PRINCE RUPERT DAILY1 NEWS Coronation 1953 Coronation 1953 FOUR TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1953 FOUR i ( J1 ' N ' Pou r 1 oihjltl Fuel. cms I1 'y JtMiuuct ,i V ;m Vj amor ,Mn-i 7 W h.. . '! Hi im Ij iui: rui rend''!' f 1 'i f t'H.llt-lK I . ; l r,t y, il,llsti "rtni- At .1 u'n-rr of H mi y i, who i '.I ur.n v r 7 ;.x witri it ihe fi t '. ,:7-. )V! it : 'u'lii sot h piece- 3 ml : -lo! in ;he himl .s flid ori sin. Hi" r day in di-d i.y a h-.if-sisler if. - ' r s.y n 1"ci ih, Uncne 11 sill 'A W .1 . c- e - v'-c:.i--. .i....o- :i..o ihnt ;ind Spem cr. , mil. I -i I'.naui (Imi n.! Howklm. Shaki t.i!-a;r 7 f W V III ' " j i III.'. I I':- i ':r--'jv ...' ,v77. ... vo,--"' , r7, .VI .7'. a, pi) I'll-: Is cf .l l jiihiwii i. r,it To1U iJonwd WiihUtHivrs . r n.' -.llllll'tlll..'-'" ' II. n-v VIM ' ' '.i f P'U 'r i-r i. 1 1 r I v .it.! n'.iitenl Amir Ld wards Y.ii find cJiai'n.Iag i'l. l ,f 7 - , 7Js( iiieat r of the I.diuUir, n-xt .I. '. Tht'V art1 Mh V, "'Mill:! cm. t'c ul i-t'.' n, Ml -hi hi .i.i living I lHtllt'l ttao i 'aiiu i in; ui ''I'tnu tK'V " - - -f-TTit-illniii fcr- r "i ii i ii, i ir" -fliri ut , ,m iini t,'iMti.i jiaiv i- IMPERIAL STATE CnOWII litst worn by Queen Victsi.i CROWN JEWELS shown here are the Orb, Sceptre with Dove, King's Sceptre and Crown o Si. Edward the Corilessor.' F"" 1 :: , . i i v.... 4 & 1 J 4. (U-(Mraf ion,", irr Lond. n, si. u us. si roots, nil bridos uostoil ;hy Sir Iluh Oisson... With anv lui'k we'll t)e sorina . . . liOiulun i;unp-n)ts, for ox-nmplo, paint oil white in I'tc-eaility and dmnateri with sheaves of rod and while daisies that K'mv in the dusk. . . .paiuled pale blue in Ultrd-t reel and i,ai t.uidt'd with white uihI ivy leaves , , . panned tilaek in 1 ia market and lotiprd w it h ping-tun; halls that bun and rustle ta the hieee with u rrovvn ut pin-; -pnai- halls at the tup. Pnluv harriers, eat'h painted a different color, bulile iven lUar, s.aiict, and puiple, . . . Statues boxed iti lor alety with a pieiujt? ut the statue drawn on Hie u u I i (I f. . . . Himi'erUnU iii id,ne wilh an Knunei nam in Manet (lairitetl on its sides. . . . .... Kios er.elj.sed m h Kilded i'-i;e u that he am tv m'- m but vaiim-i te t linUei. . . . Chaiies l i sialue in i ialaUar-M.piare With a tiym Marlet cloak around h.s shuuitlets. . . . i hop' the ideas set by. They me s. lar remoit-d iim that uoere-Mtist (dash anti nt winch is hki p.'.ipte s uieu o Coronation uovoiuiums. . i'ce fiuuiiiuuti f utn itt moiin'i. t'ui cfime in nit Untitle 1 Hie Will HUli pIlt't'lKMi ol itic )- pit, nth1'- the mU'niul lu t iov;i liio uii-Jmitfy L.miy J into Uivy I km nuitii. KhubeMi, Ml uc liiullcU (He 1 (-hii.M .hi; L'lUuUi uil lu-l tuio.iilUuji n .htnitaiy, J:aM. ivt.M, uuim-u utivi iiMt'tifh tuitvii ui' tiimit u uiai u.i lit itt mifHMl oi lift vuitiii, in i u-w-j ulii rum, tn'i tta.t i v) j in. a cuuiu i, .im.' ami smut; n u;:imh tn UlliU'l , it'l M lit .tllvt'-liltn.-U Mvlil, i-'aititKi u.t i ids tthil wfil-iuMu iitiif. K' nKtut Im tii iu.i i, tttui rtMiO itcvi'l n t titiii., tui OVVM tittVUfclUUilU ul jxi,i Uil' yUih. I H i tnuuu'i, Anm- tjini.11, ItdU jiUUi ll. UV UHKK, t.v" liUvi bt-lt ni'C.att.-J ilit ,u.i..i- uj t,:i-itiintl'lll, Su'i i y 0.1 ta l i , Mit- nal U'l-n isvm i i iuiUi lu tilt lOWCI, tiUI UiiU. .'.' Ul till tiu.l uhiini la-. ,ui tiK-tc lnlU'tl ihCc-Vv iUi Hit: J.vUt'U' J 4wi t0 1. A Uui ol their uiltUvtut' tis U.e lll'S M4 lllVSvJ - U-U ,4ttlUtl, ai. u,;ki .4itti ivt iiut Ulv hh u i'.u n , a -.'. i i v.v ,.i U'i- viUU 1. lUtt'.atlualiV ulil lit!' itUttvit 1 T4 7j7;:v7 f 1 . . W A . ... If III rtVl S ' Ii Mi i.mnniM .tlnhll ii.f I miiiiiri I- mm ml 51 s rW'vnt, Q her, hnd ;(;,'"e 1 vh lpii:it for sailors buii; 1 by vv,w. ri hvt iiiemoiy. j 1 Ta Kiv.Mn?vl, Mary U signified Mar) 'ft Ufi.u -ii THE STATE CROWNS of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother. THE KING'S BOYAL SCEPTRE with Cross was made lor Charles II (IGBO) is of gold. i . - t!t'i'. w. huii "A as deuiit and jood. ' Kei(n of Queen Anne ... .....t s i'iu'H- Mn.l H. ;l'l .i..ialhv Ii .T'lu'M'll An"e. sisl.'r of M;irv 11, reijint'd ofifi- William Mum 1TU-' lo i 1 14. . ' .l.'.'.s ol I'l'l' lrtinM'tS Mllll ...tnris 1-11. ll 111.1 AO Wl'll, h f-um.1 iai(.' lruiu lier Knit'ii- , . : i.m.'siiw Hin naiuii! ifiC" n an im'is irifiuu.iip MUh . 1 . J,,,' ..'ivx..iirtt'l yuilN- l iyiuitlii nrrtli .li'imtns alU'nanls Lad L'htin-hill, wilt' til liio t;it;t soiju-i who hot-arm- Uvikc ol Itioruus'.h 1 he lii'htss ruk.i ihf lui'en an.l so Mavlbomui;!! ruled ihto.i.ili Ins ife, il as said. Kul Anne mur-ritHl an unpit'ieiilious llUalu, I'l'jiuv C.eoie o Detumii k, look an at'the part in Slate at:airs ami : Calimei Cuuiuils. Site lia. 1'. cititiiien; tuily one sniAixetl in- 1 A. I Jf VV7 ft! r ' 'V7'' V ...' , . ..-' - f ' -" 7KAV 177 .-' .-v.. i r f 1 i, ... .ii!t.i...n , i in .., i,u....,; . 7 V) 7 ""ft. - - . '- ')' .-nr.-- -v.- rM- J" - -W. - : v. 17 J 7.,. . U I , ,, .4V;-T ' - - ' ? mil ii 1. ni. Mil - - J , Ti r'aiiiA'iiHiT'-litii-i'Tii'-i v " .r..i., m m .. -A lantv. to me ni 11. When- mile Collins are in Westminister Abooyi. iyy'vhr 7-7-; r :-7 f ?''- ,7 jr,- - .. of lncmin1 'o lh 1'ail'uln-viiif"'!. hihi me rt'ssUuvUion ol .,(.( iimsiii: pi.M'l lV. Slit .UHKflt lu "'Ml.- i'i.H. nun him Knuietoi' t.'iuuii's V . ..t Jii.tiiu-rs fluimiiuins, lor mi ' .. H 'is "II iwlevi. tliouitli. I" '"an Jfiu'huul wl'kli mrouJv lUi'iili- t' VHU IWIIWUMU. , Mai s iim'.'ii is reuieii!lH.ietl, alas, f"i' ''' H'lii;. .his .'li'CllU.ilis; i i)v t 'I'Hiit nnd uvii'ii i.t lrvili'!.iau . . r' " s'liKC. I 'iu bni iiinijs iwm lit iii.iiih..'i I..' i he I'haulain of )i'V - L ai iinti.; iiuhuiui I'limp of vpatn, -i..l !t i iiiit uiiKUmwi h.w nuich liii'V weif Mnr s it'siionsitiility. Ainu-vi. ...iout'r are olhtr Imp- - ;ii: n ails m onurrtciii' ul Mat y - iii.loi'. sii had pioiiL'il by tl );oii-iu'vu'-. ami Hie t'iUicaliun "i;ii(.i i'j womru in livr ae. SUe M.oke Luiuii, l-'i'i'ni.'h anil Spanish, ' l..e.l nuwc sti.i iiitpitisfU uml ol ,. I'iV'-'I CHup'l. Stie l.'UiuW .' '!!' ll.lf s l WalMill, . .'JiUi--.".. .i..H..iitif.v etttl I'leasaiil-lonkini; in .voiilh, ugly In sieknesd ami m.l t;e, Anne r.-r-r-'senttHi the homely virtues U tier people, .he was a .assionttie Hth I. hnveli voman, much con-veined lor the uelfaiv of the cleicy. She estalihslni -iiuhmi e "r: Ames Hoi.nty to aid poor cleiy-nicn. Qu-n Victoria K.'iKiu On an early June moining In l":.?, l.otd Conyiichani. tlie Lord Chnmhorittin and the Atililnshoji in ijinenmiv drove lo KintHnutoii i ....(! riii-i for hvj rOUS,SWCBD3 wclUfie State, Spiritual Justice, Temporal Jus'tice and Merry. .-. tii4 t:t.; .WU.e c.v.i. J.e7,ei " ' V ; , THE COtOES AMPUL1A AfD THS .AKOISiTUtG SPOON wfcS;l will b used. fcv(k.. .mu'ln her t-V'A "v iV" - v r ,C.. ;.f - r-- -"r-.- ) Amm it iff. iii A 1 hurt 'I h,Ult;il -JTi MiUill 11 I i:it.ihlUfiH : lie ERS Filled wilh Death, Drama 7 't .--.fl,.'.l-t-v,nj! fr.iM-l?;xi.wii -)1. i--.a;aiii,.'y -H-at- ilv- : V 1 ' . ,h.inh-d Sword ol Stale wilh Its the old pattern Vm - )l'.!Jf ! 4 JVJ" ir-.rfik A:.---.!' J ,;t..-rt;.f -.-. , . . . 0 v , . , :,r,in crimson vnh'r.l scabbar.l and n,1 n, iu "tMiilllim-u-rmtn. 'miil!ion"icrown. The TH. HKer du.erent M w ,:iviv.: irves. She, it..JUU..u-,thJt' fhntt.i. , i-tViihe1. Oil.'. - ilU.r'-;B.ntk'lt , Ive..- , Ii .flo'ro.m nil till Stttnrrlc flnnitifr B .'' .o( Cii!!l Jia?e - 1-Hwt wiol-'.Ml' vs Hi ttMNtil e'.-tir (or eras-nan lo:i:nd wilh a lion OVl r( iin's ron'sad a c c- , rt.. - .(... v'i ii,,' ii y i(F . iiHvwIUi, H'.V'MI'ittot 4i- beloiu hr i a 4 w4y icauniii " . - - entva.:. ".: i I a. p- t(v; se ivsLiiaeti !; . ..( ei$.ib her .-,;. l(M UK ' U'jM. -,i. (., Kii.o l vv.U -1 ikr jU.m.' eaitraiiej no, '.."Tl 1'"uiUiU"'" "h -!iei KvTliv!ciia intense wnse o( vv- -ye i-Miltim IJS'i'Vwv' kne ai k:..J U7V7":7,7r,y !" i.rided T(vid " ' ",?,s'"d i'n rmil morality i-a et !Ali,.!,v. ;! "' .,n," ClH,rt wiln " 1 resneet re,H'1 Mm- Mary knew k.. nothroe iMthme aI ot I a fr..v. n! .4 v h S 'f-lfc-j "di temiM niiu .. v. t... Itil .IKi-U'tl s.f. et- ,J I J, Y i'.ll -..l.U.l viu.-eus i.:ic h. .-ii an. mt.-xi i.i .tv yvais siin-e .N..i.iii.i Citatla"? .Now we a U att It tlu-st sy nitKi'j d( milit u tny ai'-ar on. a.ier and a union n the "si pj-orters" , ... , " Mf.h j"JT of the llo.val Arms. swot J 'V"', v-r goes before Hie twAeregn to Wo-t." rim and mfrwer , minster at each se.wion of Cania- is a irhibe f BJ sarrokn. nieni; Queen Kliabctn has already a cross. The actual cor-MW" travelled with it a a of her ,,',.( Bj'h ?t. f-' piwer to ihe opening of Pa l.a- -''rtn Bnt ( R swi (U'1 mit. Then there is -Vurtana" lhe:,h- ,.-V-t-i R-i ,v W-"" h,.rt. pointier sword tnat aymbui- , ' -0're ;.n'uaiie 1-voetu.l os mercy the pmoKdlive ot par ,f-rown vUch was road t dn that is reserved to the yucn. victoria. ;To more swortls carried in pro-. hAe ra! 1 cession repiesent the yn.e.- s J- Pl" . ,'.n of" Va hk ttce to the temporal.!--ail her 'of " putP is w ri-it i suhjecltand lo the -spiri uality' e,7r" U m n7r ' !-her Church. The last three ,n,rT 'ff- "'....w kind Of ; n,n B t. ' . staV.isinjiiri.-. burtnuetu ) ilb us. Mie. JxoAtM. mct-ea. To her adored Albert the Prince s:ie Ixire nine children, -men. er in iru- eni.e ..l lE.e ea-CoLitialton tI hot iie wrote simrlv- t-'Hnt,Mt,oii nitii.1 in me ihinus and ad ""n. yvwnian's e-'mdion in oihe.s. 1 arv'u-:'' I suatly and itita is the secret of "ro l su(-eess her head ruied h.-r Phrases letters, underlinine Mai;y. luuh crown wia via. in the VK-torian riri s-f.Hie and .-...out. lias a ,w wyu,!'.t !7n "fh.' ' 'lovver fin'; -r.f. ; in t! fhAe or tA Di i ? V' :ni'n !' r It w:il t-;-d! in (he JerAaEim Ci'ier nil 'i;it di d. th;.-ith Itie i7:;!;t, h it:e; H':iii'r of the Gua;d ti e' lTM'.i i iiiy t hcie d ':i;-:tN o: th.- H' -M.W reimcd fr tj'ceen K fsaih s O' !o ;i'on v. ;ll o brought i;-'m. 'he C ty. J.rsies I! n i-Tv 7iv, i!i.,'e I t i(ts C-n s.'rt. Mar '. r M'vl.-ea. ant there i arvtSiTj r-.dern v'otiyl Crn-a a ir; ueen M:i ry. Bl these uiu re ! ram at the Tower. j On the Coronation mo:nfrv thri Re;:al-i hi privvvv,n aiih1 -he V -i :M?iuiUT Ch"r--r an i 1 the Sorioiai s of Vi-i iinser S fux-il. ;md the Crown of F'tvjrd Uie Coniesr is pta.'ctk on ihJ! titr w hiie the remaining ir.iniaf txrr to the we end oi ihe ArtK-y. ft hcni they ae rnrrd 1 1 f ...rm. CTr-n.Mrt .--e SS llMlUnit.V VIVSCOUS. 3 -'..'. t . Il- , heart. Sne resiiti th O r'i(i J Up fur Coronhlwh T' KNISiUNd and refurbishing (eremonial rvord tn r-''.'"-'"'-at ion for ihe Coronal .on is keeiing HrM-sh swoid cullers hu;y. Toe lSn-year-ol.1 Wilkinson Sword Co, of A-tun tff im.y rompany doing this work hss re-eived onters lor Z.') sv ...rds. An order jut completed is for swords lor Ihe Rnval Canadian .civ The firm is executm;; an order for cavalK snntds !.r the I'.CMP, ano has in hand ah order lor swora teits for the Canadiin Navy. Ceremonial sids have not been Mandard eiuipment 'or officers in Erttatn s,nce before the war. out r-anv officer-have rre-war swonis and are.hnvina Jhe-.e relurbihe4 t an r:erai-e m of about S15 each. The cot of a new sword is ahout S4. tne exact pr-e depending on the tvpe. ltie' new- ords are o! about a dozen tvpes and are bein m.-ide for t'ie HouvioM Cavaliry, the Yeoman ol the Guards and others. The longest are those of the Household Cavalry a inches compared with the averse of a liltle more than 3d incnes. Many swords are bein sent lo be Drought up lo date and will rHar the Queen's cypher. The srint e-f Corcr.ation year is 'reflected in the new colors issued for tpnng and summer of 1363 bv th British Color Council Colors are lor knitwear, wool, sil and ravon. cotten and ilie o3 colors on the wool card have been arranged to E've alternative suggestions for harmonizing and eontrastme colors. There are 3. cvuois for silk and ravon. 2-' lor co. on and the lus 'iWortU have been c.rrie.1 in P oro-.. ' ... . Can n...-i ri i.Tir.-iltv tne - r.m ii crr niaje iter ko enin nnu t'.nn mis as vw . J ii tU'alili!' with I h vr cession since the time ol : toiy. Befre we watch the Ci onatiun hA lor n erirtderf her tHirt. rm wtvsoo, v ktn her hand in mauiae fixr I -Tb srijst rvt'tutfonnl tnon-"v. u,itr niftsieis, ?iani known. Vieiona Mean ana meir iratn- on,hf,r rerenvviv. s tionai uiimficance i at least as yor latter pat .u,t monv and f.r the i J 16 ..-urn to It is writ i ad thai the Keai-a, I Tne Insignia ' of rnvaltv are ihe i s"1 -.. i : wfy . UrWf But lor tnat had wea of her own ar.d lui'mKiti io ine morn vaeeri. sit ni ne .inn. . p- i--a.4 K-ui.,.Urili . ;r (receive the golden orb which r?t- lection ot fi' r 1 ' p, I resent sovereign dominion under emly it displavs M.ii-v m.u v II. ii, th irr ner nt uuii. nueen. wiswd reriea ; f.-ie:ii . t. Svita k. ker . mtmwteMI T i.i.- tViaism twr! iZl 0.i' from InS-j to iOivi. S!k - ys a nulcf n!i in name, tor sne v "" her Vs Out ft S4n;tss:ve and adoring f In tfin- ! jf A the cross. This Is one of the In- "'il..,, Crv. sv K laM vesr K-r Sltrrtla Ihl k..- h.nCTc4 li,it.-ll i . ....... . m.-r-R i can I'.islvi icui. tn- divuie-d nuo-two iMs'is oy rile ;reat dmdiui; bnc ' ol the Con'.uuiitwciiHi ana Fiotec-; toia'.e. A laKe twit oi the Ke-1 il a we set t-nlay was nuute to the DrdiM of OUflc 11 and Ins Uivther, Jiuno il, tu older u en- i hance the t:kiv of the monatcie auer Ktvieiai.on. yo in a lathci samciuced way. tne Pdiiuinieni, ! or tiie amiy or ikmiettiu", luut' w ned vr.ic of the Hfaiia aftrr '' tae ol Chyries 1. A ' sir be r'j e. t the 1 1 ni I he .Uh to a irUi.Am. husiwr.-t .widt htod and unDonuiar rvtiru. th centnr.M Ir, tH Xtila.e AirfK f,' ' hei.-re t the service of the Severe by those who have herettrary prai "r "l 1, woi.r, The the orb was more like a spt as old h:nc' J Ceremony of show. The '-i portra.t kinp ea.-rinj; of orb is six in-hes in dra-: M to adorn if ct. . i MW lfK aUer gueeis, hd wnu frwrcfd a$ a svrw 4:trau Um'1iih-!v irom chddhivi. hI, Tht Dnpj has ikwKp- 'Hor 4ia had teen aeratrtl rom . And The Crcwn. a th o:d ouevn '1-41 failw, Janu 11. S:e luut bwn!irni! it. rern,e4 n fM: toubHi, Uk, her lathers rvxnt tw many m-Utni. ma! 'xfc!el H-4 Welt MS Iwr htivbfiiui s. h tindervi.wvi tsl vn nr Ifi for leather present t meter Inre for so sn all a han si. .Art sarni-.tre Two centuries aito it v..i to h.iii.l m. K.lvv sr.1 S-jifl ' and is of gu.d. oraamented w ;th an amethyst. 10 the Hanoverian kii'? a thev 'Ampulla. In the shaoe of an eaete. after the Restoration. tieal Vorii. h ':.,; Sor orokv out. Phi i'ainti! ei.i.-io l the Aie--y More recent ,lroui the altar. The ronwratedl Ot th ir..a fn.. The pn.,1 mnn. m.a. for loiue Ihe ii" ' red itn nnentorv of tae Ke- ,H "tfe "'' oil is poured into the ancient spoon 9Uitv of the sooon there can I Charles II but it now has added 10 A sinire sfJA . t.-V R'- a from the Ki M k K CI cf the file soMen OMen brd Drd ' . " " u o.tioe ' - .'e i.i;.-i own w. 1" t.. ...... a. ... , , and- Kins Edward-r v t-:. o tri arvtvot tiw :r --- .vu.,t. ...k u.,..idii i,ai:,uuj nearlv two o.... .... ex;.t antiouitv of Ihe amoutla ,'Hfnr. 111 'n, V.S6 sane ns a had im-hes Ions and nearly one u-yenitarv al! n'onnivns hae thoohi it una-i;-!:i !(; and indKMtinj infirmity to walk vvi'n ihi tie-'xn-lon stUr. Ue a iMShop's euier with it? ftv' n h a r;s5twk .i;ke at te ftd lnteid ?t w tarriei wir thr ret f h K-'cnba. B'-tf Hns sta:l -s Koa! rr;lH"l We t n s-e Hdwrd Abbey and a ha'! inches wide: this .e: .is o-"- 18 ''5 '13 p Proiublv It vvtss made tor Ihe in. "' nnmiiwiw and nt..,vnMl k .i. "Self. The previous StKKMI was fiawkss stone is tie wonder o; 'Jie rre-Coiwucsl ok;-"- r;o Vu to the Dutch influenc ex- Th pH-tur of Lord Ohvs JrritH''d deruii; her Mly mar- 'snnouncina to te voune VtW a Mivd Ms and o hr Low Lhurvn that sh wat Qin kn he a a. I'rwtestamin. Mary became deeptyni of htwur in cminiless B-- iijuos, Howev r, tie s not ) honip. On hundred arn J. Vicuteti, and share Wilham't w-jtuteen late.- another picture J :hi;iiws Mfiamv, W hat influence -showed trie itkumi of hustorv. It h h44 used nainsi morat.was that of an airliner newt it iity,-aMi siw k lull ui- l2:iivrd Iron: Africa ar j c vort th l luuvh. tienen headed bv rrene M:ni A Uner t( ait. she brought herder, Mr. Winston ChurvhtiL a a t--v 'i;eetuu) of Chinee ivrwlwrn to nc a slender youns fctire d- La:ta lo (m taken and then fir it Ja oe Kk kol in the Tower, t not ' t A w, as pnnuKtsiy . snd te-' tmo-d. t'.i t tnree eai" !c!er we i ri a rvvxrd t the wni.uwj of Wt'l:,.;uitt.T A'.iev btNn pe; aft t.'-e 7:re win jiut a cams! ' KecalM Morte Who ever si .d the ancient citM-piate of Knyiand did l44 ta vMv) i.lV il.tlL'Hiv t,u.. Dui, . 'hen? tum hae Nu s'Tie Lv-; ai'sis boot: iter the Ksiotau'n s !(W .tn.iilr Ii S t.M t.t ei.i' ill lor hit Coronation in i tf. baWy lost by Hern s father ihe Aohev there tt an indenture "V" ""-- ojsd of tht date hearifti: the rt s.jWi1""-11 ,! nHnd and ihe m world. , a- Hie l.r.-r s- ' . .. n The Dean of Westminster .- n-airi. ta A,ri. the nrivile ol hrincine the Crw.m second P'""7 . , hv of Si. Mwanl live Confessor from i-eat J; ; ,j,V-ectre . ,. vr wiivtnif fth . t ht.'iji e.ii't;v I;,c it in Xh? work ih aw i i.s Vf I he E n u .... . W .-. V;h.,r. whl .ciri.iwn.1 ROl itC Aimwi- is .ievtihed. But .l " '" W-"n .' .a.l-M r'rs' ,s sleeveless elh of k civen for the ro!d whieh!,rt: an vv e . . has ihe soSe rit not l-illv with its nrewit ;"" " ymic oi ciotr. thd Ktne no e a tisoii tt ut Ua pitm Court. And she led inervteending ione down tne tw t'LT3, . , were t" I tne- The Re-a - ..,w.-ti.-'" J and i . -s- cro r beautiful ; mit. the iiarpt"S H Pln oid K-iai.ji w--re i-eturm d nt "m Iweitrhi so ire-re ts some conllslontv Cin"rlrJ .mi. "-trace ol the gai denting she loed.e.w. v;,i mtsern. ou njt Krm t!sce time of Hnrv I in Itttl xe itsel Is eaHd -St. toward her three tvtanual ctilleetuMia ate Thua Qmen Ftt.abeth II iof the eviiicw". ProKthiv itw b.rd ' nere art four rvvorns. each !th anolnt'ri. Is re.v. djtes ft.i l-ts-l B)d w . coota.evt a spe-.'al stsmficam-e. lo be seen in re- . avrt'itf tr re-trove we bse. V!-n the iif t! was ' ?os4l in ot: In tha Hritts-i Museum. When ah--eived the hut homafc vt er fYxrUt.ieiv, -7 aneont s.i fui a'ir. r.f Ikia at. t h 4 . ,e.r- al on MrAmnnv TK j. , . . i : .V . h ?n i:-. v oren.iHn service i.. i ,rt 1a- v W vjS suujji to-r-i U. uiei. va-t4 w fi l-.fl -lwu .H iftieyf U Ifit jia; Li& miuis a 4. ai