Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Parliament Hill Wednesday, March 18, 1953 r INCOME TAX QUIZ Dy Ed word T. Applewhotte M P c li lu'jriieiiilrrit tlnliy newspaper (Mottd to the upbuilding ot nuina Hiin-t ajiU Nort.Ui ni anil Central British Columbia. afc-n.liM- uf Oan.i.lliul frmx Ailillt Uurcml uf Circulations Camiiiian ItuiiR NewspHjief Assm-iniion. Piihllshni h 'lie Hrlnie HiiM-rl Dally New I.toillao J. F. MAUOK. Pri-fKloiU. II. O. PKHHV. Vtce-Praaldent i -to my low lwn41aiii tM r' V CR. ftuiaii Itrnl Cre Sovltf. I'u tlOOO 8ulwi;r1ptlin Kates: Bt carrier- 'it. imt itmnlt l WW per y-. fif ninll IVl uidilh. Isc. -T n-tir, H oo. - Two or three days ago, by the n-eiv met the chairman of the Wheat RoaH he heard where I was from, the convv:-N, t the Prince liupert elevator. 'fli -re was no Uoufct whatever o carry cu lta scnttal lirl e jlhurtzeil an tend clnaa r..all rt ttie Post Of.i rMMirtmnt. Ottawa. Win (Thu it Mioihi'r in the wrltw of- quitlDtm and lUi.-wim Tiji.rl-IDK incwmti tug i that ho was pleased with Its ptarttf'-y ,, u. record of pertot miince duriitn l0 tl(. r. 'u a Cat .(wliii !lot.l wnp..n r.v hlr Co;tt w lnr.iltlt t'wu for tr rUf t K.ltnri. Th. NJ o, in C.ii! u u JmU ltril. n or till CottV. i lu u.i mmI'i io.t.iy h our IJ h on dulck'.y 1 f:--t'.lr i).ui-buttil concrt urrliil'" of e"r JV"''r. utllell ir, uch .'or ditr iiriloi, buc tvo lcri, " "'' ,si.v mtntir) mf!cm of tl l1,J '- Uia b CMrt mu on fru uy w 1iy lnc:fci fr blol u-:ir!'fn. xi J tl proiir-.-mm,t or oloot an4 Blcoil priJurlo lor or ,, to lho In US t n f . tne past six months and he lo!d mi if don't pretend Ij be quut-inj! him verbatim' that II wja tne di-Iinite Intention U 'use your port" and I gathered that I'tince K'tpert now haa a firm ,,1,,.,.. In l ii-ifl-i d 7i"iiti mitii.rl l)t rs. First vi, , . Industry, in WUhed l.l i; , ; Opposition ha. Res n Qt What hapte ns tf:ny wife's iiMMtme e-- d.-U '5 m '.'Ifii' .A. If you wifs SiiinmK in -1053 was h-t-wi-n and $1.(0. your marrn-d axi-mption claim is rcdtiiH'd by the ntuuunt that your wife's income exceed- , ! SL'M In other words, shou!.! your wife' Income bt say. SIM. it I S2U0 muiti thiul SZM As u , result, your pinjt.lim a. a miu - i riedi man would be rediu-ed by i $2U4 hxim S2 1MJII to St.BOtl Qi What is the result if my wife's Income in V.!'2 it:is urcat- movement for a lon tunc Ui: 1 l ' 1oi1t olicoo. 11 na srt to hoi ltMf iaiine:! !'. ttttor vtttrui ana lwlltl t . 1 m: fai-ora. W tTKut. w auoocrt. T, Cv.Ulaa .4 Croa Sscloty ul4 nut it aolo to cor.t lnuo tlila. OKllr "or" f " oj1 aot! r-j. lot o, Lnvorji-o. rfij o;rouly t tho ioeloty'a ItaxiuLtal af-paaO. t Those Love Letters SPRING is here on the; coast. No doubt the ; .bill my air mellowed one; of my fans to write this ' ardent love letter: ; Sir With due respect tor j ! your a, I luvtr htard a man ' i who was so frustrated in all j ' my life Hulf the time you are duy-divamimr. of your old has- I been days, the other half you : j poke at Social Credit, with a J I few nbs at the American peo j ! nle. Your luirs-and-biiis ' friends are dyintf, off and so ( is your taste, j You should take a few les-! sons in Hindu philosophy, a mm of your nire rertaiiilv should hn accepted- a few i i ideas fti-ei"ti to vur own. The - youn Cnitdinns who mieht ! s'umhle across vonr dily tripe ' j should be orotnrt! in some ; wav If vou like Ontru-io . 1 much, hole ewrv on rev ewnt he slowlv rtvins P-o-Cnn. dins' l'ke A-nericnis. t et. w' ! don't vou. eo back to merrv old ; pn"hn'-w pvirj Ontario; hist set lest1 You "inch rrl Uli.lotor 0 t i Ill (; t- . mines, j,..4. ,,,.4" beln truitied m l3 (killed ar,:l m : . t -itutiim To sultntantin'r a.. . the M.-mticrs , wan-.tii; j-,,. u:i 4 . relevant !i.-'i oil and ,ri i , urued retrtiUxn of coiii-bui!i!ni v ,-, ,: extensive tesci.-.' , ,.. . u-,."i !nr ttiA.. ; . subject ii.'.s .: on manut.t: t .r. , s . reuarded s ir,:uv :. unjutifird Vomen Hang Babies in &;? oiiie. ; I undertook to suggest that It wii. udvi-.abie to continue the uw of our elevator fur!ey. and as there Is apparently a lot it Larky to be moved to the far 1. anj that market Is expected to remain good, I think we'll be the Barley Export Port of the Pa;ific for some years. t httvi; notiied by the Dally N'es that O- ar Smith U abaut to retire as Collector of Customs. Mr Smith has been In the Customs Service at Prince Rupert .'or a iant? time and I am sure that he wu oe very greatly missed In the surroundin-i where liu h u bi.en tor so ions; Such ft familiar fissure. tSK AKGCMKST 1 The Prince Rujiert Airport continue to be a matter of Interest. The d"rislon by CHAL to tui. j-.iiite their Cdmonlon-Itrrace M-rvue, and to make tne hundred mik Into c r than $1,000" j A If your wifii's income dur- i i!U; VJh'i was nmr tlniil SI MM). ; you will bulrt bf requlr-d to file j income tax returns ami will be ( taxed as sinnle persiiris, with ny; allowances for di jM-ndents ; to which you or your wife may' be UM(iiily entitled. j Q I was empioyifil during 1 :Q.'il in a mantifucluiinij piatit ant have ewtunata-d a refund will, be due to me Will I receive my refund cheque Sinner If I file m return now. rather than wailing till late tn April1 A District taxa'lon oiTV-ei are now pre pared to Immediate Victoria Report . . . by J. K. Nc;bift VICTORIA. Social Crediters, at this ioint, fear the lileraL more than the CCK. That has lonj; been suspected; now it's (juite evident. Social Crediters are determinetl to try and liquidate the Liberals bf- Outside Wisifc Energy Going to Waste IT IS UNFORTUNATE that the energy expended I in debating Prince Rupert's power question cannot be used for production of the power we seek. It lyould without doubt make any other source look puny hv comparison. At the same time, none will deny that here is a problem which demands our complete attention. Vital though the fishing industry is to Prince Rupert, it is evident by now that the city must draw other business or resign itself to a deteriorating position in the commercial activity of B.C Assuming that the latter course is not the general wish, we must decide what new businesses the city can attract. Since this is a port with an advantageous position, shipping is obviously one. Until the arrival of Columbia Cellulose, however, there- was no convincing proof that industrialists might also regard Prince Rupert with favor. As the transportation terminus of a region rich in timber and minerals. Prince Rupert has much to offer a broad class of industry. But its abtmdunee will never be tapped beyond, the present degree unless it has the ingredient which sets the whole process in motion power. In spite of its mountainous setting,, the Prince Rupert area is not blessed with great potential sources of hydro power. The largest is at Elk Falls, AT) miles away, where it is estimated that on additional 18,000 horsepower could be developed for the ity enough to operate two large industrial plants. Perhaps this, or something less, should be the limit of our ambitions. On the other hand, we might raise our sights to the fact that only slightly more distant is the embryu of'one of the mightiest hydro-electric developments in the world. Admittedly the miles between here and Kitimat are difficult ones and would probably make a direct route impractical But the giant is within our reach- nevertheless and, with its power, our picture of abundance would be complete. There are formidable costs to be considered, and it must be remembered that to a large extent any undertaking will be based more on speculation than on an iron-clad guarantee that industries will come here.. But the initiative is ours to make it worth their while. Do we step boldly into the future or "cautiously into the present? fore the net vlection. That's why Social CrediUirs bait the Liberals and ante them LONDON' are pulling Const-i vatives. nat an extra-unlituuy sUit of aft;ur hat tf.r-r ly assess employees ltlftz T I Short returns Refund cheque will be Issued quick'-r after filing for claims filed early in starch than fur Uhw. tiled late In April. , O I have several problr-in. . with regard to mv Income tax leturn In re-vpwt of medical ex : ! penses and owir.R to a change in status durtnn last year Will the district ta-xatka office a.1-sljt me In preparing my return'' A. The employees in your nearest district taxation office are ready to aaist you They t-o wn,iU mm noltricM or in mv other wiv to cHini'e rvfhi2 v"t pre-wh. so di"m- i m,.-iiv nppt, fto y In your ! smn'1 cc-nnr- ! K Diseusted Canadian. m Thinks in). : nt I will we fjeoree Drew ets n marked ; r-nnw of this. He will he snr-wid to -hear I am -wirh a con-w-pnt si.moorter "f his partv j Ir r K ousted Cnnadlm will' rni his n-me and address I will !-dlv' forward him a cony f "The Sikhs md Thr-ir - :'"iin" to which the East Di- di.ins of 3 C. asked nie to writu , thu preface. I . , AN'OTIITR had tempered: Stntle- to. defeat Kne ?oernroent on riie "a"'"'"'-. HtKjr of the House l,,'''keK1iR',!T ,!la,"ht Polltjcal. Th.a would com- th. lKU.m rww. whicU the U'jr.t.' aren't ready . t Hwse sratiuloui iu- Prince Rupert by llmoum, 1.1. uji an ai uimcnt which we .liould lake fu:l advantaue of. !'. Ls a real satisfaction to read aiat to hear throiish various channel that the rental housing pioject homes are gradually belli!? ot rupi'd. I hope I am to be :.'ot;:iven for taking some pride jut of the fact that the tint ; huu-r to be occupied were those built by our owo local contracting firm. toc soils ot Social Credit hurled at the Liberals When he closed the l!ml-:el Debate. Land, and Forests Minister P E. Summer. ptacllcallv called the Liberals a Th Liberals are in a wnll-ulnh intolerable position. They must dike th Jile and- th insult- and the sneers and the taunts, arid still vote for the Rovfrnmrnt in iuirli of crookj and cutthroat will be glad to provide nny writer rhe pinrr ralltn" i because They don't wnnt nn m-in ragea and h:.r.,' : side the wifsi'i- Il u: tine Tl.r li U t a sort of exagr;e-i,i about three ! : v. eon tamer u t: window s:!i -ii ports, and th-blithely (ion ua ' below Kcepirg r..i..-; :i the nil . 1 : f '.. Club, a M i founded y- i arc uppish : - ;' they ca.Ti tt. 1 r tt till fiXi'5 t.'-.f .-j-- them linns-;! a- . to test them " " Parents !!) 1 J ' swiy ili a .. baby pl'-nty nf (-mother ff! i.r, .'; w formation you require There it to rhai'ie for this service The rtafl. however, are not permitted to complete the return for you Get tn town with your nearest district taxation offlc" now as It ViU be possible to Kive you better service at this lime rather than, during the month of April. election now. because the Fede-rl Liberals dnn't want nn election in B C. before a Federal eleetlon in the autumn. And so B C.'s six Liberal MI.A's, hatini! themselvea as much as they hate Social Oredlters. nui'-t .wmirm In their seats and take it and try and like It. ' me -Th retin' Knltwnhorn 1'c t-hink.i the plrin I ha tr venrs promoted in this column 'to finance tr.ide with Britain is "hncns-nonis." Tn the same d.ay's mail came i'f-tters from verv. very hmb authorities who assi'red m it will be rnmiderod durtn' Mr. R. A Ciiticr's viilt to Ottawa. The frovenur.ent is tmnij out 1,1 J " 1 ' ...... !!. l . . .l ill lis nttj lu .iii IV ll-s lijllui. lltlt int'v does not know MILESTONES t rum Ilia Ulr l I he I'ailj Matters "tern to have come rather to a standstill in connec-. t.on with my reqae.t lor the es ; tablL.hment of a Pot Office all. Torbnt Mines, him IS miles m-laml from the town of Alice Aim However, the Post Of! Ice De-; partment now has H under con-; .deration and the mining com-; iiany is willing to co-operate, so I am liopetul UiAl cvnitiuUy. e iioU et 'd quite iiwiii. 'li d ! . Oif:ce ufcii.iiK iuiinu Like ali the rcit Of the Mem-' hers, I am getting pretty tired of' the Uiid'iet deba'e, wh'ch is now. nearly a month lnr.g Jlinniv' I! rue, the young Liberal miner j 1-orn Kootena? Ea4. brought a; little orlilnallty and new thmight In lo die debit:, when he .spoke. He said that j it U customary uiu ing this- di bait- to bring before the House niat!tir of importance to corustltufiic1 generally and to the 113! ion as a n .!. U wUhcd to lake the op- at the Liberals It is gratuitously Insulting the Liberals. Thcv look upon the Liberals as a nuisance value, but one that rmi'ht ::ct In the way So they're goint; to lioiiidrite that nulsanre valm. if they eun. The Conservatives' Social Creditors feel the Conser- .British government durins wartime expropriated most privately held stocks pnd bonds an.1 ht-ld mort'iaces on Canadian and other overseas prop-trty The former owners of these securities weitf paid off in British povcrnrm nt bonds. The for what they did In getting the aluminum. Indutsry started lit the north. He said Liberals had mined the economic and aesthetic values ol Tweodstuuir Park. "What a terrible .njustlce t the people ot B C." he said ' Tin r.'UL be a most fitting end liiMt Hiwrnorud to the memory of the Iiibernl party which received iUt death-blow on June 12. lUa2." Well .there might be some argument about the great development up, north. Any sucb development, naturally, must drive anay some wild life, and rhanrie the course of rivers I low else can there be pr",ri't? Mr. Summers saved his savasws condemnation of the Uleralrt U the verv end ot his speech jM-tf before the vote. Was he tiying to so r tirade them that 'liey'd vote ajaliLst tlie goveru-netit? It almost Iokcd that wav It was indeed a avnge attack, but thu Liberals had to sit, tilt re fitiirniint! and. then, swallnwintt large slices ot humble pie, cot up and vote for tho Bucltrct with Ihe Social Creditors Determination of Social Cre-ditrrs to try and liquidate th LfhuralR also showed up In the mlllt price debate. The government attemoted to create a v real 40 Year Ago loaoy The city engineer reported ' council a new site had been selected fur the l.!allot hospital near Green Street and recommended that work hegi't immedi.iU ly More than SKXMKU) In liK"i ' improvement was passed by city council including tmprovc-' ments on Fulton, Mi Bride ami Sixth Avi-nue British government owns blocks vatives, ate through forever, are of those storks nw IK eveir a nuisance vohie. Canada could lontr aeo have rsn't it a strani'e state of af-'renatriated" the CPR stoela fairs IJIrerals and S'x ial Ctcill-and other securities had tluit turs hatintj the verv sieht or e:n-h been our official policy 'other and yet voting with each 1 am not interested, in CPR other aaln the combine stocks or bonds a-s such. onljr sirenth of the CCF and the trvin to show that either we ; a I I OTTAWA DIARY By NORMAK MocLEOD muht buy more ot SOMETHING , from Britain or she must buy ; LESS from Canada, especially from B.C. economists have capeel scot-free from the norma! Crfjvernmer, -en ';tt-r.g j 30 Ycaii Aqo Todoy D- J. M.ithe,,m ol Vancouver a-as chosen from over IOO applicants for the position of city 're a surer suci-e-(l;ng W f) ray... Reflects and Reminisces h& habit of ruo- mid-Winter. iet-dov,-n. Employ- ... ., ,v, inc. nn.vir ncniu-iniiii wnu ment ,,., k has a .v, j i.r. their eyes almost daily ri dur shrunk; as compared m nr listeners 'ere- in :n past six viccki or o-'' a tht pre-Cnutma.s oionth3 ..... h itrHUh eun. jtiey m o u cu:.cim, to oeueve or recora aruvjty us up about v morP DuttPr in, Denmark ,:ii: uu.iuio.1 max nave uuoiuu. Keiau saies. U)0, jiave with sU-flintx. thl?y can a 1 lord , . ocea iiwrinj across their desks, .slipped. They're dowil about i. ncandal to prove that 8!tiatoi !-m 1 W. dcB. Farrl M a wutked ere. eontrollirui the Llbenit Tomny Smith, rune-year-ol I party. The government went to ' "n "f Wr- 1,"i M" "enry trie quite extraordinary length of Smith, Is lu hoaiital f illowing filing photostatic copies of a wire 1 1,11 aecld.nt on Third Avenue. Senator Fan is sent to Liliei al 1 A early as the Kw Year this three percent below last year's preciw lv But the point Is. we particular Winter season waw . leveL Car loadin?.? are lower by have a j0t ot surplus Canadian From coast to coast, Canada is getting her share of fires-fires that brx-alt hearts, take scheduled by the experts to be approximately seven percent, butter we can't sell, as tbinc.3 Mtllltl, IKT Mogic Cycle Dcrro'Jcf Roll-Out De f Shelf Butter CofJ" Three Doof Sr' Full Wicllh F'f ColJ to tf Design Posfcl 6u Gold Trim. 9.4 tu. H- $459-73 BAfV' i of coriQerJle. il U-mpoiary; And export demand, particularly are now. Actually our govern-; " I '" '.a. -.1 - ri:t:iuity. Coasumer goods in- from some South American ment owns 30 million rounds of f n tho ucht dairies were to be affected by countries is easing. , surplus butter right now-and fl USED CARS For Sale J 1 I Austins t I'ir.O Austin 1M' Anglia C'oarli ln.',!) Sliidi-hakcr Sedan 1111 Stuilrhikrr Sedan) t I'HH I lodge Sedan KIR THE MVS WHO klQUULH f IIF.AP TKANSIMIItTATKI.N 1 1 "lift Plymouth I Flynrouth Itolh In Very tiooil Sliape Superior Aulo SERVICE LIMITED 3rd Ave. W. Fbone Green 217 trie tact that defence depart- p,t noiw of these mnvem.-nt.u private interests own over u(. ,. fires. ' Yet ,, ,u. ness through the mei.t .tocKpiiing of such things ,,, minr ,hrM nn .ua. million, pounds more.) veors, any time, anywhere, are they fewer, smaller or less as clothing and barracks stores ; overall picture, the extent of the Let "s "ut a"d scl' the b.ut" VI, saillioil. l.uiliui, in.-, mm.' the renuJar laws of supply and cabinet minister asklrjg tlirm t consider well the advisability of y taking off milk price control ; The government also filed pbo-: tostatic copies of a declaration from a Mr. Pallttl who said "when Mr. Carr (chairman of the milk ; board 1 entered the room he had in his hajid a paper; this he j turned upside dow n on the desk ', before him before he commenced 1 tn eueak " ; 20 Ycors Ago Today Four American trollin'! boa's seized in the summer of linn and since that time held bv the Marine Department qt Dlgby Island for Illegal entry into Canadian waters, were finally eveihauled and iMcasrd to their owners 1 The i.vsiiance of scrip to unemployed has now been discon- j vuiuany eowpirie. tmyjoy- Sa.sonai slowdown in the na-niet;t in woods operations and , ticnai ecQnomy piobabr- Isn't acli seasonal inoustnes as fia.more tnan 50 percent of the ad- demand for what it will bring. And ' let ' us accept sterling for it eani:ir;S was 10 oe at a w levei, y estimates of. government. up that that sterling Kternne elthe-due eltne. -using to- siw-ia! conditions in i. After looking over a collection of supposedly authentic drawings of animals that have become extinct, we can t say we blame them. Kitchener-Waterloo Record. RUPtKi AND ELECT to buy goods, services or securities which are for sale somewhere in the British sterling area. There is nothing new In principle about this plan. It Is ex Ah a tirst-cla. mystery! Mr.i,UH'd tho.-e industries. ! theSOl IU E OF STREXCIII Aleuutr. the estate of experts was that seasonal unem-; Where the experts went wron piovment during the present obviously was in undr-e.aimaf,-rnoiuh " tne effect of tho would strike a peak of -sustaining .... th.n con luio Th- M,rr- buying power released into the tw till Phone larr turnca mo- paper uptime doyn! However,, the declamtion goes mildly on and then It says YCM'.Nfi IIUPIKS actly what Roosevelt and Mae- economy generally thjoujh th,e One eouldn't lght much green In Prince Rupert yxster-day morning. Ol course, the seventeenth of Ireland did not eo unrecognized, but somehow ST CATHARINES. Out. (CP) pndin-; figure a year ago was Mr. Carr .then turned over the defence spending program. That paper upon, his desk above re- Trainlnz In civil dcl.'nre work kenzie King applied In the famous Hyde ParR agreement. It is also a small scale and localized example- ot Ihe so-called just 320 m. Well, none of thce thinas hap j program has reached its peak iminl. ui-ima. mnnthii nhfxiij nf ferred and will start .. . in public schools here ""cu to. " k'"-- proceeded to out- vui,- 1 .1. ox.,.. the Lere- eelehration years Z. ft seemed S lid livelier tne of 'V n', , the nnrade in New York Pilv namely .. ." Wllitelaw, director Of the local I). n:u. invt-du, 1x11s yeai s inui- it.iia tni is nnni-irtn Bancor" principle which the l rMh n,th7 M S2O0.0OO.0OO monthly into late Lord Keynes unsuccessfully civil defence organization. Slud- n , -,i; ' J' " itne Pay envelopes .orrne nation. I tried to get Uncle Sam to ac- , j . ... 1 , ' That sort ol money haa prevent- rent The lushest rw ril of unemnlov-; . .. , . waa the greatest ever known in i "'" ""'mm " " of of Mr Ca"- turning a that city millions. In East-'made upside down on hl desk? crn Canada as weir, they stcp;PaPer cut and. distant cbimes peal ! Not to tek9 ",1e' and to trv "The Minstrel Boy" land "Rath- and retain complete political un-leen Mavournecn" and many ' ''a )nl8 determination, this nts. will be taiiRht to assist teacher or ward -ns in (?ettlnn younger pupils to place of salcty. Kabindranath Tao're, the '.ea me norma appearance 01 mert . .so , far . has been ,., 324.000. , And . economists believe that the peakitn mid-Winter recession in the already has been passed and nation's business. More aceur- Unidenlilied Plane ASPHALT ROOFING And SlDl Consult Your Local ConW For Estimates I another. j dead-set to try and liquidate the h it from now on the llrtures 1H alely, it has cushkined 11 Into a Liberals, or rather, the manner "Rose of Tralee." - Probably Russian how steady Improvement. j relatively mit.,r movement reat Indian poet, wrote more , than 20 collections of poems be-jslrie. muy other works. In which It'e being (tone about Is pretty small potatoes. WASHINGTON f United 1 A Danish call drowned tn SK.lSWUt SLOW-Win 1 with the Spring weeks of revivul Actually, business hasn't e.?-; already at hand. States air force officials, believe ; cream, and the- dairy manae,r I unidentified aircraft, probab-ised it in the making ot butter, I ly Russian, have made infrequent' "" However, this Rot out, reconnaissance flights over Alas-' arut nom eonsumers have nearly put him out of business. ka and northern parts of Can- I-,,. The manager has eaten the but- ... . , . . . ... . ". thereby avoiding wsute. and Offleiato, asked about publish-i Denmaj-k's health admirrtstra-td reports that the R4 strategie 1 tor peoclaims the incident Is air commend was makhig perio-. not the slightest menace to nub- GREER &-BRIDD LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established I'M - MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SUH'PING , , . FORWAKIUNfi . . . SKIItAf.K Experienced handllnR Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'?' Ase Allied Vaw Line l td. Phone 60 or OS Cor. 2nd anil Park Are. B.C LEADS IN RETURN OF PENSION PAYMENTS OTTAWA O' The federal government said in a tabled reply that it dt-js not file claims for reccery of pension payment from estates of deceased old age pensioners. However, the federal share of any amounts recovered by the provinces is refundable to the federal treasury and amounted to $206000 In 1952, topped by $71,500 from British Columbia and $58,850 from Ontario. dic survey fliRhts over North Am are he's lie welfare. Chances perfectly correct. LIMITED erica, said Monday night that probably Russian appearances were "less than Intermittent and might more accurately be called Phono 90 The big government prlatin office at Washington, DC, was vstabllshed In lr,0. "sen tiered." -1