husiastic Audience Prince Rupert rfly New 3 Tuesday, Septeml er 29, 1953 i I i"C . . v . Moose Hospital Guild Enjoys Card Party Here Centre Imports New Patterns For This Years Craft Classes Lthe membehlp drive glasses for beginners and ad-M of, " 'uU ! nced studentlthis year. Pasted uS'leL' e hinTjI 11"- mre implicated n jre and enthusiastic audience in the Civic last nitfht enjoyed a top-notch variety show, f J, - , : !, .'' ' s OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 ,h. r.,, : - oj, iircuiuu ui iiuwer-mai m will be Dr. W. Wilson Leaves Rupert For Kitchener Dr. W. R. S. Wilson, practitioner here for the past two years, left yesterday for Kitchener, Ontario, where he will start a new practice. He will join Mrs. Wilson and their two children, Bill, 6, and Mary, 4, who left earlier for the Ontario city. Dr. Wilson came to Prince Rupert in January of 1952, and was associated here with nnrtnr I. I A card party featured . the monthly meeting of the Hospital j Guild of the Women of the Moose e ol western, popular ana classical music, with rib-tickling humor, staged by Evan ' vunuua , Kinners course last year. activities. Plastic iarin fr nere, neid at the home of Mrs. his CKMO Trail Riders, of Vancouver Did Among the feat i Due. Centre this year will be a variety of craft classes, including leath-erWOrk. CODDer eraff. flnn.o, rliifperformers tic craft has been ordered, and ?eter AnUnluK 1450 Piggott It is expected this class will Avenue- prove popular with the younger Prize winncrs were Mrs. F. B. Centre members. I Shannon and Mrs. J. MacDougall. Meanwhile, plans for the "embers present included Mrs. -,.k...n. j.,... .... i H. Harrison. Mrs. S. Anton Mrs have a GOOD RUM for your money . woodwork, a new plastic. IbcW l.iciii'ncc nx'King wim us they joked tlieir rh the show, particu- iiiciiiuciaiuij urivc are near 7 u completion. Fifteen teams of ft; eomery, chairman, , and j craft and possibly pottery-making. Patterns have been imported from the United States for leather billfolds and mira. o.,m M. Greene and J. A. MacDonald. starred too on saxaphone and clarinet in a hot version of "St Louis Blues," and "Dizzy" displayed outstanding skill on the accordion keys with several solos. Another high point in the program was the performance of drummer "Speedy" Ray. On a home-made xylophone he switched the nrnuram tv,,. represenatives of local organiza- ",c 1UB1f nioniuit, and tions will undertake nnrehn, 1 ?uests- Mr- . Tweed. Mrs., He had practiced previously in pf a Russian skit," pi-ay" Leo, accordlon-tunny" Max iKush-'tist. but their clever f,iled to disguise their fnwrianslilp. "Sunny" Vancouver, and some vears aeo canvass next Monday night, visit- i flanS MacDoueaU I Mrs' lng every house in the city, seek-! R' Rlc"ardson. I lng new memberships and re- '. j newing old memberships. Known as "the mast English; in Smitherg with Dr. Oreene. He was also a medical officer with' the RCAF during the Second World war. 1 DAVID B. TURNER has been named winner of one of two Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Western Division, S500 Annual FtU0i,ipii. lie has eft for Oregon State College in Corvallis where he will work towards a Masters Degree majoring in" Forest cuy in New Zealand." chriat- from pops to Cloaks With 'Tile Poet and Peasant" overture in an excellent performance. Singer :cnurch marked it centenary in .. -i j For action try Classifieds 1950. In Prince Rupert he was a member of the United church, and worked with the Air Cadet Corps. designs for other leather crafts are on order, as well as new suedes and other fancy leathers. Shearling for slippers and gloving In several new shades are now In stork at the Centre, as well as new linings and accessories, including smart new purse fasteners. In the copperwork class, it Is expected some new tj-pes of lamp shades, including raffia and parchment, will be attempted. Hypnotist i g nere always insist on.. Evan Kemp himself starred with songs western and popu- Johnny Starr, who plays bass fiddle, piano, guitar, and sings, came into his own at the dance following the stage show, keeping the dancers busy with a wide varietv nf a hination program FORMIDABLE VISITOR OWEN SOUND, Ont. CP) Night telegraph operators at the railway station here, Norman Scott, froze at hU key in the early tnorning hours when he Rupert P-TA Council Meets and mysticism is for Trinee Ilu- calls, Including singing calls. Terrace concert- Activities nf vvw'k-eiid. In flowercraft, there will be readers S.O.N, winter whist tournament resumes Friday, Oct. 2. 4227) Are you interested in golf? Please attend meeting, Oct. 1, Civic Centre, 8 p.m. (228t Ihl Pari,, JIM Teacher groups planned for the coming season, were discussed when the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher Council held its first meeting of the season. discovered he had a visitor. Scott didn't move a muscle while an inquisitive skunk gave the place a thorough Inspection, then departed without incident. When the first Canadian postal stamps were issued In 1851 Canada had only 68 milea of rail way. 'raliail performers, a hypnotist, and laid, baritone, will V foremost In frozen focxJs If.frf, I . I i Trim advertlsemem advertlsemem is is not not puhltshprj Duhltshpri Jit I llooJc,7tijfe Kieht tables of whivf u,. i The council nimmv..H ,. Plan for P $ in Prince Rupert Ji; at the Clvie Centre k, nielit at the Capl-. uninsured by Prim-e - r. ' " vu tuivc over local Dartlclnntlnn I.. V., or dLsplayed by the Liquor Control . Board or by the Oovornment ul British Columbia. . , i 1 , Canada Book Week, on the re e N(i BPOE. inlalul In appear quest or the Prince Rupert Library Board. Plans for the project will be made at a meeting of P-TA representatives tomorrow. ii Terrai-e, .snoii.sored piay at the Moose whist party In the Moose Temple Saturday night. Prizes were awarded as follows: Women's first, Mrs. A. E. Norton; women's wrond, Mrs. R. Cormier; men's first, Mrs. L. Williams (subi; men's second EJvind Nielsen. (linn Ia";ion. that is I he only s iinifcssldiially i re-tly from an exten- The council also agreed to co-j operate In the Civic Centre membership drive next Monday i night, and named Mm if ir , ,i iidyiiiR hypnotism In The pool was won by Olei Tweed. j and has been per-Lomlon, England, rn Canada. He myg- (rnres In Vancouver Westminster with a !i:vincilc tricks, una Job's Daughters ; team captain. R. H. Davidson, president of the Teachers' Federation In Prince Rupert,, was named honorary president of the council; J. S. Wilson was appointed delegate to the dental clinic; Mrs. A. Bell to the Civic Centre and Mrs. D. Guyatt to the Music and Drama Festival Association. Mrs. A. E. Carlson was named publicity convener. . f.- be ran do tile I'M rope trick. at portion of Hip lie provided hy a fi wnn tame in Au.s- Hold Sale Here A highly sueee.vsful rummage sale, staged by Bethel No. 3, Job s D lighters, was attended hv Yom Best Buy in Floor Coverings ! i " baritone," in-rfianied extcn-i.Kla and lie radio and TV, and rt stage. held stars on the hundreds Saturday. The sale, held at 206 Sixth Street, was climaxed by award of the door prize, a beautiful fur pout, to the winner, Mrs. Joe Wong. Miss Alice Nickerson was convener, assisted bv n in BOTH RUGS and BY-THE-YARD t'un Leicester Square tw." jiu ..the air ne his arrival in including Miss Margit Macarthur. Miss Olive Strand. Miss Pat (Mitchell and Miss Barbara T aco, he has been CBU recitals tfrwal n aecbnn for ins ' operatic field a rDiTTcnno T. ' -Tint B. T V.' i ..' ' - r . V .( i ; rC ' " , - v tk. : : M ' r ." - 1 X ,1 . . - i,t'; , " t - fAj- .i i.. . , .V r.'i, i 'j - K - . ' . v 1- ' 4 J if rt W ' ' sj r 1. 1 I 1 i r- ' St , -, I t. i 6 r1 r- - v ':r; 4 V is., rf - $ r' ' r r u la i riiiJai Hiiliony orehes- V i ' ' j VI It J.I.) next ' j 1$ kMtm and West- . t ii li"ro will leaturc and ballad and u!d-time fnvniM.i.1 am ituneert field. Gardcn-bri'gl)t florals! Smart geometries? Colourful sisals! And many of these fashionable Gold Sea! Congolcum patterris'come in the modem Duo-Depth effects. Whether you want floors that match your walls or contrast with them, you're sure to find ' the right colours in the right patterns in the big, big Cotigoleuin range! 'iiminiliee i.s seek- : - XL JK ' 11 . 'iprano, who Would ' appear with Mr. wine duet nuin- requesl. rcAhoQ ' Lmliie. which will the piiitinnn for liUihle Mr,. ........ .... V f "iKl'i nees Im-cmu: ' I QUALITY IV . ST t "irHy of Tex Mnr- ' Australian liymio- 'asi year. 'I v N' ?TTRvL",t'.5'V ' 7.s Gold Seal Congolcum is the only floor covering of its type ith the Wear Layer of heat-totighened paint and baked enamel equal in lliickucbb to ti 'touts of the best floor paint put on by hand! ink' t r- I97H We woNrwn how much finer yon can get than the aluminum wire used in delicate apparatus which records the earth's tremors. Drawn out almost to the vanishing point, it is about one-twelfth the diameter of a human hair.. One pound of aluminum would make enough of this unbelievably line wire to stretch 20,000 milea!) We know no more striking example of the way people make use of the lightness and strength of aluminum for all soils of jobs. Our research and technical men arc constantly tackling new questions brought to them by Canadian manufacturers who look to aluminum in developing new products, or belter products, or products that cost less, Aluminum C ompany of Canada, Lid. (Mean). ' WW, -j VALUE Stands Suptemjt TANOUtKAY, GORDON 4 CO. 1T0. , . . tfca large! gin diltilUrt In the world 'I . In .'. .( 1 ( IS.-lllt ni 1J -l.H piIJlllll(H ; or dlsplityrd by, the Liquor Control Bonrd or bv the Government of ; British Columbia. 0 v Gold Seal Congolcum wears better . . , yet costs only a few dollars for a room-size rug. No other enamelled floor covering stands up to household tratlic as well as Congoleum does. It lasts and lasts through the years . . . saves patching and replacement. And to Congoleum's toughness, you can add the advantage oT Congolcum"s easy care. One wipe of a damp ' cloth and it's clean as a whistle. MADE IN CANADA PRINCE RUPERT TO v- xry :J) --... vyS' . ' r-l ' ; Jh! ii ,0"1,'.. i!i ' Irrt - Caldwell 1P milKt. Or.,..., ... t'Wof low " rZ Gold Seal Congoleum is mmlc in Canada from the highest-iju.ility. totally produced materials. ' 1 " the a! , WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET... showing you all the latest Congolcum and Consowall patterns in full .colour, and lots of smart tips on easy ways to beautify your home. Mail lo t onyolcum Canada Ltd., 3700 St. Patrick St., Montreal. 110 ad Television KETCHIKAN COtGOWALLTOO! Whn you go to io tho $15.00 xci'mg new Congocum patffm. Same- ask your nou furnishing Jor V It IM.IXI, $27.00 srug n h THE GOLD SEAL OF This seal on every rug ami roll of C ongoleum guarantee? complete satisfaction. fo ihow you CongowoA, foo. -It's tft watt covering ihaf a I looiri ond Uko ceramic TICTUlSitlTvl r A v I L. . . . coitf onty m hw cmntt 9 hot. tar0' WHEN YOU .unkai: $41-40 SEE YOUR HOUSE FURNISHING QtAUR SOON... unrn.iiousi;! FLY CM IC Am $56-oo liEtiSrc;! CANADA LIMITED unuTscil A II F It F f -J MANBHip j' NT ON US finling Co. ! Om Bm I LINES SKATTI.E : $65.00 GORDON & ANDERSON MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. GORDON'S HARDWARE i JF!e.rfl Block Phon 46 308 Third Are, Phone 775 McBride St. Phone 311 V ' " .... '- ..' Phone 266 iOfiice opposiit pot oiticc) 3r(j Ayga