Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, June 6, 1953 ,-"'tVi3i Tm f f IT r-.-y! 1 Successful Junior Red Cross Sale Held at Borden Street The Junior Red Cross sale's , treasurer, also (lid a big job. Lar(v,t (if all breeds of sheep Abraham Lincoln publicly con-is the Lincoln, a dual-purpose merited on the fact. that fairs mutton and wool sheep, rams draw people together and give weighing up to 75 pounds, ewes them a deeper understanding of 200 to 275 pounds. 1 democracy. r : .' . success at Borden Street School Among the mothers who help was marked by the $330 which ; ed were Mrs. C. Strand, Mis. W Scuby, Mrs. Wayman, Mrs. Tas-i will be sent to the B.C. division of the Red Cross. Bruce Brown Briefs In addition to tne proceeds from the sale, there Is a sum of about $40 contributed by the children through the daily "self- man, Mrs. G. Cook, Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, Mrs. Galbraith, Mr3. Clayton, Mrs. . G. Greene, Mrs. P. Logan. Mrs. Ray Lewis, Mrs. Van Roche, Mrs. A. B. Brown and Mrs. E. Paulding. Mrs. D. Cobb, of the school staff, was in direct charge of the sale, with principal J. S. Wilson, supervisor. denial" fund and the children hope to make a total of at least $375. Most of the articles for sale were the premiums received in exchange for tea and coffee coupons collected by the children. To date, since September DO YOU KNOW? 1. That a Socialist form of Government such as the C.Cf . would give us failed in England, Australia and New Zealand. 2. That many of the industries taken over by the C.Cf. Government in Saskatchewan have operated at a loss. 3. That employees in socialized Industries would be entirely at the mercy of the Government and would lose their present bai gaining ri'rhts. last year, the pupils have collected 29,096 coupons. This rep-' resents about as many pounds of tea and coffee and at 40 cups to the pound would indicate I fir;' hiBHJJ? On June VOTE As You Like 4.Na. tJam m LAflU that more than a million cups have bpen consumed by local residents. In addition to the premiums, there was a sale of hot-dogs, flowers, home-cooking, and comic books while the display of dolls' knitted clothes as done in practical arts and also woven mats under Mrs. Rutherford's direction was an added feature. 4. That the Social Credit Oovcrnment, In spite of last year's plebiscite did not ;ven introduce any legislation in connection with the r.iimor Art and that it now VOTI Jeanne Prockter, president of the Borden Street School Jun ior Red Cross, welcomed the refuses to give any indication of what its proposed legislation contains. 5. That the Social Credit Government failed to make any amendments to the Workmen's Compensation Act or the I.CA. Act in spite of urging from the opposition parties. 6. That as late as February of this year nearly $500,000.00 remained unspent of money appropriated in 1952 for Highway 16. ' For honest, stable and efficient Government APPROACH TO THRONE Wearing St. Edward's crown and holding the chief symbols of authority a sceptre and a rod the Queen proceeds to the throne where she was lifted to her seat by dignitaries of the Church and State following . her Coronation. HIUIKTH, dressed In the magnificent robe of Cloth eitives the Sceptre with Cross the emblem of royal i juiice from the Archbishop ol Canterbury lm-prior to the crowning. visitors and declared the sale open. As is usually the case, valuable help was given by many parents. Each department in the sale was supervised by a parent while the children acted as salesclerks. Patsy Wong, vic2-president, and Gilbert Chow, SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. j VOTE Bruce Brown- VOTE Liberal Britain Recuperates From Grand Holiday Ky DAVE MclMOSII v qtf f If .- i,v.:9.wHW; Onittllau Press Stuff Writer LONDON. Britain u sinking slowly back to earth, and John Dull' realizes that thoujjh the melody may linger on, the bands have stopped playing. . he took in the debris left In the nation news in their papers, wake of Tuesday s 100.000,000 Londoners again were reading Lee heralding the arrival of about the everyday world-more rv, Triiv.h,,thn b pp. trouble IntKcnya. the political O A FAIR AND EFFICIENT ' HOSPITAL INSURANCE . . . , , crisis In France, another in Is-Some lnushed. An Evening murders, atomic tests in! News cartoon showed sweepers Nevad rocltet tesls ln Au3. j tralia Souare" "oneCer 'S" The're were some melancholy ! .n -h' sOME people hid' reached tolled in Hyde Park Park the top of Mount Everest, those weeper, leaning up the blgge t es uf Abominable Snowmen would be shifting . ,,,. toffee-papers anrt and ice ire. left-overs in the caty s histoiy. coronation stands were cream cartons r.ght now. which wm poming dQwna jQb A David Low cartoon in the ukg untu mld.August. After all j- . -it ' V- V Km 1 a M Tl Pi ! " - v. , I I Manchester Guardian, enuiiea lhp fajn some of tne decora- Morning After." showed a stern , ked dra and a bit sad. t n "OnaHtt" tnlkinf? .. .... t Mil from a television set leaning peI.llr,ps for one thing. The cirunkenly in a corner before a Qllppn driving through the grey, spawled group of revellers. teeming suburbs, is as radiant The London Times, in an edi- as ne was on crowning day. torial, allowed that the people ;he ' at k,asti looks unjaded had earned a holiday. all holi','"s Fairs five whole communities "But," it added. mu-t come to an end. The Bn opportunity to measure pri KK i. view of the scene in Westminster Abbey as the i ktunrls have to be dismantled vate and co-operative progress. : ;p uf Canterbury raised St. Edward's crown i it oi the head of Queen Elizabeth. ueiuic ; . j the decorations removed, and Mm nlnin world bared once OPTOME1 RIS1 Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building . irhene Blue 593 cretary Writes First Book pout 19th Century Canada more. It is not a moment too soon. The British people have had a holiday from reality long enough. "This preat mrtlon . . . can give to the words 'Elizabethan Age' a new meaning: Christian values re-established, morals reasserted, conscletiousness revived, energy renewed, and national unity restored. The Coronation ceremonies will have meant little if they do not mean this." Aft-r days of little but Coro- WA (CP) A pretty Ot-j round phoning people." cretary took five years j Miss Butler became the hon- h.M.k, but it has net- j ored guest at cocktail parties. :i5.ono and she con- She was interviewed on TV and her efforts well worth radio. The newspapers wanted THE BEST DEAL j IN TOWN rifViiuiriiiiin'') J I to know all about it SCHEME? O IMMEDIATE ACTION ON THE LIQUOR ACT? TO PRESERVE THE BEST SCHOOL SYSTEM IN ' CANADA? O TEN DOLLAR ANNUAL CAR LICENSE FEE? G "ABOLITION OF 3 TAX ON MEALS AND ARTICLES UP TO THIRTY CENTS? A FAIR LABOUR CODE?- HIGHEST POSSIBLE WAGES WITH GUARANTEE OF REASONABLE PROFIT TO INDUSTRY FOR EXPANSION? CO-OPERATION WITH DOMINION GOVERNMENT FOR ' WELFARE OF FISHERMEN? ders red Butler s 31 and her Pride. My Folly," is a vd set in 19th-century Published in Canada by "irt & Stewart, it has at-'itlc popularity and a Bulijrr's ; Cash for old gold iDcubleday Dollar) I a SON. meeting Monday, J"ne W2 8 p.m. '"biite 300,000 in the , 8. States. I 9 . ... .i..i.w-.t y Football Monday, 7 p.m.,: is the warranty you get J t Thi C.Y.O. vs. General Motors, iio.ii iiE-nl ic onui!rin(7 ( w tthut assures Miss 'I $15,000. five times her S3lu'y as a secretary. ' y irs while she was ' you of the fullest satisfaction j Moose Whist drive Saturday. June 6. Moose Temple. Everyone ) when you Duy. HEAR BRUCE BROWN LIBERAL CFPR 10:15 p.m. June 6th h'-r liook. Miss Butler welcome. as teacher at a girls' in Montreal; for three, S,,i''lary of the Assort Canadian Clubs ln ! 1 ! lfi,"3 Dodge 2-door, Special I ) in,r)l Ford Custom Sedan, very good cundiliun. ! IHaO Fordor Sedan, 2-tone, i ) 1!)50 Meteor Sedan 2-loiic. Salt Lnke Fe.-rv r it n n I n " every Sunday. Leaves Cow Bay Floats every hour from 11 a.m. ( It) Citizenship Council executive meeting. 7:30: regular' meeting. 8 p.m., Monday, June 8, Civic Centre. (lu) VETERANS' WELFARE OF-pirPR Mr. H. II. Church, Will '.''I li"i- research at night "" University Slie wrote BOB PARKtR LIU. The Home of Friendly Service" be available for interview by j interested veterans i rnn. on RuM'rt Hotel at 1:30 p.m. Prince Rupert '' 'irafls of Hie book in iiw.i apartment, setting n "i liitiulwriting night iht, ' KfiniPbrirly, some ,'''hl ''"Hi the book: that " I'crlvips make $2,000. !""", with publishers fell 11 T'le revisions went on. 1 ""p morning in May j'1'' she received a letter u Brown & Company. Publishers, it said they the book. rtl'llllk nil rinv " Miss (13t) Saturday, June o. a A sneclnl ineelin:r of sa Ilium ..t fishermen. Sunday, June 7.1 TO 4 p m., Port Edward Community j Tli'll All fishermen are urged tn Hltend to vote on a salmon i tew: mn&tm .u-iee offer Iron, the companlei Ketchikan Wrongcll - Petersburg Juneau ond other Alaska Points (13J) S1'.. "I just frittered i CHEER &. BRIDDEN LTD. THEM ' VOTE j ILLSS AIR. LINES VOTE LIBERAL Phone 266 Office Opposite Post Of f iceJ us to discuss that new construction J v