ignored by Dulles, is that, if you wish free- nations to agree to a common course of For New Construction VANCOUVER (CP) rnnnrllan' Actimllv PI-AF hoc nlonto of! CL M. 4jl X . i d u action in international affairs, you have to consult constantly with those free nations. If. you "shoot" drastic new proposals at your own allies es National Railways has announc-1 transport. But with Canadian I " IllUllircdl I ed the development of a fresh- troops In both Europe and Asia, ' MONTREAL (( A 25-year-old ( fish container to speed ship- the problem of maintaining the I Scottish seaman was shot to ments of B.C. salmon across the normal communications es.sen- j death early Sunday In a down-country. tlal to those operations falls just town office building a few blocks Made of aluminum with a short of beine a world-girdling from where his ship was docked, double wall of insulation, the one- Nevertheless, the Air Force Police identified the victim as container keeps the temperature brass recognizes that the at- David Yeaman, a sailor aboard UIIU ICVUII 1H SEE GREER & BRIDD pecially when those proposals call for participation in wan. then you can expect rebuffs and rejections. If Mr. Dulles feeh or. ?o foureci for 100 hour chagrined because his proposal lemm. to nanaie uie movement tnc ireignier caimesK wnicn ar-of the MPs on a shoe-string : rived here Friday from New- LIMITED for a ten power intervention in basis was a malor error in public 215 1st M Phone 909 Indo-China fell flat, he might castle. Yeaman's home address was not immediately available. well recall what happened to Lloyd George and Churchill back ample time for the rail run to Montreal or Toronto markets. About 150 cans of fresh salmon hve been shipped east In the new containers. A mixture of sodium sulphate and water, sealed in rubber plaques, is the refrigerant used relations. The higher-ups in the force aren't proud of what happened. And they're afraid as well it won't do the Air Force .any good in Parliament. Jin 1922. They tried to get the free members of the British j Commonwealth to give them a j blank cheque to go to war with j Turkey over Chanak. They were j turned down flat as was Mi . Dulles 22 years later. ! I BUT NEVER let us confuse two to protect the lish from outside heat. Jts nice to be able COME Previous fb' were shipped it. ( i refrigerator cars and transferred ; tosa AND to cold storage Deiore delivery. , The new speeds ua the S different things. Many Can- many (yhsetprocftfl fir? 'antf -enablr plans for a, new one, are an important, part of the adians, nice the people of n local teuHk$-0j4i-ii kki tllfe&tMndtii&Sfi HJT nnttles;0r Impa tlent '"in nsn io oe mippeq to smijn communities, off the rail line.-,.. 1 American OUR rounding area nave many omer aiiraciions io oi-fer. If everyone makes it a personal responsibility to see that Prince Rupert is enjoyed by its visitors, these attractions will not go unsung. techniques. Wc resent being hlgh-prcssured or hi-Jacked. We'want exactly the same type of world as does the U.S.A. a world where every people on earth will be free to live its own life in its own way, provided only that it Is willing that others are allowed to do so. " too. We will not go along with Uncle Sain in any new style colonial war, in Indo-China or any place else. But If it comes to the worst war between the U.S.A. and Russia caused by Russian aggression, Canada and all the other free democracies of the west will be In there from Health Minister Urges U.S. Not To Restrict World Trade 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a good economical car try our A-.10 Al'STIN. A complete car with a low price of only $149.1, that includes foam rubber eats, leather upholstery, directional signals anil heater-defroster unit. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE Small Bottles For Train, Boats VICTORIA h Miniature bottles of liquor will be used on CPR and CNR boats and trains In British Columbia when lounges go into operation on or about May 24, railway officials said Saturday night. The transportation companies will serve alcoholic beverages from bottles holding approximately 1 2-3 ounces of liquor each. The steward will bring the bottle, break the seal in the presence of the customer, then pour. psychologically, to turn our defence program on and off in response to Soviet moves," said Mr. Martin, who is the minister in charge of Canada's civil defence program. Discussing the question of aid MIAiM.T Blui Oi Hon. Paul Martin, Canadian health minister, today urged the United State, not to place restrictions on International trade. He expressed the hope for more Canadian exports to the U.S., In an address prepared for i the start. The facts of life have tied us to the U.S.A. If we chafe at the bonds now and aeain let us Shopping is a lot more convenient, more Peasant if you have a good credit record. You don't have to hurry to the bank to cash a check before you start shopping. You don't have to carry a lot of cash. You don't have to pass P an unexpected bargain or go home disappoint because you lacked the money to buy something you saw unexpectedly and wanted particular y. I f you enjoy the reputation of paying your bills promptly, all you have to say is "Charge it. j Whether you're buying on a monthly charge account . . .' or on a. deferred payment plan . . . only what you will be able pay for on the date is due. Use your credit don't abuse it. SPECIALLY REDUCED! to the Aslun countries, Mr. Martin said: "I am convinced that if these reawakened Oriental civilizations, so different from our own, can be saved from being engul;-ed in the destructive tide of communism, they will contribute greatly to the enrichment of the whole human race." think back to those awful days when Brltuln stood alone; and let us thank our lucky stars that the U.8.A. has forever abandoned the Idea of every-man-for-hlmself and devil take the hindmost. Let us never forget what this world of 1954 would be like If, instead of trying to run too much of the world, the Americans were refusing to run any of it. Our Display Slock of Washers and Dryers Paper is made from the fibre of wood, like the familiar wasp' nest. delivery before the annual convention of KlwanLs International. , But he added that Canadians are "naturally disturbed when those we do business with raise tariff barriers, Impose Import quotas or subsidize domestic industries for the purpose of keeping competitive products out of the country." Mr. Martin said Canada hopes the new joint U.S.-Canadian economic committee will be able to iron out any economic difficulties between the two countries and encourage the flow of trade across the border. Dealing with international tensions, Mr. Martin said NATO forces now are strong enougli to make an aggressor think twice about taking them on. "Of course," he added, "the resulting relaxation ot tension has itself been a danger to maintaining the necessary defene.e rrrep-araUons." - - "We must realize that we cannot afford, either financially or Regular NOW .... AS SIMPLE AS A PHONE CALL AUTOMATIC $389.50 WASHER $429.50 Across the Town or the Nation. Phone 60 PRINCE RUPERT RETAIL CREDIT GRANTOR'S ASSOCIATION inclsayh AUTOMATIC OftOO DRYER $319.50 A07.3U Low Down Payment Easv Monthly Terms RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Local and long Distance Moving 313 Third Avenue W. Phone C44