I n i iTtToTt? Prince Rupert Daily News All Aboard Bv G. E. MORTIMORE s v 1 "rvliw , ... As I See It Saturday, June 6, 1953 ' m.. BY An Indpppniient daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnre Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member ut dumdum Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dully Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. ..J. P MACKJIi, President H O. PERRY. Vice-President UJ Svmm mm 110.. o, II""! (Ufa Just Like Jersey Joe j A COUPLE of weeks ago the sporting world was all I agog about a prize fight. Vancouver newspapers! carried enormous pictures of one of the contenders ; inn;,!, W;ilif I I; Saturday Sermon j ' THE CALL OF THE CHURCH By MAJOR W. C. POULTON, MBE TEXT "The voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" Isaiah 6:8. And not only In Isaiah's day but tn this day the same "voice of the Lord" is to be heard on every hand. Isaiah was born In a day when the need for leadership was Intense, and the supply short. ' i llisi i . ; " i , The prta-fightc- was carrying le PJemler rlht, . a,M' ! tiered e a Holy Biole. whk-h he I us ! would act a a sort of super- f h mff' 8,1(1 I duper ' rabbit's foot good luck 'lt, ,the "ground "f t i top ofllclals ami cabinet uiiiiLs- (.h of the So, ial Cm"1 111 j I But jersey Jo,- lasted less than .a .sinule round he went out for ' ' i 8r Cfit o,' c We have come to that sanie sanieiOl oi the me Christian i.nrisuan Church Church with! Headquarters in Prince Rupert Ik: day in this era. are sllorl of men and In case you mistuke my mean-' Jnat women Instead of taking a program 'the count in two minutes and' 1 Jui ty-fivc hecuiuU! Ii. u. I,, made In advance for them In Alberta, and handed to them la iiiu let me explain that I havel 'u. ",J" l"c" "neaoy es- n. Terence to the kind of leader-! fu""''il'ed 111 l"w sreat nortJrprn shin fh.it. urn. text sneiik of . 1 llalf f British Columbia, and "Whom shall I send and who will fannut h ""t us they should , Rumlny j,.,,,,,, J fctN'Dlim Pry 73) RIGHT above the picture of Jer- printed form the B.C. Socreds .sey Joe Waleolt carrying Ills 1 would have been better advised to examine the uctml records of bit? Bible as a prise light charm ; was a bitf sjlah by Hon. Erlc!lhe ''' ,h,,y elated to hhjh ; Martin, who was "forgiving", office. hospital insurance tax dodgers Had they done so, they would ; a cool one million dollars "for-1 have tj'-ei: spared the embarrass- j giving" tax dodgers at extra cost '.merit which has followed the. to those who have faithfully paid' revelations of the pa.st week. go for us." Leadership for and i ms ame snortage. on the behalf of the God-head. I Whom shall I send, ask God. I will be amongst the first J d ee that we have a plethora ot,'thB 8 need you Qod would-be leaders And everyone J 0nast c , t , t,iZL 'Prter and made him Into a "Mil . MUTIsf Sunday H,.huu, Mornlim Wnrh,, s,.rvl U fltll Avp. H Ela,' 7. J,V; Z , Z" .Z . Leader of the highest calibre. I'll; "inj wuuv iu ur ill nit: null!. God The Holy Ghost can fit rank and not being able to do ; you also. so in the channels of service that. God calk them to Uip hrenk! 1 have wen some miserable PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE off and form one of their own.",p"ljle ln various parts of this Sometimes these efforts are sin- world-and the source of their cere and often, too often, they! m'-SPI"y 'a not sin but was due to are merely for self-agprandi.se-1 havl"K refused to go when God meni. I nac' spllt thwri- I arn not un 202 Sixth Avi-nue W aware that the majority of the KI'NII W SKltVHES UP. Coincidence is an amazing thing, for it was that .same Mr. Maw.in who j u.-t one year before roared to assembled business men that the Social Credit party was going to Victoria "with the Bible in one hand and our platform in the other." Was it not this same Mr. Martin who had his picture taken carrying an enormous Bible under one arm just like Jersey Joe. The people of B.C. have now had a chance to size up these new comers who shouted that they were holier than the other parties. Mr. Reid, the Socred from Salmon Arm accused the whole teaching profession of B. C. of turning out 'thieves, robbers, NO PARTY is composed of all saints or all sinners. There: have been good men, bad men.! and half and half men, In ail parties. j There have always been grand Christians land others in the: good old Tory party; in the Mb-; eral party and in the CCF. I j never hope to meet a finer! Christian than the ' saint in pol-j ilics" J. S. Woodsworth. But not i all CCFers are always saints. Nor is Social Credit any bet-1 ter, or any worse, than any other' group. But when you get holy. rollers in politics It takes time to sort them out. i THE GRAVE chanre which can! fairly be laid at the door of So-, cial Credit is not that it failed to; A noted Canadian astronomer said recently that men of his profession are among the last few scientists who can exchange information across all frontiers. Russia.i and western astronomers si. 11 meet and write to one an other. In tills nervous age It Is soothing to see that the universe, at least, has escaped political coercion. Perhaps the tyrants and the rabble-rousers r.uve overlooked It. We have so fur been spared the spectacle of Senator McCarthy howling "Red" at a distant star-cluster, or Mal-enkov ordering the spiral nebulae to move In accordance with Marxist principles. Against eternity, the ris" and fall of a human empire Is one tick of a watch or one quiver of a gnat's wing. The suggestion that ustronomers might be muffled in the Interests of national security Is therefore somewhat absurd. . Military secrets are small stuff compared with the secrets which astronomers are trying to solve. Man has made fair progress toward controlling his environment, but one glace at the sky, where billions of suns whirl on their matltematlcal paths beyond reach or understanding, shows the triviality of human achievement. Astronomers take long views in space and time. Through their telescopes thes'-careful riien measure . starlight which began its Journey when Nero was roasting Christians, or when our first hairy ancestors were cowering in caves. To an astronomer looking upon the limitless universe, the frreat wars which rend mankind must be scuffles between factions of Insects for the ownership of a speck of dust, Astronomers know that people of all nations are fel-liiw-citiens of a minor planet. Ii more men were astronomers, human affairs would be seen in a better perspective. Perhaps the sky-watchinf? scientists, whose work is thought to be so remote and theoretical that it demands no censorship, may yet save the world. One day the mathemati-. clans with their calculutiiiK-machine may chart a voyage inlo space, the greatest adventure in human history. One day the questing telescopes may discover another habitable planet, or warn of the approach of that Imagined enemy from space whose attack would force the people of the earth to mend their quari ils and stand together. And if there is a possible meeting-ground for science and religion, it is astronomy. Among all scientists, astronomers huve the hope of finding God, when He chooses to relax His censorship. 10:30 Sunday Sihoot liiblr ( Uvi. Leadership . . . Industry raises Its own leaders and on the hard method of produce or get out. That is lus it should be. The Bible bids us not be slothful in business. Finance and Investment grants leadership to men and women of keen business acumen. II :3U Morning WiirsMp readers of this Saturday sermon will be other than those to whom I would like the words to come . . . tlie young graduates of the High School . . . but Dear Reader it Is your world and In your Interest that tne best of our young people should become Its leaders. Surely your boy girl Is one of the best? Place the challenge before them. 1 :36 Sunday tenim A Special Speaker: Pj Sehlnclel from tlie B Bible Institute, Vanriu Subscription Kates: gimm , carrier Per awk. a.ic; per month, 1 00; per year, 110 00. jf Li(j 6v mail Per month. 7fic; per vear, t 00. n&i-AittKjrlzeU as sei-nml cluss mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. vf : SaVe The Museum AT, VK Ni:AR the climax of the election cam-Ay paiiiii, another much smaller campaign heine; lil! today may almost unnoticed. We earnestly itie it docs not. ; ' Our inference is to the appeal beinp; made by tlio Prince Iliipt-i t museum board for funds to con-tMiitf opt-rat ion of the pit-sent building and to put something- away for the new one. Although the idii&'iim's collection of Indian relics and treasures is recognized by connoisseurs as one of the finest iii existence which contains many items that cannot bf replacel, travellei's are less aware of its value. I The reason is simple. Externally, the building his nothing to back up the impression made by its niagnificent totem poles and, were it not for the exhibits on display inside, the interior would be equally unexciting. j Yet the present building must be maintained iijitil a new and more inviting one takes its place. If it is not, the collection probably will be lost to Prince Rupert forever and the city thus deprived of an attraction which could easily make it famous i travellers. Z To prevent such a catastrophe is the purpose o those selling tags today. The amount they are f.sking is small but, if they succeed in saving the njuseum, the benefit to Prince Rupert will be bfiyond measure. Mr. Webster a Miscast of the mysteries in this election skirmish ONE is the whereabouts of the. CCF. While Liberals and Social Creditors whack away at each other with 1'5'rce body blows, the CCF is off in left field somewhere, oddly subdued. " Locally all three have tangled to a certain extent, but in the overall scene the principal gladiators have been Laing and Bennett and their respective forces. ! Some of the answer seems to lie in leadership. Whatever one may think about the individual merits oi Laing and Dennett, few will denv that both have qualities of leadership which capture public attention. This quality was outstanding in the CCF's former chief, Harold Winch, and is equally lacking it his successor, Arnold Webster. Earnest and diligent though Mr. Webster seems to be, the plain fact ij that he is miscast and it is difficult to imagine Kim sparking an active party in power, or even in reposition. It may be that the CCF is standing" aside in the ijppe that the other two will knock each other out a3id leave the way open for an easy victory. But the explanation is not a realistic one, experience having sSiown that the public votes ; for . the-, parties, who ijloody themselws most; ' ': ' ' 1 f 1 In an election campaign the Third Man Theme 13, not a particularly catchy tune. Green 331 Rev. C. Fai Here again we have Christ's own parable to Justify such action, in his story of the King who handed out the talents for Increase. But this young man Isaiah was called to leadership In .(limp inlflirtv nmV rmHI nips First United Church1 nengion ana statesmanship. i The Regular i Sixth Ave. W. and Musgrave ' Now it i.s quite well known' 1 that both these tasks are more or! BAPTIST Chi ,mt alUhe crooks, but that, !a:ed 13, 14 and 15." He finished ! his vile .speech, with the famll-i 1 sh,,"U;d 1to h,fh heaven that "! j liar "holier than others" line.;" ' . thus. I abused the Bible for political; J "Have no fear that the Social j PU' Doses. j 'Credit government, under the I "Thou shalt not take the name , i guidance of Almighty Ood andjnf the Lord Thy God in vain"! I Hie very able and courageous! ay apply to prizefighters who leadership of our honourable j carry Bibles to win prizefights., ' premier will remove the debris." j It may work that way In politics, I It might have been wLser for too. i less thankless. Men, generally,! arc so proud that they hesitate; to appreciate the Parson who; points out what is sin in their! life, and statesmen are usually applauded after they are dead j And yet it is interesting to re- ! jnember that In tnese two great! SKUVICKS at 1I:A a.m. anil 7:30 p.m. COME AND WORSHIP 12:15 Moruhij Worship. "In Honour ol Our t 7:30 Evening Service. "Is Your Creation Cor WE WELCOME VOC Clh Ave. East. . callings there Is a Divine rhal-f lenge. ! ' The statesman enacts laws!8,m?" United POLITICAL ROUNDUP Beginners and Primary at . . . byj. K. Nesbitt I ': ST. PAULS II a.m.; Older pupils at 12:15; at Conrad United Hull, nil at 11 a.m. LUTHERAN CHURC that control you from the womb to the tomb. Birth registration, schcol attendance, family allowances, Matriculation requirements, application for permission to marry. Income taxes, registration of death, succession du. 51 h Ave. at McKriiW SI feel corrupted, or even converted. The section of the Elections Act about flags and ribbons is HEV. II. O. CHJSON. P "The Just Shall Li' K v ties are the main control' TOME AM WORMH? SINDAV SUtVKIS Patronage most senseless of all. It says: j "No candidate before, during orf after any election shall In re- ( gard to such election, by him- self, or agent, directly or indi- ! rectly " I JUNE 7, 1953 that he exerts. How very truly we need menj or women called of God as our .ta,temen. The Pastor is the man that Is at your call 24 hours Morninc Service 11 w VICTORIA. A man in Saa-nich named Bate, who used to be a Liberal but is now an ardent Social Crediter, hints darkly that there's a seat waiting in the Senate for Mberal leader Arthur Laing if he is defeated next week. "I think there will be somebody going into the Senate this year poor Art," this man Bate is reported as saying. No. Mr. Laing, even if he's beaten, won't be given a Senate seat. Mr. Laing isn't 50 yet. Who ever heard of a senator under 50? No, if Mr. Laing doesn't make it provincially, he'll try again for a seat in the House of Commons in the coming federal election. This man Bate in Saanlch was Sermon by the Pastor Junior Choir Anthnn- i a day. He represents God to you, I Evrnin Service 7:38 p m Sermon bv E. RaUM So, even before an election, or after an election, there must be ro flags or ribbons. But when is before an election? Two yean before? One year? Six month;'1 Isn't it always before an elec not in power but In piety and teaching. There are four great branches There will also be numi son". Sunday St-linol 12:15 p tion? Does a new election start the minute the old election is finished? Who can tell? All the First Prcsbytcrion Ch lawyers in Victoria couldn't sort cut that one. just trying to embarrass Mr. jLainrr, hinting this way that Is Finished A-PATRONAGE HAS NO RIGHTFUL PLACE IN YOUR GOVERNMENT. WHEN YOUR SOCIAL CREDIT GOVERNMENT WAS PLACED IN OFFICE IT EFFECTIVELY ENDED ALL PATRONAGE. THE SOCIAL CREDIT GOVERNMENT IS NOT DEPENDENT ON ANY GROUP OR CLIQUE IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS. LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY. DON'T BE MISLED . . . MARK YOUR BALLOT FIRST CHOICE. there's a shady Liberal plot unfolding:.' 'f, i v So if is that anything goes lu this election campaign, It doesn't matter what you say, as iong as you say something. You don't have to have facts, or know what you're talking about. You just have to say something, anything, so long as it's shooting off your face. This campaign adds up to what appears a lot of madmen shouting and screaming in the midnight streets. f - H- in ? i i . -i ii , -i i ,i .... i 1 yvr cmi'im ... to visitors to worship ww 2S1 Fourth Aw. E;lst ... , .... r. V WiIeWJ What do our MLAs think we, are a bunch of dummies? Whv can't we express ourselves with buttons and badges If we want to?' In the long ago people were permitted to be more warmhearted. Election fun wasn't stifled by law. In the 70s, for Instance, the night A. C. Elliott was elected In Victoria, there was a high old time. Would such goings-on be agin' the law to-; day? The Colonist reported: "a torchlight procession-headed by Professor Haynes' band . . . proceeded ... to the residence of the Hon. A. C. Elliott. Having arrived there, cheer after cheer were given for the Premier-elect, who, from the steps of his home, again thanked the assemblage for the honor conferred on him. Three cheers were also given for Mrs. and. Miss Elliott, after which thf Premier-elect was conducted to a carriage and the throng wend-td their way to the residence of. the Hon. Dr. Helmcken. Con-' gratulatory speeches were made, and the procession subsequently returned to town. , Minister. - ,i -..n.,i,t- Mri. E J-Si"" I You Hove Waited for Years To Get Things Done! Your needs have been side-tracked and :, neglected loiij enough. w'b'" ; . hn Currlf. ntinn SUNDAY, JUNE I !W ll',lmk' Morninf WursKirp SOCIAL CREDIT 1 Form the CCF Your Needs Program ! Sunday Sclimil I- "- . i.:.. ItH. If ever there was a lot of nonsense-by-statute, it's those section of the Provincial Elections Act that says buttons and badges are illegal in an election campaign. What can be wrong with a person wearing a "I like Ike" badge? I went into Premier Bennett's office the other day, and he was wearing a green-and-white badge that said something or other about Social Credit being wonderful, etc., etc. I was intrigued, and gawked at It, but I must say I didn't Evenini vtorsmi' , c"1,,rt Pro. Karris will This advfrtl.wmcnt la Issued by thf j Hrltl.sH Colurnblu Social Crwllt Cam-' piiiKn Committee, the serving- to your Comfort When You Travel Whether For BUSINESS or PLEASURE is assured when you PLAN THROUGH EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH ...... .. .:,.n.. iih Avenue r..i 11:00 A.M. Sunday School and A.lull Bible I'M. , ;iU GOSPEL SERVICE One-half hour of Gospel singing You can get things done now only if you vote for a CCF government. - Ycu Can Have Confidence in a CCF Government! The CCF has bad the ability and legislative experience since 1933.' For 20 years the CCF has been guarding your rights and prodding reluctant governments into passing the legislation you want. Fa rmer Labor Professional and Small Business Man All Want Action! For quick action on the things you have been waiting for elect a strong CCF gov-ernment on the first count. ': It's Time You Had a Government Special Vocal Numbers tor """" bv "I A heart-searching ABOVE ALL - EVERYONE WELCOME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY VOT mar won r Stan Around: Second Avenue West ,St Branch of the First Church of Christ Sr . in Boston, Mass. SUBJECT "God the only Cause and Create Services very Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday School every Sunday at i .t,tlnls(ay Wednesday Evening Meeting on Second of each month at 8 p.m. pm - and Friday Reading Room open Wednesday RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC "THE COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE"