MILESTONES Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday Sermon As I See It UNDER OUR ROOF lly JOHN STURDY lrMi I he I "e The lolly Saturday, March 28, 1953 By RHV. H (. OI.SON, St. Paul's l.i,ll,Pr;1 n f'liu! by HOLLYWOOD. Yesterday morning the letter iMi an luJe(Miitieut dully newspaper devoted to the upbiilldlDg of Prlnca Kupan and Northern and Central British Columbia. Wt-mbnr of 'Ciimdlarr Pmhs Audit Bureau of circulation Oanadlan Pally Newspaper Aiworlation. Puhllshed by "Hie Prince Rupert Dally News Limited 1. W. alAUOR, President H. O. PERRY, Vice-Prealdent j 4 CL 40 Years Ago Today A' lady with her two small children arrived in Prince Rupert going 1200 miles out of her way when she boarded the wrong boat in Seattle, thinking .she was on the boat for Kan Francisco. more , "arrived. It was from my wife, and it began with an ominous salutation. "Dear Sir," it began: "Oh. oh!" I said to Hamish - and Little Augle and Col. S. "she just says she can't do Skcffii.gton - Smutts iReU the work on account of her Calvary is a familiar name Every Christian has made f pilgrimage there' In spirit. It your parental home was s Christian one, you were there in youth. You wtre there at least during the Easter season when your thoughts were purposely directed by Chrlst-lovint' mother and father from merely Subscription Kales: X mittI I p rr mnnlh SI iKi! DM1 Tear. S10.00 aymb.,1 lh(, ible When we (arf, rial, do w WP lh),"h ln the (Ms,,,,., through, obedii-npfi rk the OolKI,tiia ,.ma fly mall Pel jioiilll. lie. tx-r vear, 8 00 jthurlrer! aa cond class it-.all b the Poat OKoe Department, Ottawa. t, ' t . W. C. C Mehan. general sup rrlntendent of the OTP. re Looks like trouble." present condition." We had been sitting around "That's It," I said. "Doesn't our hotel sultethe Colonel she explain thnt she's going to sharpening his sabre, and Utile j have a baby?" Angle playing with a pair of kb- j "No," said the Colonel, "she m7 BU'UK fir Enster bunnies and Easter eggs the artificial things that are ni:. turned from an Inspection trip had so ma HIV r, ... legendary to the cross of Cal vury; to the true, deep and beau tiful meaning of the Easter sea up the line. 30 Year Ago Today son. WVA Lid Too Tight IP I were asked to name one thing which, even now, this parliament ought to do in its final session, I would say: Lift that WVA lid on 'allowed extra earnings. dom, but f,.w Jr ' cross, so many , with Him but not sul.. sake. Jesus -a4 Ulk", His life in two i-Hii.,,., Iy: "I huve inu.rifi, earth. I h;.ve )r,hh,T tli-.l T-l..... You were able to see the form sided dice, and Hamish watch- says here that sue weni 10 truing Space Cadet on television. I annual school concert and came We have been sitting here for , home with the mumps." omo weeks now. drawing regu- "Mumps!" lar pay cheques from Colossal "That's what the lady says" Pictures and waiting for the I grabbed the letter, and it studio to call us. ! wus true. "So if you don't ..-! .ih iiitio mind." the epistle concluded. suspended on the cross of Gol The city council repudiated the action of Mayor Newton establishing a conciliation board in the recent wage dispute and wired the Minister of I-abor. gotha's Hill, Jesus C'hruit. true Uod and true Man. Let us go back to Bethlehem's manger. There lies a small babe Jesus brnui;iit H i u Our country has no nerd to "What does she say1" wui you pieiuw uirunKe iu m premier nm mm n'M oiuia So I read the rest of the let- i home and look after the chores j resolution to that effect. ter. If you can druB yourwlf Yours very truly" away from the company of all Well, there wasn t much ol.fc Tnr rty council Is consider-those blonde and brunette and I """"'d cl ab,1ut 11 A eounlry;lng ub.lishlng meter rents and redheaded starlets for a couple house is too much for a woman , r.itabli&hiiiR a minimum c harge of minutes (Who? Hamish md'With mumps. I ran at least of $4 a m,mtn fr lighting ser-Little Angle and the Colonel. P'ant p Ppas- and P"hapi by , vk,s starlets?!, this is to advise you that time she will be up and, that It is now spring on the Is-: around again and able to take ; 20 Yearj Ago Today . . .... -stmA n( iVia eiaiar trHa I i 1 It : dotmcd to bear a crosi. From; completion lu cro: there we toiiow the Cltiml i Il. tiUiiiinn twain through babyhood, childhood j The prophet !,aU, youth and manhood In his early the heart o tjv ur, thirties. Christ remained silent declares: In His village at Naureth dur-j ' Hut He wa Ing all the years of youth and i transgression,, Hr early manhood. Only after He , for our li.iqutu.-r tv had puvsrd the age of 30 did He ! nient of our p. ,,, oet forth on His world tak to; Htm; and with i. , Icel ashamed of its social welfare program. True it is a bit on the ni'TSarttly side. But no country can have everything. So long as Canada is as we now are. compelled to waste over two billions a year on war preparations, we can only have the bare bones of the national welfare land, spring in Hollywood may i A1(,i rnuin rasev made a resol- lot of different thiriRs, digging up the rest of the gar-1 I mean a , and Improvement program. That ution that the council declare establish the Kingdom of Ood jare healed and (iit but here on tne rsiana.t mean ,u mablllty to handle IU fin- All U.....K mr wiiy m-c i . on nun me mxjiniy , turning over me raruen and uw,, " iuhu1 difficulties and go .into' ... ........ uuom tne jurist. ntivinu 1111 t ho fftrf.i wr nnrl ler oi we wrtmjr imij ii iu- j receivership. nl.mtine neas. and eivinn the ' front Colossal Studios, and it a will be possibly only when the nations reach that point, prom- i ised by the Biblical ' prophets thousands of years ago, when ' they "beat their swords into 1 't ' plowshares, and their spears: into pruning hooks." ! I First Untied Ci dog a bath and painting the ; decided that Hamish and Llttk" seriousness and a devotion to some cause, some purpose, some gout In th future. As we look ujKui his pathway, we M-e a shadow of a cross be- Augle ana tne Loionei woum front steps and clearing away Mslh Ave. H. A The Sisters of Rt Joseph are r.euotlating to take over and operate the Hulkley Valley District Hospital at Smlthers. 10 Yeors Ago Today m... .1... u ut, ti,t ' illtr 11.111, Hit" fltwwuw mi', la . 1 remain in Hollywood so that ! the cheques wouldn't go to waste. So this morning my friend came to see me off at Olendale Station. I fell a little sad leaving them: Hamish, with his the dead leaves and buying you.-son a new pair ol sneakers. "Ordinarily I would do these things myself, but owing to my present condition I don't believe it would be wise " I dropped the 'letter from Communion, manger. It is a shadow that ' the new St. Paul's Lutheran grows in int. n ilty until we see Church was dedicated by Hishop . Hun enter the gales of Geth- Sermon 'The W. Anthem' xbsWni lem " h,il r.ii mtiA t'o nnn i.itLi.' t L Foss tf Seattle. isemnne's garden It is there BUT EVEN before the blessed divinely-promised day when the eagle, the hear and the Hon will lie down in peace to "eat gras like the ox," Canada can round out her social welfare program in one simple respect. The time to do it is NOW.. The War Veterans' Allowance Is a grant to front line war veterans, and their wives or widow, ilhat wc learn to understand 17. jj u.m-t. nm nt ft, Ir''rlmiT'lnliAUBie with his pln-strux-d sujt Hamish arid Little Augle and ; nnd m cnnary ypllow shoMf The Allied Trades Council the meaning of O'.lROthv Truly. ine Lo.onei wan w.ur, v..u..uc- colonel wearing his sabre it Is the .school-room of prayer his cavalry boots and hli siruri ryr.i. . v,,,.,. n ,v.uih i ana Kermorr "The Achievement " Anthem- "Con. l'; Weary," emit: hso w f l III K...1.K VU M MOUT . S where obedience Is acquired to fulfill the tak of redeeming man from hu sin. It was the rross of aniiulkh that wjs said ' passed a resolution at their i meeting that unless st ps were ' made to Improve the food situ- aiiiui at the Wartime Dining I Hull and the drydock, thejr j would cat elsewhere. sun helmet. We hud been together such a long time, It fieemed. "Good-bye!" they shouted as the train pulled out. Value of Salesmanship IT HAS BEEN said often that we Canadians are loo self-effacing, that we are sitting on a gold mine of which everyone in the world is aware except ourselves, and that we are too disinclined to sell ourselves in these competitive times. All this may or may not be true. But if it is, there fire some outstanding exceptions and every now and ihui one of these gets up and, without floundering hYmut under misguided modesty, states clearly why 'anada has reason to be proud. The effect is like a tonic, and this description Applies without reservation to an address made in New York recently by E. J. Umphrey, vice-president fhnd sales director of General Motors of Canada. As Jiis position indicates, Mr. Umphrey appreciates the Value of salesmanship. He is obviously aware that ho one true and tested way to get business is to go Jtfter it. I In any case, none of his listeners in New York could have failed to get the idea that Canada is worth some" serious and far-ranging thought, 'As he was Jalking to businessmen, his comments on the buying Jtower of this country were pertinent. I '''The national income and I refer here to the j-oinjtry's earnings from current production, or po-Jential spending money reached eighteen and a Jhird billion in 1952 an increase of 179 per cent iver-19Jl. Today, after taxes and dollar adjustment, the average Canadian has two-thirds more to Jpend or save than he had in 1938. In consequence, Jwr living standards, second only to those of the 3 Jnited States, have increased more than 50 per cent inee 1911." a , Turning to B.C., the fastest-growing of all the jirovinces.Mr. Umphrey found some more impressive facts. He pointed out that B.C. .having increased in Jiopulation by almost a half since 1941, now accounts tfor some 11 per cent of the national volume of retail ' JmsTness. He described the people of this province as iin "-kleal blend of British stability and American en- hu.iasm." ' , It must not be gathered from this that the speaker overloaded his listeners with statistics. He 4ol(I jthem of the majestic sweep of the country, the j-ntoj-prise of its people and the maturing hopes for iheTuture. It was salesmanship on a grand scale iind an example of native pride which others would jlo well to emulate. ; "As Canada grows up, it is learning also to speak lip." No one suggests we become braggarts, but we Jive In a remarkable country which deserves something better than the silent treatment from those vho are enjoying its benefits. who are not provided for in any other way The present ton given phyUral expression in the SUNDAY WHOH.H limit is $50 per month for single "Oood show." said the Colonel. : "If it's a boy," said Hamish. i "I hope you call him Hamish." "The patter of Utile feet," I murmered Little Augie. '"nie' sound of childish laughter. Its I "Pac voblscum!" I shouted! persons, and $100 per month for , "swel that became as It were wiuieu. wsili.ti i. preat drops of blood " Therefore. at II am; OA: Christ did not wait until He! 12:15, at Conrad l- cutne to aolgotha to receive the! Ham ! - .,, (lfl f'lMI.AY Klj',. married couples. But what the general public back. Til we meet again does not understand is that ut II a m a wonderful woild." j I staggered towards the teU'-j nhnne and called long distance ; With puLsing heart I waited un- , til the operator got through to the Island and then suddenly 1 1 these grants arc not unconditional. a single old soldier or ex-nurse has a small income from any source of $30 ray. Income Tax Quii Found on Page 6 The popular wile. Income Tax Quiz will today be found on page fl with another discussion In miestlon and aaswer form m how to fill out your income t.ix form. i heard my young son's voice on , per month. The WVA will provide the extra $20 to pad that , ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCW Slh Ave. at MeBrltlr St. Rt.V. II O fil-SfiN. fni.r "The Just Shall Live Ity V;Ah" C'OMF. AND WdltSIH? SIMMY HRVKTS ; ' MARPfl ?9 H'!3 Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Reflects and Reminisces the line. 1 "Who's that?" the young son; l I URl'TO WlMn la ! thMM. ' ami 1 JG ft .a, tun l..':IS rural a tanta IM.I II t Win .h Av W . t !.r. 1 '.mm . ; r a h ,!'.,J S, , 2' C'ajioi) IU.. H Ct..m up to the $50 per month limit. In case of a married man the top limit is $100 per month. Only a tiny margin of extra earnings asked. "Your Daddy!" I shouted, i "Hiya, Pop. What goes with First Presbyterian Church is permitted. Marilyn Munroe?" i A century-old Pnglish burglar. 1 ignored that. With a ne THE AUTHORITIES make, out vous tremor In my oice Just given a term, says he might i as well admit that crime does not I pay. Nevertheless, it can make 1 im-T mrv allied "How U Mummy?" Sth Avr E i i Sermon: 'Palm Sunday j Lessons." ; Timing Kervke 1:30 p.m Sermon: "Jesus Wept for j I Jeru-lem " 1 'Hundav School 13: IS p.m. Not too good. i ) for longevity. "Is the doctor with her?' quite a strong case against general increases In the WVA grants. They say "if we raise it to the level urged by the Lesion and other veterans organisations i$80 and $120 per month we put the WVA people "No. He was here yesterday He said there wasn't much he' nr Miiiititi Brt t. A- ! Viscount Montgomery arrived In New York Friday An exchange of cards with the Vnltd States President is planned They have met before Name is Eisetihower could do about It. Just let nature take Its course. Look Pop. I'm listening to Roy Rogers oil the radio. So-lons. Pop" ; in a preferred category over the ! old age pensioners who draw the j means test pension of $50 per j I lT I MOI' EVANGELICAL FREE fetation B Bi.H' (. m 5 nt t. r month. i riBtitolJ totalling 530 wth nH enitnnJrt there and Hamish J.450 children were added to the Ignoring that argument for Hrh'fl and tin. I' ( il WO - ..nrt7 Ciam. ... . .- v-- - , w. ; r.:i.t. il..-.t.i f.imil.t brought me a wet towel and un w.....uia f.. tin (lM.s CO Hr ( O.iw dabbed my feverish forehead, ance rons in Marcn. in tne same the moment surely it does not make sense to keep the WVA lid screwed down as tight as it is now. Here are samples of letters hi,.., 11 lk.J 1 It was then that I heard the "mc 'e... Colonel's voice. "I don't see mat. providing you live nere, 11 s on my desk right now which tell ar rti anything about a baby " and 1 1 not Impossible to leei a nil ineer-sat up straight and stared at f ul. what it means: Sih Ar t K m Vet. Number 1 is 66 years ot him. He was reading my wife' il letter. age. He served lour years in M I Bt H i: 5 in pm. Mr. . I I arlrr will pralt Tula lll Mr rtr lt !) In r"rin" Hu.rt IWorr filuvltiR to Prinr fii-rvri.r. whr hi. will xt noiaui lua rMriwIuartiri sir John llrre-lri.m and hit xuitur aticl lr. 4 ar-trr ftolotst. will tirtim th wril inuwl roi.niier We extend a tordlal Invitation to visitors to worship with us. 231 fourth Aw. East Win!? ter: Rev. F. A. Wright, D D OrganLsU: Mrg. E J. Smith and John Currie. . MARCH 29, 1953 Morning Wnrsnvp II o'rlwk. Sunday School IMS. Evening Worship 7:38. Minister ot both services "RememluT the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy." t7 ntts lb 1 8 Twiii"- Ripple Rock In Seymour Narrows which has already been carefully examined on several different years, will be tested again this summer, for undoubtedly a danger spot So now it seems there need be not the slightest question of a Reneral. the first war with three of his four years in France. He later worked for fifteen years for provincial government. Each month his pay was docked 10 percent for his superannuation. P THE' ETTERBOX Iwn.kl IS.jn " fl CI HIUI II I"" Scripture f-a a fat for Joo satin e When hewas retired ne got s per month from the fund to R.inl.T M.nm.' !f r,r o. itif a Wi BOO pm' Prvr rVrvirt Kr:lny J,00m Ctulrtrr-na Hour "The Lord is nifht unto all . . which he had paid in. The WVA . that call upon him." " Pf4lm 14.rf8 cave him the extra $42 to bring Editor, Tha Dally News: TIMK .trT:lX IT SV.Vm FAILS The Brandon Sun remarks that ttiene's an. aunt thei.know who Is always spoken so well of. She the total for man and wife up to $100 per month. of At last, after threa year Now Vet. No. 1 has the offer bickering we know tha outcome! Is, of course, surh a good woman FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of a janitor's job at which pay of the Power Question. As tatc4 previously, "it is the beginning ; iOTTAWA DIARY l Norman M. A.acLeoo ' J Robert Henry McGregor, Pro-j Toronto World. ressive Conservative .MP fori Maclean had refused to con There will t .sf'Vi. week-nit;li! ! 2 $30 per month. He cannot take it. for the WVA does not permit and that logically enough leads to her being tiresome. Hence, she turns bad woman, and then comes popularity. Good Fridoy Holy Week Mission March SI - April 5 Speaker: RI V. R. I. ARFFNT1R of Seward, Alaska I mr, ... 1- ... . i I " " f I r C , 1 ;-. . i. Services at H aI f.ast York. Ik easily the most j cede that -Bob" McGregor, then even that nmoui.t of extra j earnings. ANOTHER LETTER Is from a widow whose husband, a WVA man, died two years ago. She writes' merit memDer ot the House of engaged In the ridiriK as a mar of the end of the N B.C. Power Co." As far as the ordinary m-.sumer of power in Prince Rupert is concerned. In whut way has the present Company been so terribly out of line? Has anyone actually suffered for lack of power, or been treated unfairly, and have not the rates been as low as most places ket gardener, could challenge hi There was a young girl from St. Paul Wore a newspaper dress to a ball. But the dress caught on fire, And burned her entire statu as sitting member. But if ' :. ' ' Commons. I H may even hold the long-ni.t ince record for silence In all Jhe Parliaments anywhere in the .orld when the votes were counted. McGregor was the nominee and MqAlann not, Itn t V. a AlfnnrA Dn Front page sporting section i maLiLau na 111 1.(41; ui.ii aiu. lie- and all! He was first elected to his i fusing to recognize the vnliriitv "Mr. Philpott $50 can be made to provide fuel, food and shelter, with a struggle, but what .bout clothing and shoes, and care in sickness? The Veterans have hospital care but 'heir widows do not. I am an ex- ijrrse-t seat in East York back in of the decision, Maclean ran In in Canada? I think the uncalled for criticism stems back to the coldest winter on record In this part of the country, whn nature took TOWN SHOPPER SERVICE For information regarding this safe, convenient way to shop PHONE BLACK 921 A 93-year-old woman driver In Minnesota Is reported to have struck a pedestrian. Well, it's Just as well to remember that there's always a first time. the election and claimed to be the official Conservative candidate. But once again when the polls closed it was McGregor who was successful. nurse, and have two young 1 over, and people were ncon- f riends in fairly good positions venienced for a short while by 92fl'That is 27 year ago. Arid ie kJas still to make his maiden speech. I In length of service he is surpassed In the present House only iy Jean Francois PouLiot, Liberal MP for TemLscouata, and Hon. C. p. Power, Liberal MP for Quebec fcouth. But both the colorful who would pay me a modest having the power rationed. At Ever since that stormy start he that time not even the "Commis has never been beaten. If his OI B SYMBOL The more Ottawa tries to sion" could have overcome the situation. I 1 constituents miss the flowery eloquence of the colorful W. F. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Change Dominion Day into Canada Day the less It becomes that. Then a few aldermen took the uaawi Maclean, they don't manifest it. opportunity to make an Issue of Every tlm the annual effort Ls Bob McGregor s silence In Par amdunt to look after their mother, who is senile . . . but I am not allowed to avail myself of this opportunity ... I wonder if the M P 's at Ottawa like to think that their mothers or their wives would some day be so limited as I am?" Answer: No lady I don't. And I don't think the taxpayers approve keeping that lid screwed it. and have kicked it around made the greater tl.e failure. And liament has become as solidly like a political foot-ball ever established an institution in the since, and that goes very strons- It la going to be this year ever since J863. This Is one of Canada's comparatively few national symbols. Pouliot and the brilliant "Chub-Jjy" pawer are really gabby members on occasions. Hence while jhey outrival the Sphynx-like McGregor in years in the House. J hey fall far short of his record ef 27 years of magnificent silence rrIS RATHER THAN WORDS The remarkable thlna about THENEW-i-1953 "Royol" ly for you Mr. CaJtey! As for the future supply, per riding as the florid eloquence of Maclean was earlier. SUCCESS SECRETS McGregor's own formula for haps the line from Kitlmat will PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Department of Highways down so tight, either. New Hercules Mechanism be built before toe long maybe in 20 years. The rates are Indefinite; the Commission has made no commitment. It is one man 'a supposition alone even though Parole Extended political success is that he relies on solid service to his constituents, rather than on verbose contributions to the pages of J.he East York PC is that, despite ills economy In the use of the BONN (APIFormer German Engineers ond Draughtsmen required Ifo'J'j an expert. We know whera we Hansard. A general hospital In Field Marshal Erich von Man-stein has received an informal extension of his medical parole stood with the N B C. Power Co his riding Is a monument to his what it was willing ta do as far (Five year guarantee! Automatic Pump Safety Wringer ONLY $174-50 Liberal Trade-in . . . . . . F.asy Terms Hee It nt- RUPERT as development, rate etc. from war-crimes prison. , administrative skill to no small degree. His practical Interest In education Is represented by fine school buildings. No good cause He will be allowed to remain Good luck ta the Commission, construction. Salary, plus cosr-. " commensurate with ability ond expert Applications to be submitted to ,h.c D'j Personnel, Room 107. Parliome.l Jtjueen's English, his success and effectiveness as a practical poll-Jician is virtually atomic. It was Ah at way from the start. Back in 1926 he came out of complete .political obscurity to win the East York Conservative nomination from the veteran W. F. Mac-jean, at that time dean of the of Commons and an authentic-celebrity as publisher and editor for many years of The free as long as necessary to recover from an eye aliment and circulatory troubles and a big thank you ta the present company, who deserve (t, In spite of adverse crltlelim due to a few bad breaks, and the ill-informed people who hsl nothing better of which to taHt. "INTERESTED" in the. community ever lacks an effective, if silent, champion while he is available. An MP who concentrates on practical interests such as these doesn't have to make speeches. Edmonton, Alberta. , RADIO And ELECTRIC 313 3rd W. Phone 044 ifl l ' wt VI-TONf woUit (MM Hit iit's htl kMPt'H ois tht You tt ttiir into i Mifwi v.Mf h4 mIn mI Mimni win More than hall the cultivable area of Japan & used for growing rice, chief food of the country.