WRROW'5 SALVATION ARMY f TIDES -RED SHIELD l,.y, Scptcinbor 30, 1953 APPEAL fic Slardard Time) 7:33 157 icei Quota $3500 17.3 feet 13 HI; NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 0.50 8 3 fett 13:04 1 09 feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port- "Prince Rupeit, the Key to the Great Northwest" TO DATE: VOL. XL1I, No. 227 . $2,900 TRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. TUESDAY. KEPTKMRkr na it. nnea son I ad Rats Irai As n n uuu ct Depends If 2 bctra Dump Fourth Acquitted statfi' of the war! now infesting the rhatre dump was last night as ftincil neani a rc- By Judge Fulton Telling four of the five 'men accused of being mcnilw-s f an unlawful asseflibJy that he considered thcin (o Ui "(hk.s of a sinister influence," County Court judge W. O. J'ulton yesterday afternoon found them guilty as charged and. sentenced one to jail and imposed fines upon the other three. Karl Kail was senteticrd to, - ti'iitativc costs of the (Jumping site warming rodents. ii Mike Krurger, road- : Aiirt prepared by city I four months in Oakalla Prison ever else was argued It couldn't farm wit.b huril :,hor; ( laytiiu kmc. said the cost I city of thl.s health iicht reach $1.(100. i i jiir'ii mrixtMizif were . - . fined $: r tn rtefa Jt tl lT.!"? ""tew'ul "ff l!!?": V v . i riiiniwmii was nx- i Bioj.Uw it. Onltalln Oi.ki.IH. 'with with hard hard!...': ' .' ,m!m'': Ire said, hut to have ( inlet) out to the de- : 1 1 .'.ii- i wmir'iiuie more in mp ease than mepts the eye. J cah't foneetvfl it to he spontaneous. The ire waa Urn hot, to have or labdi nriri Arnnlil M'-rvin Jona-' was fttid tm or in clefaull one nuinth ift Oakalla. A fifth man, (.coiep I-Irwin :islon the city dump bp used for 10 days Its while the poison iginated from spontaneous com- had the rharge against him dis-1 K...i i i. . t; . 1L ,N ri mr.-. .... i. ii t fjJCLJmtuX i i t ll' Lii..m in mi mm mluj.1jJ bit wild If fresh gar- as sufneent reasonable doubt Z T'l'Jl"" Pup in a Cup mning vegetables or material was dump-ilp while Uie poison It would act us an to .brliiR about acquittal. tV r.'": YOU DONT NEED A CAR for a drive-in theatre. Three Lethbrldge, Alta.. boys regularly hitch uo Rarnona and the buggy-wagon and go to the mwies. David Shields, 14. his brother, Tom, 12 and 17-year-old Oeorge Goldie say Rarnona seems to enjoy the films. At least she stays quiet. The unlawful a.ssembly charg- mented the uprLsine and I con es arose from a demonstration sider these accused to have been 1 the pui.son and lv A CHINA Ml O ALMOST HIDES CHIQI ITA. toy Pomeranian p t of I5-month-old Dallis Smith of Burnaby, B.C. The four-month-old dog weighs 26 ounces. August 2 w hen a crowd gathered dupes of these influences i outside bulted the city hall, the RCMPjthey were stooges . . . they' were rnntinue to live and the city hud spent ' was and insulted and the 'ity hall stoned despite a plea by Ratepayers To Be Asked to Approve Transfer of1 Roosevelt Park Fund niii. it was reported, fleet. For that reason Mayor Whalen that the crowd disperse. The mob was finally not the cause of the assembly." However, he said, outside of Hewin, he did not see how he coOld entertain a doubt that they were members of an unlawful assembly. From both Crown evidence and only this week that j ued why the raU Woman Offers Prayer Then Kidnaps Little Boy 4 broken up by tear gas. Summing up after defence irgmtmit put forth by Mrs. Willa A referendum will be put to . would like an answer to that." i questions. ; Ray who represented Butt, Fle ! that of the RCMP, the judge said, f'SiT said that 41)11 poison at $1 per lid bo niT.'ssary, plus ratepayers at the December civic I City clerk R. W. Long told al- Under the Municipal Act coun-elections asking them if they j dermen the ref erendum was not cil would have to apply for a win. Jarvis and Jnna.sen and Doug Hogarth, cnunael for Mc-Kcnzle, Judge Fulton said what- it was ' reasonable to presume that Flewin had been merely a spectator. 50 cuts each to ponon. plus labor wish to transfer the Roosevelt "X"'" ' " E Z t wow-in-councu to ap- .j.l ratepayers vt vote yes to the two : prove the transfer of funds. r i. rr. .j. Park Trust Fund to a fund for KANSAS CITY i AP A mys- Dame de Slon. by telling a nun tcrious woman who first offered that Mrs. Greeiilt-Kxe had suf fer-up "a prayer, kidnapped a million-!ed a heart attack and the boy aire's son Mondav after sllnnlni? hnrl tn hp taken fn thn hT.ii.,1 close to $700. developing the Algoma Park area. Straightforward Evidence clerk said that while Ratepayers also will be asked cftipatKh wak ' In ;j,i0 W private school on a misc. !8hr said h wa the boy' nun 'city had to find- The parents. Mr. and Mrs. i The nun Niicinuitvri tho umnnn if xney lavor a ooe-mm yearj Uvidet.ci; of the police, he said, live hanitary fill. Robert CoKrove Oreenlease. said Drav for Mrs rjrpnnlonsB in tiioiwas honest and atruiehtforwurri Inspector Taylor and Sgt Stewart, felt that he was being booed more than the police. levy for a period of five years, the money to be expended In de-veloninp Al?nma Pnrlc . - fcve the Karbage loud- i they would go to any lengths to school chapel while she waited a"(1 their evidence they did j nd dumped at 1 get their six-year-old boy, Rob- j for the rhlld to be called from ! m,t imphfate any accused unless I prove Uio expensive, ert Jr.. back safely, but no ran- his class. The woman walked into l,,ev ,lad tmd Personal dealings He did not shouting, came up Permission to place the refer- l and went away quietly," she said, i endum was granted the Parks QUEBEC SPEEDSTER GIVEN HISTORY-MAKING TERM 6T JEROME, Que. ftt Judge Eugene Lafontalne sentenced a man to jail for speeding believed to be the first time such a sentence has been imposed In Quebec province. Lorenzo ChaJUfoux of Montreal was sentenced to three , days In jail, fined $100 and his licence was suspended for" one - year for driving through the Laurentian Mountain town of St. .Janvier, at 7Q miles an hour. "You don't deserve a licence," l-Jud&e Lafontaine said. "You :haven't reached age of reason." I'll som note had been received. the chapel and knelt. ior miu l"e accused them- Mrs. Ray said Jarvis couldn't board by city council last night. selves. I'-duinu-of-rats cam referred back to tlv The woman gained admittance: on leaving the school with to the exclusive school, Notre Bobby, the woman remarked: , Aid. George Casey moved that the electors be allowed to state be criticized for telling police that It would be wiser to go home; because, shortly afterwards, the He termed the unlawful as- j senibly an unfortunate occur-1 rent In a country whore "we i porks committee for; --- "I'm not k Catholic, but I hope I'ly, with the sugges- their wishes In the matter,, but not before he had expressed his disapproval of the matter. : Vf Ihave. a frr nrec iavrft fru superior oincers. oi 'Ood heard my prayors."' . I Oreenlease, 71. is a distributor i for the Cadillac Motor Co. I a suitable sanitary ! ld, the board should ! clijsr mid iiKl'.'pendeiit legisla lion " 40 Lumber Mills Shut the RCMP thought the.' same thing. She' tiled the discrepeucy In evidence given by pwlice in till the anti-rat Dro-! The woman, described as . He found Batt, Jarvis, McKen lo I.,a ,.,,UI ,! rfi.. uratllUHUH Ul IUB ClOUling. missed the charge against Flewin ! ?he 5,a,l,d H,e H)!,ce we, c.on fused and had made a mistake. atul ordered him released. VANCOUVER (CP) Pickets ! shut down 40 lumber mills Mon-iflay in the northern sector of llf.n Hi-,.uiii,n'u tliiilu.r.rlnh in- Urges cmi.my, Hooui. 09 yrs oin and having reddish-brown hair, left the school with the boy in a taxi. The nun then telephoned the Oreenlea.se home, talked with Mrs. Oreenlease and learned she was not 111. Then it was dis- said he objected to such a transfer of funds and would continue to object until the electors voted otherwise. "I know the meaning of this move by the parks board," Aid. Casey said. "It is to talee part of the funds allote'd to Roosevelt Park and use them as they see fit." That was alright to a degree, he said, but was contrary to the ! I'Tlnr. lie then adjourned court fori . ""a- Ba'"- "fu 10 minutes while he consulted i ?,"ne the natural thing when he will. Crown and defencn counsel ",rew or lk ke(l th,e s'no and RCMP Inspector Taylor. "8 tear gas grenade and that it lad'1 been that he dis-for proved Mrs. Ray, arguing for acquital her clients said that while It! turbed the Peace 1,1 way. was useless to clonv that there Mr- Hogarth in arguing for i i no jnw-rnuiionai wooowoir i covered the Ixiy had been taken -n.i called i - . , rrs of America (CIO) 'Meet irum inn scnuoi on a ruse. - I ".000 members off the job fol- Seamen's Strike Ties up Deep-Sea Vessels in Canada MONTREAL CP) Canada's that coast may be affextpd, but deep-sea trade has been handed union officials there said they a staggering blow through a were awaiting word from Mont-decislon of the Seafarers Inter- real headquarters. national Union (AFL-TLC) to I One of the ships the Sunwhit strike in support of shorter ,s discharging cargo at Kitlmat,. hours and better pay. jTne other vessel, the Sunjewel, Strike machinery went into i was scheduled to reach Vancou- . motion at noon Monday aftsr ver Oct. 7. last-minute negotiations failed Both vessels are operated by to bring about a settlement of saguenay Terminals and are differences. j registered at Port Alfred, Que. The union has 8.800 members! Th Kt,ikp rin-- .,. , p. lowlna a government-supervised i I,. or five years ago i ..... ....... .1 M-Kii7.ii kuIH nl)t. itori ' iweieuuun referendum The Soviet Union strike vote fU-r rejection of iiTuia Mnrn A ronr in uii.hiui ai-iiiiu.i hi uie . " -'" """ huhpn thn Blnrtnro ..... ...ii ,i ..j . . ' riBflr.ltali, n,.t hun nru.i.1 n.ltl, wnen "I" CietlOrS specifically V liiliallv HI rpntnfl l.ii i Hi. ,(!,,,, lw,.,,.H m d Inrltv earmarked one mill a year for the rny oi.ii, mic coinenueu i.nai v .j ..v ....... ......u .mi niMie nime of of l1(-r lier client client acted acted in in con-! con- Intent '''tent to to act act. In In common common wit with h il'osnl fur a Rip Four! award by the Interior Lumber rinArl rt C:cU:rlrl I r 'lt p V.IOSCd tO rlSningimlwh (liemol)ti()(.rPltt!feathe crowd. While he respected ! de;?e.VL0fc Roosevelt Park, Aid. Casey ""5 said, wim, German prob- Mimnraeturers' AsiMK-iatlon. The American embassv ' nvuril ws for a Hlx-cent hourly The central and f n u 1. h e r n i "d harm, to otljcr. Khe salt! Constable Rlddell as "one of the uliiy ! Queen Ctiarlotte Island areas i they were Idle rvn loslty, seekers. Pollce witnesses heard' he could be made one of the assets of the city, and with a good driveway could be made an exhibit of beauty for the city to pay Increase. The present basic wage In the interior is $1.29'i hourly. have been declared cloned to While 4t -was very Imprudent j jnar, uie consiaoie mane salmon net. fishing Yor the. sea.Non;tif them t be there. Mrs. Ray!? mls'Pke thinking that he the clenartment of fisheries an-! sulci, "thev were there hv arci- t,rl" ml n-" aney- attract the tourists. nouncetl today. All that remaiiii dent nud without ulterior motive iway a c,rniFS' 'Mime. Hip Hussions Bin Fnur anf (.,)ln. n also meet tn con-" easing world ten- :,lsdlil in, , w.i ,!l(ip '" for the Big Four At the time the money was ln anaaa ana wj.uuu in ine ciflc coast vessels nor t,wr rwn- w .... .... . . t T I , . J C?n. . 1 1 1. 1 ... I. .. i -WEATHER- provmea, ne saia, ;n was piannea i uuwu amirs iuuu me iuuks sea ships at presen. loariins; open Is the Nortnern area on mid therefore should not be I ,,K uiaimeu uihi u ins o-iooi. Queen Charlotte Islands from ; found guilty " ' 2-inch client had been disposed of the Trades and Labor Con that a landscape gardener would be employed to sketch out the Forecast North roust region Cloudy Cape Knox to Rose Spit. All ! She said Batt told police that, 1 1 incite violence that .when areas of the Queen Charlottes he didn't know the cause of the 1 pushed by Constable Miller he are open to trolling. i gathering and while talking toj""1 have swung on him. In ynsiers meeting on i " will, niln.i l"unj ... ....... f "ole. sihiiul 1n tyite- day. Little change In tempera- grain in Prince Rupert. Tlie SIU signed contracts with shipping companies on "this coast several months ago. Vessels loading here are the Kocho Maru and the Table Bay, a Canadian ship under British registry. Both are taking on grain for the Orient. 1!"S. was delivered lure. Winds southerly 20 in ex-three t.. Western posed areas. Light elsewhere. grounds around Roosevelt Park for the general Improvement of the area. "The money should be spent in that area." Alderman H., F. Glassey, commenting on the matter, said; "The board was granted the money for Roosevelt Park. Why I the " Muse stead, mr. Hogarm saia, Mcft.en-zie continued on his way home. The conduct of McKenzle was one of complete innocence, he said. Mr. Brown said Batt was a IRrilW ;inH I T ..... .r...iV.t n.rl VilirV. WnHtlCS- jParls, L(iiitin ...,j finv a, p.,-. narriv. Sandspit and gress and the American Federation of Labor. Union officials said approximately 35 vessels, some of them on the high seas, and more than 1.000 crew members may be affected. The strike started off quietly here. When the noon deadline arrived, crews of four ships in Montreal harbor walked off carrying their gear. Strikebound here were the Canadian Pacific Immigrant liners, Beaverbrae; the Cana I Prince Rupert, 45 and 50. self-confessed leader of the crowd haven't they spent it there. I it Sessions Possible legislature This Week Metlakatla s Fisherman Pilots Sell Mine Claims ForSI Million dian Leader and the Canadian 1 1 'CP) Members r,,u6h the debate on ,rwin the throne In Oluillbh. ii..i...... Constructor, operated by Canadian National Steamships, and the Canuk Line freighter. Seaboard Trader. Reports from outside sources . t - y ."1 i . . s " - i e - t , ! still were not too clear. A Vancouver feport said two ships on Feared Drowned A Metlakatla fisherman Is believed drowned and two others were rescued after the fishing vessel they were aboard pver-turned early this morning off Rose Spit at the northern tip of Graham Island. Still missing from the ftshboat Beatrice H Is James Leonard Ryan of Metlakatla. Rescued by another vessel the Oreyflsh were and since he had been drinking he was unable to deny what he said. ' . "Batt had his moment of glory," Mr. Brown said, "and admitted to Sgt. Stewart and Inspector Taylor that it was easier to get the mob there than to disperse it." Jonasen, the prosecutor said, admitted that he found the whole thing amusing . . , and deliberately indicated himself as part of the unlawful assembly. Mr. Brown said It was significant that of all the witnesses Jarvis was the only on8 who did not see any stones thrown. He was an admitted "buttinsky" and he was resentful of the attitude of the police towards him. Of the other seven arrested and being charged with being members of the unlawful assembly, three, two girls and a native youth pleaded guilty and were given a year's suspended sen of possible I" starting Thurs- kim . alpn Chet-fcl Haggen iCCF r l debate Mim. ket-wise the outlook Is, to say the least, cloudy." For the first time In history, he said, British Columbia would be able to export oyster seed. Previously growers had imported between $35,000 and $45,000 worth each year but experiments by the Department of Fisheries had made it posslhle to export some 5,000 cases this year. Mr. Haggen said the RCMP had no mantling pool and municipalities had the right to "squawk" ' when police were taken from them to go to some trouble spot. Already the muni f nett MONT JOLI, Que. OWTwo Quebec Bush pilots have sold for "more than $1,000,000" claims to Iron ore deposits discovered while flying over rugged country in northeastern Quebec. Capt. Paul Lapolnte of Rim-ouski said Monday he and his co-pilot, Bill Awatter have sold their claims to the Iron Ore Company of Canada. Discovery of the deposits was ' announced Sept. 25 by Premier Duplessis. The money to be paid by Iron Ore Company of Canartu over a period of 27 years, will be shared with Dr. Steve Mal-ehersick of Montreal, a Hungarian-born geologist, who was called ln by the filers when "we needed someone with served notice n ThnrvH,,.. Britain Drafts New Film Quota LONDON (API A new one-year agreement covering the quota of American films shown In Britain has been drafted by representatives of the British government and U.S. film associations, it was reported here. Details were not announced. American films imported Into Britain are subject to yearly cipalities were paying too much fe r ' "'Rht ! a a 1 4 'n Possibility. tU third" week The f fl'e bu"kd solidly B'c,B,poke on 'he plpellnps 's td and that for police protection. He asked that an old mining liTlf . Mr Sid Crosby, skipper of the capsized boat, and Sonny Beynon. ' They were taken to Masset, 10 miles to the south by the rescue boat. . v It is believed that the Beatrice H was rounding the spit when it was overturned by heavy seas. Crew of the searching Greyfish were unable to locate the 48-year-old Ryan. He is married and has two sons, l.eormrd and Charles. , law that made miners working tence In magistrate's court, three were freed during the preliminary hearing, and a -native woman on option to place a deposit with the gold commissioner be re-enacted. This assured a quotas limiting the number of films shown and the percentage of profits permitted to be taken A TROUD MEMBER of.the West Berlin police force sits astride his motorcycle ready to take off for a display of unusual skill and daring. He's the only policeman on the force permitted to smoke while on duty, and the privilege is accorded Kuno because he is the official pollce dog of the force. ,,hi, TinK Pli'tn re pleaded guilty In County Court worker his wages and only hurt from mar 1 anK'e hut. ana was given a year's suspended sentence by Judge Fulton. out uf the country by U S. pro ducers. the fly-by-nlght operator.