"1 Ivlm jrmuk Skinner is sailing ! r Kiuice Rupert Doiiy News frirtay, March H, )9.v: ' n e Sunday night on the Chilcotin ! for a visit ir. Vancouver. ! R. E. Wolverton of ths .Consoli - erSonalA .iiii"" " f pari') jril ', !, Hi-- condition that it would be repaid in five yearly payments of $500 each. The loan, he revealed, had Church Pays Off Its Debt dated Mining and Smelling Co., who has been spending the winter ouUide, sailed on the Princess Norah this morning for only been procured by by-passing Two Sides to Dietetics, Woman Speaker Tells Rotary Working as a dietician in a hospital is a two-sided job one, scientific, the other dealing with human relations. It is the. latter side of her job which Miss Jean McLeod, Prince Rupert General Hospital dietician, often finds amusing.. established practice but he felt desperate cases required desper Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Love ofiit Cecil Abrams, general manager for the Yukon and White Pass Route at Skagway, and Mrs. Abrams were passengers aboard the Princess Norah this morning bound north for the season after spending the winter in Victoria. ate remedies even although it did appear a. formidable task, requiring both courage and con were in 1 Uble card party 1;" niKht by wom-;pa;yof Canadian Le- fejCroKfordand I'l'Srs. J-Simpson and 3,,.s m. Chappie and I FOR A H LASTING AiMrl, Wadena, Sask., sailed on the Prince George last night after a" week's visit here with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Razzo. If you want to sell it, aavzrVjf most men pa- For instance First Presbyterian Congregation Has Good Reason to Celebrate There was reason for celebration at First Presbyterian Church Wednesday night. The JLadies' Aid and Men's Club were joint hosts at a social evening held to suitably celebrate the final payment of $500 being made on a loan of $2500 procuied some A. M. Borland, formerly of this city and for the past nine years viction- in the face of other pressing obligations and commitments. The nickle tank scheme was one means of raising mon'ey that suggested itself. The success of the scheme he believed was a tribute to the untiring tlents in this city are fishermen phases of an overall project to "and they have very definite improve health and efficiency ot located at Whljehorse where he Ideas about fish as food," Miss ; human beings throughout the ; is in the civilian service of the McLeod told Rotarians at lunch-, whole life span by providing food j Royal Canadian Engineers, was i '. ,,im,mtl' I" charge; r Pat Ander- adjusted to meet the needs of 'here aboard the Cassiar this1 efforts of the Ladies' Aid, assist- eon Thursday. Mrs. I mhn inninfi. ed in some degree by the Men's. "They either cannot stand the; the body. . , j H Mrs. uraii.un, u eighteeen months ago for reno-Club in the distribution and col-jslgnt of anything remotely rc- j0(,) ajd PEACE morning bound south for a trip to Vancouver. Returning north in a few weeks he will fly from Seattle. llllicnts wtic "-i vauuu ii nie iiui;ii yiujjri ur.i. iccuuii ui uie uuiiks. me luuirs gembling gills or fins or else wiey "But nutrition is a big word MUSICAL FESTIVAL"' NOTICE me luru-uub was migr. were at me momeiii applying live on httle else. One patiem Fred Conrad, president of the ; uiemseives wun similar zea. ana ; ol mine announced he was al- nn;l Moore is sailing energy to providing a carpet for Men's Club, was In the chair in post war vocabulary and is cne of the major factors in establishing conditions of world peace," said Miss McLeod. "Two-thirds of the world's Sunday nigui, tiilcotin p to Vancouver right if he was fed 'good halibut and fried spuds' three times a day, every day!" In a hospital, meals were of the church. In their capable hands the success of their efforts would be a foregone conclusion. rf IPv nil yn,-.v .. that f I L.n LSI , :llb ICU wmi. nil IfllC; . nt ft- i w'liile Jack Evans was master of ceremonies. The meeting was opened with the singing of the Doxology after which the minister, Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright, led In prayer. Onmes were to test th? musical people never have had enough to eat or the right kind of food ; to promote health. In the past! it was accepted as a foregone H 4.' last congregational meeting held . n,B,u"eu , " in January it had been decided ' Persons for they had little else to continue the bank collections 1 1 occupy thelr tlme- Miss Mc-f... M.f ,.tk ' Lred Illustrated how one long- the STETSON open road THIS IS THE LAST CALL FOR MUSIC AND DRAMA FESTIVAL ENTRIES sense of smell and touch of the commitments could be similarly i term patient had a standing or-knowledge, noslness, also thel t, . der for a salad plate on fish n-hist and dance, Fri- sense of smell an dtouch of the n.rmhn,Mtc n h,h tast i davs. ( no conclusion that hunger was in-1 evitable, even though two-thirds of the world population was engaged in agriculture. "Even those who produce the food do not get enough of it, or the right kind." But today, science provides in contestants. Perhaps the most ; 9 hAan ' ,oro nmuiriwH I He takes ftreat delight in -irk . UiUH e. I,""""'"" i llllcIcSvliiK luiiiuciiuuil kbs uic,-j ..,.h K lk I oHIou' Aim rofi Lw)(Ji.' wm j ; paper culwuk cum-cai. uas 1 64c) j been generally accepted that'8ldent( Mrs w w . BoweSi ret style. checking up on it every time I pass through the ward." On the scientific side of her job, Miss McLeod traced the history of dietetics to Florence Nightingale, the founder of tha women were the unajsputed lowlng whk.h lhe enjoyable 1 drive and tournament ai usts oi uie nuie aim ";party came to a conclusion with formation on how to produce enough food to feed the world, said Miss McLeod, and the United Nations Food and Agricul hears, although James Clark, ;tho .int,in n, Al,iH i.ane Rvne ower M.in h la, Moose icin-ntnik'ome. 1 64c) Northern B. C Co. Ltd. nursing profession, during her both in his preliminary heat and accoro ied on tne plano by In the final, showed that he too.Ml.s James Evang who had of. knew which as the business end ,jciated ln a simiiar capacity of a pair of shears. He was a ri.,rlni7 ,h. msirai nart 0f the ,rt ,,n. all U'Kion and ?S. eiMlx-rs: Hold April 1 , j ., anniversary pany UK R4ci ! Popular winner. i games played earlier in the service in the Crimean War. Later, in 1890, hospitals began a movement to place women specially trained in foods and food preparation in charge of diet kitchens. Today, a four-year university course and a fifth practical post ture Organization is the first step, in putting the scientific information to work by joint planning. Miss McLeod called on everyone interested in one's own health, that of .one's family or community, or of mankind " in general to learn something about this timely subject of The highlight of the evening evening. :;t:l pi i nis. Drop in was the presentation by Mrs. W.j QUALITY CHESTERFIELDS nr ul All work guaran- w. cowes, presiuenv oi ine ry's Bfauty Salon, Ladies' Aid, to E. J. Smith, repre-itf)Senting the Session, of a check ! for $500 a final payment on the Auxiliary Canadian loan in accepting, Mr. Smith nual banquet, March (hanked everyona who had in graduate year prepare women for dietetic positions of three types hospital, commercial and industrial. Prince Rupt-rt Mr. and Mrs. H. Hart. Terrace; L,;'ion Auditorium. anv w8y contributed to the li- Classified advertisements iu,1 Djctetica and nutrition overlap .11-1 :. .. ... . , fnnttahp k spn nn sipwan a - quiaa-ion oi ine loan ana par-,- - - ,'. v:n 'to . considerable extent as 1 the News nay big dividends. 34: stressed the fact that - " ( ; ticularly uf the Prince Rupert which iticotiver; h. l. coieman ana u. n. i the promptness with Associa- ; -.ul Owners lie held in ' Premier; S. A. Brooks. Minnea- th.es C1tVlC,that same sum of money again lft at :? ... mi c ripnrffp inhnstnn vanrou- .adav. March ; T ava laDl-d lor a similar purpose i ". " , "' 3c) .,.,,,,.. rf rt.,,hii MM:ver; Miss F. M. Neighbor, Ter- Ilere'i the famous Stetson Open Rnad, the Veterii (trie that has rtpiilly lMvomt one of the E8t" most popular hats. The nigged individualitr of the Open Road is in keeping with the distinctive jwrsonality of the mas ho wears it. Why don't ym try it .'. . today ? Watts & Hickerson MEN'S CLOTHING "u'div March 16 'influence the central committee race. t,;: m-,:, Hanin BLA1RMORE, Alta . fCW-A r n S Local of the jXr ZiZn icoal cleaning plant operating "lure- Rljort of Compen-p,ll'lar here was built at a cost of $250,- nHtee All members The chairman, then cal.ed " reclaims 500 tons of refuse ( ,64r, 'upon Dr. Wright, originator of j . the nickel bank scheme which jcoal aauy '. . For the best irt Chesterfields all famous makes see TEA BAGS Rupert Oddfellows had proved so successful. 63 Attention All ind sojourning Breth- Di Wright graciously submit- i Annual Meeting oi me ted to a ten-minute restriction , Prime Rupert Rod & f.un Club and said this was one of the I Friday, March H, 7:30 p.m. 1 Gordon & Anderson ;-:rd to attend the fun- ur late brother John happiest days of his" life. He re-1 Canadian Legion. Election of Saturday, March 15, 2 lated briefly, on account of the officers. Films shown. Phone 46 he Grenville Funeral ; time limit, the story of how the j Everybody welcome. J Davidson, Secretary, i loan of $2500 was negotiated on ' i UJ r n n rvn cr3 4-piece Grey rJ" - '41 'piece Blond Mahogany IDROOM i ' ...y t 1 c SUITE UITE 1 - i t ' w t 1" .ye" X nee Price 254.50 Trade-in Value 55.00 iade-in Value 45.00 nerara F A i i ; f k 10b' Offi M ALL f H U U IS ASSOCK Orey and Cream. Special Value 9.95 1 MARCONI CONSOLE RADIO Priced at 89.50 lint- HOSTESS CHAIR, Chartreuse, rayon friese 23.95 2 TABLE LAMPS and Shades, Chartreuse. Each ....... 9.95 BRIDGE SET, 1 CRIB, portable, lor car, 1 PULL-UP CHAIR, green, other uses 7 -95 exceptional value 29.95 Living Room MANTEL MIRROR, i Sunshine SIDEWALK BICYCLE, Priced at..... 12.95 Priced at 4 1 .95 1 VACUUM CLEANER 71.50 1 FLOOR POLISHER 39.50 Red leatherette. Price . . 34.50 ICHROME WOODGRAIN CHAIRS, Plastic Fabric, each ... 21.50 1 Lionris ILf&PSON PACIFO ROBERT Inl Phone 360 SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED U 3rd Avenue West