Prince Rupert Daily News if .1 ' " , mflwmmnf inLr' t if ' - a .j. ill. """' ' ' .1.... C '.m- J yrr ' "JZO" . .7v ; tpv " ! Hi daivcd ncurinDiirvT 'rV re-iuni.e llie iil'-!itr'al (liKKiili-fm lion witli "lf tlie lirilUli Colnniliia IloHiiital liiMirani't Srri-e 0i The H.C. Pr)gressive Conservative Party ill K ACrift implement the Fleet ric Power Act in accordance K. with the origiral intention of the Jjeui'l.-iliim, -tJ" to provide power and light to our rural ureas, A as prcKcnll v rurri-l on in I lie IVovinrc. The I'rorttuiive ii'rvalive Part y to ill iiinl il nl a new y: nf (imi riuiK nl lli-iliil lnuran llial vill ite on a inii-'mnilnry, iioii-niniiiMilisti' Ikims, anil toil! eliminate the prolileni of AGRICULTURE . . . We advocate a reorganisation nni? li i.-ii.ii nf . f ii ..r 4 ny HIT rtlf.l,,.!. ! ,11 11 PIII III. Ill i III i m . f to make I lie services of I he department, particularly EDUCATION COSTS in the information field, more widely atuiuilile c. c 4 At' "I ; t. ; i.. 1 1. r,. i I I. a I IVonreKwite (yoiiHervative Party " ... iui lit. in. g, ' l m i...v...m.. I.. niiiiiliiita will. lli. Vj..liml fluvirnZ IVliliW I .f..lklati .if Vlt...l tiiiuim. um it .tula ; at preM-nt, incluiliii)! moiinliiiK eowt. ami enl OUR PLEDGE 7W of liool 'insl ruction, with a view to elTecl ini; a more emiilaltlc litrilnition of the Province' con tri hut ion. ... .......... ................ met it to make the Prairie Farm lichalilitittiiu( ., , Act applicable to the whole of It. C, so llial our. fertile but undeveloped agricultural arca-t inn Ik; brought under irrigation or be reclaimed PROVINCIAL-MUNICIPAL i "UE B.C. Progressive Conservative Parly is pledged to eareful, efTieient and lionest administration anil to eonrageoiis develoment of the God-given and mateliless resources of this province for the henefit " f all our people. We will protect freedom and enlarge opportunity TAXATION REFORM... The K.C. Progressive ('onservalive Parly propoej .i . i it i 1 1 FOREST MANAGEMENT . . . W e toill appoint at once a ComtniHMion of Inquiry l review the present Forent Management Policy in order to make reeommcnlalimiH an to how: (a) to etiMiire perpetual yield of our forests; (b) to provide adequate opportunity for flmall logger, mill operalnrH and all other who desire to line an develop the fret renourees of the Province; (e) to Bafcjiuard for the pidilin the mining, power, fishing and recreational resource within all management licence areas. fsZ paymeni oi grams in an areas unrre im-m y''jr Provincial Government real property. J JJ LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS...! The H.C. Progressive Conservative Party is pledged to give consideration to the reports of the Industrial (Conciliation Act Inquiry Hoard ItejMirt, and to the rejMirt by Chief Justice Sloan on the Workmen" Omipeiisation Act, at the next session of the lor the individual as natural rights of alt those who dwell within our borders today, and as a heritage for generations to come. The B.C. Progressive Conservative Party believes that the welfare of the people is best assured by a minimum of compulsion by governments; that the increasing intrusion of government authority into the private affairs of the individual must be curbed; that the growth of bureaucratic controls brings burdensome and destructive taxation, and endangers the freedom of all our people. The life of our province is the sum of the daily effort of all those who toil in mill or mine, factory, field or forest; in office. shop, school or home, and in the many other pursuits of our people. For all of them, the opportunity to work and save, to win advancement by ability and application, to found and maintain families, to find happiness and contentment, are of prime importance. To achieve these aims, we pledge ourselves to ileal reasonably and justly with the problems of all our people, to ensure equality of opportunity to all our citizens, to preserve freedom and to o;pose monopoly. 'I be B.C. Progressive Conservative Party pledges itself to support in every way these principles and the actions outlined in its platform. U HIGHWAYS... W.S We propone to continue anil to accelerate the highway program laid down hy the Conservative Section of the Coalition in 1913, which has been legislature, in the Ik-sI uitereU of Labor, wtwnmfrs and industry. EXPORT TRADE .. . carried out conliniioiiHly Mince then. mm T The B.C. Progressive Conservative Party Is deeply .52 cni-erned over the deterioration of condition The H.C Progressive Conservative Party will reduce the cost of license fees on all private passenger automobiles by 30 from the present prevailing license fee. PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN . Jl in our basic industries in Hrilish ColnmlHa ,jf o loss of export trade. It is the firm belief anil 'determination of the Party that some ineim-i .... .. La r,......l in uimidifv financial RAILWAY . arrangements between the dollar and sterliiiH areas of the (Commonwealth and other nt"""-The Progressive Conservative Party will its Its best efforts to bring about a belteruieut of trade within the Commonwealth. I.padrr H.C. t'rogrvssive Conservative Party ' ' ' K - 'J As proposed by the. Conservative Parly niWuVrs in the Legislature, immediately on forming a Government, vvc fchall proceed to extend the P.G.L. into North Vancouver, with the final object in view of extending the railway from Prince George, into the Peace River area. SEPARATE SCHOOLS... sin The B.C. Progressive Conservative Party believe in the democratic systom of tion-seclarinn schools as at present established hy law in thf v Ys L '-'4 XSLIQKOR PLEBISCITE... jf X y ' Tm WllJliT,,e liA ' Frogressive Conservative Party stands s S 1 niPtjC for local option. fe w9jHjfl, iSg Province of British Columbia. . h. w - - ' r' vr" Vr" .. m . s ijwuj r.llllfji.-'1ii , 11 ' ..j.. ' . . ' 4- . v ' ,'f M, l'i'l K. W lU. f i ' 'I J V t - . ,w 1 t - . i ' "1.1 , . - S1-Wr!'f.C' ' ' ' ' nTTi 'AUiHa.m )afa't,.it .Tii.iJiA i mtt,i-,,T,m-Mtmtmm- 1 ublibhcd i i by the i British Columbia Progressive Conservative Parly VOTE FOR TOM CHPJSTE YOUR LOCAL PROGRESSiVE-CONSERVATIVS CANDIDATE V ;