I ' r', n fS ( A'MWAVWAVA'.WW f'-i Prince Rupert Daiiy News Wednesday, March 18, 19i3 ASSIID Today's Sfocks m Prince George Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR VANCOUVER tCFPR BLACKWOOD on pHONt 74ft FOR HELfrUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER paHJljNg FOR CLA3SXFIEP ADVERTlslNO :30 PM UAy PRr:Vi0n3 -5k! by EASL2Y BLACKWCX-O ificd Kates 4 no pm. day pre- ,i':ill'in. ,-, iii.s it word per ..mini i chaw SO .'.II relit: OanU pc.ilh NiWices, t'lcfs. M.irri:iv! and I Aiin"iit!r''frient.5, Piayers Still Trick Count The changes in bidding methods over the years liave b:-cn largely matters of refinement. Basically", '. layers have lised the name general methods for two decades. I BCSINESS PERSONALS THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyalt hduse wirlim and elect rieal repairs. 14') 9th Ave. Wc.'t Phone Red 185, is2i WORIJVS FINEST CLEAN Mt ... ELKCTKOLUX. Phone Uw 970 fur Parts Salss Service. (Cl WII-FORD Electrical Works' M..-tore boiiisht. sold, rewound arid repaired. . . ufi MAGAZINES, novel il'N. New.? Htand If) NLKLV fciiHly u.t.s la. ic NATIONAL M.uhmery Co. Limited. Mstrlliiitiirs Jon: Minm;;, .Hiiwmlii. Nigging and Contractors' Equipment Imiulr-len Invited. Oranville Island, Vaneouver 1, II r:, (if) AOENT3 for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd . for oxygen, acetylene and all welding Mipplic.v Lindsay's Cartage & K'.orat'e Ltd. Phone 60. (ci HAVE your lugg-Re cleaned and ; Faror Honor in Hand Values South dealer Neither side vulnerable Vm-IIi (Mm Kwn) 8 A J 6 4 H Q 6 4 13 A 7 8 4 C A J WrM la. li l!r;i-h) (Mr. hamplmi ) S 10 9 7 6 S N.ine H A 8 II K J 9 7 6 2 D--Q 8 5 D-J 9 2 C 10 6 5 3 C 9 8 7 2 iih ( Mr. Il.ile) K Q 8 3 2 H 10 3 4 D K 10 3 1 C K 4 The blfldlnif: .Snuih w.'st North East IS. Puss 2 D PafS 2 S Pass ' 4 S All pom , he had ruffed low. Miss Brash j would have overmffed Ruffing ; high would be no better because 'hat would make Miss Brash's 10 of spades a sure winner later n the hand. Of course, Mr. Dale always ' had a certain diamond loser. Sensibly enough, he didn't ruff ; 'he third heart lead at all. He merely dLsxarded the trey of diamonds. Now nothing could beat him. Another heart could be ruffed In dummy and any other lead could be won, trumps extracted and the hand spread for JO tricks. repaired for spring and sum FOR SAI E j j t You'll Save ! i I I ' At j ! i Simpsons-Sears I i j, I. "Modern Maid" Electric i Stove. I Automatic $299.95 Loundry Hampers $14.95 Torchiers and Trilites Complet $14.95 SPECIAL 1 Mr and Mrs Bed rOOm f . . une complete with spring ond moftress. ! Reg $206.95. Now $186 25 i ! EXTRA SPECIAL ' $30.00 for your old washer Locomotive Washer, Reg $139.50 Less trade-in ....$ 30.00, YOU PAY $109.50 Simpsons-Sears j 3123,d AvP Phone 400 , Pr'nee BuMrt ; , FOR SALE Two-pieee Chester - llClu hUile unu oedrOOUl SUlie. I five montns old. No 3 Aldlne ! Apts Green 241 ,v! T j FOR SALE Oi! ramie Call eve- ' ntni;s. 910 10th East. i85pi j j FOOTHILLS i.Mwitleni) e on L rh'ilie t51 Phllpott, Evitt & j Co. Ltd. ' 1 FOR SALE Sunshine babv ' J hu fifty and pushcart. SfH) ThumpMin Ht. i6ji j FOR 8ALKN. w lirnbcr 2 X 12's I Phone nine 954. i68pl ' i IU4I. ESTATE ('finrtey m. 4i)tiriiiAn ,. I. id.) VANCOfVER Ampriean Standard .. 15'2 Bralorne 4 50 B R X .02 Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Congress 03 Cronin Bablne .13 Giant Mascot .42 -Indian .09i3 Pioneer 1 95 Premisr Bolder .08 Privateer .05 Keeves MacDonald .21 Sheep Creek ' .75 Bilbak Premier .20 TaJtu Hiver Of1 1 2 Vananda .02 -4 Spud Valley .04 Silver Standard .... 1 1 Western Uranium .. 300 Sil-Van .43 Dim reen .21 EsU'lla ., (Mi Oils-Anglo Canadian 6 95 A p Con 35 Calmont firj Central Leduc 4 00 Mercury 20-4 Okalta 2 ')) Royal Canadian 15 TORONTO Athona is Aumaque n Bcattie Dequesne 35 Bcveourt 60 Buffalo Canadian .27 Consol. Smelters 30 25 Conwest 4 hi) Donalda .' 65 Eldona . 40 Giant Ycllowknife 10.25 God's Lake .SB Hardrcx k - .10tj Harricana .12 Heva Gold .071-; Joliet Quebec .30 Duvex 46 Little Long Lac 73 Mad.sen Red Lake 150 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 2 45 Moneta 50 Noranda 77 50 Louvicourt 19 Pickle Crow 1.35 Petrol Oil & Gas 68 New Senator 234 Sherrit Gordon 5 10 Steep Rock 8 00 Silver Miller 991 2 Sweet Grass .:. 65 Golden Manitou 2 80 Landover Oils 37 Rix Athabasca 2 35 Nesbitt Labine 3.20 Eilers Win Senior Title VAVCOUVER (CP) Thp de- fending champion Vancouver ELers w in uk opening game of th,' best-oMhree scries la.st Friiiay fT-48. They meet C.11-Sanj' tie.,"; 'in tin-.;- quest for n 'ccond straight Cinrulian ihr.m-pioiiship. Itookic Jja.i ?.!i!: hr!l .n the bi'4 gun for Eilers. cjnum 11 p ints. Niloen fi.o.l lari wius next with 10. Kingi held Eilers to a 11 ittir nt nail time uy i iimo.mii'j; seme accurate Ions' shooting with a tight dcien.'e. AW M U U wk, t-T FOR A LASTING SHINE MOTICi Hollywood Vl l .4, if1 -Is,". 'V'Jw t t Ml- " 'A -I 1 '' 1 I t ' 'f '! I i. k-i . . 1 ": f - t It' , ' . ' i - v -1". Xk r' At r.--. ' It ' . ''rf" -s . -' i I. Jlf I , I , . v '.. .. K . , . 4 . r . -i-.r-. j.. .U . '( .1 ' " f :v 1 - i "9 . i"' H J,f. s'4 -Stj, , PL 4 ' r r., . it." ! , ' " !.. r ..'. 4 . 1 .. i' ' "i 1 . .,.t:1 :-" , ,. . . a: j- ' . ; " . ' i 'i , f , : t-. - ' . s ' -sir , ... j, w r t - -.- -.- i 1 and Intermediate Ports, 1 Eoch Thursday ; " at 11:15 p.m. . For KETCHIKAN WEDNESIMY Midnielit Csmfort and Service is'lean im m HeiMit nniif ( ' f pl-"e Kupeit. tC, DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe: i Now n Piafc:fonittZ JOHN H. BULGER i Oploitieliiil 'ihird Avenue ' John Dulqer Ltd. John F L Hughes, D.C. CinROPR ACTOR Hrs. 10.30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 2S Besner Block f hone B'ue 442 H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 347 P.O. Box J74 By CH.IC YOUNG I VVONDFQ 1 ns.-w wiMy 1 v. WHISKERS V-ll) I THAT WOULP I -i BE Nullect to Chingfc) RADIO IV At 1240 Kilocycle V.VAVAW-WW wrnnpDAT 5 on-ln-rnuiumnl Commentary liC-fi Hnwhwrn 6 ao.Simi'-lhioie in Harmony 6 :4E - Ntritrftnorty SfWH 0 0 U-Kialutum H-cixirt by Nesbiu IJ 15K:iufMr H.imtuJft fi-.miey Bitruit Hlviw 7 m-ws n w 7 1. '--' IK.' New Rmimlup 7 OT-TI Ane of Klmitx-th I I !i o cm; Ni-w i' io ik: nw I0rl& CUornl Program 11 Oil - Weather R.-p-rt-t 1 1 (11 Mimic Till Mullilf.M 12 ! hli.,,lT thkrxday AM 7 U -Miifatai irl-x 7 no m: wiiuhcr hioiwt 7 ni-Musl iti Cl'k H 11 8 10 - Here Bill fVxKj H lf- MurrntiK Htmut H :'40.MrirtliiiKa Deyotloin If 4.'t-LilUe iiiitcrt l:00-'bHC' KfW A; Oinimrriiary 9:1.5-MtiKit-iU VarirtiM yi -Tlliii- Hijrnal 10 HO MoniliiK Vl-.lt 10 l.r ''MuUth I thr Purjilr Rw" 10 The Wt-kS Anii Hi ! -Muslrnl K.lrlicn 1 1 110 KuiiK rt'arten l I ho Air 1 1 'l.l' ft.oiiiKiiip Tun 1 1 w Wllii r H-pirt 11 .1 1 - li'10Jtll' 11 I'll Hi n n n-c mi 11 ia -ariiiaoiuiViuH MiliUim PM 1 ixi-MUI-Dht Wilinliil 13 IS cue N..w I'i ls Hniviiim I'eumr 12 s-B C. Parm Ur-Mdoct I'i --'i luoi-d'tJ TnterhKlc 1 on Tli Cimoert llmir 2 1) -B: tirhi-nl Brniilc:iKt "1 .W T'Ulny n hienl 2 45 - Piano P-.p S on -UmiKta It Y"ll 3 :t - TniriK-l'iiiinrta Malinec 4 l It.KKl Htl',W ito I'm MrShaniy M-i Plrtf 4 4.') IUJ JCi.w, Wr:iLhT Hi-port A-Bomb Shelter Planning in U.K. Well Advanced i.ONDON r-A .urvey of the mast vulnerable areas of Britain is belnR undertaken by the home office to determine shelter re- rmlrenienla an-iincf a rmsnibln -tism Hrtmh -itt.t- In mvartt tf another war. In a pamphlet entitled Civil Defence and the Atom Bomb," It l disclosed that the general pro- gress of shelter planning already is well advanced. To ensure that th, best use Is maile of available resources local authorities In likely target zones have been asked to formulate propose la on rcfiiuiiul .shelter iieed.s and iu- gest how they can be provided. ln 'eaiics primarily srns 10 arouse keener intertst ln the country's civil defence organiza - J .'tion and underscores previous , "The destructive power Is ohvi- ouslv enormous but even so Its effect Ls limited. Outside the hardest hit .area there will still be tens of thousands of lives which can be saved by shelter and stionR civil defence services." The Rctierul tendency It continues. Ls to Judge the effects of &n atom bomb by the damage caused by the two dropped during the war against Japan on an entirely unprepared population at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Home office experts say it now is eneraiiy Known, nowever.uiat in the 'city of Hiroshima more lyuitt. half the people who were within a mile of the atomic blast iiii ii At M.ii. ic'ik-I nearlv seven out of 10 persons within a mile ,,t (he exnlosinn lhi.r lived to relate their experiences. "It was found at Nagasaki," says the pamphlet, "that a number of small shelters, well covered with solid earth, survived within 300 yards of the centre of damage." WANTED TO REN F WANTED Room and board for stenographer, starting March 21. Phone Oreen 790, or PO Box 1327, Station B. ! 85) WANTED TO RENT Four-to-six-room house iu.nfiirni.shed) by April 1. Box 633. Daily News. (73pl WANTED CASH FOR Scrap; copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West (c) WANTED Heavy wheelbarrow. Write P.O. Box 533. (680 1 TAXIS, and TKANSI I KS CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distonce CRATTNO and PACKINO Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point In B C. Phone 95Q First Ave. and McBrlde (e) BATTERY SERVICE RUPERT Battery Shoo. 284 feast! 3rd Av. Plume blue 128. He- pa lis, reeharRlntf an.-1 rebuild-j lug. Voik guaranteo. tell icl honor tru:fc iiit tiiad of vain- in;? their hands. Some of our best players like the Four Act s Qtint 3-2-1-1, fur ace-kiruv lunT.-iai k. En, tho ' ciim-n'. Tend is toward the old Miltoa Work count of 4-3-2-1. Two and a half honor tricks: 6'2 or 9, Four Aces count; or 13 joints. Work count all com:; bout the same for a minimum oper.iii'i bid of one in a suit. Mr. Dak- s oix iiin? bid of on" parte in today's deal represent? t minimum in anv svstn!n. Mrs. Keen made a waiting bid of two diamonds to see how strong Mr. Dale's rebid would be. When he made a minim urn rebid of'tw rndei. siie contented herself with a jump to game on her very fine hand. Mr. Dale could nut ai'ord to May carele.i.sJy In spite of the fine dummy laid down by his partner. Miss Brash led the a. of hearts and continued with the cifjht wh'.'it her partner flashed the nine spot.. Mr. Champion wen the second trick with the jack of hearts whei Cummy played low, and returned the king. If Mr. Daje had ruffed this trick either hiah or low, he would have lost his contract. If CITTING COSTS j NORTH BATTLEFORD , Sask. CP)- Rev, B. T. Johnson of First Li pt 1st Church here, a skilled : tradesman, directed his con?re-', '.cation in a voluntary effort to ' tebulld the church destroyed by I lii e ln 1950. The new church, u-! cer.Uy dciieated. :cit $19,030 ; and Ls wcrth about $40,000. W,7MilUIIUIillill,iukllWiilVvVS A uLCtUE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Klark 816 and Red 127 the Cab for You L ,v (limbic price. , ( .'uinls ,i :,ift respun-.l-ili.d :i(is inserted r , mill vs notification , ,, ,,1-iivtl within hr t insertion. , M I MKSTS , 'Lii'.ir.. March 4 ml p-'ity March , :mil Professional ,,ii anituul card i .11 I ion Hull, i I i,ili-U Hall tea, 'ENTION 1EENAGERS ;Box Party !:qht 9-12 ;S HALL 50c ocr person C7 V 1 A card party.' i. ili.ry Hpiing riale. u.n. inch Sitviol . V..,r. h 2( . alu r- . r..ni!. T A. White Eele- .1.1 !) -S K li.ike :.i!e, (im -1 n .. March 28. j ' -.hliin Show vi' Outre fi' s.ile. Aplll 1, Mini Easter P'tl i; I, Annoi irs. fii 1 Hi.iihy .Show, v Wedliekday, 12. C'tlicdral bazjiar ill 5 hale Hi.,),!, r daffodil ;'i:ii!'.; IViz;ui.-, h.iaar at '.'in! 23, in. Sprint; Hon- : 311 a 'n i ition t a, f'limil. May 2, ':r, May T ! sire It WA. Sprint! XI 1 1.1 ty Tea n1 M.lV 13. 'r I' :i. May 14. H' Moose Sprint -I, Miiose Temple. 'i le, May 20. -uinary ten.j i June 4. i iwvr NOTICE " ' Rnderlek McRae. onnounce the her daughter. 10 Walter Lome, and Mrs Waller M;iDinli!i mi...i . ""lllllUUll t "J 1; Mont wuebec Htp) unioKi m Pauline Wernitir v March 18. 194' 'irnift. utp) n:nsoxATs I'lfied ad in this " a wnnnnilenl six . words for 3 con- . "...sncutive davs mtl reinemh- ...... 1 fri,'nd or niui.';: sttr8ncM that UlPre ls a d-iE'iCrS madp PV Off rmvrT ri'PFRT RFAITY of fer4 ir "wrt.m7fo, ; ,""re ataiit alom b""lbs' las w;ii"'d Victoria Kin.s "Anyone who think there Is 51-39 to mi 1 Overlm'k : Rt full cement' trte the British Mtun-basement and harbor view, oil ; 1,0 dcfPnre a:ainst a" atnm bombibi.i s 'o. Wom.uj's Bi -Ket-1 ranee and heater. S4500 00 wrong." the pamphlet says. ta."i title in iv. j straight games. liVAWAWVAWrtrAWW.VAVAWV.'.W.-; mer travel Plump Hed 6 lor pick-up and delivery. iC'ipi PLUMrjINfi, niiUimatli- oil hr inn. sheii metal wink Plume M:. Call 6:.u 6th West. tuiirneau. ic PICHARn RFPHTON dlltrli": inent Mtituul Ufp of Canada For Life InMiranee rounvel. Phone 4:i4 r;i i i(T 4M HIIMI LOST-Blai'k lKK ket-i,lzj- note-book between Dawes Btgre nd Prlnee Ru)-rt Hotel, last Friday Reward. U C. lioulo. Terrme 16.51 IILLP W M I l--MAl.E WAWTF.rCAm;'nrkTa"rVlS; own buMneu. Almost no mon-j ey required. Bewint; machine experience helpful hut nut! rwemi ll. Kl )iy let 1I0X Mull Dnilr News. f5l ' VYAN'TKD Immediately, yount; man. 21-30. for office nail Experience preferred hut not essential. Apnlv In jwrion to th W H. Mnlkin Co Ltd !!' I HI I P H NTEI I EMM.K APPLICATIONS will he received by the undersigned tip to 6 urn., M.inh 30. for the ivwi - tinn of t'ltv En-'lnei r or Ku- 1 rx riiHemlenl of Work for the 1 Cltv of Prince Runert Apiill ennts must state aire, marital suitus. experience and salary ejrneeterf - J? W UmR.CitV Clerk I BHt iPPL"'ATtONS will lw recdve-l bv I n undersigned on to 5 nm, M'n h 30. fur the position M"nleliva Assessor for (he Cl'v of Prim e Runert An-nlicanis must st ite nee. niaii. tal status experience and sal-arv eviMited. -It. W. Unu;, City Clerk WANTFH llookkeeper A res' v Box 1430 (6R1 AGENTS VTH RAWLF.IOH d-nler w-'liled nt (.?ie-. Good ooiHirtontlv. Write et nii' In Rawl"l"h's Dipt C1663. Winnlpic. Man EARN nn to 115 daily selling oiim'i -.siin. 11M111111A unr n'ai punranlee Also ftimrnnteed : nvlons. latest sweaters. Vo lo-' vestment free sales kit: or send S5 00 for master sales kit w'h mnles Surn'r-Sox Can-nd.i, 18 York St , Hamilton Ont. IMMTS I OR S AI E FOR SAI E Halibut boat Pauline V. I-eniMh 4fi lieim 11' 10". Powered with 150 H P. Rcrlmw. Fnllv eonlnned with hnllbut pear. A pood se-i Imni. Soilqb'" for drum seiiiini;. trollinn or tmekln" Black 183. Phon" afUr 5 Dm. (68p) fXR RALE 3 ft. troiier Vidorv . A-l condition. Phone Rlue 054. iBHpl 'cars FOR SM.V. FOR SAI F 195? Meteor custom hne automatic 8 000 miles. Fverv conceivable necessorv. Fv-eiient condition. Phone 946. lB8p) FOR RALK 1052 Ford Tudor houcht last December. 3.800 miles." As new. Phone O-een 928 67p FOR RAI " '3? Ford two-ton truck. '36 Terrnplane sednn Chevrolet 6 piswer unit "36 Dodt;p motor, Rndio and record nlayer. kitchen ranee, eleetrle rndlator. used tires end batteries nnd eord"'Ood -w. Amilv Midland Pines. Phone Black 739. Box 988. (65) FOR S.M.F. FOR RALF T'endle 'Wi" machine. 310 5th Ave. We- (70o) FOR RALK lively cocker snnn-e) rmnnles 1 C"" be shinned CMR evnresa Mi"sme" Kennels, Francois Lake, B c (lt-ne FOR KALf Twin baby cnrrlnpe. Phone Blue 729. itf-nc) FOR RALK Victor hadinlnton , rnnuet with frame. Plume Elue SOI. (86p) I (Business &f DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circulr.r Letters - Monthly Bulletins any uind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 legs than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd A-'. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv i as your mailing list We do the rest. .- GREER & IIRIDDKN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Coastruclion, Repairs, Foundations and Re-roofir.g 2 15-1st Ave. W. .. ..Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Sows Sharpened 215 ls Ae. W. rhone 909 1HATS S.fehO J MINUTES OW j ;:i9ooi.j i f i't'CCSNDS y' 1 OF SWAV.N ra-sh. Five-rmim house on lots near Mi Unite .St on 71 h Ave. Eas' S,3iHiol) cash,, balance terms. Th'e view lots on Graham Ave. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Plume 301 (671 I' OR SALE Kix-room house, t'artlv fienisheil two oil stoves Jl lluO 201 7th West. '6Cpl FOR SALE Wartime Hons. 1 423 !h Fast Oiwn 137. iCS y()K RAI p Kxehanne HlfK k, mini" ThieH Ae and Sixth SI.. 50 x inn Business blivk pround flon. six un irtmenls mistijrs. al.so larso basement Jew "lUomatie oil furmwe Iimncdi'ite )K)Ke"sion. Full i nrlce $35 000: $15 000 down. . terms on b'laneo. W. Gurvieli . 1 nat Tl,.,,.1 ltlnl idHnll ,.,r ca,. ,t.-a. """ WHY PAY RENT? $1750 00 eish. bxlance as re "'"s this wartime four with full cement basement level lot. close to store and bus PiaiH!frt eleetrle range eni e'i burner included. Pric? $525000 Armstponpr Aeencies Ltt. Phone 312 Black 197, rvenlnes 166) ACCOINTANTS ri'Ttt.TC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tnx medalist. S O. Fur RlnnePiilldlnK. Red 503. (20m) Ft ill RENT SINGER r.EWINO CENTRE rent portable machines. Phon 864. FOR RENT Light housekeep-Imr room. Call after 6 p.m. 743 7th West. -jeSp) FOR RENT Corner store. Aider Block, Third Avenue and Sixth Street: Oil-O-Matlc hot ' water heating; owner will decorate to suit tenant. Also two stores on Sixth Street, could be used ns one large s 1 0 re. See Prince Rupert Fenltv, 345 Third Ave. (H) ROOM FOR RENT 339 61 h East. Phone Black 910. ( 07 v? po pNT- . Room t shnre Red 471. (67) FOR RENT Board and room. 223 4th East. (68p) FOR RENT Two-room furnished suite. 238 6th West. (69p) FOR RENT Two rooms and kitchen, rhone Blue 407. (69) a i TTA1C3 V CL A2t E3! Call 112 That's BLONDIE Quit Splitting Hairs, Dogwood! 1 HAT MeANS I --H-WE 1 sCH? 9iTY HOUCS r-s AND FIFTY )"-, MINUTES - t?Y SEA? c .'.'mv do :eN L v. . - HAS i ro HAVS 1 .-s visvesf 'y-.-.st . ; Mir.ITes 'TyNVT5 1 ; I . r j 11T e Oreeter X 'ilit 9 "ke to visit Phone (m 1 (68) (b,l'" nd J. "mates. Phone