1 III" ' " I!-' ''I ' 1 - .": t ' Friday, August 21, 1953 TAKE A TRIP TO KETCHIKANi cgypt Caiis For Total War ' v. I : Torem Room Cocktail Lounje and Derby Lounge in connection witti STEDMAN and GILM0RE HOTELS Eat at Stednan Cait ' Box 319 for reservation 4 56 for th Brsr Cob Serv es ALASKA CAB Kctchikon Alaska Is close by ... fly to Ketchikan, the salmon packing capital of the world, in the heart of totemland WITH . . . ELLIS AiR on MON. WED. SAT. '. leovt Prince Rupcrr l:0D p.m. AND WITH QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES on tUES.-THURS.-FR!. leave Prince Rupert 1:15 p.m. $ jg.00 one way $27-00 round trip .' 50 minutes each way On Britons CAIRO (AP) EgjTJfS acting resident, Vice-Premier Gamal bdel Nasser, opened the Mos-em fea;4 of Bairam yesterday with a call fcr Egyptians to pre-jare for total war against British occupation." His warning to Britons to evacuate their military forces .Torn the disputed Suez canal :one was cheered wildly by an estimated 100,000 Egyptians larking the big square outside ho former royal palace. Nasser pok? in the absence of Presl-lent Mohammed Naeuib. who is n pllgrimag? to Mecca. "We must prepare ourselves V a fight of all the people, not irly a croup of commandos." Nasser said. "We must teach the women and children how to do-fend our country. This Is the way to liberation." s f ,. .; ( tVV Vi-t -- y , '.X " .! , """" 1 U I rc.iKsu.V (right), Canada's external affairs min- I r intCi tad president of the United Nations General Assembly, u..v?f)5"i piaque honoring the late Count Folke Bernadotte, UN p.-. d.Mor In Palestine, assassinated In Jerusalem, Jan. 17, 1948. Ci u.iLmi Eernadotte, widow of the late UN official was present b;. tlterfmol'y- At loft 15 Hammarskjold, secretary-gen--. ttfhcU:.. (CP Photo) I STAY AT THE Ql'IET. COMFORTABLE INGERSOU Add to the growing number of American do-it-yourselfers M. and Mrs. Elmer Kager, both 50, who are building their own si-room house in their spare time They started In August of last year and plan to have their home ready by this fall.' Mr: Hag?r drew up the plans himself and the only outside help they will have is for plumbing and electrical work. Approximate cost ol the finished house will be $10,000, but the evaluation will exceed $14,000. Here the Hagcrg work on the roof structure.'..: "You must be ready to fight at iny moment and at any pl?ce, ind we shall be leading you," he -aid. "Life is limited." he added. "You can die in the Suez canal ,one as well as anywhere else if fate wants it so." Th armv h-s instru"Tofs and equipment to arm a great number of volunteers. Groups of well-trained men have bren -r rl ''-nr!-. it was reported WHEN YOU. COME TO KETCHIKAN Phone 5 for Safety and Convenience WHITE CAB TIG FRONT - KETCHIKAN Kid Rulers Enjoy Best ENJOY VOt'RSELF AT MIRROR LAKE 1 RESORT Fine Flshinn Rustic Lodge MEALS . . . BOATS Zt flln. from Ketchikan . .Ak your Airlines lie Romanians Starve tnitH in wwtprii rpfpntlnns. n.ri triPir rumours win dc B.C. Government Bulletin Slated Soon Says Bennett vtctoria fcThe provincial ' first try at the federal field In Fcr tha first time In five years four American correspondents have been permitted by Communist Romania to visit that forbidden Balkan country. This la the second of several articles by the Associated f:ess chief of bureau In Vienna, wao was among them. Bv RICHARD O'REGAN HOTEL CAB KEKVirt ShoppinK IlKtrl't EUht at Hand Write Box 1 1 K", i ; 303 MISSION BELL ISLAND HOT SPRINGS .,'0 minutes from KeUhikan Via Ellis Air Lines . . . cabin ind hotel accommodation . . near hunting and fUi-n; spots. W. C EJonton, Mg-, the "new rich" of Romania leave doubled In the coming j'ear. their wives behind. It is said( i-fnrrm ne'n-Tpvptian talks they do not know how to behave to trv srtHl"" hf Rifw Alrr Hn society. ! are still on officially although a As in the 18th century, when scheduled meeting last Monday Turkish-appointed Greek gov- was cancelled by the Egyptians. Irnors of Romania were carried No date for the next meeting from their tables to their beds, has been set. Yes, You Can Buy a Cocktail so Gheorghul-Dej has an escort i government will start publishing this province and "polled 10.000 new;; bulletin entitled "The more votes than Social Credit tn i B.C. Government News," Premier Alberta." - . ' ! W. A. C. Bennett his announced, j He said his party polled almost I Tri- hnllptin will be sent free'iVin samp number of votes as the BUCHAREST (AP) The lush extravagances of former king Carol of Romania have been re-p ajed today oy those of Communist king Oheorghe Gheor- ,... . . : . IN KETCHIKAN, ALASKA 3ome over and see the sights of Uia World's Salmon PackU g Capital . . . Our nqw $')0.003,OOO Pulp Mill . . : fV In .'thfl $8,000 Salmon Derby . , . Catch a mess of lioul.. And relax In one of our fine cocktail lounges. of police thiis, who, by their number, almost lift him from place to place. All trafic stops as Del speeds through town in a Visiting Cadets Put on Weight IU ftl J v. . w. . VV a pUI -J I .- ....... . . . , whi. wish to he placed on the ; rj.C. members to the House of i tluu"cw- . .. ftonvov of curtain black sedans. Western diplomats here say the " , - lcias claim not Commun'st o bled new Communist court has , the b'B house where old cnow. Romania as much as the monarchy. The lot of the city Uheorghiu-Dej lives in Buchar- nailine li.-t.. The first edition commons, and "only one or two '-.II b? published later this per cent" less than the Liberals, monih. jwho captured eight seats. s, - Pr-mirr Pennctt stressed that j " r . YORK ? A C5-man Canadian lr Cadet croup yesterday dug n I1t r-.l nhnnp f1 ft fhrpp- But the people do. and they dweller has been lowered and the stay away from Its guards. His w -pk Britteh tour, still well and i it not bo a partisan politi p3asant reduced to a state serf dem comparable with the slavery Picture hangs at the gate to King Car0 W-IqM summer pal- cf the boyars. ible but heier. The air cadet party arrived n,, Mcro v, iJ.'un, r,mi ace now a museum and occa? hc-e Tuesday nighi from Bristol. lonal meeting place of the Com-mantto fascinated his people with ro- perambulations and poll- ir-form at Sinaia and nearby. Dej , . Va a m nnr nnlapp nf bic own -a) paper." "V.'e'r ? no hirin" any poiitl-a' writers to rut (he hulietin out" he said. "It will bo Tcravcd b" ho fif-r-irlmont of t;a'.e and in-chi-.try." Th" n.Mial rttia of Ijandlirg i refs releaser thrtuiph tlv lrpiv wliero it had pased through the vast Frij.!oi aircraft plant in xuai . . conspiracies, nanasome - - . r. rnnrMini- itx vlr,it In umilwifi lives in lsdlatlon nen vls'ts lne Gheorghiu-Dej "e, "P"ra;"fl FneKnd his subordinates must wait l:k- t-ngiana. and ana rules nies with wun an an iron iron fist list. retainers until he has left The rattv of 17- and 13-ycar- rVuny vnl not b I.1VB-IN SPLENDOR through a cordon of secret pol- o". is, an annual event, is du j to i Lntivc rrc? Dejs Communist courtiers live ice 1 lc?.ve for home by air Aug. 2t. I changed. any weather is wonderful weather ibr! in tr tiomes cf the iormer arts- Wltn the Rrowth 0f this new1 To date. hi haspltality har.j The premier psid th- hui -i , tocrscy and keep themselves in exciusive society Western dioln- bcen ro abundant that mcmb?rs will be a consolidation of sevcra" .; p.enaoi- while Romania's loag- matj Romania's workers in of ths Pioup have gained 10 ; rirnartrr.-nti) bnll"tins now clr-1 suffering 18,000,000 people con- EeneraJ laye seen . dr0D ln tneir pounds on the average. The boys 'culated and w;il Infludo dipnr' f unue m nunger. . , ...nrt.rd. nmw what he orobably will have to face up to hib"-'T w timut ncwr i Their homes ln Chausseee Kls- were durin Carol's reeime Only another weight problem when j bullrtins of their own. . a few faithful Communist work- they leace because of the w v j The premier said he theu-rht ers are said to have gained. they have been stocking up with his Soci!i credit, party mad" n r. .v. souvenirs. Cad-ts. limited to 40 , "remarkable fhowing" In the selef Cand In Jlanu Park are closely- guarded by armed police. Expensive U.S. and Russian cars take 'their uniformed servants food has declined steadily. It Pounas oi lungagc, win navj (Aug. 10 fvleral election. Tit", j i party won four B.C. scats in its; to and rom private stores. rnm'mnn reached its peak shortage B ln May some nara aecis.o.is io maK". Common- . TJio mrtv orill nnH l' it WhliT millions of V Paan0 III i '' .1 peopi" daily rise at 4 a.m. to queue up for the barest rations, ana June, westerners say mere VJ were block-long lines of house-. two days in London, seelr.g sifrhti jves seeking food from dawn here. . crates,.f Imported oranges and 7P are nnlnarieH In t.hA ffarHensi-tintll night. 'if.' , 1 ii ii.:"' j: 1 , . '. t ., . V ', - 4' Ik' i Fred I Dcvdb RfKim J" ..lone Building dliiin niii. r.n of the new Communist rich. . Two hundred grams of meat a The Kohinoor dlam'ni wri-h-Only Communist bigwigs or week and small quantities of su-1 ed more than 186 carats when high foreign Communist guests (tar and sunflower oil for cook-1 Presented to Queen Victoria if we the ultra-modern Baneasa' 'ng were available. That was all. 1 1850. There was no butter and little ' railway station, with its red car- bread and only the smallest p;ts, which Carol built for the quantities of vegetables. exclusive use of royalty. The masses rnust wait If one Even for well-paid Communist of Romania's top Communist! , workers new clothes cost a small otlicials wants quick service in a fortune. An average unskilled tepartment store or needs a rail worker makes 250 lei a month. A ticket. We saw the people look I iel Is valued at about 12 to one stC:mmunii tureaucrats re- U. S. dollar. An enalneer makei CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 ' CRATING PA KIr' srORtr.F. Fii-hl Avnue and .VicBri ie Sirfct ceiving preferential treatment 1,150. The average monthly wage Is about 450. Aealnst this, a man's sh"d I v. with the same hate they might have shown ior royal agents. The ciats distinctions of the si . y n ready-made suit casts 940 lei. new 'classless society" are strict shoes 209 lei, a bar of toilet soap tor Romania's 700,000 Communist 12 lei and a bedroom suite 15,600. party members. I Workers' housingj Western At official receptions, Gheor- l dlolomats say, has been negl:?;-ghm-De and h-s top guests are ible. And though the regime separated in private rooms and boasts it has built rest camni no'jedy may cross the line. They and made paid vacations avail-are served caviar and imported able to millions, it is estimated F.ench brandy. The lower ranks the average worker can expect get hors de'oeuvres and domestic U rest camp stay once every tzuika;., , seven years. UY NOW - and SAVE Whtn you Ainl of itfrWn, wKrt toui tt mort Invitlnj thn cool bottlt of OpiUf Old StyU nttllinj In your rtfristrttcV? Htr bftw tncdt wiK eonumt ikill horn lh fincil kop, .nd rlcKtit brley. And fl.ol Old StyU'l wondtrlul Bivof U juttded by t most dvncd bftwinl tquipmenl in Ctntdian bitwtry. For rl rtfiMnm"' yer 'round tnjoymtnt, you limply cn'l be Old SyU btr. Try boHl. lonisnl. SICKS' CAPILANO BREWERy LIMITED BLANKETS - SHEETS -' PILLOW v SLEEPING BAGS- At Rr a! Soviir-s Prices ! mSTON RECREATION PLAN "tawcc di Arc nc Don dcc BLANKTS All wool and mixtuies. Made by II. U. Brand. From, yair BfcO SMETS Wl ite Cotton. S;.artn Braud. L&ige siL;;. Trcra, pair Si"? ; 'W if1 I ILLOW CASE3-42-inrh size. .'1,25 -Spartoir Br;iinl. Now, pair .VICTORIA tt Formation of a community programs b oifc tc promote anult recreation throughout British Coitirabia hac been announced by Education Minister Tilly Eols&ft. ... Th: branch will replace the former Pro-Rec organization. Ill-will have nine regional consultants, each of whom will bt available tc asf.ist In promoting public recreation. if IE this way. many parts of B.C. will, for the first time, be bfti use the government's recreation services," Mrs. Rolston saidj H.NNELSTTE SHEETS Good qua-Sly KU-? ;ot ' end Texmadc Brands.' Now, fvofn, ja r Jootl ciualil.v, "i'li'ir rl-i.ing. .Vool aiid 'olto;i $ " QtZ Uhcd. From always insist on. mssm MSN'S PLASTIC RAINCOATS S1?.;! Small, M?dium or Large. EACH PHONE 654 for Fret Horn Delivery. LOOK FOR THE NAME ... V " Sv-Hclyc S3.ui . .foremost infrozen f Dods Between the Royal and Belmont Hotels This advertisement w,not publkheil or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British t "1n 1 1 i!