AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 117 Mondiiy, May Ui, i9i4 Blast Cuts Alberni Power ALBERNI, B.C. Some 15,-000 residents oi this northern 1 ' BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL 7"AAf AT FROM NfclV F'JEf. TANKS Vancouver island town were i without power for six hours dur-1 ing the week-end following an explosion and flash fire at a ' power substation. j The sub-station steps down i 132.000 volts from the John Hart dam for distribution to the A.1- ; berni valley. Cause of tlr olast was not immediately discernible, I $ , ; v vuA t " - r - i ' ' 'J - if - 1 ' A "t - : ..... ! in oo . .' (10.00 75. or 3 Extra. DEADLINE 5S0 Out. Tank 375 (ltd. Tank . . . 37S Gal. Tank 12 Cause Steel CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. Green 884 - 1st Aw. B. I 33 LEGAL NOTICE FOR 8 ILii Misc. Lsified Rates but no one was injured. West Coast General Hospital switched to the gasoline-power " 1,4 M RK'llKTNV ACT Hp: ri-rtillrnlr tif Tllle Nil. 2.W,r-f if'". - .' . its I if - i AT 257 7th Ave. West, good i building lot with burned out house. Apply 1865 11th Ave. E. i (lllp til I. "I Thirteen fix). Hlwk MeveH 14 KI SIMSS PERSONALS COUTTS GREETING CARDS at the VARIETY STORE a .suits per word per In-minimum dirire 0 nt (II). lll!:e of Nlrwart, Mail XIH. ' fc K 4 . ' 1 I satisfactory proif "'IF . , v WHEREAS ed auxiliary lighting system an.1 cooking was done on a propane range. ," - loss or the above tbove Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Battery fciiop. Fuune Blue 126. Ck-rfVcate of Tit.e C ' ' name of Minnie Han-, , . ', J ctl filed III this office. ; J,. j t ., 4 a 4 Issued in the e i BABY carriage, almost new condition. . Phone Red 788. Uesin -. Mwri snd Engagement sen has bee (lOOoimouce m mreiiy mveii mat I soul. I ry Daily News Classified ImiHJ douDl pri. - - -- i at the expiration of one month from MINK cape, almost new. Size 16. the date of the firt publication Apply BOX 949 Daily News. I hereof, issue a Provisional Certlfi-(110) cute of Title In lieu of said lost not swept resfMlDlltty riwn ciassl Best ion unless J,, 0( iucIi errors U received B FLAT saxophone. Case and stand. $75.00. Phone 20. (10!p I2A FOR RENT MISC OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 ft . '114c) COMMERCIAL STATIONERY i FOR THE OFFICE at the VARIETY STORE 114c) FOR Fire-place and chimney building, also nny brick work repair. Apply Box 945 Dailv News. ui lp) valid objection be made to me In writing. IM'i'fcO at the Land Registry Office. Prince Kunert. BC, (his U4th day of r'chrunry. Ifu4. A D. ANKRKW THOMPSON. iJepnty ilcgutrar ui Titles. 'ANT AD REPLIES Ire holding replies SMALL cement mixer for rent. Eby apd Sons Ltd. Blue 158. 400 3rd East. (110) ONE-ROOM furnished cabin for ' quiet working man only. 740 Fulton. (114) Today's Stocks CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithorr, Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone (132. ! I THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guvatt, House wiring and electrical re following News pairs. 143 9th Ave. West. Phone I 3 WANTED MIS( EI.LANEOl'S Red 165. (114) SERENO VAXDINI, a farmer in Ferrara! Italy, feeds an oddity of the horse world, a two-legged foal Jjorn on his farm. A veterinary found the animal otherwise perfectly fit. It can move around by hopping kangaroo fashion. Vandini plans to sell the luckless horse to a circus. ' 4es: CASH FOR 933 941 946' CHIMNEY I n d chesterfield Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, cleaning Odd lobs. Phone ! radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 Green 773, Mr. J. Kempster. !6th Ave, West. (ct Coiirtenj 8. 0. Johnston VANCOUVER American Standard Beaver Lodge Uranium .63 Bralorne 3.50 Cariboo Gold Quartz 86 Cronin Bablne 05 Doreen 07 Etella .lO' Giant Mascot '. .44 Granduc , 4.65 "' plif. must l' (126) ! ROOMS FOR RENT ! 36 Jed for n person IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER F.LECTROLUX. Phone Blue LARGE light housekeeping room. '070 for Parts Sales Service.) close in. Phone Green 446 af- J . c t ter 5 p.rn. (10'Jp) I CHINCHILLAS Top quality I LARGE housekeeping room. 4th Iadlines Indian Mines .... Premier Border Privateer 654 j EX-RED OFFICER QUERIED SECRETLY IN BRITAIN LONDON (Ueuters) The foreign office announced today that Capt. Nicolai Khokhlov, Russian security officer who surrendered to United States authorities in Germany, wa brought to London recently for' questioning. The spokesman said Khokhlov now has left Britain. breeding tock. Star Chinchilla: Ave. E. Red 879. U00I Breeders, B. D. Nicolle, 6950 Do-1 ROOMS for Rent. Phone Green .05 .04 '2 03 V2 .17 , t by a newspaper to (101)1 man Street, Vancouver. Htpij 908. Quatsino . SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERER ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W. PUBLIC ACCtitlN lAeJT. income 39A Sheep Creek 75 25c ptr dottfi paid Ic cmptitf. flam hftvc iImhi u aJy wticn ike drivtr wlk Sl'ITES FOR RENT accurate production .dually help you to h? most for your .10 Silbak, Premier . Tex Kpcialis. 8. O. Furk. Prince Rupert, EC. 3-ROOM apartment. Harbor Stone Building. Red S93. (20m) arising aouar. t .10 .75 Sil-Van Sliver Standard P.O. Box 371 . Thu dvcrt.Mtiwnt n not published oi ditpUytW by tk Liquor Conttol Bti4 Of by tkt Oavcrnmtnl I Bttfifh Columbia. ' pro Phone 347 (112) view. Phone Green 883. k that all Display SPENCE Ic Mat ink. Painting Contractors. Phone 101 days, Blue 861 evenings. (120) LARGE clean, 5-room suite. Rental $75.00. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. 342, Red 958. (110) By CHICK YOUNG BLONDIE HOME? FOR SALE (0 WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. , (120) Spud Valley 02 V2 Vananda 01 'a Western Tungsten 60 Oils A P Consolidated 32 ' Mercury 10 Pacific Pete 10.75 Royal Canadian 09 Y2 TORONTO Athona 09 (: thing copy be In our H, by 4 p.m. two pub-ifi days In advance. p day the ad Is to f . ' dline for Classified S'tiMnp, will remain il m. the previous pub- r : I rgEJT 1 1 so that's what V' ..... ' itLSv. GOES ON BEHIND ) ,s ' -f ' j MY PAPER IN SgjL.j' . QC ' the morning ) e- WARTIME four, handy to school, bus stop and store.- 1376 6th Ave. East. Phone Black 821. (113i types of saws ! filing. 215 1st (116) SAW Filing-All Precision Saw Ave. West. WILFORD Electrical Works dealer for Ekolite Sounders. SIX-ROOM house, 3 bedrooms,) automatic oil furnace, furnish-1 ed or unfurnished. Phone Black day. (It) (1141 r. 286, 416 6th West. (Ill) Eddie's (c) -j MAGAZINES, Novelties. I News Stand. I0MIMJ EVENTS n- i" i i i" . i , I:- : ' ' f ' t ' , '' ('. " ' 1 ... ... ' 1 e. ?t - t ,f s 1 -: 1 x . 1 , LARGE revenue house. Centrally I located. Terms. Phone Red 297 after 6. lUM ! 41 BUSINESS LOCATION'S Hospital Day Tea, May; CARS? Bb Parker's of course. it , RL.'idence. I (120) Aurtiaque 11 Consol. Discovery 1.98 Bevcourt '.. .2 Hi Buffalo Canadian .18 Consol. Smelters 26.00 Con west 3.20 Donalda .41 Eldona , 22 East Sullivan 3.70 Giant Yellowknife 8.30 God's Lake 76 Hardrock 13' Harricana 27 Duvex ; .16 Star) MAPLE a of tne Eastern flooring. Oreen 703. (lllp) ; FOR RENT Offices In the Stone Building, modern steam heat I13- Ismorsa.sbord Thursday . ( Lesion Auditorium. NEARLY evyooiv uses 9 'ed, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3. Stone Building, cr phone By AL CAPP LI'L ABNER 19 Help Wtd Male female iRed 593. 112' Joliet Quebec ,.3234 WANTED TO KENT 12 YOUNG aggressive person re-, nuiri'd for sales position with n Lesion Rummage : Esquire- Shop,' May 15. and Drama Festival, 12. 13 14. Tickets and now available it ' 1B wi pis r or 3-ROOM furnished suite. Write Box 948 Daily News. (U2p) Uttle Long Lac .75 Lynx 08 Madsen Red Lake 1.70 McKenzie Red Lake 38 McLeod Cockshutt 1.34 progressive city firm. MS A. and 2, Qrot.r Insurance plan. Good' starting salary plus incentive! commission. Some sales exper-j Drug Store und . Civic LISTINGS WANTED 43 lene.e desirable, but not necessary. Selected applicant will receive complete training. Phone Blue 192 for appointment to interview. Hfi it' lation Home and School tp" Sale, May 22. 6th St. tLsquire. We have a large list of buyers for houses. For quick sale phone W n HPlflERfiniJ LTD !n's Dental Clinic Bake I .tr-r-" ,. . " I r0i vnt and insurance don Andersons. May u iyP. - 91flTh Street Phone 96 or to Moneta 41 Negus 11 Noranda 68.25 Louvicourt 17 Pickle Crow 1.09 Petrol, Oil & Gas 53 New Senator .; .1134 FherriU Gordon 3.95 Steep Rock , 8.35 Silver Miller 1.18 Great Sweet Grass 1.15 Golden Manltou 1.50 Can-. Chem. p Cellulose '7.15 F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. (114) , month, for Mining Exploration nearly-new sale, May office. Five day week. Phone 966 j ifor appointment to interview. Pi-rple Sprint! Bazaar, By STAN DRAKE FOR better buys and quicker sales, consult the "Action Firm." ARMSTRONG AGENCIES TLX). 342 307 W. 3rd Ave. fHE HEART OF JULIET JONES EXPERIENCED office clerk, May 15. quick at figures ana aoie to 'tor's Eprlng Bazaar, (meet the DubliC Good working Hi? Job am;kmep ah enawel' aWRAN' WITH FAST-TALKING SALESMAN EVS.MPBtUCUSLV 06CIOM5 ThAT THE JONESES AB6 ON THEiR WAV TO RICHES, Ej(SiNEE?s the purchase OP A NEW HOUSE... 45 PROPERTK FOR SALE t (122) i own hundwriuiiu .staling full R ADIO DIAL 1240 Kllocyclef CFPR HAL MOS3V. 1 rr- -a . vi."4 ' rzji -i . nnrtlnlflro in Hnx B42 Daily I'M. bazaar Mav 7. Lt . Illl) 1 TmVz li'7sVVT -1 ; j - nearly-new Eale, May 25 Situations Wanted Female 1 Kuide LOT for sale. Atlin Avenue. $350 cash. Phone Red 549. (lllp) 46tIsiNESSOPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS FOR SALE Goina concern, o"W one i" town. Has pood possibilities and agencies. Good lorn t ion stock iea. May 29 (Subject ti Change) MONDAY P.M. B OO Lux Radio Theatre 7:00 CBC News 7:13 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Summer Fallow 8:00 Presenting WILL baby sit evenings. Phone Green 807. '1131 if BUamNO MATERIALS Spring f Church W.A. June 3. n s 1 111 f 1 lit -rr 1 w m f i in rit While JUL'E JONES VIPESTLE5 WITH THE PEO&l',1S CF BUNNIN5 THE ENAMEL PuAMT... PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD Phone 651 or 652 - fir r.'BTM 1 1 f 1 l ' I : 1 VVrupw rv .TeikK BPrinm sup fiifi vt " . . ' . J Ladies Bake Sale, June 5. Pierian Fall Bazaar. No- end equipment, win consiaer 25. INQUIRE about our budget plan'down payment, balance 12 to 18 for your home improvement. I months. plus Interest. Good op- ! "tiii'---''"J'' No down payment. $100 to t2()0i). portunity for progressive person. 6 to 24 mos. to pay. .offers good till June only. Apniv By EDITH MEISER and FRANK GIACOIA (109) SHERLOCK HOLMES I Box 943 Daily Ncs. Fl'EL i7 AUTOMOBILES 8:15 CBC ompiinny Orch. 9 :00 Bob McMullan Show 9:30 The Jack Cullen Show 1 0:OO C BC News 10:16 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Music by Camarata 11:00 Wen the Report Mustcnl Masterpieces l'i:O0 Msn-alT TUKSDAf AM. 7:00 B.C. Flehern.en'n Broassast 7:1.1 Musical Clock 7:30 CBC News; Weather 7:3.i 1M moral ( lock 1:4't MornlDK llevolloiia 8 0 CBC News; Weather 8:10 Here's Bill tlood 8:15 Brenkliuit Club FOR your fuel requirements: 47 Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace j Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. '52 CHEV 2-door. 15000 miles. jj' NERal NOTICES ; ifcv-Off Holliday Island, iMarrh 10. 1954, John Arnt JV;ars, 438 8th Ave, West, 1 father of Elmer I. Clau-jnee Rupert, B.C. Services conducted at St. Paul's "" Church at 2:00 p.m. P.May 11, with Rev. H. O. atlng. Interment to w Fairview Cemetery, B.C. A-l condition. Radio, nearer. etc. Phone 863. (114) Gas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 (132) 28 FURNITURE FOR SALE OFFERS Plainly marked on the envelope "Offer for W-66" will be received bv the undersigned nr. fr noon Mav 26. 1954, for a - 1 ,- 1 I , ii. 1 1 I 1 11 JKJRkitl 'S" - - ' & ' -r HE'S 64C(?h NOTICE THE OJANSA f Mi ' SEEM v VHi "V- '7T mm A BLACK, MS AROUND HI ?)f.6AC0(A ifet 7 TH4T'5 B!6 JUAN IN FRONT OF A fooSTE OH IT.' NECK-TO PROTECT g'l'T1; J t&fl A IN THERE, ICNEaiMfi Jl V00DOO ALTAR AJO WONPER WE . HIM FROM THE EVIL L V'SOT .iC.; OW THE FLOOR, JS MADE OF jEUEP BURNT SPIRITS HE'S jfi'VjNWrV' ' - Xmr-holmeU sionei J 1 chicken. J iNvottNfi T fCrfxi vV'l VO TZfy jreATR Wfy rj$m&M&i hESi IUlm in charge of j''nts. FURNITURE like hew. 3-piece green. chesterfield, 2 bedroom suites, console extension table, A rhnlrs end table, taupe rug, 1948 Chevrolet aeaan. "as is and where is" in Prince Rupert, B.C., licence and regis PlKSONAL 9xl0'2 felt cushion, trillght tration not included. This vehicle may be seen at the Public Works Garage in Prince Rnnert. FTERMAY 15 lamp, china cabinet, vaDie mouei combination radio. Other small articles. 14 yards hall congoleum, OY Your r Loco I yard wide. Ste. ios, tiizarjeur Offers should be accompanied 8:45 leftovers B:OU BBC News and Comty. 8:15 Aunt Lucy 9:30 Laura Ltd. 9:45 Come What May 9:5U Time Signal 10:00 Morning Viiilt 10:15 Happy GanH 10:45 Mart Kenucy 1 1 :00 Yotir flood Neluhbor 11:15 Kindergarten of the Alr 1 :3t) Mesutte IVrloil 11:45 Carnation Entertains P.M. 2:IH) Horn X Years Too Suon 13:15 CBC News 12:25 CBC Showcase 12:30 BC. Farm Broadcast 1:5.11 Interlude I -.00 ftet'orUs for You by a certified deposit cneque ARCHIE JNSTOCRAT 28 FURNITURE FOR SALE POKWARE I1 T-: ,t5?5 ) S!lV r'l-ri-"' V-rV MOJ MEAN, I ElECTCieiTY.' THREE-PIECE chesterfield suite, bedroom suite. 6-piece chrome kitchen set, tri-lite, combination radio occasional chair and miscellaneous articles. Apply evenings 610 McBride, Suite 3. made payable to tne Minister Finance, in the amount of 10 of the bid. The successful offer will be subject to 5 S.S. Tax and the highest or any offer is not necessarily acceptable. CHAIRMAN, Purchasing Commission, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C. fepresentative A' (Rocky). Toevs no longer be located 'he city 29A SEWINO MACHINES 1 :30 Itecord Album 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 3:15 brave Voyage 3:311 HoedoHii 3:45 Yesterday's Favorites (109) SALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing CenUfc. TLcne 814. ntct Him Today 1949 FORD Custom Fordor sedan, privately owned. 30,000 miles. Good tires, clean. Phone Blue 169 eves. HID j BLUE 892 4:15 Vocalise and Stock Quotations 4:30 Alice la Orchestraluk 4:45 Slecpytime Story Teller 5:00 Howdy Doody 6:15 At Home with the Lenui'Ks 6:40 International Comty. 6:45 CBO News, Weather 5 :5 Interlude 33 FOR 6 ALL 'SC' CHEAPApTrtment building damaged by fire. 3-room house in rear. 25x100 foot lot. 934 2nd U13c) '41 CHEVROLET 5-passenger, radio and heater. Phone Red 125. mP' Anonv 1132) West. Apply at rear. Ui"P P 0- Box i 343. i