1 PROVINCIAL LI3RARY vtCTOffJ MORROW'S ELECTION DAY -TIDES- VOTE as you like June 7. MM .liiy. But... Si,,rdard Time) ! r ... 9 51 18.8 feet t VOTE 21 :0! 20 3 feet NORTH EKN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER f ; 41 5.1 feet 15.40 3 7-0 feet Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" ORMES DRUGS VOL. XUI, No. 131 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. SATURDAY, JUNE 8. 1953 TEN CENTS (Including comic section) q U.S. -. i . SID'S hnkers 9k. Hide V'. ; KT: iEDQOt IF r0 .: . ning Ships wim Lives j v m -1 4" I ' ' ' 4t Answer AAay Corne At Sunday Meeting No Major Changes Requested By Reds in Last UN Proposal j ' By Tim Canadian Press 1 1'A N M U N J OM. Allied and Communist nego 'lie ( HlKl'lUltl I'HIKU i jUNCTON, Pel. f the largest United uunfl seagoing s was .sliced in two today in a collision another giant oil r in Delaware Bay. ..cm of tho 86 crew aboard the two ships tiatoriniet in tight secrecy for l'J minutes today as mushrooming reports of a near agreement on the ---' " i ill ll key issue of prisoner-exenange ooisierea nopes iot an armistice in Korea. There was no official hint of whul. went on inside the confer Canadians Share In ence hut, but an authoritative Ar v.. . ir a South Korean source said "no new proposal was marie by j either side." Derby Cash VS v vi" 4 f -v- - r r-." ;; . - Ft -".'.' t j I ' f I,' ' ml ' ' " n WjShmm tmmmm fib iilim Tit iilniwMiiilliyiliiii iliri'l 111 ff ft i'l n"- ir- -j1 MAY KNOW SUNDAY Tho , Reds asked for and got B; Tl.if. 'janadlao Ptjss n recess unt 1 Sunday mornin" Four Canadians today won top The South Korean source Indi cated without elaboration that prize money as Finza, Sir uor don Richards' "wonder horse, i.Id ill'' water or board-uts and wore rescued, .hips ouirklv burst Info ,fvr the collision. Rid Cross listed Joseph v. 45. as the only man iifl He was a seaman his first trip. men are missing, the us said. m; hi it( i:i.v kiw of the. tanker Phoe-2 to the muddy bottom DHawarc 40 miles south iddphia. .Still flaming at he ship lay a blaekenpd irr-'d h'llk a few yards if New Jersey shore, g few years old. t!" had a eapHrlty of 0 callons of petroleum ,s and when she was d was the largest In the ip-leneth or two away. l-ton tanker Pan Mas-its burned flerrely. Her leek had sunk almost In iter level and her keel or close to the bottom. MILLIONS ships, costing several dollars each. appeared pmiross might be made then. won the 174th running of the nt.lier observers said the tinn Epsom Derby. ed Nations command probably '"!(V.' Tiid winners take approxl asked tor clarmcauon oi an tnately $140,000 each and are hdiir-Tnncr statement read on i ; t .1 -I- .... -. William Robertson, Mimlco, ont., foundry worker; T. S. Fyfe, To Thursday by North Korean Gen. Nam II. ronto business executive, ana NO MAJOR CHANGES iThis was remirted to have Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lent ol Brampton, Ont. A MUSTACHE 12 Inches long from tip to tip doesn't hamper Pipe Major Sardar Khan in playing the bagpipes upon his arrival in England to attend the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. He is a member of the Pakistan contingent of service representatives and is in the 1st Punjab Regiment. been a counter-proposal virtual .:( ly paraphrasing the latest uin rflan for breakine the prison- Egide Labreque of St. Marguerite, Que., won top money of $46,000 in the Army and Navy draw. Three others, one a Vancouver man, won on second and A 'Gleaming Queen Smiles exchange deadlock, last major liarr er to Korean peace. Released Prisoner Scores iThe Reds were said to nave third place horses, the Queen's .UKuested five changes, none of )l'EKN ELIZABETH, radiant after the solemn Coronation ceremonies in Westminster Abbey, smiles to throngs of Londoners on her ride home to Buckingham Palace. On Jier head she wears the Imperial state crown and she carries the Orb. , Drug Traffic in Oakalla Uiem major. ' .... foniulcte wrecks. Both in fells nnrl added that cells' Aunole ana tne rrencn. coit, Pink Horse. ' " 'At "Epsom Downs, Pirrwi won by four lengths before a crowd of 250.000. including the Queen and her royal party. The Queen's Aureole was second and the French colt Pink Horse, owned bv Prince Said VANCOUVER (CP) VamZ, official Tony Poje said in an interview here Friday that the Noblemen Invade Camp Tenders, Packers Form Life-Line For Small Vessels drug traffic continues .at Oak mid and operated by the il Bulk Company of New collision early today ap-to have resulted from a In signals between the .ips moving in opposite ins. survivors said. : of the crew members d shock, burns or minor alla prison farm despite Warden Toussoun, was third in a field Hugh Christie's efforts to com Clausen, son. sients and new help has, to be hired before season opening. B.C. Capital and dormitories were unsanitary and "terribly overcrowded." "I was told they brought th drugs into the prison in three ways. They are tossed over the fence at a pre-arranged -spot and picked up later by various means.". Poje said. "Prisoners told me caches sometimes were tied under cars coming in unbeknown to guards. A third way was that incoming prisoners swallowed quantities of capsules and retched them of 27 starters in the mile-and-a-half event. Their business began more At Snuadaree. main halibut 1 1 , . I.- ,' t- "- than 30 years ago when the VICTORIA h Hundreds of tamp operated by the Clausens, elder Clausen, who operated a nobles of the Mystic Order of Jack and Shiela McOannon iook larger fishing vessel than otner bat smuggling. Poje, 33-year-old president of the Duncan local of the International Woodworkers of America (CIO-CCL), was recently granted Coronation amnesty after spending more than seven weeks in Oakalla on a contempt of court charge arising out ol be Shrine have started to pour fishermen, contracted to naui I- r. l inin Victoria Thursday and after the camp. It is the first time cither has been connected with the fishing industry but their catches for them to mar 110 MriKGS thousands more are expected. Champion Racquet Man Dead at 60 ket. ITlila l the. second of two-pHrt feature ol halibut IlishUig on trio wct const as participated In by small vessels, such as salmon trollers and Klllnetters which have lately Invaded a fisheries our exclusively operated by KIM-cotlly desldiied .and larger vesxeia. In UKluy s sury. Dally News suit writer Larry Stan-wood, who recently visited the halibut grounds for Boveral days, tells iJ the people who make halibut fishing by small vessels eroomnlcally ptllle the fish collectors and camp tenders I By LARRY STANWOOI) uritiuiiit' fish camps and they look to ti right away. up later." ft. renuires a lot of hard work Shrine officials nave raiseo. their estimate of nobles attend-iiid' the t.hree-dav eolden anni Naturally, the fishermen mu.st oav for this service and Clausen union picketing. at times but there are auiet started with charging a few versary of the Gizeh Temple periods as well. Biggest job is "DISGRACEFUL" -WEATHER- Mnist Pacific air blankets the tiere from 3,000 to 4,00, plus an for Jack who weighs in an ine fish eah day, packs them in iep. suoolies fishermen with bait Army Men Far North MONTON (CP) Thlrty-ws of polio among Can-Army men and their de other 1,500 wives. Commenting on what he termed "disgraceful conditions" at the prison, ne told reporters he saw prisoners taking "fixes" coast of British Columbia this cents a fish. Today, the Clausen operation includes a supply house, six floating camps, and two packers, managed by Elmer, the son who crew un in the Industry. and serves the fishermen In any way he can. HOLLYWOOD 0 Death closed the career of the greatest tennis player of them all Friday William T. (Big Bill) TUden. Tilden, 60, was found dead In bed by his apartment house manager. Acting fire Capt. O. V. Pratt, heading a rescue unit that reached Tilden's modest speedy puckers there would be Shriners are coming from jas far east as New York State and London, Out., and as far south as Texas. The city, hardly over watching its mammoth coronation festivities, will watch still more fes After a good days rishlng. he'll weigh in up to 60,000 or nitio halibut fishing by small morning, causing light rain or drizzle from the Queen Charlottes to the southern limits of Vancouver Island and the lower mainland. The cloud cover ex-ris Into the southern and Preparation, of the camps, re- Fireworks vessels. 70.000 pounds a night. Meanwhile. Sheila soils groc eries and other needs to the central Interior regions of the apartment at 7:45 p.m. said the fishermen, keeps records of all province. former worlds champion naa heen dead about three hours, Preclnitatioti along the coast the fish weighed in and ( still finds time rnough to look after vnune Robbie, their young son Warehouse Explodes HOUSTON, Texas (CP) Four persons were killed and 73 injured when a warehouse containing more than 40,000 pounds and that all indications pointed to a heart attack. nts in the Yukon were mod by Western Com-: headquarters. -l"r. civilian sources had i'd 75 cases including two at Whitehorse, and about at Dawson City. E J Young, command l officer, said Home par-rxistod In 10 cases, and had been one army death 11 lte Thursday. tp were 28 "abortive" cases ' 'lth elpht cases with " but not yet diagnosed as is expected to stop during the forenoon but some scattered shower activity will occur along not yet two who gets an early Manaeer of the apartment said education in B.C.'s biggest sin tivities Friday and Saturday. The men who are dedicated to providing hospitals for crippled children will start off celebrations with a pageant and dance at Memorial Arena Friday evening. More than 1.000 uniformed nobles will participate. Today there will be a flag raising ceremony at the legislative buildings and a grand imrnrie nf 1.500 nobles, uniformed the western slopes of the inter gle industry. ' iSt un vj """""" " The. McClannons will stay at ior mountains. Present indications point to unsettled weather Squadaree on their combined of Holiday fireworks expioaeo over the week-end. Tlldcn was planning to leave Saturday for Cleveland to take part In a tournament there. TUden had been active as a player and instructor and only last week attended tennis matches at Balboa, Calif. Fiie Bill was nlcRed as No. 1 yesterday. namaee to Alco Fireworks & floating store, home and fishing camp until after the salmon trolling is over, towards the end of September. With commissions they get Specialty Co. warehouse was I patrols and massed bands will weave through the city. estimated at $3,000,000. The only two men In the Kt.rtint.iirp ran nnt.sirie as soon aS ktors Probe At. niirht massed bands will recast t Cloudy today and Sunday. Intermittent light rain or drizzle during the forenoon, a few showers Sunday. Little change ir temperature. Winds southeast 21 in exposed areas otherwise light Low tonight and high Sunda; at Port Hardy 50 and 56; Sand-spit 48 and 56; Prince Ruper 46 and 60. from their sales and fish collected, and their salary, they a spark touched off a blaze that play in Beacon Hill Park and the Jen's Health day will close with tne illustrious preceded the explosion. Most of the iniured were in will have made the better part of a year's income In that period. tennis player of half a century In a poll conducted by the Associated Press three years ago. He dominated the game In the 20s as Babe Ruth dominated baseball, Bobby Jones golf, and Jack Dempsey boxing. potentate's reception. nearbv houses, and at least a 'MON (CP)-IK-,tors began The ceremonies will conclude Onenlnii day of the halibut dozen homes blazed while others 7 rs Sunday with a church parade dealing the condition of in Foreign Secretary An- season is a big day. While the bigger schooners ride at anchor I were damaged slightly. of all units. 'v Eden today, a few hours r the riinln,n nH.l,mfl VinfA VbK from London. He Is In Squadaree harbor, the smaller vessels are clstered around the camps, tied to floats and to each other. Fishermen get their provisions, their bait and such "in from a gall bladder iiuon. I J gear as may have been over 4T pis Course In looked before heading for tne camps. The Clausens have made a McOannon who manages the fish Sheila "NEXT PLEASE," says husband Jack takes care of weighing In the store while camp flsherS caf 's- C'"Plete st0ck 18 Ca'rled by C'aUS kind of a game out of opening day, offering a silver trophy to J! ence Needed ,)r- Geoi-Rc Nuckells, of i' m State College, feels Wt A III n . I ..!! Squadaree camp. the one-man and two-man Doai which bring in the largest catch pair work 'and outfitting them JiC Zi"1 Mv, the first day. "iiicntnil e.uui;;nii ."""1 add a course In sl- Alone with the tronhies also for Die grounos is a uis ju". Each camp includes comfortable living quarters for two people, two-way radio, light plant, a comes a snecial Diize. This com petition usually points out the "highliners" among the fisher Fish coll'-cting on the grounds is not a new business. On this const It began in the salmon fisheries, and catered to fishermen who wished to avoid long water' hauls from the fishing grounds to markets. Therefore, a similar system was easily adaptable to the halibut fisheries when the sal- fleharmon decided to crack menthose who can reaiiy cut the mustard and Droduce fish. fully equipped store dispensing all tvpes of groceries, meats, clothing, fishing gear and sundries; and most important, fa " c U we knew how to our mouths shut at the slit lime, savs the profess-i4 Wc'tl spare the world lots 1 Brief. , n,w silent way to reach :'"'r goal is through Classi-,!Pd as in The Dally News. ;'wly. speedily. Want Ads ; J(ur renting, selling, buy- ' 'SUViliff von lifo of worrv Winning the trophy and prize cilities for weighing in nsn anu for the two-man boat this year was the Sea Wav. skippered by storing them in ice. The camps are usually oper-nt.a hv a man-and-wife team. Tommy Moran who landed 6,300 an exclusive field and augment uounds for his first catch The one-man boat to cash In their income from toe umu-wj. of this areas ODeratlng one . vrA . J50rtnt fish collect- soilADAREE on the north tip of Stephens Island, some 20 miles Strait flats and the halibut grounds. The two camps pictured here southwest of' Prince Rupert Is the main site for fish camps. are Clausen's, left, and B.C. Packers Ltd. IncidentaUy. Squadaree Sheltered from the heavy seas so small boats may find safe an- got its name when a Norwegian fisherman couldn't pronounce chorage the site Is just around the corner from the open Hecate the real Indian name which meant, "smooth water. . "id trnnhioi The "steadies" look forward to the five-month stint on their floating home each year, while other camp operators are tran (Continued on page 51 See CAMP TENDERS . r,or an ad-writer's friend-?1P Phone 748. lareeai imuch" lng and camp business are John i Clausen, lamer. uu