Prince Rupert Doily News Friday, August 21, 1953 r r fc-j Winnipeg's Abe Yanofsky in Last Round Of Chess Tourney With Title in Grasp HASTINGS, Eng. (CP) Wlnnl- day and will go direct to Win- won the adjourned match 10 .eg s Abe Yanofsky, former nlpeg where he hai already en- moves after It resumed On his Canadian champion, today tered the Canadian champion- return to Canada he hopes to .leaded into the last round of ships, to be played there next join the national civil service or ne British chess championship month. Earlier this year, he inke a teaching position with the title firmiy in ..... - completed a two-vear Dost- ' McRAEBROS. LTD. Pr.OUDLY (pMA&niA. THE RCA D0LUIIG v The fishing village of Alcle-r-uign in Sjf.'olk was the setting for nenlarnin Britten's opera ' Peter Orlmestt. IgiraUi m grasp the first Canadian ever graduate law course at Oxford, io win the tournar.ent. I topping a class of 27 and ob- The University of Manitoba taining his bachelor of law . de-law graduate, 28, clinched things gree. ihursday in the 10th round of, The Canadian Navy veteran 32-man competition. It was started playing chess under tho -onsidered the stiffest in sev- direction of his father at a eral years. With a fine record of Winnipeg chess club whirl he points going, into today's was eight years old. He won last game, Yanofsky U a sure the Canadian title at 17 and" the '"!' ' 'North American Open crown at ine Canadian master had 18. He was made a chess master 10 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR O AUTOA1ATC DEFROSTING . O ACROSS-TOP 50 LB. FREEZER O THERMOSTATIC BUTTER CONDITIONER ROOMY" VEGETABLE CRISPERS O 5 YEAR GUARANTEE ON FREEZER SYSTEM ciKiii victories, a draw and a in in 1946, when he competed eieai up till today. j'fhe Netherlands. Yanof-ky, married and father " '&&- v. i. ; .7 miown in rjriusn cross nf a nitio . . ?.h JihZ" B1"11"! circles, he was selected as the WANTED by ' School District Hx SO K.'timot, B.C. SECRETARY-TREASURER. To ac t as chief administrative official of the School District. Duties involve tl.j initiation and construction of a completely new school system. Reply to: Official Trustee, rc 318 Marine Building, Vancouver, B.C. the oiZrh1 . lurnament . probable winner by C. H. O'u. where h,nHeSS Alexander., former British L nHUP,ln four-, champion and a tournament wa way tie le for second place. , competitor, before play started. His closest opponent here has Alexander said in the Sunday been R. o. Wade of New Zea- i Times that he had the "sound land, last year's champion, who style and good technique need 439', neia seven points today. The ed In a tournament of UiU two are the only players from kind." outside Britain. Terras os low os f.SO.OO down. I Yanofsky's match against A. Y. Green was his toughest. He MHUITION of contemporary British clssign will be held at Yanofsky sails for home ' nrir .. Only $29.00 mo'nthw ILlb Trodc-ins Accepted inadiun National Exhibition at Toronto Aug. 28-8ept. 12. wi-uter. made in Scotland and worn by a British model, included in die display. The sweater is a delicate lemon with a contrasting lntarsia design in white. Huge Rat Chases Man with the quality traditionally associated . with the name RCA VICTOR bcation School Windup BATH FORD, Eng. iReutersl- Come in for a Demonstration it For Saturday Afternoon irst daily vacation Church , Mr. Larry Oxner and his i-vcr held at St. Andrew's (laui'htei , Phyllis, left last night al Is concluding with a for Vancouver aboard the "Prince ngraiii at 2 p m. Saturday t Rupert" after spending several le.iJ' is are very enthu- , wjeks here with Mr. Oxner's about both at.endance ; other duuuhter, Mrs. J. D. McRae, work accomplished. ati Mr. McRae. The two visitors t 4o children attended will return to their home in itruction and handwork Halifax. iilcd Into three sections I M,.v lMnthy YJlnada, Mrs. R. B. Skinner and son a, n Hiti'hcoi k' and Cunon Jimmy have returned from l'ro: ktci r'sX'ctivciy. (Grassy Plains on last night's hililmi havj played to- M'ain after visiting Mr. and Mrs. in names sen oils and ijccl tncethci. Tnere were w. HiiKie. wnue in Grassy ! Plains they attended the wed-' dim' of Miss Murearet Rlrkle In A four-foot-long rat, one of a colony terrorizing this village In Shakespeare's country, this week attacked a man as he swam In the River Avon near here. "I have never been so scared In all my life," said Alan Hedges. 23. "It slid down into the water from out of some overhanging tree branches and made for me. I put my head down and lied. "When I reached the bank, it was only a few feet away and I could see its ed teeth bared." Hedges scrambled out of the water, picked up a stick, swatted his attacker and drove it away. The animal is believed to be a coypu, a South American water rat with reddish-brown pelt, red teeth, webbed feet and long, naked tall. Some years ago coypus were bred near here for their pelts and several escaped. They are thought to have formed a new colony on the banks of the Avon. The people of Bnthford have been clamoring to have the big rats rounded up since farmers discovered a dead one last week killed by dogs in a field near Sally-in-the-Wood. The vlllag- tr of oiner helpers In-jMr. Charles Stuckel of Lanfeley many senior gnis. , Prairie. Mrs. Jeannie McCook, who has been a patient in the Prince T If O -" H - - ' 'r FOR BEAUTY CONVENIENCE 1 VALUE . . . looks at the EXTRAS Enterprise uifet'j ' ' . ' , vou: ; - -k Fully o'i!ontjf.c opcrction Yhen desired. i( No Worp Oven Bottom. ; , Rupert General Hospital for the sevPt mon,ns' last wee" Brmihoff, German con- 'P' t trade commissioner, will ! uoi or V"""a n"e 8"e Uljle Monday, August 24 i"" . ,c "ye ,' "" " m buslnei problems ?r n? h" Mj1,m: s1? w"' b3 ince rlttn. who i hV wiT ' arrived from Germany, ? i V"' i "T'2: fions will bo held fromi". ' Ercnr.s; taking ov.iii of ony type 30 a m ot Hi, n w lertron. ,han " ""fS "taup ' ' IQliJC. . !fice. Ideal Cleaners. (lt I Crash Proves j ira have vowed they won't go Tr Fastest to? cooking of orsy range for uiiy fuei. fa Surpassing buauty in modern sta. Constant !jvcl vafve for conned on wirS ii.s dc or outs'de lank. ' Exclusive P;!o LIglif feaiwc jrer J3 per ccri on fuel. ,it Backed by Over 03 yoors' oxpi'r! .:iea in Rtingj Manufacturing. BURNETTS w"' SATIN GIN Lt V, 1 I 5 ? . f Fatal to Four J PARIS (Reuters) Four per- sonr were killed whin a .truck , crashed into an electric train at , n level crossing near Rhelms I Wednesday., The train was de- railed and three passengers were, ! seriously tnjuied. BURNETT'S "ND0" DRY GIN near ine wooara vaie unui u s clear of them. Villagers claim to have seen coypus in the neighborhood be-t fore the dead one was found. A motorist hit one at dusk recently and saw its "red, stary eyes" shining as It scuttled off 338.00 tiowM , 75 ONLY Z.l Ao-bc $13.QO MONTHLY; , - This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, . uie road into the woods. ST. ALBANS. England W A ! Municipal authorities have ' windmill usiiit two 80-foot pro- ! set "traps heavy enough to hold! pellers was demonstrated hire, a bear" nil along the river : j It may be used to supply elec- banks near Sally-in-the-Wood j Itricity in power-short areas in hopes of catchins the coypus. i j distant from other sources of I But so far the traps have stayed ' i supply. empty. Frizzell's ) MOTOR unmp PRODUCTS eonhiif-TC i LIMITED imitc With Dream Kitchen -by '"Moffat Special Sale Used Cars and Trucks Features... Sporting Goods of Every Typs.. 'r Fishing Equipment ' Swimming Accessories Lifebelts A Exclusive Nylon Filled and Covered Sleeping Bags The SPORT SHOP each are twice as a"d lend an air of cas-'d taste that belies the mi!"ng and matchlrfg. PU bV KlllMfu 4 K I.. . I9IS CHKVHOI.KT Srdah', good Transportation ' S'i't.'i t 1BSO VAt'l(HAM..i BmIMI Ouaroiiwil perfect 1H4H IHIMOTO Sedan. An excellent private -cur; good tires and motor ,, , J, "!)." 1M1 Ol DSMOIIH.K Coupe Hydramatlc. new motor, new paint; good Urea $1010 1MB Pl.VMfM'TH Sedan. Reconditioned. Good tires. Excellent tnuMpnrwruiii jtti-j. It ' i-"c pills 1!H CHRV. 8edan in excellent condition $11 1).1) 1949 H 1I.LYS Station Wagon. A very good buy JfSJ.'i 1931 FOKI) Custom Sedan. Kadlo, heater, new pulnt. A nicvj clean car f)75 1!M 1'IIF.V. Sedan New motor, Paint. In excellent Condition . . . S,SH7 IS4M Hf soro Sedan. Radio; Good tlrea. In very good eomiitioi. $1S.1 "ciung together In ""r 01 the sunburst simulated the intcr-lared pair of are slnriii,i ..... " sold knobs. The bracc- uair ur shiny curved " Rold. varied in widths & Burners light irslantlv, ou;o-, maticaMy . adjustable at the turn of a knob from a ganrle . siiiimer to a ' giant flame. -fa The X-Ray window allows you to see how your baking is piogresiing. fa Maximum installation, $15.00 Coi of operation, approximately $3.50 ptr month. PRICED FROM """l 1 f hull. nicelv EXTRA SPECIALS Fu ges and symmet- I I AN I S S ' JT ? I j LJ I j 'ims. 1941 roHK Coupe. Oood 1941 FORK Sedan. Cheap running condition .... JCJD.I transportation $:!:. 1937 Rl'K'K Sedan' 1941 FOR II, 4x4 Army van A cheap buy t Clood can.lltlon. A cood tnu-k for luintlng st TO ALL ALAMCA) via ULILDS I ID CARS TRUCK SPECIALS Setlon $595 Vmo"Ht... t&cn $7;U 1947 IIOIXIK Panel. A good Utiy. New motor . ... 1949 iMO 1-ton Panel odqo Am LIN i-nnrc . . . A good truck buy $710 19M FORD Panel Delivery Etccllent eondltlon ijil.ViO 1949 CIIKV. Pick 4Jp Oood condition, i(!H!)." 19.HI HKV. Sedart Delivery Hecondltloned , SI I'M) 1940 noiioe 34-ton Pick Up Fair Bhapa $.' I "i $ 72-75 19.11 riiuv. 12-ton Panel Excellent $5!)5 iSprlnr. f Office Opposite Post- Office Phone 266 WW 197 INTERNATIONAL 3 Lota of work left 12-ton $501) Fordo, $1350 . Sudcbaker 1948 l'IIKVROI.ETl-i-turi' 1918 FOHD 3-ton chassis New motor. Oood tires Hecondltloned. Oood tires ires chassis $15H5 !(ilMI Austin $2275 $1050 AA -In) I IS" Eo)r3)(5 I i J "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" 327 Third Avenue West Phone 6 and 36 LITTLE LEAGUE PLAY-OFFS MOOSE vs HAWKS ALGOMA PARK TONIGHT 7 P.M. lltlFK Come In and See These Bargains in Cars, Trucks PRICES REDUCE)) $100.00 to $500.00 5 auto rvitt LTD