' , I Print r Ri ipert Daily News Monday, May 10, I'Jbi undred Contestants HOY T Kir ITT 3 DTOIJH It Cbartt -5 Cou&h- I'EMHKOKK, Out. - Mr. and' lin; 3!, pinned Li the bars by a Mrs. Henry Baker are the : cawi lion. w;u saved when a cuts of triplets, all boys. B-t:re! passerby resM-liecJ.fhroiiuh and the latest arrivals, tiie Baker' twisted the animal's tail until.it family consisted of six girls. ' let go. For Local Festiva ..; Prince Rupert Navy League Launches Appeal For Funds v.)t,rt'si seventh annual District Music .''tivyl will get underway here tomor- . ,i, i'ivo Centre Auditorium with a TEA, TOURS TO HIGHLIGHT HOSPITAL DAY WEDNESDAY Its Hospital Day Wednesday, May 12, and the Prince Rupert General Hospital, along with hospitals across Canada and the United States, will mark the event, which celebrates the birthday of Florence Nightingale. The Prince Rupert General Hospital will be open to the. public from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, with nurses guiding visitors on a tour of the X-ray department, post-anaesthetic recovery room, operating room and dietary department. Earlier ln the day members of the Women's Auxiliary to the hospital will present their annual Hijspltal Day tea ln the Nurses' Residence, with President Mrs. tidney Elkins convening. Featured will be sales of home cooking and sewing and a grocery hamper. iol. musical classes scneuuieu. i . ELLIS? TO Prince Rupert residents this i The fund appeal letter from week are receiving letters from Stan Saville, league president, the local branch of the Navy invites the public to visit the t League of Canada, appealing for cadets any Thursday evening i financial support of its -work ' during their training periods at-which comprises mainly the the drill hall of HMCS Chatham, training of Sea Cadets. from 7 to 8 p.m., and urges gen- The local learue sponsors the erous donations to enable con-50-member Captain Cook Sea tinuation of that work. Cadet Corps and is dependent! Contributions should be sent entirely on public donations to to the Navy. League of Canada, finance the work of the Corps. P.O. Box 2, Prince Rupert. , .is cia1i"n I row starU at 9:15 a.m. In the f';'' ',;,' awards I afternoon the festival will move I'm tlii- morning to the Capitol Theatre, opening f '. r.mr-dayjat 1:30 P-m- and ln the evening 201) i return to the Civic Centre, open- sir s""' ing at 7:30 p.m ,ts and daiic- OFFICIAL OPENING Official opening of the festi val will take place at tomorrow Credit Women's Club To Mark Retail Credit Education Week night's session with association KETCH IKl president it. ti. Davidson as chairman and Mayor George K Hills giving the official opening I UK T()I)AV I,, adjudicator Jj'.ssis. was ex-J.,y plane from .-,i!W(ii He is : Masif ' the i and was ad- .'51. .,,,w, elocution ,,,, i.,n Hubble, j aclor and own wltn tno . Theatre for address Plans for observation cf Re-; contest is1 open to Grade 12 Credit Education Week, be- dents. AND The (estival will conclude Fri- dav niKht and a Brand concert I lnS marked throughout Canada it was announced that the may be staged Saturday night I and tne United States this week, : next study meeting will be held were made at Saturday's meet- May 19 at the home of Mrs. J. ALL ALASKA MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY with some of the best competitors being heard. Tiny tots will take up the whole of the morning session to Music and Drama Festival TUESDAY, MAY 11 MORNING Civic Centre Auditorium 9:15 p.m. Elementary Singing Games Junior Chorus Pianoforte solo under 6 to under 9 Violin solo Grades 2 to 4. AFTERNOON Copitol Theatre 1:30 p.m. Junior Chorus Grade 7 Pianoforte Duet under 11, 13, 17, 18 Pianoforte solo under 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, open Duet adult open, EVENING Civic Centre Auditorium , 7:30 p.m. Aiyarish Band Rotary Ladies Chorus Vocal solo, open Violin Quartet Festival Singers Church Choirs adult-Accordion solo, open Choral Society. CONSULT PROGRAM FOR ACTUAL ENTRIES Prince Rupert Music & Drama Festival Assoc. ing of the Prince Rupert Credit J Bolton. Women's Breakfast Club. Another highlight of the" ses- President Mrs. Catherine Lau-' 5lrm W9g address on the his- morrow. An action song, The ! rle brought members up to date Sleeplng Beauty, will be present on the essay contest for high school students on retail credit, sponsored by the Prince Rupert lonor ONE 266 PH tory and use of cosmetics by Mrs. Eva Couling. Also a guest at the session' was Miss Bradbury. The monthly prize, donated by Mrs. M. Ballinger, was won by Mrs. D. Lugrin and a special tirWo fnr Mothers' Dav rlnnat.eri ed by Grade I students of Conrad Street School in the opening event. Other classes scheduled for the morning are Grade three Junior choruses. Grade 2. 3 and 4 atzold Retail Credit Grantors Association in conjunction with credit week. Call at our Uptown Office Three breakfast club members ! ' h .lro M Tllrner wrin hv ,UM. briclc- will address the students to auc will take violin solos and pianoforte solos i morrow, Mrs. B. Grant speaking . Mrs- J- Bolton MH miWE and . on credit management, Mrs. Y. Bowes on problems of a credit manager and Mrs. Laurie on credit bureaus and their connection with retail credit. G. P. Ly- uest of nonor ; for classes under six, under shower held eght ana unQer nine, r cousin, Mrs. Complete results in all classes 5 Ninth Ave- will bP published In The Daily News throughout the festival. seated ill a : ,d chair, de- , yr Mrs. Ger- 1 1 IO i ens, a past pre,., dent of "le j credit grantors' gronp, addre.v 'A I the ttudents this morning. J-lcivner Sir the evenings lei ..a n viirlplv . i.es coins- to 7 Mi Edda Sfelu at Ji 'c trace Piizes for the three winning essays will be presented at the next Breakfast Club meeting which is to be a "bosses' dinner" this year Instead of the annua! l ed Willsnn. I,! feature of i SHTlnl to The Dully rommuiiHy i TERRACE Funeral service basses' breakfast and will be .Biijrcs, tug-, was held here WcdncscW ? for held jointly with the Retail I Estonian. Ldwin Hamer. 75. father t,f Ver- r-mriit nmntrot Assnrisitinn t "f w ftp-.tIri nn Harp"r d' V'XW 1 The essays will be written on fi nA.Vi..1 Born In England, Ii.r. Harper, the subject, "Credit What It ?". , ri , ,. i came to this continent in 1 90 J. Mean to Me," and prizes of $25. Must one drive and I was sold on Monarch" $15 and $10 will be awarded. The think I'll see a Monarch dealer tomorrow" l.mcnts were '"'"'"" " I Latcr nc moved to Cuba and af- s assisted by r relurn"'S io me uniiea d "its Pat-il I States for some time, made his : home In Vancouver in 1020. He ''a"i'rp're!'-:,mp to Tenare three, years ago. ., , He is survived by a sister. Oladys This Week The monthly meeting of the Kooth Memorial High School Parent-Teacher Assoc iation will be held toniKht in the school at 8 p.m. YOU'VE A GREAT EXPERIENCE IN STORE FOR YOU ' the lirst time you drive a Monarch . . . because only on the road can you get the full measure of this completely new, completely modern car. One drive will convince you that Monarch's performance is as striking as its appearance. THE FIRST THING YOU'LL SENSE is the wonderful smoothness and responsiveness of Monarch's 'great ldl-ilp. overhead-valve V-8 engine . . . the finest V-S ever developed by Canada's most experienced V-8 builder. i 9 THE FIRST TIME YOU ROUND A CORNER youtl notice a wholly new road-gripping steadiness. This new stability is the result of Monarch's Ball-Join Front Suspension, a revolutionary system of roaii control formerly found only on the highest-priced carj, WHEN YOU'VE SEEN MONARCH'S BEAUTIFULLV APPOINTED. INTERIORS and tried all Monai Ji'j 'imirul' WiU ln Kngland! besides his son J ' -t -l i here. Funeral service was held ' Pe.rkview Chimel and hurial wis ' v V - ? ; r ' to-" ' ... .. i , - - i ' r ' : , a ,' ft . . . 4 i Qj"S . j at Kaluin cemetery. -..T-: . I Itl'JI j yhixifitirtj J-lolJi The general meeting of the Prince Rupert Citizenship Council, scheduled for tonight, has been cancelled, but all members of the tjtccu live are asked to attend an important niei ting tonight in the Civic Centre at 8 p.m. The Sons or Norway regular meeting will be held tonight at 8 p.m. nm . Civie !.y 11. R p.-in" Hie i'ne Women's Auxiliary to the modern power as.sir.ls Power Steering, 'Power lira,.; , Power Window Lifts and Power Seal you'll Lau the feeling or pride and driving pleasure that is tli essence of Monarch ownership. Accept your Dealer'i invitation to drive a Monarch on the ro:id. In J;.in I wion, Canadian National Recreational 1 u L it; of Association staged a successful mssion free, bake sale Saturday afternoon ln i 111 I a downtown store. A MONARCH TO A 1'IIONL CALL Will. BRING YOUR DOOK.. serving, were Mrs. W. D. McAra. "1 neelin"? I'm 's -. Prine fa staunch qid friend (TO Mrs. S. F. Bush, Mrs. T. J. Boul " 1"M at. f, ! ter. Miss Kay Bush and Mrs. J. Paul. f 11 All mem- (110) 0er a fine car mnilen President Mary Postuk, In re- rt , portins the success of the event. f I1' ivi' Rnpei 4 ' ' ll'l Hie ll( I thnnked the committee in cnarge i i be held j for their efforts. ' 's' Residence I ; i i!is ts your pi . Mini Seal Cove AYP A (Planning Dance :if i-iievs Fish- 'H AW I!. Hv de- T Vf7 V f .ill irmta-si p.u,s f()r (iilnl.P wcrc dis- i " " ' 11 v 1 e.,sed when members of the St. f mi ,,r ne potrr.$ Spa, Cove Angiican Young X"'JT i Ponnle'x Association held their t :Z Z .s i mecUn8 ,Mf ww"- T'w members also discussed 'i 'iv He-r th" I,,,, .... the possibility of operating a I i h"bv-siltlntt service for the dur- tf r-sj ; ation of Britiadoon. and welcom- f v ' v io -m l ed new members Margaret John-"1 limit iv Hill-' son and Diane Stone. '-"I' Cow Bay I Danelns. games and refrcsh-! menu wound up the meeting. till '! :(H n.m I; !'S !' 'VOlll ' rmm,&!Z' "? 1 VL3 ' f MONARCH tUCUNl 5rJM . jT' ' ' "'i v.-mi l it. v, us we have 1 'ill l able to Withie-i rl.-- OPTOMETRIST Fred K. Uowdie 303 Third Ave. W. Phone Green 960 Tills aclvc-rllwnii-l.t Is not pubitRlier. . er Ulsplnvmt ly Uic l.lou-r Cimtlol I Bm.rrt or hv thp f. n.rn"-i.l ol British Colun.'-lH MATTRESSES Coml quality matlreascs will) r-Mlient steel roil spiinus. Pacideil with soft layers of colored rot Ion Veil. Firm bonier with rolled e'scs. I if! mvt'U wil' j :4ii'fle.-s mli,ii r).,. j o- -v Mrs melho-' I ' ;m csrli-r and 1 hold or- - J in iill p.m Mi-iNT, I Ce-v " - ! 1 100 I I ileomor :c Raped ! jll.S K( 1;( 'couve; ''"""lid- I'.M-ts ?tchi:an S"VV Mi,iK!,', Servi. -i 1 1 flfb jj" , .--ff) (Hl V0UI ( CHfCK IMKtS IWAT 1$ SAFETY MONTH w wh i W (J) PLEASED TO ARRANGE A DEMONSTRATION AT YOUR CONVENIENCE YOUR MONARCH DEALER WILL BE J'overel wlih renel -lerr-a-k licking in assorted patterns. Well-ventilalfil. Standard h-nctii. FROM ;I""'IS Write ui ,r n- e-it orrii-v 'I'l'it no ' GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46