pr' r.CIAL LIBRARY PROVINCIAL AORROW'S Hi VICTORIA, 2. C. . UiDES- mm ,lVi AuKUst 22, 1953 Lrlc stardwl Timet 23:33 20 5 feet 5:35 35 feet 17:40 1G feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBLV8 NEWSPAPER Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Princt Rupert, tha Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL11, No. las PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1953 , PRICE FIVE CENT3 V Vpelivry Phone 81 V A ""M: - r f fJJvl hi IPi?si Cdi 'f ted IFi? ITofe i?7?nnfl 1U 1? Inr uiiiiii ii ri MS HU UUUVM UU U CrJU Three Convicted And Three Freed Six persons charged with, participating' in an unlawful assembly August 2 were committed today by Magistrate W. I). Vance to stand trial in the first higher court of competent jurisdiction. - t , . f f. : The case against a seventh, f Anfield and police officers involved on developments which led to stoning of the city hall in the early morning of August 2 and the subsequent dispersal ilmon Morrison, was dismissed at the request of crown counsel . W. Brown, QC. Those who will stand trial are iarl Batt, John McKenzie, Grace rxn, Clayton Jarvis, Arnold onasin and George Flewln. 'he defendants were released of the crowd by tear-gar. Of AM) CHILDREN were moved out of da igei along a specially-protected road while risand fathers remained behind to figh forest fires near the little nor thshorc communi-Korrstville and Stc. de Colombicr, 200 miles cast of Quebec City. The blazing lire, I by a 25-miIe-an-hour wind, swept across 75 square miles of rich timberland since it vie. 7. Aerial view of the fire shows vill ige ol Forestvlllc and airport in the background, i n liave been detained In connection with the fires. the nine originally accused of being members of unlawful as-smbly, Mike Postuk Rnd James Slack, were freed of charges, In addition to Morrison. 1 At a separate trial two tcen-ige girls and a young native who pleaded guilty were given ,on bail of $500 each, with the j exception of Mrs. Green for I whom no hail was raised. J In asking for dismissal of the I case against Morrison, the pros-iecutor said evidence against the j accused indicated he was not la trouble maker but simply a 3 . sin-month suspended sentences. nvict Killed, Three injured -JJoug Hogarth and Mrs. Ray represented the defendants, with the exception of Morrison ind Mrs. Green who had no counsel. ildings Burned in Prison Riot "drunken person" who happened to become involved In the crowd. His innocence was supported by testimony given early In the preliminary hearing by Indian superintendent Frank Anfield. A request by defence counsel K. Wash. AIi Three buildings they had set torch to troyed ' . n.gry inmate of the in a sudden outbreak of frenzied : Then several hours alter (lie 'ii state reformatory viclousness. Guard nnl.miinri n.. n,. ,.,,ti....i, ..i , A SQUARE-DANCE TEAM comprised of four Army helicopters demonstrates the flexibility of the "whlriybirds" to Fort Sill Okia.) personnel. Famed as air transports for observers, supplies, and wounded in Korea, they have their lighter moments when the music of the Tennessee Wagonners inspires them to do some dancing. The straw-hatted Bell helicopters are the boy3 and the blanket-flapping partners are the girls. niljlit went on a des- walls keeping inmates on the pnmn nl Ihn mnn im ih i,n h. 1 Mn. Willa Rav that the rase Morocco Calm After Switch ;ree that ended hours grounds under surveillance all ii'K',1 In luf .k tiirr.inri, ii, a r, u i o against Klcwin also be dismiss- one m;in dead, three night. f!ii;,',,l... un,n v i eri was refused Mrs Rav main. id five of the Instltu-: The rioters struck without : shoulder atop the :)-root-high ' talned there was no evidence Hwling buildings des- warning during the evening re-; walls and aimed with riot and lhat Flewin was a ring-leader "f'e creation period One group took , tomrny-giins, oM'ned fire. flf the unlawful assembly or the rioters were In a ever one of the' reformatory' : rmir n.on foil n .... ,.., that he was taitincr mrt in i Local Planes Cover 3,000 Square Miles CASABLANCA, North Africa (Reuters i Strong police forces Da trolled Casablanca todav as MC uu,"s on me wo large cell blocks and the tally wounded. Another. Ktruek In reply, Mr. Brown pointed i th French authorities waited In Search For Lost American Aircraft ricocheting bullet which i out that the case against Mor- i tn kp the rPKnl. nf thoir He. vi.t iniuc ui uie omer ran mrougn me grounds by a seiung nre u me DuiKiings sur- ; passed througn his head right' "son and two others was dis-I posing Sultan Sidl Mohammed : rounding Uie recreation area. (behind his eyes, lay on thessed because there was no i Thursday and banishing him an Shah ; evidence they were there In i to Corsica. More than 3.000 square miles , ed today that an official of the have been covered by Prince j Condor Petroleum Company of Rupert aircraft in the search , Abilene, Texas, In which- Mr. for the missing twin-enRine j Hall is a principal owner, toad I nitre iiuuurcu otiier prisoners ground screaming: ; took no part In the uprising. . j "Oh God. Knock taking part in the hunt. . .. . Information Irom Annette. Island, stated, that EtaJUll hlyi-, self was piloting the lost plane. When tne weather cleared me out!, anything but an Innocent ca-1, But Moroceo Mme(f calm to- L it" V-. y i .i : J.-sitr, ' T,'ii,v ,.r. l V ' ,?.-Vf V-.l s ''ii ; ' A, A ., -'I k i . . i . i ; 1 t ' ; , 1 1 ' It L J A. t " hi ' f.' f . R ' IS- y i X . - i ' ' Si it'", I i1 I " r 'it I 'it i' ' " T Ik . i . I 4 . 1 ' . I " r' ' v II I Guards made no effort to stop ."Kneick me out!" Dove plane carrying Ellis Hall, f arrived to spur the search, his family and a New Mexico I He told newsmen that he was rlOmf? lllC slolie"throwlnK' bat-hurling,! iXKtors said later tie would be not apply in the case of Flewin. ligious festival of Said El Kebir, ,,,,,,,,K uii.u. hit nirfviT nulla, . w ieuis v sujiiiii jr mi uie which marks Abraham's sacrl- Ti . .. i Monroe volunteer fire depart-! The other two men were not! accused had been seen circulate j flce ,, Rcza ., 1 Palile , , ment was called and was in the ' wounded seriously. jinR among the crowd that night I Thmmtimit the nrntrtnratp API youth. I authorized to pay any amount The Hall plane hits been ! f money to anyone locating missing since it left Annette I the missing; plane. Island. Alaska, Monday and was Earlier this week, the corn- '"hummed yesterday four aircraft based here spent most of the remaining daylight hours searching the-peaks and woods for the light green colored craft. i Iran, flew homeward walls within minutes. But before ThPll poij, stlll .tcd ,nvinR j ant talking to various groups. ptous Mosems win slaughter they could start work they were i,,.,, the eell block and imtji the , Magistrate Vance declined to i , ,,, DnH nw hnm. to thP a royal, welcome .ciroine In in ki. - k.. . . .. . . "., i ho " . reported overdue at Smithers j pany offered a $25,000 reward new sultan, Moulah Mohammed ive country he fled five " 11 " grounas. A small licavily-armea "" " -' u "vc hurled by the men on the forcc entered the cell block. They i The committal to stand trial where it was to call en route to anyone finding the missing to Bellingham, Wash. aircraft and also offered to sup From Ketchikan it was learn- ply free gasoline to aircraft him in his land of -mar and oil were a prounds. were greeted with a barrage of, marked the end of a hearing Other fire equipment arrived : debris and curses but Uiis sub- j which has continued through hut none ever got inside the .sided quickly when they saw the the week. Evidence was given Two Queen Charlotte Airlines planes piloted by Emerson Wallace and Roy Berryman went up Portland Inlet, up the Naas river to Dragon lake, to Alice Arm, ier loyal to the mon- lofliccrs meant business. i by Mayor Harold Whalen, Mr. 1'ilant rruwrlx fiirarinn walls. Ben Arafa, 64, uncle of Sldi Mohammed. ; The new sultan will lead prayers in the mosque at Marrakesh instead of receiving the traditional homage at the sultan's palace at Rabat. It was at Marrakesh that the new sultan was appointed spiritual leader of Moroccan Moslems last week by pro-French Pasha El Glaoul of Marrakesh. 'far-old ruler and a I A"'t no explanation for (he "i prisoner under ! outbreak could lie had from rd sliukv old iStiuier. One guard said, however. f lohaninied Mussadegh. ' that there had been trouble dur- Reds State 13 Canadians To Be Repatriated Tomorrow Iranlan colony and le- j tne "ny- IIe woult not ex nh turned Its bark on .jP11" further. ariivnl as a fuL'ltive ' vol vc ii'.'knii:k covering Hstings Arm and Observatory Inlet and then over Ashlngton range and up the Portland Canal to the edge of the Cambria snowfield. J. 8, Burns and Dick Malcolm, in a Prince Rupert Aero Club Taylorcraft, flew eastward from Prince Rupert to Work Channel, across the Skeena river and covered both sides of Skeena river to Terrace. After refueling at Lakelse lake they went north to the east side of Kltsumkalum lake and covered valleys in that leader of the opposition to Sidl LITTLE LEAGUE PLAYOFFS GET UNDER WAY TONIGHT Prince Rupert Little League baseball association playoffs get underway tonight at Algoma Park, weather permitting. Scheduled to meet in the first game of a best-of-three series are the King Edward Hawks who topped the league play and second-place Moose. The second game will be played next Wednesday, August 26 and the final game on August 28. The Little Leaguers will rest Monday night, after Journeying to Inland Sunday for a doubleheader with the Terrace Juniors. Most of the Inmates at the re-! PANMUNJOM O The Com- dians were released earlier. At an u-year-old Queen 'ie out in force in r ..ff,iv niunists announced totlav . that ' the start of the exchance. the "'parturc by plane nu t. .nrf im. i 13 Canadians would be anioiiE ; Reds said only 14 Canadians , jitit;i niiu iuuiu iinjuij.i.u ,.11111- . . ... Dials are kept in the Washington those repatriated in Saturday's i would be repatriated larlered Royal Durh state penitentiary. - , exchance ol Korean war prison- At Vancouver today, Ptc. Moiinwhiln I n m a I o In I hp r"ll ! ei'S. ' i Thomas E. Rnthwell of Duiidas. Mohammed. Reports from all over Morocco today Indicated little opposition to Sldi Mohammed's disposal. Support for the pasha reached a peak Thursday when hundreds of Berber tribesmen converged on Rabat Just before the French government announced its decision. Minn and his party r Baghdad, capital of ihlnrk upk learlnir mi nlumhinc. The statement brinas to 18 the' Out., third Canadian prisoner to j breaking out windows and des- number of Canadians the Com- j be released, said 13 other Cana-li planned to lunch troying furnishings. They, too, munists have either released or i dians were captured with him afternoon with Iraq's 'howled and cursed as they des- 'promised to return. Three Cana- last Oct. 23. but that he had not I inn r w seen any of them since shortly after the group was taken. Roth- f 'er UKlay. area as far north as Lava lake. They returned by the Skeena river. Neeley Moore in a Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. plane, covered the Skeena river from Terrace to Woodcock and zigzagged back over triangle formed by Woodcock, Terrace and Lava lake. He worked eastward on the beam into Smithers, re "niya, exhausted and :""fd in Rome to rest VIP $5 Won By K.C. AM '1 .1 well arrived in- Canada today after a commercial airlines flight trom Tokyo., Rothwell's statement brought to 22 the tofal number of Canadians reported captured by returning prisoners of war. In today's group of repatriates, 150 Americans, largest single group to be returned to freedom thus far were as eager as young K. C. Aird of 308 Ninth Ave u P9 Area f es Listed is ;1 turning via Kitwanga, checking Rocher de Boule Mountain and the Seven Sisters. nue West won $5 in this week's Dally News VIP contest when he Identified Lord Beaverbrook from clues contained in last Monday's VIP page of adver r'iptions have been Today, weather permitting. tisements. w,tikly clsure5 the 'Partmcnt announced ena River, cia f sters . Thoy shouted and danced as they were freed with 300 South QCA is scheduled to cruise over the high peaks between the Skeena and the Naas, working eastward from Prince Rupert His . entry, however, was not Koreans. and Rillnets of 6'2 The Americans were from Camp 1 at Chongsong on the enclosed on a salessllp from one of the advertisers so Mr. (or Mrs.) Aird only won $5 out of a possible $13.65 Jackpot. His entry was the first correct one ""1,,,naealn Sunday then going into those areas not yet covered. Doug Hague and Dick Malcolm are going out in an Aero club plane to scan the Yalu river, the Red stockade for iV y "v." ... 11 T A - i -''r'tiMl"'r'',i'"'' t-y r . . "f No. 's u .i j incorrigibles" who actively re sisted communism. western side of Kltsumkalum "'eptum of Ogden "d the nr.rii,n,. The Reds were "death against found in ten letters picked at random from the mailbox. The fact that a saleslip was not included boosts next week's lake and work southward from the Skeena river. Neely Moore, with the CM&S plane, is going to American aviators" said Cpl. Philip E. Rogers of Denver. He 'waHV',ckeye ns u. d' The remainder said one navy flier from the U.S. complete a survey of the area Jackpot to $22.30. "'ve thlswecir.? aircraft carrier Leyte was stripped to a light shirt and summer pants, and forced to remain out- between Terrace and famtthcrs mid then work northward into the still-unchecked area. Purse seine and 1 ,aiua 18 closed ide In 25-below zero weather. Another repatriate told of a Clues to next week's VIP will be found in Monday's VIP page of advertisements. Deadline is II a.m. next Friday and to win the whole jackpot entries must be mailed with saleslip from one of the VIP advertisers for the current week. -laion of Whalo mentally-Ill American soldier -uer canal Bnin... oueri in m, ... ... h' j .V;. v the areVS Reach and Right tied to a tree outside the hospital at Camp 1 and left there until he died. -WEATHER- Ha uin... .. .. . RiTlwlm Ex-Nazi Target Of Rotten Eggs KIEL, Germany (Reuters i Strikers Head Back to Work PARIS (AP) Thousands of striking French postal, telegraph and telephone workers started back to work today. The trek to work began after two big non-Communist unions the Socialist Workers' Force (FO) and the Christian Catholic Labor Federation (CFTCt reached sn agreement early today with Premier Joseph Lan-iel's government. )na clmnnpi . la Coola area Is Hot fir-KI Dr. Warner Naumann, one-time assistant of Nazi propaganda minister Goebbels, was greeted Thursday night by a hail of Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy Saturday with a few sunny periods in the afternoon. Not much "hange in temperature. Winds light. Low tonight and high Saturday at Port Hardy and Sandsplt S3 and B2, Prince Rupert 53 and 65. THE SUN WAS SHINING, so Alex Wozniak decided to take a little stroll down the Thames! The 33-year-old Polish-born draftsman put on' his "walking" shoes and here he is having a wonderful time. His shoes are skis, each of which is a miniature boat with a keel. Wozniak pushes himself through the water with two ski poles which have cork Ooats at the end. He plans to "walk" the English Channel in the near future. i.. i: 1 1 ii nnn I A FAITHFl'L COPY of the striped original, recently-born Margaret stands on wobbly legs as Mama Spiffy takes her for an airing at New York's Central Park Zoo. The baby zebra was born to Spiffy and Frisky last, month. rotten eggs and tomatoes as he stood up to address an election rally here. . XI ij(. :T - ( , ' ' " " it