,J , W, t V pissing 4 iYt Vednesday, March 18, 1333 Prince Rupert Daily News More Than 180 Allend Annual St. Patrick's Day Banquet Ice Being Gil To Get Truck 1 Mnru f n 1Ufi . , .t ....... i . . ' ' " .!., Willi Wt'll'lIMICn U I 1 T K C" A trr . cd the annual St. Patrick' rv rr.t, sv..h. t, w 1 i-nr. a quarter- trurk. driven bvJaiu H ,.,..h-,i,. t(iJi:li 'll'"ul tak" the annual batl- It" banqur-t in Annunciation School Brett, president of the Catholic f?f rh . Jf S ,CUt out i was "locked from complete sub- la.st night and all enjoyed a de- Women's laguerMartin 8aun- ; ? Fnc0ls ke n I merslon by hurried effort, of a hciou chicken dinner. dem. vice-Dresirien n, ,h. 1 an 1"? fiP attent ?.b"n ashore voluntary rescue crew with the , i, minis ausmuijr Mim- U'Mlim 1111 The hali was beautifully dero-land School Aviation and di-! and foundered ough use of plank Their work was rCCtOr Of the hovs' hnyinir .i..w i " me ""-Jjaiil-J uuuyancy Ul 01 J 1 TV,- I rie Imperial t - . Oil Company I tires and "3 an empty oil tank. iat-d In green and white and the tables were lined with green ribbon Many of the guests wore shamrocks. Seated at the head table were Martin Nuyten, president of the Catholic Youth Organization: Father Mohan: John MarDon-ald, president of the Holy Name and John Comadina, master of ceremonies. The evening- opened with th singing of O Canada. Father Rayner spoke briefly afu?r the banquet and then Mr. Comadina conducted community singing of old Irish songs and others. Father Mohan and Mrs. Hanna Odowichuk sang solos of delightful Irish airs. Martin Nuyten. " 1 i , v - v 1 ... . i . I'v ''' -. 4 ' , v -l."-l'. tT" -l " y . i-i - . Ma , ., . . . House Cleaning Specials March 19, 20, 21 TfcE SHIRTS (lloneyehild) m alld s, M COTTON CARDIGAN'S (lloneyehild) all(j $j 00 TAM O SIIAMIR WEAK M. and $1 95 SILK SLIPS, 4- and fi's , ulieli suddenly i !jri)iiBlit oul her i,p tlic '" al,d 1 impression. ,1 ,. , ;il t Kiill K'C I ,)UI ol tlx- wi'll-. I HiiTl nod MC 0. Hilt wus slmi-j u;,i. k and ikiu mm I.I.1 ul comment Iwiim-t und 1jl ladies : on the :Miiilll. Willi Ills 4 j-i.ru. Jimmy "5. link". "u, k , n.s while silk New Remover Can't Spill INEAXT TIE VEST .... 2 for SI. 23 snv , dent, sang a comic song and Mike Colussi and Stella Chap-run gave two accordian scli."! Yvr.nn- s-"hacf:.r 72 j t:ic Or Evaporate .1.1 jiii-, inn 111 1 ui re 11 j for j-jc INFANT PRE-WALKING I SHOE 8c and S1.49 IXFAXJ WALKING SHOE ilM THE STORK SHOPPE . 303 Third Avenue W. A Air under anu A new type nail polish remover which is also a nail and cuticle THIS WEEK Women's Canadian Club meet. conditioner and come In tubes ,,,11 aiifl Hold is mhiic amount instead of bottles has been put ,'Z. ' CL . CAhed5.! on the market recently in Can-, Clark. Topic': "What's 'liapDen" FKIM'I.SS MARGARET hu McepUd the '1' npx.lritment as chief raneer of thi. RrltUh a i--iiiii job mat aUlan stores in It in Canadian Radio." ijt 1 1 li if) siuKlUK J.. 0'xi fellow," Available soon from most cox- inietic counters, Heluan Cream is i Hutu like an Arrow root bix nil, ' ou prefer Tea, White Elephant Sale i expected ri uj ;!) that .'it Hie to be the answer to woman's nail-keeping Regular meeting of local 413 Typographical Inion will be held in the Civic Centre, Thursday, March 19 at 1.Z9 p.m. Annual meeting of the Hos-! pital Auxiliary. Civic Centre, g pjn. Thursday. mi en erif I many a problems. I Ji-aimif Warren 'iYb i'll Llv AHliU I II ' Attracts Over 300 Persons llv y could The new product cannot spill or evanriruf n f :l!,i-ut urcak- acenery films of Norway. , easily removing old and some-Sweden and Finland will be I times chipped nail polish, it ,1 Hoiking ; VZnU!!"'Z' Sh rutrllks "-"'day when mure than 300 attend and White &ilf pliant taie spon- ed b- lhe Mm Etard P-TA The lunch room was prettily a.i helJ at the ichoul on ThtiwV decorated for the occasion with shown here Thursday and Fri- leavt' the nails appearing with a sheen instead of that rioii ..f.w... . . i ... ' ""feri ui urn and I'harlr i;d Jcaimle !-.w .i;:.f!.'!it lliat ilh a:. (I Jimmy brittle look from acetone-type f ,c" u"u ' streamers, Westminster. Proceeds will on shamrocks and little St Pat- tnw rrt h H!.rmn, d H, i removers I SOX. V jtZ? MADE IT 7 "V- TMEjxt d-i el applause PEEK FREAN'S APPROXIMATELY r.i'i.atiun of ricks men. centred the 20 tea Home In Burnaby. ! Credit for the invention goes tabic They were made by the Mr. Hagen is scheduled to ar-i10 Doctor Wurmbock who for PUTh li Ht''iu'" room- re by Plane tomorrow morn-!many years developed and lm-Ihe White Elephant sale in lug. The films will be shown in proved many types of nail polish the au lltorlum proved very the Sons of Norway Hall Thurs-' Heluan Cream Is manufactured popular. Grade VI student day night and in St. Pauls 1 In Canada by Springwood Phar-unuer the ronvcmtrshlp of R. G. Lutheran Church on Friday !maceutlcals Ltd ! S BISCUITS 40 BISCUITS Look lor the rruroon and yellow packet. i-r-i)ii.M'iit- .! k s Bay ;on tat nlKht 1 in ;n no ex- i Friends Honor Recent Visitor From Scotland A very enjoyable evening was spent In the home of Mrs. Wil-lmm Hunter. Third Avenue, the occasion taking the form of a buoy shower complimenting Mrs, Charlie Mills, a recent addition to the community from Scotland On her arrival, the guest of honor" received a beautiful orchid corsage from her hostess Later In the evening little Heather Haxter, attired In the costume of rVlfilPlkA 1 f whistle TO PEFEPEE ) v .K.' V p Tn i.i.,.,i hi H ii as 1 1 icsnicii. Mrs. O Jacksrn was in charje of the home cooking sale assisted by Mr Arthur Kriatmanson and Mrs. 1". E Anfie'd. Mrs A J MarDonald convened the tea a'usK 1 bv Mrs Jack White. Mrs Guv.itt. Mrs. J. Briddcn and Mrs R F i sum. Berviteurs fur the tia were: Mrs Ed Llnd-!, h, Mrs H Gil- i,-:e o( Sham-..r. Ireland ,e rd Ins red I'.rijM-u" green shamrock In t-'i-:.".'vmn. 'i.:.'d the l- l l( OITK'd t mour. Mr. L. V M;.-. Ja - -; ---- . .. wc ..!!., .,j,. rf.R, a. Red Cross nurse, also presented i Mis Common ar.ci four Oracle hi 0tlfkt lh a h. ....... , ! lir ti i)"i'!ifrt bark v h is returned to r iix-ratc "e Jim al.o ra'ii. k s ban- II la.-,t nmht. n-vu vi a iiuutm-r ui ;iv pupus. dainty gifts, these being offered Membvri and guests W"i rein a large dull btiKgy which hadja ivet bv Mrs, K- n: e'h Hardy, been beaullfuJly decorated by i president, Mrs. T I! i-n on wai Mis A. Ma- iean j cashier, taking In a total of $:&'). During the evening various! guest entertained wlCt song and : story; the.se Itirhuled little Murial ? llertrand and Heather Baxter i JCCiCjcSrS m-J& Mis William Baxter presided at ; (Sr JjA i ( HQI HAVE TO RlN; ") 1 I y . C - ,ll P, - :!.atu. mm-ii-I (or pie- 4 I Rv.'l Purple b: ki' sjile 1 V.arch 21, (iordutt tt. Anderson h' on god Jl'iv. n "'lu r names I iTonti (ran-I :' preMdent. lil.ik. ttalirr the piano for community Mng-liig Content ptle !miers were Mrs Betty Br;, ant and Mrs. M Stewart Delicious refreshments were MMved by Hie hostem. ' . Giie-u included: Mrs, 1.. Iju-rle. Mrs R. Hunter. Mrs C Bert-land, Mis, M Parker. Mrs. f - Trevor Hill v - J . : - 4 j; ' H ' . V - nt -It -K-" ' I 1 V 4 4. , ' ' 4 ti ' Y w"t I ? J. I -1 r-- t f - , , I - i ' Cr' -ii'. .-t :"- ! ,1. . . 1 1 ws 1 rl s . . iS- sit i . r. "' s. " . ' ' V"! " n . -1..';-, '. V ' - , V. -s-.... II 4. . - . -: s ... ft Amur I ii.' itiii ; i.f Pi in. c Ki'lx-rt Fl.-hcrmet '-, Cn-li' L"n-b n. Tliui'Miav. M .n u HI, c.irr filnn Ugton H::.., B t.v i65i Job's D.'U'.'hiers Teli phulie Hriltnc .mil fiMili r..,..i ...... as secretary , Hill Siuby and Thomson. Mrs A Risiker. Mrs. '.rei !or P, Andrew.. Mrs MiGrelsh. Rr l Ing M uch 23 tlir.r.'rh to Am 'i R Fl COMvJ'M SO sofisy. w" BEALEV, hjr, 1 ' T I never run Mrs M McOrelsh. Jr.. Mrs W , ' nnyoii" tie i:(.u ti n ivm; 'tallies. ioatat Georre Iliwi, ir Iouik! luiii- If'.'l'.t ol K.x.r Good pn,ci A. M i.-lean. Mrs B Biyant, Mrs M Stewa' t, ..lis. J. ISeattie. Mrs V llecmict. it Jim Pin- r 'it the 11 A Films ;.! be .slmw-n .f No way, fhvc ii ii end rinhnd 9 " had thon Sons t f Norwny H.iH. Thui.sd.iv March li'. at 8 p m Refresh nv nts. Admission ; ndull.s IODE Chapter rniimen J c. tvi rvb'idv wi Has Perfect Attendance come. , (66 5. I.- '.'i' i:'i;-i Norve.iv Swi-rlen r,i,i Dinmaik will ilmwi by Mr Hagen from New Westminster. These filv.is will lv I 1 vSw 1 rVri - 1 ! I list nn iit.ii., in -elin of fiscnl vi-nr of the Duchess shown in behalf of th" Nor- ! I' 'He: told '"'ii-.,. Hot,. ''"t te knew -in. lh,- cNK P '"'-i! Iir.it f " larl lin ker I -'"lll.ny r,t ? ;1!""' t.1e, on I" re.it I ,e f ''l io i ! ' I -vrll I).-1 I . i , n .ii i r r p p . i i hey will of Krtnibiirnh (jhnplcr. IODE. inanna Rest Home showed, perfect attendance of shown In SON I all Thursday and In the Lutheran members with six prosp.ctlv,.- evening inembirs attcndlnir as guests. Church Friday evening at i6 in future, meetliius will be o clock. held on the first Thnrsrlnv of l.liVl the month Instead of the sec- nd The educational secretary was Instructed to send various ar-tle(i of educiitlonal and patrl-l otic value to the chapter s ; ; adopted schools. I I Six members offered their! ' services for the iiiusle nnH H3J f "f ity r,i. ? ' '"'inr to,lay , ! Prince J '"1 Mrv "'""B fr.m, a 1 Mrs. .inr f bttll III Vm,- ' ""my Miirri- ; drama festival In May. i f 'I 1 ( I'M SO bORcy mi? BtAiLEv, , syi " I . vf ' II' TfTViT' BUT MV COGS AND I ) I cClV ivT OTS '''' jFinest 4 "fejW l Swing iiWb V ! J '- " t,B?iSGAME H r "1 1 1 STT t;;v C isowy MR. BEASLfV, "J trJ, i ( R1.(-B!ElS-AME-l B V BUT POP SWALLOWED rA V '.?A,?GET . " -' -03 -i ( oui? whistle Pu(?inC V -.' -1 ! HISTLEBACKfex f - Nan exciting plavj - - , , , . "" 1 t - . -" J-