f ,?': DOCKSIDE TALES Prince Rupert Dailv News Tuesday, September 29, 1953 Canadian-Born Industrialist Cites Results From Want " " vt V'J Hobby May Develop Into Big Industry For Ex-Chef at Miller Bay Hospital tostuts of the two original want has resulted HARTFORD. Conn. CP) A ads. I suit's since Fuller was born in Nova ! printed." well-known. Canadian-born U.S. Industrialist said that a single newsDaoer want ad and & i Rrntia. nrar flrann Pre In 1RR.P I The Pnii. IT DmA maffazine want ad wnlcn grew ji.s ancestors were of l'ayflowi-r I now has c . . . . . ! - " ' " UI HA nut nf lt Increased his business descent and went to Nova: era. l.ooo in r.,. from a first-year $8,500 to one ; Scotia's Annapolis Valley In i dian company with it! Cit with current annual sales ofjneo. The Fuller family seat 1 ftce In Hamilton hai i b"'""'' ' $50,000,000. there Is still maintained by him ! fice.s In Calciry J?" The industrialist W Alfred C. 1 as part 0f a 1.000-acre farm for Halifax. London m,, 4 By LARKY STANWOOD j for picking. ' Prince Rupert housewives soon 1 Faulkner's oyster bed Is located rnav be making their husbands' , in Tuck Inlet on the north shore favorite ovster stew from locally , near the site of the "Old Can-grown oysters if plans to develop ry" comprising close to a mile f foreshore which he has leased a new branch of the fishing in- i dustry here transpire for Al from the government. Faulkner. 'While the water here is far too : We said -soon." but actually, it, eo'd for oysters to form spat FuUer. founder and chairman of , dairying, cattle-raising and an- I tawa, Montreal Ourh. . I the board of the Fuller Brush ple-growlng. 8askattKm. Sherbrooke 1 1 Fuller siiid: "This little Syra- Toronto, Vancouver and' J"! will be another few years before " r seeast ana can i rcpiu- once the seed is free from the j shell, it attaches itself perman- j ently to some other object on I the bottom, mainly rocks. - I "Oysters were grown here very ; satisfactorily by the Japanese: before the last war," said Faulk- j nor, and "I see no reason w hy I this venture shouldn't ; make j good." If it does, allied industry of canning and smoking of oys-1 ters will follow. But until the hobby grows Into j a business. Al Faulkner remains! with Prince Rupert customs j branch which he joined two years ago after a stint as chef for Mil-1 ler Bay Hospital. Before that. Al j was a sailor and also carried on j other allied trades. ' About two years ago. when Lt - i Company, Hartford, Conn., ana of the Fuller Brush Company Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. The newspaper want ad ap-neared In the Syracuse (N.Y.) l list; Wrtliv a" wua bile tui Iltll ! a pjlnt for this company." ' j "It was so successful I used i the oysters and seeds planted by Faulkner last year will be ripe duce by themselves. I believe conditions are ideal for growing oysters," says the customs officer. Oyster farming has long been a pet idea of Faulkner's and sev others and the company has OSLO. Nomv s. .. Post-Standard Dec. 14, 1909. and n mllettation krPl on uslr"? newspaper want , 1.300 families wen. ?' was followed by a u ir ,i.u. M.,ni..iui rm oniir mj uiiiig ua urui- i I nf na.sl vear ho . ..... irom me uu "- 1 That it. .,. h " ' ers. That single want wain, ad nu started Mi' . .! .,k..h i rn, iini siiiric muura i "n nn rina hnm.n,.i... , 7inc zini iui lor antutit . r t h h u, uh.im . r--. ...... -.1115 (1,. I the rnnvprsllin conversion of f 0..r our enmnanv company miinU,i municipal ir. .. staff of the Jm I S '"' ' ? ' 5 4Vf' H' ' he Insertca. eral years aso he started an oyster bed In southern B.C. j waters of Juan de Fuca Straits, i He recently sold the bed. I In his new bed. Faulkner has Always WRINKLE-FREE Chix (jcuyz Diapers n it ....... ,,.. lauuai. ror me cominit ti.e company h us j Since then J H .. . . wmk ""mrrii used newspaper want ads rcgu-; of usj want ads tallts ' J1: larlv. The tM-casion (if Fuller 8; r. - e w-tiij iraued. planted several ions oi oysitr ; Dovernor Clarence Wallace visit- seeds which have been imported t ed here aboard HMCS Ontario, i tvwash easier statement was the pacing in the museum hall of the company's home office In Hartford of pho- THE.GREAIEST.0FAI.L AFRICAN .ADVCNTBKj! from Japan, bucn pianung nas ; d insucctlne Miller Bay 1 1 - to take place each year for con dry faster Hospital, the ship's captain, Lt - I HORN EIMVINA BOOTH, Duncan Renaldo and Harry Carey, as they appear on the Totem Theatre screen in "Trader Horn," M-G-M picture which has gone down In film history as one of the greatest adventure dramas ever made. Filmed In Africa, the picture boasts thrilling sequences involving strange rites of a savage people of the jungles as well as some of the most remarkable wild animal scenes ever caught by a camera. tinued crops. It takes from three i cdr H f M G-M'f X F. Pullen stopped stid-1 1 Two Fishboats IOOO Wild 4 Halt ! denly. face to face with Faulkner, the chef. ' j,&'uTFri' Animal TMiLui"Rti irFS-tJWl.IEVABLE SlCHTSl'jQ The captain grinned and stuck out his hand. The two had been shipmates off the east coast some years back. TOTEM Today and Wednesday Evenings 7: - 9:19 p.m. to five years lor me oyster 10 develop. PLANTED ON BEACH The seeds, which have been allowed to form on old oyster shells by Japanese growers are shipped to Tacoma in Washington from where they are distributed to west coast growers. These shells, says Faulkner, are "planted" on the beach just below low tide mark. After several months in the water, the old BLACKWOOD on i 1 bilious ruym Tlwn Whales are making their appearances again. Several fishermen have reported seeing whales surface near Digby Island recently, but there is little likelihood that one of these huge Today and Wedntdet I Seized in U.S. ' SAN FRANCISCO tAPi f fl.-ure reports were filed Monday agulnst two Canadian fishing boats which put Into Ft. Bragg a week ago and unloaded fish in violation of U.S. customs regulations, Martin Scott. U.S. customs agent here, reported. The two boats, which were seized by the customs office last week, are the Salar, about 4!) feet, skipper Cnpt E. Ryoll. and I the Roxxalle 42 fcrt. Capt. ! Peter Bramsen. Both are reg- ; istered from Vancouver. The Salar unloaded 2,35! CAPITOL WALLACES DEPT. STORE Shows at J A F'tmotis Plitver .Theatre Last Complete show. 8 mammals will at- ,.1,11 V,l rfoto-inrotp inri ! OCeail-gOII.g uCBl.. -.r i tempt a trick which gave a well- a., caci r-v ri Arkrwnnn known locality along Prince Rupert's waterfront the name It still bears. At least, here's one version of how Cow Bay was named, as told I by one of this area's many i Miss lirash Thwarts Mr. .Mock's Double " r. Meek stopped ouite short of his maximum h Hstwt CtK ' "i " t ' ' w mamma mn-tmn m UTM Kk'M h 1IMCV tAMM ON THE SAME HKOOKAM M contract when he decided to double Miss Brash at; pounds of COBB "Andy" Andersons: JOHN DEREK - LEE J. In turn It appears that around thc.four p,,a(les He could have made a grand Slam at:S(.ott sald. Thcy had been fish-' M'tsii he had played the heart suit right. " Of j m. -tj SECRET" "THE FAMILY for The World's Largest Selling Electric Shaver . . . PHILISHAVE 12 Self-sharpening silver-steel rotary action blades. No pulling or irritation to the skin. Complete with genuine . leather case. TEN DAYS FREE TRIAL NO OBLIGATION FlLL$rtQ.75 PRICE JdO been developed, that a i be course, the grand siam could not nave oeen reacneu of 8an Francisco. whale was discovered lodged West dealer North-South vulnerable East-West 60 part-score logically. - .' But any heart contract would j have been better than the actual result on the hand, because Mr. Meek did not beat fouri ' spades. tween rocks in the false creek which empties into Cow Bay i present site of Tony Crawley's Cow Bay boat works. Who found the whale there? Andy Anderson, of course. And savs Andy: $3 Down $3 Monthly His opening lead was the klnt? j "I see the poor, miserable McRAE BROS. LIMITED Virl li (r. kern) 6 K 10 a H None D K W'Ml t-6 5 11 t.i-t li--k) (Mr. Alirl) held. He con-1 .h of clubs, which i irniui iii a j yi- J i tin. . , . , Remember Tex Morton! In view of the outstanding popularity of the Tex Morton shows here lost year, B.P.O Elks, No. 342 ore proud to announce the engagement of ', ' KARLS0N Sensational Australian Hypnotist Phone 6 or 36 "The Store that Service Built" rocks and I tried to help her get: l,M i" , and Miss Brash ruffed. In a t Th. n,i. ,nnino. t out. The tide was .o. running out ! (Mr. hand like this, where both the artrt cho lit aai a rnu' v'Vittlot 8A 7 A J 8 5 3 2 -A 6 H K 10 7 4 D 7 5 C A 10 7 3 If ", ' ' J. . . -'' n, I ),, 1V' -' ., -if. .- ! ... .j,..-' 1 J 'v " : - . - H i-sr.;j!r-''''-,. v , - 4-. -, ;. H ' '' .'" . i ' .. , , f. a ' -v i a, " . - I.J.-VV . . ' . . v - -r . .V . ' A, V J, ' 1 , ", . -: - ''j--r'i " ' " - , " " '-i I. . ' 'I1 ' 'r?---'.S rid -'-'' : ' .'r ' ' . ' it -rv'i . .,V..-J -- 'i.-t :,-. .., f, ,..(4, ,. ; if mt N Itra-li) la- VI J 8 5 4 3 H U a 8 D- 10 tl c--a and Amnm? are out didn't have enough water to turn icl"sed " around I of a suit, it is. very tempting io "I got a stout pole and tried to start a cross-ruff at once, pry her uo. but still she couldn't That is not always the bost make it. Wei'.. I figured it would '. procedure. If. starting at trick not do her any harm if she went ; three. Miss Bra.sh had iutti-d a drv. In the mnrnine I would heart on the board, rufled an-heln her out on the rising tide." j other club in her hand, rufled The way Andv out.lt. a;! mem-another heart, then rut fed the ber of the Grand Trunk Wastine ! last club with the eight of i 'lite bultlliik: i Wet Ni.rUi Sunday, Oct. 1 Capitol Theatre SHOWS ONLY I II 'i I) Ijotltll 2 3 4 3 ccovirc Friday, Oct. 2 Civic Centre ' TWO 4 It 4 II 3 All crew came nlone about th?n pnd i spades, Mr. Meek coulu have i 311 fsigeested that he put a Vouple ; over-ruffed and led a spade. Ml ( ' ! t , 4 CERTIFIED APPLICATORS tft sticks of dynamite tinder the 1 1 his would have taken the last en; whilf hn'd 1iblnjlt Tier toitiuinp off the board and Miss smithereens." tii.iil Huge Sale Brash could have lost one trick in pnrh suit. I iot kJr1a:r)lnW at him1. 'How , , TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Ciric Centre Art Murray's Men's .Wear T. Eaton Co. W But Miss Bra.sh realized the nltTinn would you. like to be Blown sky ! danger of the hiinci developiiii? J. high?' I asked him." ' Anvwav. the cow was left n Forecast ; in this manner .and at trick ! three she led the 10 of dia-j nionds. Mr. Meek studied awhile J OF. ; . i I , , BARRETT, ROOFING PRODUCTS Consult Us For Free Estimates ... ;r TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED EBY & SONS LIMITED 400 Third Avenue East Phone Blue 156 Eves. Phone Blue 393 tact and by next niornlnl Andv assisted in refloating the 60-foot rronture. By this time the word nbout the whale had spread throughout, the little settlement of Prince Rimert and someone ins! hRnr"'i"d tn mil the area In ouestion, "Cow Bay." Thn'c one version of Cow Bay's history. Probably there are others. M I and finally elected to win with' OTTAWA f The British Co-j i the ace. 'lumuia sulmou Industry hopes to Now, as you see, he had a sell "several million dollars" j tough return to make. In fact, worth of canned salmon In the i ipiiy return was hopeless. With United Kingdom throtiKh the j the idea of shortening dummy s purchase of British supplies for I I trumps so the diamond suit the West-Coast industry, a fish- j ! could not be utilized, he selected cries department official said i j the ace of hearts. Monday night. j j Mi.ss Bntoli lulled In dummy. The deal.- to provide Britain j I t ame to her hand wit.n the rune wiln the dollars to buy B.C. sal-;' of diamond arid ruffed another morii j.s briiiR discussed ju Uin-I) ' heart. Kile entered her Ivn l (Um this week by Fisheries Mln-f ! HRtiin by ruffing a club, led her jster Sinclair, J M. Binrbannn.f ia.t heart and trumped it with president of B.C. Packers Ltd..'1 If W vJ i dummy's kin;; of spades. All she and Roger llaner, "presltlent of Ind to concede now was a trick the Canadian Fishing Company ! to the ace of trumps. Ltd. M0U I ' ! a top fisheries department : For action- try Classif iedb official here said members of the B.C. salmon canning Industry have put toeether a "parcel" of various orders for equipment such as tinplate, diesel engines , for boats, nets and lines, which v .,w.:'-'".:-n.i:iii.- LAUNDRY SERVICE Shirts Ironed PKKSS-Will I.K-V OH- W A IT Pickup and Delivery Island ' Cleaning and Pressing Black '!7 744 2nd West (Next to Liquor Store) """ " In las. ttt ttnmbott "Sursfit." Mo" carry oouanairt tin Fnur River ts Hops. they are prepared to buy in England. ,"It amounts to several million dollars," he said. It would not be a straight barter deal, since that is not allowed by the U.K. government. EC.HEI SILO first In 1001, William Braid founded" IU GOLFERS? ALSO NOTE NEW OVERSEAS AIR PARCEL POST SERVICES ar and established the standard of quaW distillery, Air Parcel Post servic is now available at low rate to th following overseas countries: that distinguishes B.C. Double Distill R5-Discover for yourself why B.C. Double DUtiM is preferred by British Columbians for its s"l,crb flavour ... its light body and mellow smooth LLERY CO. 1'"' WITHIN CANADA 1. Parcel Weight maximum is 25 pounds pet parcel. 2. Parcel Sizes combined length and girth may be 72 inches, but no one dimension may exceed 36 inches. 3. l)mir to door delivery service in most areas at ' no extra cost. ' 4." Axk your nearest Po?t Odice about AIR ' PARCLL l'OST KATES, within Canada aud to other countries (See next column). HELP YOUR POST OFFICE TO HELP YOU Addrtti your malt clearly and accurately with J return addrett. Include Postal Zone Number in Quebec, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. Wrap parcels securely; tie them with strong cord. . Re sure to put on sufficient postage if in doubt hove Pott Office weigh your parcel and avoid double postage due. New bkmi Norway Swedes SwitxarleW VnioM ef Seath Afaiea AvsircUia Belgium Denmoik Trance Holland Hong Kong inc DKinsn wi.uividi MEETING Civic Centre THURSDAY, October 1, 8 p.m. 6- CANADIAN WHISKY 1 1.11.1,, I ttj,t NEW VTIINTCII, Japan and limited Kingdom General regulations applying are the same as those lor suriooa parcel post io the oouotries ouo-oerned, with the exception al insurance, whjah ts avaAabie only cm parcels to 0 ailed Kingdom. foi DtTMS mo itwsitu MemotK m It JlOVI UST Of C0UMTIKS, COttHWt row WMim post oma This ad courtesy of . 2 hi Distinguished Products oj British Columbia's First CANADA POST OFFICE STfLINS IX. DOUIll 0ISTIUED I.C. IXrOKT . I C. KISIUVI I C. SPECIAL C. ol B Contr' 1 TtMMttt ttm urn core. tie. g Wear This advertisement is not published or .displayed by the Liquor or by the Government of British Columbia. ft