9 i. , i l! t Old ( ountry Soccer Standings I t LONW1 I API British lower u.nlm. lueludlni! gtmm plrl I tf 7 i- -rin'.CO KlIT'Cri' UGHV lf-WS Wednesday, March IB. 1953 "Salt Water Fish Derby Plans Readied by Club Final plans for the March 22 to April 23 first annual salt water fish derby have been completed by the Rupert Rod & Gun Club and action gets ltmlonvav novt Sinidnv ' The derby is open to two spe- A W T I f" urnlfy I 10 ' . 1 WiUvfihmpion ... 15 11 'i Prmt-.n H t 19 1 WMrt Bromwlrb 'J, Arnal 1 7 HH1.I..H It e 41 .111 clai ..-o cia.sses of anglers: these 16 nnri under, classed as j .mnicrs. and those over 16. ! classed as ;ulu''s. Six-Man Boxla iK.irr pi ikons mi u n e , , through a coiuiMmwd tenimeia bi.K'k i u ', Tht victims inchi-led five rhlliire;!. ),,, (l Shrmwil V ' H uiiai'rfti!lJ T 1 l.uii'n Ttwn ..... . . 12 ft l;yiniuth A 1ft t Nttlnj;UBm F 1 t ltlln III HoHlhrrH Firmtol Hovrr hrwtiil City I" '0 Norlch City I T Nnrlhmlm T f Mlllaull It 10 .',. i- .' i. tt - "1; 4cm it i starteo in uie kiu nut i. gi.mi.st-flx. d(en fa miller to flee in nh;ht dot he u cold is it l 7 7 10 7 II 11 A conver.i',i. wei;.:!iiii station has been located at J. C1:vj-fen & Son supu.y stove on the Cow Bay waterfront near Hunt's Float. Winning prizes will be awarded (or the heavier fiah (anv siceies exeeptr skate1 Teams to Play In Trial Period R A BL'TUK. chaneellor of the British excheniei. arrives m Ottawa for Ulks lth Finance Minister Abbott. Brituin's 50-year-old financial leader is payum' his first official visit to Canada. Left to right: Sir Archibald Nye. Unlt?d Kingdom hiyh comnjis-sloner to Canada. Mr. Butler and Mr. Abbott. I llil-lu III Nih1Ih Old nam A l lu Orlmnby T I port Vl I IJ t'rlll V I 10 WrexliMQi . . . ift vvATrvTTTj irpThA mtr. ' wsiRhed in by both junior and Win 5-Pin Canada at plaque Joe Davis Leads Scorers In City Basketball League adult anglers. Derby is open to all junior contestants. Entry fee is 25 ; cents and prizes of fishing tac- j klc will be awarded to first, j second and third winners. i The adult nnlers class, is : city lacrosse league will give six-man lacrosse a two-nunt: tryout this season. The intercity commission met with team delegates and decided on the move. It was also decided Roll-Off The Moose quintet of the men's M OTtl-ll II M.I I. IHlMiMI HllMTnlan ... . . .1ft ! Enat HO- IS I tilMKOW R I I Clyde , 19 ' rente 10 I lliiM M 11jiu1uji A II Hirhnx A 17 Art)riaih 13 Ayr UlitKtl . . U to cut the goal width by six ; .. to Rod & nun Club mem- S3 : Si Z'l w M ; I !M , ' I t , in Joe Davis, star guard player , team-mate Jim Flaten with 191 ft 4 10 7 i in ii Ye. imn pks ak for CoVt tliiin any other mft ItJi wlmftraaifnp, (li'liflif'il ftjvi l,,. I.. i ii ... r Alloa A .12 !n;hei. also on a two-month b,,rs oniy. Entry fee is SI and trial basis. i three cash, prizes will br award- '1 he ch.iiues were suggested to' ,d to winners, the commission by K. A. Mac- j Memberships can be obtained Le.xi, president of the Canadian, at the following places: Game Laera-se Association, who ursed Office, Rupert Radio & Elec-their adoption for "the good of trie. Kaien Co-op Hardware, Hi,- game." - j Gordon's Hardware. Sport Shop, One club, the Vancouver Pils. ! Howe & McNaity. Lipsett's, SZ; "-"-ver action tall, (.(spr.,, for Gordon & Anderson of thelP'n!s n '? 8amf- ,,,,,, Flaten alo tallied ,u the hiKh- senior city basKetball league, j gan)( s(.ore of ,he topped the scoring division with : 50n ln tn(1 league with a 28- a total of 227 points made in 16 point total league Raines, or an average of i Following are official statis-better than 14 points a game tics of the senior league for Runner-up to top place was , 1U52-53. with free throw at-Ray Spring of Manson-Omegas 1 t-mpts. free throws made, and with lt)6 points in 14 games, and j personal fouls' abbreviated a third spot is held by Davis' FTA. FTM, and PF. respectively: rted to the six-man Kaien Hardware. Atun nsner- five-pin league led the slx-tenm j roll-offs s oriiiK 5,475 in five -games and winning .the league championship behind top-trundling Alan Hale with J hiih single I ante of 322. ... North Stars were runners-up to the champions, headed by I Nick Kepes -vho rolled 1H9 In ' the five games North Stars also ! rolled the highest suu;le tani score Of 1201 : Prizes and trophies will be i awarded at the league banquet ! s"t for April 10. j Results Moo-,e 5475. North Stars 530; Scdgwicks 5302; CGE strongly object 1 : ies Ltd., Bacon Kislienes. Kacn. move. Remember When By Tli Canadian lri- Turk Brotla. long-time goohe for Toronto Maple lnt of the NHL. won the Veil n a Trophy lor the best goal-tender 12 years ago tonight. Broda ecVr d out Johnny Mowers of Detroit, who let slip four Bokton goals In the final game of he wnsnn The pudgy Broda. now retired .'rom active . J. t iausen ei oon Commission chairman Tommy -lu. Entry forms for the derby are I Gordon said he thoueht one man ess on a team would speed up tS V Wit und 1I IM Joe Davis iG&Al Ray Spring (Mansonsi Jim tut- game. Club and at J. Clausen Si Son. Jim Flaten iG&Al . A new delayed penalty clau. n 227 191 1:M 182 17:i ii) 149 will also be adopted so tnat no : """" nrtrh ,,,. ( bcnern utti team can be more than one man i ' . uin, 0rpnanvwhere in U T-TT . n AW v J R. Holkestad (GAt . . A. Olson i Mansonsi short at a time. 5297; Manann 52t3 M. Webster i Mansonsi 16 16 Short Or- play, won the trophy again In 1943. wmm 12 cuits 4999. mi: w 5 v- . . .- s . , -n. .' - . -"" ' - t .. n ' . . . --" . " I.: " "" Si .""' 1 i .. ... ; -1 rv:"' '- . . 120 the harbor. Sporting tackle only to be usedLe.. rod, reel, line, etc. Gaff-niarks except in head of fish disqualifies entry. Entry ticket, to be presented at weighing-in station Fish to be weighed in the "round" not opened!. Any salt-water fish (except skate l five pounds or over eligible. Bud Gouriie Presented With Trophy (. l I T I I M I'l 16 53 43 2.1 H S5 62 30 16 70 39 27 H 86 50 39 14 Sii 45 41 16 63 37 9 42 29 26 15 37 21 53 16 56 31 53 16 83 4 5 31 16 41 19 41 15 41 20 56 .... 13 26 1& 17 ' .11 28 1J 34 13 28 15 27 . 15 - 20 8 17 16 16 7 13 12 24 10 16 11 11 7 16 J6 18 7 2 12 12 5 ' 12 .16 17 6 9 13 6 2 1 14 3 2 7 7 5 2 2 Fly With ELLIS AIR LINES G Carlson CCC i D. Bill iMansonsi D. Hartwig i Mansonsi R. Webber iG&A S. Scherk (CCC) H. Marshall C'CC - .... B. Sunberg (CCC I . I. Hebb iG&Ai M. Thompson 'CCC I T. Arney i Mansons-GJtA E. Ciccone i CCC I S Dumas t.Mansons-CCC N. Sather Mansonsi .. VANCOUVER (P Bud Gouriie of Olympics was awarded the Ivor Williams trophy as the mast valuable player to his team in the Commercial Hockey league. Eric Unger, now' with Vancou 120 113 109 85 81 " 66 61 60 41 ' 33 31 21 H t 4 FROM No Increased Pensions For PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN With Connections to B. Ratchford iCCC) Ex-CNR Workers Dumas iCCCi ver Canucks of the Western 1 Hockey league, was presented with the George Sparling trophy as the league's high-scorer. The trophies were presented during the last game of the leatrue finals, woi by Kerrisdale Wheelers. W. Gardiner iGtAi B. Currie 'G&A R. Evans i Mansonsi i i OTTAWA ff The government is not considering increasing I pensions to former Canadian (National Railways employees re- SEATTLE WHITEHORSE ANCHORAGE and Other Alaska Centres I Call ot our Office Opposite the Post Office PhoneGG AtMMUMl WftU iff Cm CAm tan4t tmntimt mni GOOD UStD CARS NORTH STAR BOTTLING V I9.',I riymiiulli J-diMr, only Thonr 13! I'nmt i.tti .If 22.IM10 miles. 19.'0 Ford f'-.'ilaii two-tone. very smart. IM'jO foril Sedan Radio. heater, one-owner rar. I'lll lord Sedan Radio, wneeiers took tne series inree , cf.iving oniy the basic pension games to one with a 6-5 over- ;of $25 a month. Transport Min-time win They came from be- j ister cheVrier said in the Com-hind a 4-2 .score with but five mons minutes left in the last period to , He gave this reply to a ques-send the game into overtime. ;tion plaf.ecl on thP commons Corky Candaele scored the ordfr pappr by staniPy Knowies winning goal, his second of the ; iccF-Winnipeg North Centre-, night, and got assists on the two There are 3 2oq pensioners get-goals that tied the game. Other ting the baslc amount. Kerrisdale scorers were Alex Mr CneVrier said the govern-RitUnger with two and Rod Mc- : ment g reasons for not increas-Lco1- ing the pension were explained I a year ago. Since then, there , . 'had been no further considera- Viff-t" lrf)f tion, and no representations for MUJJfU JiyilJ ian mrrease had bccn ma(lc by T A m. I the CNR. heater. Mill vi: , A-l thrmghoiit. TRUCK BUYS DAILY NEWS 'HANDY' WANT AD ORDER BLAN 19..0 Sludchaker I'iiku.i. en gine overhaul, not a scratch: cu .tom Ikx. 91 lord 3-Tun (v.milte with flat deck; m w pa.nt jib and gntnl motor. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS WILL HELP YOU SELL 08 I9IS llodse Panel A very irdue rtgrseineni With Finland l!y THOMAS II ARRIS CNR Maintains Small Surplus RENT A ROOM, HIRE HELP, FIND A LOST ARTICLE OR DO PRACTICALLY ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF! OTTAWA r The Car.nriinn HELSINKI t Reuters I RU$ia ivntinnnl Railwavu rlesnit.e record 654 usjful unit. "To say goodbye to ymir mutoriiig lroubl- try anv of Itie above g imm! buys at ymir A-l I'ned ( ar Healer" Bob Parker Lid. Phone S3 "The Home of Friendly Scrvlr- obably will b-come Finland's ooeratin- reVenues of $675,219.- The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B C. 6 DAY RATE IS CHEAPER THAN ONE DAY ID best customer Oils year under a, 000 and a reorganized capital SAVE MON tS pi 4t9K P4 IW V4t. PIM U ttAt wKw tin Vlw tt-iMt 4ftMfKCM Mt pM64 M 4npitf4 fcf A m Cl Im4 m W tnim W nnt CIW, Ml Order Your ki 6 Times new waue agieemen. conciuucu : 6trll(,lure, barely maintained a in Masco, butane big question j ,952 surplus of $43,327, the gov-is will she pay? lernmer.t-owned company's an- Many lirms fear that Fin-jnua, report showed land's exports to Russia may cx-j It was th(, first RUrplus ginre ceed her imports and that he;the gpfo, World War and the lib torlbr1 will pile up an unconvciarjie Iirst peacetime surplus since the Vim pay payments surplus behind the boom year of 1928. In 1951. the Please run the following od for ' .. davs. Enclosed is $ in full payment. NAME ADDRESS Phone No iPI,eabe print ci.EAni.Yi FIBREGLASS BOATS And SKIFFS UNSINKABLE UNBREAKABLE ALSO Fibregloss Gas Tanks; "V" Rollers and I III I'. MTllollv must f the itiM-rlmm set ulivi lv. other Marine Products iron curiam. kompany had a deficit of $15,- This would -mean tne Finns 031.0OO. The report was tabled had been led into exporting in the Crmmons by Transport lars.'e amounts of goods to the Minister Chevrier. Soviet Union tree of charge, placing Finns in the same pasi- KENTVILLE, N S. 'CP) The tion as the iron curtain satellites ;2jst annual Annapolis Valley which Russia is already -'milk-1 appe blossom festival has been Ira" in this faoliion. set for May 29-June 2. Xhe five- One feature of the trade day program includes various agreement is that Poland andj events to bc staged throughout C: echoslovakia are to make de- the historic valley. AVAILABLE NOW AT THE SHOP Phone Hlue S Write your News Want Ad below. Begin where shown ."START HERE." Put ONLY or' onrh ennrn fFnrh nmim nf ni irYiriftrc r4 ltti-rc rminf nc nnr unrr-n Put VOiir (M 642 3rd Ave. W. 6; number, or both, in the ad. In case you want a box number, leave space for 4 w'rds (c 9 Daily News. KTAItT HIKE liveries of goods to Finland ln repayment for the goods sh-ei fcends Russia and Russia sup-posedly would repay the Czechs! and the Poles. j Under the new Finno-Russian BASKETBALL TONIGHT i - No. USES I (W I I OS I agreement, the Soviet Union has undertaken to buy 35,000,000.000 marts (about $148,000,6001 worth of Finnish goods. They include prc-fabrlcated houses and other wood industry products, ships, I t IJ k At The CIVIC CENTRE PULP AAILL series For the Northern B.C. Pulp Mil? Championship 1 OCEAN FALLS ALL-STARS v' 9 cables, factory, plant and other machinery. Last year, Russia imported only 27,400,000,000 marks (about $127,O00.UOOi worth of goods from Finland. Finland's best customer was Britain, who bought 47,200,000.000 marks (about $159,300,0001 worth of goods. The Finns fear they will not I t ;l f'll,,l'.'l!1" T.. earn !' vs. must rim " I 1 ! W .. Iir nil be able to wll so niuch to Britain ;,vl"",jW' A.I, i" NOTE Make ymir money order or cheques payable lo the MIIN ;. nrPFHT lII V M1VS. S p.m. day prior In publication. If replies are to lie mailed, plraxe add Hit; postage. CCC 300 SENIORS. Added Attraction: Ocean Falls Ladies' All-Stars vs. . Prince Rupert Ladies' All-Stars this year and that Russia will replace (t as their best market. Russia sends Finland indispensable primary products like grain and fuel and takes from it manufactured products such as cables and fchips- You reach ver 12,000 readers wllli your Haily News Wmil Ad. - "V . . ' " i".- I si- -;'.j vL''-