iintc Kupcu Uuiiy rit Wednesday. May '26, 1054 Stars Mangle Padre Ace Little League Opener Slated Tomorrow Night I Hollywood Stars have lengtii-i ened their lead In the Pneif i,. Yankee Win Closes Gap As Sox Scalp Indians FIVE CANADIANS SURVIVE IN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP MUIRFIELD. Scotland (r Don Doe of Oranby, Que., ncl-vaneed today In the third round of the British amateur golf championships with a 6and-4 victory over Robin Galloway of Scotland. Four other Canadians survived Tuesday's second round Walt McElroy of Vancouver met Sid Ball of England, Gordon Taylor of Montreal played Charles Carlow of Scotland, Bob Fleming of Victoria was pitted against England's Malcolm McKnead and Doug Silverberg of Red Deer, Alta., met A. J. Cochran of Scotland. Civic and league officials will farm team boys Ls a definite patt be on deck tomorrow night utiof Little League training,' Mr. com AND I M OUR 195 STUDEBA? NATION WaJ Williamson said. 6:30 at Algoma Park to take part In the opening ceremonies that Little Final line-ups for the waukee Braves won their eifiht'ij in a row. 3-1 over Cincinnati.! : New York Giants .slammed 22 j hits in beating Pittsburgh 21-4J By BEN PM.EGAR Associated Press Fports Writer Cleveland Indians might have known that when Iheir winning Coast League race to 4'2 games They bent the ace of the s i Diego staff, Eddie Erautt, in last night's opener of a seven-game series at Gilmore Field, scoring a 6-1 victory. The winner was the league's top pilcher, Mel Queen, who won his 10th consecutive game. It was the sixth straight win for the Stars, who three weeks ago were In seventh place. Oakland prevailed over Sacramento In a slugfest 8-7. The defeat bumped the Sacs out of ;hird place Sacramento had a 7 lend League follows: ' Kinsmen Cliib-i-K. Dockendorf , R. Hebb, T. Holder, T. Roberts, B. Seymour, R. Adams, R. Armstrong, B. Foster. K. Murray, D. Turner, J. Domlnato, R. Erlcson, J. Olsen, J. Turner, A. Voagen. Super Valu J. Morrison, J. Rosedale, B. Love, J. Jensen, J. Martin H McKenzie. R Wlndle. Streak was broken the villains St. Louis defeated Chicago Cubs would be Chicago White So. 9-4. Philadelphia at Ilrooklyn ! The Indians put an 11-oame i was postponed. I will see the 1954 Prince Rupert Little League officially underway. Mayor George Hills will throw the first ball to start the season and the first game between lb' Kinsmen and Llpsetts Sea Kings. Little League officials said this morning that all players Irjm the four teams will ue on hand and the managers and roi ' flMMl Edmonton Cuts Caps' Lead; Indians Out of First Div I.KMOVS FIRST j ' In beating Cleveland, the ! White Sox not only broke the I team's winning streak but they' pinned the first loss of the sea-j .1 HiisshII n Krlrkion W Ril. "' 's, kathc,. uiirrt '"eiials,. irfrinlfr Ullj, when the roof fell m m the last of the seventh. Oakland's Art linger, J. Mutch, L. Mathew, O. Caideroni, B. Main, B. Mintenko. North Star T Careless., B. Thorn. D. Turcotte, R. Oakey N. Patrick, B. Kc.ngas, K. Cameron, Q. Oakey, U. Wells. 1) Kurdzlel, SUPEP.it Cuitti tripled and Gene Hermar:-skl singled him home. Pitcher Al Clcotte was yanked but Oni-- AuTOSEkvi Tln- i land produced two more runs oa team sponsors will be introduced. Also expected to be oh hind for the opening will be members of the Parks Board. The Navy Band from HMCS Chatham will be in attendance. Uniforms for the four team arrived yesterday, Jim Foster I the league executive said this morning and will be distributed to team managers. Mr. Foster pointed out that this year the uniforms will re- O. Maskulak, R. Robb, B. dal, J. Colussl. son on Bob Lemon, who h id won Veteran Charlie Oubre pitched six. Two of their runs off Lemon 1 a one-hit shutout for Wenatehce came without a hit. ! Tuesday night and Spokane Whitey Ford went the distance tumbled out of the Western fur the first time thH season as' ternational Baseball League's Die Yankees ruined Bticky Her-; first division, ris' night in Washington with a j Oubre struck out eight and 17-hit assault. Mickey Mantle walked six as he paced the led the Yankee attack with a Chiefs to a C-0 triumph over the hmiie run and two singles. Indians. Eddie Murphy's sixtu Detroit's lur.u-bnll attack ruin- ! llmi"K single -was the only hit a want, an error, another va"t and a forcrout. The Sacs outlet Oakland 15-7. gr.y eriors to take the third straight win over the Stampe.l-er. Five miscues were logged against Calgary and only four of Victoria's 12 runs were earned. There were four home ruik, including Neil Sheridan's in.side-thc-park four-badger for Victoria Salei;i ..i.thit Trl-City 12-11 at Kennewlek but touldn t convert them into runs. Don Robertson, the winning hurler, ended one Salem threat in the second by striking out three men after giv- rry Doily Mews: string on the line in Chicago Tue.sday night and the Whit" Sox promptly snapped it wi'M a 4-2 derision. If the streak hvl been the other way around, Cleveland probably w n.kl hav won. That's the way these perennial "unners-up in the American League have been going at each ether regularly durlni? the last three .iea.sons. Cleveland leads the league by a game and a half over the Srr:. with the third-place New York Yankees uncomfortably closv inly two games out. The Yanks took advantage of the Indians' misfortune to close the gap, beating Washington 9-3. LHtioit shaded Baltimore 5-4 In 12 Innings. Boston leit Philadelphia Athletic in last place all alone by winning :! 2 In the National League. Mil- PCL Standings Lip-sett Sea Kings M. Greene, D. Grantham, G. Ogllvie, B. Mc-U'od, A. Hunter, B. Robertson, B. Mclchan, C. Downing, D. Allan. G. Jones, J., Lindsay, , J. Ightha nder ed Baltimore's hones of bieakili'' t "'veil lm bV Uu Keer, M. Fleming, A. Johnson, H. The loss dropped Spukar.o mam ine property 01 me Mine. Oeilvie H Meiehnn will he ,,. out of a losing streak which now i nns to five games. Trailing 3-2, into sixth place. Edmonton, meanwhile, shaved League at all times. , placed jn one month by J Sciiu- ' If a boy leaves town lor imy mnn v the Tigers tied the game in I he nini Vancouver s lirst-plaee margi.i last of the ninth on a hoiiu ! reason, his uniform must be ' turned in," he said. by Jim DeLsina. Th? Orioles scored in the 11th only to have In-? up a hit and a walk. 1" pitched himself out of trouble on other occasions atfer filling: the bases. LastNighf's ; Rgbls By The Associated Pre;? to two games by shading the Capiianos 3-2 in a thriller ;:t Vancouver. Lewtston edged Yakima 4-3. Victoria drubbed O.il-liuv 12-7 and Tri-City ;ot by Salem 5-2. Oubre, a mainstay of the VV;:-nutchee pitching stall, was Bjr Til.. Am ixliitfU W L 30 in M 2' Pol 612 S'.'O .1 , "-ft n whir party is scnemiicn ;:ir ' night at Algoma Park to gc', the diamond, stands and backstop completely ready. A new .set of stands have already been built and the screen will be re-netted tonight, Mr. Foster .said. Players not chosen on first string teams will be on the league's farm teams, players' agent Art Williamson said this morning. Farm team players will he sailed on as spares thrmi".; the season. Boys will not be penalized "his 41: 5 5 61. 7 Hollywood Sua Uiego . Oakland . . . .Seattle Sacramento ban iTunci.'.c Lei Am't-les FC.MliiiU .510 .510 500 4fi!l ; Johnny Pesky get his first hit' of the season, a pinch homer, in tin' last of the 11th. In the : 12th, Al Kaline singled and Bill TulUe drove him home with a ; triple. Catcher Sammy White turned , from goat to star with a ninth-1 j inning home run for Boston over i ! Philadelphia. He had hit into jjhree double plays earlier In the ; game. iiomi rs i kau ri: ; Two home runs sewed up Mil-j i waukee 's victory at Cincinnati.; j Joe Adcock doubled in the fifth j and Hank ' :-on homered. Then ! pitcher Wu.ien Spahn, who al-i i . 25 2ft . g;l 2:1 20 .400 -71. .417 'ill. backed by some fine fielding js KENNEWICK. Wash. Jim he posted his one-hitter. Double : Grow, 132, Lewiston, Idaho, outplays cut off two Spokane i pointed Blackie Vaneler Veer. 139, threats and no Indian got past Seattle (8). second base. The Chiefs got ; GALVESTON, Tex Sauveur .seven hits of f Ralph Romero, the , fhiocea, 143, France, stopped losing pitcher, and reliefer Vii- johnny" McCray. 14U, Bimmiir-eil Giaovannoni. Joe Unfriecl's ham..Ala 18) first Inning double scoring two, DETROIT Duke Harris 148 men was enough to win the ball Detroit, knocked out Sam Mas-Eame: - trean. 1521,, Pittsburgh Hi. The normal heavy hiltin? Cap-: I SACRAMENTO, Calif. Henry ilanos managed only four sale Davis 138, Los Angeles, stopied blows off Edmonton's John Con- Bolt) Monies, 140, San Hose, Calif, ant at Vancouver. Three of the (3), WASHER "... DRYER $419.95r !. $329.95 Cjf SPARE THE (.HKASK AND SPOIL THE ('Alt It uu lube it today . at SUPER SERVICE Comer 2nd and 2nd, Where the Serrire Is 2nd lo None, year for being away on holiday New Low Terms WIL Standings fcy The Canadian Frees W L Pet,. OBI Vsiuouvtr 17 10 .6-u tdmoiltcin 12 U .671 2 Mr. Williamson said, but if they are In town they will be expected To be at all games and pracH -en ami help farm team players Improve their game. "First string players' help to GORDON & ANDERS Phone 46 I i lowed only six hits, followed with a home run to sew up his fifth i victory. i , . I Mi'toria . . . 15 :i .516 "jewiston 14 l:l .519 Villoma 18 13 . .500 Fpr.kune 13 14 .4H1 Islun 13 15 464 ''matclioe 12 14 4H3 ' M-Cily 12 lti .429 ,lrary 10 14 .417 ' ' Yfil :. - Bv fHITK BLONDIE seven hits given up by Jack Nicholas produced the Eskimos first two runs in the eighth. A pair of singles and a sacrifice in the ninth brought in the win-t!!P7 run. Vancouver scored twice I.ARGK STItKAM The Eastmain river in Quebec flows 375 miles westward to James Bay, where its mouth ii l'a miles wide. j t-r ,w. I -UWTV KNiCEi ' TOa. ! f;!) , OF MY BOSS TO jY I)!' (EiiHTV-Fcri-V, rp, eoiK, ena 1 JL-lH HAPPY BIRTHDAY ) il jfV, PETMEMBhR ME -im US PLfAF 1. The Giant's assault on the hapless Pirates was the second heaviest of the season, topped only by Chicago's 23-13 victory over St. Louis late in April. The Giants scored U runs in the eighth inning, tops in either league so far. In the seventh they scored five as Whitey man hit a grand-slam horn? run. MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS 11 Tile AsROrlated Pres in the boitom'of the inning alter two were out on a walk, a single, j i wild pitch and a double but Arnie Halgren Hied out to end the game.- Au unearned run in the seventh was Lewlston's maririn ovr 1954 Frigidaire The Cardinals' victory over the Yakima Bob Williams went U Cubs was a runaway for rookie first on an error after Clint Wally Moon, who stole four', Cameron doubled and Al Heist bases. The modern National walked. Mel . Wasley's single League record of five In a game! scored the lying and winning NATIONAL I.Kll r. AB R H Pet Jublunskk. Sr. Louis 104 23 Kl .372 IXlurllFr. New York 135 24 f.0 370 Muslal. St. Iillli . 140 SS 55 M0 Snider. Brooklyn . 1:14 2G 4fi ,3M Ki'iiiuer, Philn. :io 15 4ti .Sfi4 ' Runs Muslnl. 39 Refrigerators , was set 50 years ago this week ) runs i by Dan McGann of the Giants, i Victoria capitalized on Cal- l J iV ... , 1 I Huns batletl in Musinl. 48 lilts Jabinnski. 81. ih'Mles Jnblonskl. ' 13. Triples Mays. Now York. five. home runs Musiai. 14 utoU fcasca Bruton. Milwaukee 10 fltebta'? Rast'hl. St. Louis, f-0-1 .mil). tSlrlkfoitf-- Hntldls. !5t, Louis. fc7. AMI A I 1 K 11 Pll .371 E' l I " AB'"1 : AL C I , " ' i I II...' r-tij l1-,N, j ?5fci3kiS?!Oi5 ' 77." -ur-Mtme. TH.r vhon (-tAtc yTlSP1 , 1 1 eur, ah puml FOoNaT, ! 'I li.--rl"L ' fl t-nir!, I ,. P.4f tRE WHOHPtfT LlFETMF.- 7 CP.IM1MUL ) NtW HOIK AH UKK J iSM;lte : 'P'AiQ icf r"Xcr&'l ?iZp . mi.; -rjfjf yFJuk sTTi lmm W4m 7$mi m m i as low as " JjMak Or i Mdrd; Jlytii Muriel Martin of Cantels Sets New Spring Loop High Muriel Martin of Cantels roll- j At the end of the season teams pes 2f!4 for ladies high single j will be broken into "A" and "B" Moi ciay night for a now record j leagues, with the top six teams in tii.- Rminn Bowling League j forming the "A" division and and Wra,t hall's 3725 went for a ; the bottom six the "B" division, new ttnm Ingh three mark. Earh leHgue wlll roll of( for Other high scores garnered j the vision championship and Monday were Whalens Herb the two winners will meet for Woods 2U7 for men's high game the league title and-Dyke McMillan "of Aces with ., .' , . . Troph en will be awarded to men's high three of 7G1. 1 of he iwsh- At a meeting following the ? n?cmbe U .10 211 17 12 'I 10 AB 130 12'J 11! . 711 B.r) III Avlla, CU velioitl Uosen. t'levelulid 'lutlle. U.'trolt MiehaetH. ..'liir;ta llnns.e, Detroit Hoone, Dotrolt . 27 :I42 :h :i-j'i :n .27 Huns- Aviln, ao. Ituns batted In Rosen 44. lllls nlla 52. j Duuljlf S McDougald. New York. 10, ! Tilples -Mlnoso. Chiciigo. wven. I Home runsHosen. 11. j Hlolin bn.sea Hunter, riaitlmore. ! Jensen. UuKton and Kuiine. Iurutt. ' ltvr. i Pitching Lopat. New York. 5-0 twc ucadt nc mi ict mure o ctaw HF1 bowling session it was decided : ' r!,1 . "'. l"e , B, Results: Whalen's 4, Lucky 1 iVImlfl in fiinncii IVam ! - - J that all teams will bowl twice a Strikes 0 (default); Wrathall's 3, TLlf-V irtiiT T V T. hi A4i-r VJ 1 ' ""TUT . '" ' ". . " " "BBIrWi. WBh$ 1 UUU. i , v . . u 40 fstrlkejut.s Turly" Baltiirtore. C7. '! -C" hEARP SOVt-M SiX, fWSOUB ISOING, WN6V... '1 SLEEP MOST OP I flK 1 f M wetk. Mondays and Thursdays, in order to complete the schedule as , soon as possible. This means that teams will bowl this Leftovers 1; Aces 3. Headplnners i 1; Hotshots 3, Cantels 1: No I Names 3. Chums 1; Tiger'Cats! 2, Family Market 2. . "s.r-"H"S7ytom'A I 1 rrreitTov.cK J ube. hursday, May. 27. 1 irms .is tiiw :iu I iimc la ii jul bf f 'mmk. i I ft . ,. . iv - Standings: No Names 14, Ltft- overs 12. Wrathall's 11, Ares 10, i SPORTSMAN'S DIGEST v HOW TO RELEASE UNWAh4TED FISH Whalen's 10. Cantels 10, Head- j Xi i pinners 7. Tiger Cats 8, Family Market 5, Lucky Strikes 4, Chums McRAE BROS. LTD. ! . 1 nl ;Uste 71 i1 .1 I -3 I 4. Hotshots 3. r il it il none t or J6 i li- AtJ VL f .' II rrri .. I rry Duilv Nt,,s Classified iwwJ. 1 WAJ.' W-Jft , " J j SHERLOCK HOLMES . . ' , By EDITH MEISER ond FRANKG llArTC III I Al l,'"'f -4 ! f WHAT WAS KEEP Ui FK0M CHOPPING OPEN 7- DEVlUlCAN 6T0UT(W A 'C-kvif I II I V VTt , I : THE POINT OP ) INFORMING THE AUTHORS A CASK f 1 CAN , '-J HEAR HIM POlMMl 7 lrtgS? ' : 'I ! A N6USj TIE5TMT TWEOSN- SMELL HUM I A TPJJ $T3nL) riRST, UCE CARE IN RrMCV-INS THE HOOK IF THE FIGH IS A DESIRABLE SPECIES. IF HOOKED IN MOUTH ONLV IT'S EASY. USE A OtbGOR&FH, NOT FINGERS, IF TEETH ABS DANGEROUS. BEWIOVINS SWALLOWED HOOK MAY KILL. FlM SO leave it in, fish a6scb65 it. Don't oust toss a fish back in. gently hold it upright, FACING THfe CURRENT OR IN OUIET WATER IF POSSIBLE, UNTIL IT RECOVERS TO SWIM AWAV IN SAFETY. LaCKINS GAME FISH, "ROUGH" FISH MAY BE CONSIOERFO DESIRABLE BY OFFICIALS. IF NOT, DON'T RELEASE THEM AGAIN. IRistercmon l)art first imported and Wended tk MIK tubicb Is today a household word. 1 bu&Jm!m m& I wmm El, ARCHIE . BvBOBMONTM ' :r " - - -r Is-, ft CCk .... AS SIMPLE , BrWtli Guimw's liittit tsmtuu RUM AS A PHONE CALL J , . -vvwiFerTrrNf witw noup 00 vxi e Mi J vnup 1 Wmsuv but 1 Ijf'J rV A- L pi 3? AP5z JW Across the Town Phnn A w, - mtfmai ani bottled or the Nation. WW ndsayh Hat m GOOD RUM itryom mtnf. Local ami Lon Distance Moving Thii idTrtlmni 11 nor published or displayed by ibe Liquor Ccbito! 01 hi (h Cvroaat ai Biitith Clumbi