KfcX llAKKHiON Prince Rupert Do'lv Nes Wednesday, March 1, lla3 7: 9: p.m. in "THE FOUR PQStfid? SCREEN FLASHES Expert Commission Set Up in Holland To Direct Task of Rebuilding Dikes -r pf 'iS,' """ w m i " ' - -1 ffif liy 1.VII SIILAKS Ivory much to the fore. It would shorten tlie much-indented i Oscar Levant says that hi; new movie. "The I Don't Care Oirl." Twentieth Century-Foc Technicolor musical starrlivj THE HAGUE (Reuters' I ne j coasthne of tills delta area by Netherlands, reeling after the j ,tanimjK 0ff the broad estuary it worst flmid disaster for 400 years llllllllllllilllll J WALLACE'S 2 "DEPT. STORE J iTropicana'sj mouths. Only the new waterway channel leading to Rolerdam, and Antwerp's gateway of the Schedlt, would be left open. is buckling to the gigantic task of rebuilding shattered sea defences and restoring inundated land to cultivation. 1 Mit?i aGynor us Fa Tanguay. j David Wayne and levant ox-n- Inx tomorrow at the Totem The-! atre proves at the very least that : his lal 'ins are diversliieil ronli inues his u ,u il nar- ' 2 V ' O Thta3 Already, many of the hundreds The col t would be. one lcadinf; CJW)ta lut the of Show business ' V of dike bleaches have been imco engineer says. 1.0OO.0O0.000 guild-and large stretches of devastated ers , roughly $2BO.0O0.000 "for a countryside reclaimed. I start." He calculated that two But with every tide, surging j vears WOukl be needed for pre-sca water still pours unhindered j iimjnary study, and perhaps 12 tlH-ough broad gaps, bringing I more or ,!ie at-tual work tons of sand and salt to poison j But the effect WOuld be to ren-rich agricultural soil, and makedrr su,erfknis hundreds of miles the work of closing the gaps more j )f hlj,h upkeep dikes, and end difficult. 'the expensive incursions of salt Aii t xpert couihusmiui a which loi.UnuUy thu-atcru mm set up to restore the dikes and to f , ' " , . . rlr- j - ) i 1:1 l r- clonic wit. M'rinklln. of'ro-i mancc. narration for part of the j film, a s:imple of his piano malr, and a brief dunce -H-- ; .clulty. The latte r, which ts a simple I off-to-Buffulo thiir; but hu I first screen daiu-lnrv proniti ! his remark. "My rhythm Is in I my hands, not mv feet" A com - i ' hist. auUiui -lid t.oilc. pane;;--'. as well ns distinguished concei t ' pianist and screen comi dian. levant prides himself on havm-: ! ' the social grace of a gorill i.' to quote a pa .t coiiuncnt on the man ; Levant has been i unt.v enouth to help further the public r-!-lieM-nUtlon of him us a comic boor, which only serves as an ! uttentlun-getting front for :i J genuine talent. List expri'sw-d in ' An American in Paris'" and ' O ' Henry's Full llmisc" and now on view in The I Don t Care Cilrl " fertihty. ltAISK TIIKI E H I T 'The alternative is raising tlu height of 000 nwles of dikes in the affected area by at least three feet. The dikes would have make sure, as far as is possioie, that such a disaster will never again occur. Though vast tracts of The Netherlands lie below sea level, the vulnerable south-west.ii the Rhine-Scheldt delta area com- Mr JtM IHiiiWvM il ON fMI ttml ll(IIS 1 Vi 1 ; f mm - to be kept in constant repair and David Wayne i.s doing the strumming and MitJ Oaynor las Eva Tanguayi the listening In "The I Don't Care Girl." Twentieth Century-Fox Technicolor musical based on the life and era of the celebrated Miss Tanguay! Oscar Levant also stars in the film, opening Thursday at the Totem Theatre. Oeome Jessel produced and Lloyd Bacon directed Walter Bullock's 1 Don't Care Girl" screenplay. , Ffatnrrtte on 'H ter ItinU" ( ai In f vrnirn shims 1: - 9: p.m. Mjlinee Saturday Z. p.m. prising tile lSianus, iuu.muiic iiu woutu inn suive uie salt piuuiriu. river banks of Zeeland. South j Meanwhile, the non-stop task Holland and North Brabant, were of plugging the breaches goes on. the areas mast affected. j First step is to lay great willow .A plan, drawn up many years "mattresses." weished with rocks, ago but pigeon-holed by succcs- on the sea h-d. This is to pro-si ve governments, has now come vide a foundation and stop fur yrlght-friend 8 N. Ilehitnan CPR Seeks 'Workable' Freight j S t um d Osea' up tw it He i a tC he did riot Swiss Discovery For iwui' i. " I exist, could not be Imagined " Rate Structure in Canada CZEMA ther erosion. j Then come bn; concrete caissons or pontoons, something like the concrete caissons used for the . harbor built on the Normandy j coast for the invasion of Ger-i man-occupied France. Alterna- tively, hulks of old ships are sunk i in the gaps. Finally, tons of clay I and sand, faced perhaps with I rocks and asphalt, are piled in to 'make the broad-based, rounded. ! grass-covered permanent struc-j ture which is an integral and I familiar part of the Netherlands ! landscape. TOTEM SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOUND Police Sergeant Fails to Stop Garnishee Order ally been fe.t, the level at which the "eqtia'.lj'd rates" are to be applied should be Riven "mast careful study' on the basis of preliminary tests. VICTORIA The Canadian Pacific Railway favors and sup-ports the piinciple of eqtialiiia-iion of freight rates. K D M. Spence. counsel for the company A MMOt s !! AUKS IliHIUf told the , Board of by! of Transport I flic Vhtoria. Imuran new uniform scale class rates proposed iiTropicana's ; commissioners at Features Slum mi Tairt 1 1 U 1 rut m The board beitan hearings at the board would can a Iom In iu T,', Thomas .,l v nn Fu. s ant the capital on the matter of Revenue to his company of more Kt faded in a b d to pr eve nl cqualation" of the Canadian : than H000.0(K. said Mr. Spence. ljy , . . thr Suwme Couit irnm paying fie.tht rate structure. H said, in some clreumMan-. f0',nnrth h VuA,m irM , The board will sit at Vancou-Ues freight rates shouid be lup-."V? which w was uarni Bar.lls,. li'i-il jrom Ids VIRGINIA GEn HAV1D Eitl'a In Two Big ShuMiiif Once at (.11 JACK HAWKINS MICHAEL 0KNNIHON h. "HAWKS IN THE SUN" House to Sit I $4.98 SIZES 12 to 20 i.H'Jto 24 '4 M 33 to 44 "HURRICANE PILGRIM Hill" have liisruverid that an CAPITO iiai.rn:! il. licii-nrv in the liody can Today ond Thursday ver later this week, workins ed to suit the economy, ratner -M.tdually ea-sl on a tour that than that the economy, which; will take to all major centres. i i- far from uniform a -rws Can-, In pla-mg his company s posi-'ada, thould be strained by ap-. Hon before thv board. Mr. plica" ion of t ki ri'tid a pattern Spence said equalization applied -of equalization, he told the where reasonably possibi. with-, board out major disturbance to th" The ttoard of transport coin-economy of Canada, would be, rn;f, torn rs w.M told that BruLsh .beneficial to the nation. 'Columbia motorist a:? being Howevvr, where equalization -stoned to death" by an ever-i would do more harm than Eood increasing number of highway Loi, Show 8:10 l jiiii.i PUim ft 1 In Mornings VICTORIA The B.C. Legis- t : lature probably will start morn- ing sittings next week, Premier ; i W. A. C. Bennett said Tuesday. The premier hopes to squeeze I in the morning sittings on days ! when committees are not meet-i ing. I This may mean morning, af Tlwy're here again. That 1 maftic dress. Tropica na's. J You've liked them before. , 5 You'll lovj these brand new B iy;3 arrivals. Softly femin- I ine and price as low as only Tropicana can price them. Come on in and pick yours out. police wai;es durn-e i,e first '' months ol this year Easton Is creditor In a )udji- , ment brought against Stevenson ', In 1951. reqtilrinK him to pt'V $12 411 35 as damages for Injuries suffered by Murruy Fa- ton. an ! Infant, who was struck by Ste- I venson car OclolM-r 24. 19 ! A garnishee order apptovod by the court Ux.k I9'J05 from Stevenson's city pay cheque in both January and February. In Suprein Court rharnbers i Alan Beesiey, willcltor fir M r Easton. father of the child, applied to have the court jay tlie money to the Judgment creditor Mr. Justice J V Ciyiie gave his consent, after hearing Sorceant Btevenson'a protest. NOTICE tne Canadian racm: wou:a nu- traffic ign. le one of Ihe main causes ol Kc-zema. This h-d to ten yeare n-tean-h, n-sulting in the procesin(! o( a natural remeiiy extracted Irniii pure vryeiable oils il new contained in the Swiss F '"M" Treiiaratmns. Y '".e.j" is i new and rucr-lul aojirnaili In I'.izi nia. It is a Two-Way Treaiment taken internally tn ' Tehi-ve Ihc Oelii-ieney iCaiwulrsi ' iiil ajipiiiHl menially (tiintmentl : for ahuirptien throuKh the skin. F "KB" is biirnt usisl with out-manding nsull.-i even on r.Li.-s w here ail oriimarv treat mi-iu have faihtl. Write for free F "W illu.-'iraied I'.iHil.lit tn: Diva Lahoratiin.'f, Dept. 412, Saaiiicht'in. B.C. r u ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR ternoon and evening sittings lor j T0Cille B depart jer from strict ;the lawmakers on some rlays. equalization. ' Premier Bennett, it is under- He emphasired that the corn-stood, would hke to see the ses- ! pany was not looking for either sion prorogue befoie the Easter; an increase or a decrease In Its Annual Meeting Neil MacCallum. chief enpln-ecr of the BC. department of p-.iblic work', was the only wit-iio s at a br.t f tv-sii.n of the board on the problem of hlsh-ay-iallroad crussint!. He told of the increasing number of htirhway traffic slns and said there was need for a more j WALLACE'S : Dept. Store v.eek-end. re .nues tnrous;h equalization "It is the company s ..side ob-jis-t.ve in taking part in the present hecriim to adst the beard In devising a simplified and workable rate structure for Canada that will be fair to all oonsDicuoM tvw it slltn for The sergeant, who appeared in " " ' i Try Daily News Want Ads: railroad rraisings. i person, said that the $1i 0j 51 Veterans Heading Home From Germany CREDIT UNION in the roadside taken irom nm two pay ci-juei Because of so many parties," Mr, Six-nce said. 11 . .submitted that when the haa lei.i nun wiui oniy swi month. (pattern of equalization has tin- OTTAWA Fifty-one veterans signs, h.; said, railroad crosMnas could be distinctly denoted by a f ign suspended over the centre of the hlahway, perhaps aboc l.(HK) feet ahead of the cro.-.i;i... ! Mr. M-Ca.ltim said, however. of Canada's 27th Infantry Bri SPECIAL on SHOES gade Group will begin their He said he could not carry on with such little money . , He said he had offen d to provide $25 a month to the Judgment creditor but said this offer had been rejected. ! Mr Ileesley said the offer was CANADIAN LEGION HALL on Thursday, March 19-8:00p.ra Refreshments Films will b Gold Theft Suspects Released that tl, r problem of railroad .rowings is ' fairly well" under .oniriii in tif The Drcibletn U homeward trek this week after serving a one-year tour fit duty in Hannover, Germany. The group, representing every province in the country, will board trains at Hannover Thurs 20 OFF ALL turned down because $.'5 a month not as serious a) in Eastern represented only half the Interest (Canada bccaU"- BC. hlvhway rate which the court has allowed traffic is "comjiarativeiy light." on the outstanding Judgment day, bound for a channel-cross-; TORONTO (P Hope that the LEATHER SHOES . ing to Southampton. The follow- 'gm,,,,, Qf iast September's $214.-ing day they will sail for home 00Q gold rohl)ery mystery was In aboard the liner Scythia. sl(,ht faaed today. The draft will be commanded Earlier police In Vancouver by M.iJ. A. M. Stirton, MBS, Ed- announced that, on the strength monton. and is scheduled to 0f "wanted" posters, they were reach Halifax March 28. ' , holding two Toronto men for included" in the home-comma questioning in connection with I I $8 "v91tL uKiiJtutfltb jwiiktAmii 353 ' 1 IQWIWllC7SlS) ' the itold theft at nearby Mallon.' They identrfied them as William i Kenneth Plnkcy and Leonard Gordon Siseo. both 21. and SLIPPERS -Men's - Women's - Children's Fashion Footwear draft are two from British Columbia, six from Alberta, one from Saskatchewan, three from Manitoba, 22 from Ontario, five from Quebec, two from New Brunswick, eight from Nova Scotia and one each from the provinces of Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. I After investigation, they said i 1 Slscoc has rx-en cleared of any r 1 ' 1 ""-" connection with the gold robbery. I They also said Pinkney Is not i being held on the gold charge. S The earlier reports from couver puzzled RCMP officials ;;: Toronto, who said they distributed-no pictures after the i robbery. I Inspector Rutler of the rtCMP 6ef(araation... in Toronto said the RCMF interrogated hundreds of suspects after the robbery, but as far as he knew, Sisco or Pinkney were not among those questioned. i c, ; Vancouver police said they picked up the pair on a routine check of cars bearing Ontario ' plates after an Ontario auto was j n ported stolen. t oraaJ t,,al flX'rhe milk in every can tr Vj) riyjv'v'; with all-new DRmRIUO ccbs Xy 'Alft'C all-new DRIVtRIZtD features """V V j . 1 hK ."fV- , Out -n c the wmc time ' . ;;, atm Prowl car officer Pat Bowe suid he thought he recognized Kisco from pictures distributed In connection with the gold robbery. ie-lCaraa11"" ; The Malton airport gold rob-' bery has baffled police. The six ! gold bars destined for Swiss and . .-ecV use : vane. - i... titer lint - i British banks vanished from : Trans-Canada Air Lines Toronto- to-Montreal shipment Sept. 25. A $13,000 reward was posted. at your liiuatisfy you. The theft was not discovered 1 until the cargo reached Montreal, giving th thieves a half-day j start. Police believe the gold was FORD TKUvn DEALER'S Lr " 1 , I wn taken across tne border and sold In the United States. i 0 HOOOIMIJ A J IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE