passing PROP WASH . . . Sandtj tilt I'm it c C,upcr Uu.iHcrti ' j J Monday. March 10, M3 Moose Variety Show Draws Praise From Audience Another variety show in the Capitol Theatre las night brought enjoyment to a capacity audience and praise to the woman who arranged, conducted, -" ." . . w f ' 'I --v Clip-I :Kf' Last reports from Dr. W. S. Kergln elub physician are that he has been working nightly j doing medical examinations for j Air Cadet students who are elig-; ible for approved course set down by RCAF. Five of these Cadets will be chosen to take their in LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING , . . FORWARDING . . . SI OK AGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. -MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 6t or 68 Cor. Zni and Park Are. With a break in the weather. Vic McGuire was able to put In a few hours Instruction this week. Joe Go:oe successfully completed his flight test spins and all our Joe really likes spinning that aircraft. The club had a visit Irom John Findlay, now a pilot with CPA. Johnny Is one of the original members of the Aero Club and took his initial training here. With work parties turning out this Sunday ior repairs to the struction here. and took part. DOBBIN BE'i l'RMS M Talent Concert 1 A r . 1 ,A; SWIFT CUKitENT. Sask. (CP) j The horse" has not been shoved ia, tliat Nra Tl.omp- li ave that pt-ople don t i to yodel can be dia-fc-ris in the tumbling & variety show Sunday ,r w y0(i,..i. She did, j roundly applauded as J ihroutih her act. I 'hiraHliy' efforts to Lot variety show paid a capacity audlenee .r to three encores. i fcrray did another re- job a MC at the I even thoUKh the luidn't tell him the :liesiiK5 they Intend- Arts Kienilms In the X.c K')t a wrong cue ! Great Success j entirely out of the picture here. iioau and others turning out nightly to heiD on the I A. C. Sanburn, a pioneer Chap- j nn larmer, was granted a li At Bo-Me-Hi Concert of Talent' M. UM an unf. cence to operate a livery stable j and riding academy the first 1 club should soon have iwo air-crafts in operation, and proper facilities for mooring. nere in more man zu years. choice of a name for svih,. JOV COGIIILt, member of the sUff of the Goodman Memorial Theatre in Chicago and of the De Paul University School night's production at Booth Me morial High School. The students iwt inrm,.H hi,frj a capacity In vatic'.. Hnlilrr wux Mnuilig Fly With ELLIS AIR LINES puardy and tried to of talent ranging from kliiU manipulation of marionette, t,. ,m Kit kept tinging mis. neryi Karasosky. a member of the Women of the Moose, who staged the concert, directed the show and then sang three songs which drew rounds of applause. 8he started with "Alice Blue Oown," and was cheered back to sing "Some of These Days" and "Harvest Moon." In keeping with the approach' of St. Patrick s Day. the show started with an Irish jig by the liuie Grimolison sisters and was followed by a tumbling routine In which Llbby and Patricia Pierce. Bev Caldcronl. Bonya Hansen and Sonya Selvlg took part, Mrs. Norah Thompson, who accompanied at the piano throughout, also received a great ovation when she sang "My Little Grey Home In the West" and "Bluebird of Happiness" and ended the show with a Swiss yodel. A recent resident here from Belgium. Alfred Beckuct, rendered several piano selections to the dplleht. nf all n1 Mr. Kit I,,d vieil-eaiiied ap- Interpretive dancing, vocal num- musical numbers and some dramatic acting. Costuming in lewel colors, un :.,i,e very rc-anvthing and when der some verv skilful linhtim. FROM Lrr and Snnya Srlvi entranced the audience Th. nm. PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN With Connections to ductlon. held to mine money for ISP ' ft?) PSYALOtv I C I I I I FOODS A ii.ui, cvnytme es(M' iiiily when one or the Theatre, will direct the i nnnusl U"ivorHy of Brltth ' Columbia Summer School of ! the Theatre this summer. The : school, sponsored by the UBC Extension Department will be held from July 6 to August 13. It will Include classes In acting, speech, directing and stagecraft. MRS.PR 1 TCKARDT6PS LADY WHIST PLAYERS Mrs. Pritchard and Lcs Grim-bie were top winners of the regular Saturday . night Moose whist drive In which 56 players participated. Other winners were Mrs. George Robinson and M. Astoria second prize; L. Grimble, pool prize; Mrs. H. Pettersen, door prize. , iiioiui ntarlly forgot Coll ot our ( wu Bcnoiursnip mnd, was a great It was well-co-ordinated and well timed The. show wu produced by Mrs. Christine Womlry, with wt-sLstant producer, MLw Olive Strand. Rupert ball 4ayer, urmau I IryiiiR out In SEATTLE WHITEHORSE ANCHORAGE and Other Alaska Centres p lii( k's hoping to m the Vancouver Office Opposite the Post Office Phone266 Btage managers were: B1", Holder was applauded roundly Mjiiad and recently DonaJdoii and Harold Webber, when 'slw sang "Roses of Plc- ture in a Vancouver Carl (unnanon and luy. ii(K jen lown I Ins tryout came as as.ilited by I'cter Bartlett and Jim Batcman. Lighting by Mrs A Hadley ana Peter Bell. Sound technician was Ross Anderson. Make-up and costumes were managed by Miss Lillian Jiurtly for California aray. Robert Wood gave another good performance with his ac-eordlan, then Joined Mike Co-lussl's band to play several more selections. Something different, a Scotch band, also received a big hand Mrs. Oraee Melntyre thanked ll for attending and In particular thanked the participants and master of ceremonies Art Murray. del. ho pliiyed with Labor Council Gets Buttons From TLC in Vi ' ' ?1 I: A i i lierr la..t sciuon I T turner. Trrry kultlr, t lurs for the Queen. the ermine which ! to trim the Queen's j 'ape at the Corona-j. ie Mr Ruttlc pur-4 furs at an auction t) n ,ur house which for 700 long-tailed finest quality !: t ermine used for dyed another color. If. !, f '-or- ders red Special 80 Years of Progress buttons were received at the' Annual meeting of Prince Kupert Fishermen's Credit Un-rrince Prinrii Rup.-rt b( t,i. Trades . it t Labo.- w t,,,,.,., k . . swsi, IIIUI vUilii 11 Jltll 1 it, 1 - II - Jts c-v l urd in natural royalty Mr. Ruttlc .Mm ermine, nur- council meeting irom the Trades dlan Legion Ho:.. , t.r. 66i k Labor Congress of Canada to , . .. . .... Business St Profcti&ional Wo- mark ,i. the on.v. 80lh anniversary year. men s Club card party. Canadian The lde of a celebration Legion Hall, Tuesday, March 111 from 30 000 pelts ;m i.)erpmtT - bext M. .9 to commemorate this annlver- ,7ln Brlt)8e' CanasU and Crib ., - - ... . . bage. (4 f ermine as. Job's Daughters Telephone Bridge and Canasta commencing March 23 through to April 9. Anyone desirous of havln; tables, contact Oeorge Dawpt. Good prizes. (651 ""7 )fr s vurnea over lo the labor Day committee for consideration. A report was made that some workers on steady employment, were doing pan time work In the', hours olf. T:jIs Is B3jlnsl the principles of the labor movement and even more so at this K.,p"t remdenU. Mr. C. II f lay, recently their 50th wedding a', ihetr home In Jncouver Island, e ho atteniled an - at (he Clay's Bld-ere Mr. and Mrs. mother former rlty s cre married In r. February 17. UH3. tt Anyox from 1919 i- co Mrs Clay Is 89 i and Mr day. 72 OPTOMETRISi Fred E. Dowdie Room 10. Stone Building Phone Blue 593 V 1 ' i. . " N..' V i. N-"!r. " v.: 4 i M . ,11' ,:.' . ' . " $ . ' .- ' . ' - -K4. ; ; ' 4 - n.v-.r -. ' - , - - i ' i .. ' ' V jj 4.' f , I !"' " ' - L- - . ' " . ' f : H ;fc . . ; - a-;.,.. . ' r s .- : ... Ik, i - r v. . . 4t - , '-, ffa. '0 ' ' : ; . 1 ' ; ' i. t v. T ' ' r. ;j , aN-; ' ' ,.' ; . - ? . ; f. .' - . 1 1 I f -s . ." " ; " ," r ' i t time when many have no )ob at all. The Council went on recoid as being strjngly opposed to this practice. Sympathy ol the. dclcsatct was passe j on to the Provincial Gov-. t two sons Homer In ernment Employee In their f ijht ( to obtain the same bargaining' tights that the provincial gov-i eri'irent has nitde Irw for other! worses the ! In the absence of the prcsid-i ent. vlrc-persUlent A Walhn wa; chairman of the mectliv,. i Edward in Kxikane ithter. lr. f. A. ne In Dralorne, Hliioli type of work appeals to you? BACKACHE MaybeVarninq Btdurh it thta cmut by lur Ul tctmm. Wha kAmyt H Mt mf. cku crHb mi vuta nmtim m tht tiM. Thta kackacha, rfulvrkcJ ml tt ttul Ml u4 InrrMM hhnt aut ma MWw. Thl Mm last I ll IHMt kxWT PiUt. Ml ttmUtf Um IkWti t Mraul KtiM. Thm rm ltl brtlw Im krttar rwi ht1, bet DmU t kt PiU m, SI T ,!r,t l" arrive at J"orfe Hotel lire 8un-I In lend a hand f ""old Whalrn. He ?n the hose, with 'her volunteers. The religious of most of the In- habitants of tho Dc.nlnlnn o' L'rjlon U Buddhism. Introduced In the third century BC. ' ,1,, ) "I ' "TI - ' I TEST IN BOATS AND SKIFFS UNSINKABLE - UNBREAKABLE THEY'RE NEW! Packing parachutes . . . plotting aircraft positions . . . controlling fighter aircraft . . clerical and secretarial duties ... checking vital communications equipment and aircraft instruments . . . control tower clearance of flights ... are among the many Air Force duties especially suited to the particular abilities of women. Such unusual and important tasks now are being skilfully performed ( by more than 3,000 young Canadian women." HOW ABOUT YOU? Pay, rank and trade W ..... fw:--"'vw"- THEY'RE FIBREGLASS Wo Also Have FIBREGLASS GAS TANKS "V" ROLLERS advancement are the same as for airmen. OTHER MARINE PRODUCTS for complete information on what (he Royal Canadian Air Force offers women in pay. trade training and other benefits, we the Career Counsellor at the address in the coupon or mail the coupon today! 5-YEAR GUARANTEE WITH EACH M.t .A.I'. IIH HI I1IM1 IMT, .MS Krjniour rr, Wt'Ol :H. at'. Phone. Tatlow 7577 or Tatlow 78(8 Ptn moil to ma, without oWtooftoa, luH portKvlort ngordtng iroAnwif raijwirtmanrt and opaivnyt now avwlabl in lh t.C.A.F. SEE THEM AT (Surname) (Christian Name) NAME (pleatt print) . STREET ADDRESS y"' - -r CITY - PROVINCE . . w - - EDUCATION (by grod and province) , THE SPORTS SHOP (Agents For Northwest Plastics Ltd.) s t .jj" . AGE v- m J