Prince Rupert Daily New? Monday, June 9, 1952 alternative Vote May Delay Election Results VICTORIA (CP) If voting is ciosef British jnihia may have to wait three weeks to learn tho "riu. iif its Jun'j 12 provincial election. i,.,iitu nf delav Is duel 1 . "., -couiitinK regulations r VI ite led 1 1 it alternative which in to , .:V'telll m:.0& . : illll. Supporter of the alternative or transferable vote system argue that the one-vote system may not reflect the true wishes of a majority of voter In-constituencies with more than two candidate. II.C. SYSTRM BC. uses a multiple-ballot ,B a I' (;- 'l'l't-",n for th" unit- w alternative voting, a .!lP 1,1 achieve victory '',, vuti the m-j'tuUl (,f tliji "I'D'Jiwnts. rilr raiuUdiilfcs In order tvlirc: lllSt, ftlTUIIll candidate I f"1 U) a,,ajt ""native vol- Krn 1 inri Ml nil. If U 1 - . . 11.. . 1 ijir " iu w muiujie-memoer iiiuibtuir-iiieiiitM-r run con- - AISJ Manitoba an, low man in i Ur'f l"? Pr"n;"-"nal reprc II nut, the .tentatlim lit such cose. '"' Victoria. With threw men.Wx umuiuuieu : , , , . lu bu 1 1 J 1 .0 mi rxuiuiiie wnere eacn voi.t-r a second-! I it III"' Will rePpllli Ihn.u l.nll,.!. lhe "T8 iri".r each member to be electa". t ,,! ,!( cu uiidute at- , The b ,, . f .,,.-, . ":'1''' ly- , jors marked A, B and U. On niiy first-cnolee vote. 1 election night, deputy returning counted on election ; 0ffj0Pr(i unt segregate the bal-. Win-! i- a k-iiih1 count '! ot5 into their proper groups ry it won't start .timtil i Tlu. Ulpy start ,.ountln(? aml 5 Tin', is fl'-siKncd to fit declare a winner for ballot A, h tin- piovince's sysU-m of , one for bulU)t B Bnd one for at ..tin which permits : ballot- C just as ir each was a ,lu. an- "way from home 1 ball(jt ln a sln(!le-member con- ,t ballots 101 oaouiunies !ii sUtueney. ,, ,rwu luency ai a ., pvluu(.lw ,n v,,, 4 . pun dUoo 111 anotner con - ,., , . other multlnle-memher. absentee lljKenti-e bal- oai- 5,y Those ; IllUlH'll lO IllllIIU R'lUIIl- jiliifi-s before July 3. ; i.s the third Canadian (i in adopt alternative t it is used in single-:t constituencies In Manl- went on one ballot. Voters marked their three choices oiu for each seat at stake. Under proportional representation in Alberta and Manitoba, the fiist step is to determine the Quota neees-sarv for election jiid Alln-rta where it Is n- 1111 transferable vote. Tnis i3 done bv totallintr nil h-il- .;,r. in these provinces , iots jading the result by th . !i- first count on elec-, j,unib,..r of seats at stake phis tiM is indecisive, the sec-1 one and a(iding the digit one ;u .-.s immediately, others k. lhe resuU Thus 25,000 votes "t 'I necessary. ; yre cast in a four-seat constit- ri iti-r indicates his ord.-r j uency, the quota Is 5,001. Can didates are elected as soon as they reach the quota. As ln alternative voting ballots are marked for candidates in order of preference and successive counts are held the election is decided. !,rwnT by marking fig-1, 2 3. 4 and so on -be-naii.i'.s of candidates. In BC election he may use "X" in. place o'. V B-it if he uses both "X ' i" tin- bailot is invalid. A can mark hi ballot for It Is exnected in BC. that -n!idate if be wi.shc.i. 1 election-night counting will be tier the system used in fed- ! flower than under the old sys- turns and in the other tern becauhe deputy returning : priiviuces, voters mark . officers wil! have to watch for w!li.t for only one eandl- both "X" and "1" Instead of Tn-randidate Retting the J "X" only. ..! number of votes wins.1 - !"-t:riii, whether he has a! nf th" votes east or Try DHv New. Want Ads ' fc J fig M- m I v ii V Lane Cedar Chests in tim 7 feg-4 Tim rotior chest thot is noted for it-; quality and beauty. Re sure to Inquire ahout our "X,' IIHH I.AVAWAT PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS C.IVINO Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 Tlie derision you mako on June 12 may e tlie most important yon ever make in jour life. It will deride your personal fill m e . . . ami the fate of Itritisli Coliimhiu. The way you vote w ill affeet your jol . . . determine whether you earn good, and enjoy the Iienelits that only eome from a prosperous, progressive jeople workin-; freely to develop iMir eTiormous natural resources. Above all, your vote will determine the eondilions under which your children "row up ami j;o tint to take their place in this great Province. Your vote wilt decide whether they go to High School or beyond to the steady employment ami individual opportunity only possible under sound, exerieneed Government. Premier Johnson's administration has brought in millions of new dollars to develop our resources with the result that there are more and better jobs for more people than at any time in our history. When you vote, think what would happen if a leaderless or ioexpericix cl group should take over the administration of this great Province. We would have confusion, confiscation and frustration. Can we lake that chance? To continue to prosper Rrilish Columbia must have a strong, experienced Covernmciit with the ability to get things done. i Led by Ilyron I. Johnson a man of undisputed integrity and a great humanitarian a Liberal Government will supply the capable, experienced administration we need to meet the exacting demands of Itrilish Columbia's future growth. The fate of British Columbia rests in your hands. i I -1 "The Voters 4 1 n ' IWj & j try f irrj mi ...Bi'iVtj CZIIZ-;r x.,.,-,,I-J Li - iv ' 1 1 will be the subject of an address by Hon. Byron I. Johnson Premier CBU MONDAY 10:15- 10:30P.M. Inserted by Liberal Cimpalgn Committee lnrted by lhe B.C. Liberal AuocUllon 1 1 m. -I