UKlthb Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. May 26, 1954 Museum Brief: i ... 4 - . v . tr . it ' ' ! By JOCISLYN BOLTON Rupert Delegate Set Mayors Convention cil approved last i The city will build a shield or '",meiiuution of the I guard for the D-6 Caterpillar t,ul . . nnnri : ij L ... It !" at ' sr This week lias been a busy VE . ;otfiecookinj one In the old building but it 1 " f Guide Tea Planned To Raise Funds for Camps, Training Funds for training of deserving Girl Guides and for camp equipment for Prince Rupert Guides and Brownies will be the main objective of members of the Local Girl Guide Association when they present their annual tea and sale in the Annunciation school hall, at the top of Fulton Street. Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5. About 215 Guides and Brownies In Prince Rupert district will benefit from the proceeds of the event, and many of those Guides and Brownies, In uniform, will assist at the event, serving tea and helping women of the association at the various booths. Mrs. H. T. Roos and Mrs. W. S. Kergin are co-conveners of the event which, besides afternoon tea, will feature sales of home cooking, candy, plants and other items. ' - tions and benefit from our displays, others much too young to understand who come for the fun of it, and it proves rather a problem. However this will no doubt right itself as time goes by. We had a very nice visit with a lady and her son on Saturday morning. She mentioned they had tried to get into the Museum has taken on a clean, look in-j side. We are very grateful to! the Junior Chamber of Com- j mcrce for their paint job last j Tuesday night. j Also during Monday Mrs. Peter Bird kindly assisted in taking down the various exhibits and cleaning as we went. Wednrs- WITH annual cuh-;e 0 ihc Canadian Federals and li at Windsor Aug-ptcniber 2. tsU uuuiu ui worns conimmee. uost of the shield is estimated at $250. Alderman Norman Bellls pointed out that the Workman's Compensation Board calls for such a shield to be installed for protection of the operator. lie roimi'Hiic io.- that sliouia any :,;,(, council De in me City Clerk R. W. Long wus day, Thursday and part of Fri-1 so many times and was happy day the house cleaning was ac- j we were now open, as she in-complished with the expert help , tends to visit us again. Her small of Mr. J. Kempster and his j son was also intrigued with the equipment, and a thorough job ! Indian exhibits as he takes a was done. ' correspondence course and finds We are now ce?n'a.i every-"1'"'"' ' in,erpst here. that as-one who has since visi'.ed us is ' sist him with his studies. time iniii iiu uc . a doli'Rate. on of delegates to convention of the Lamina Ko- Shower for Retiring Wren Highlights Chatham Doings impressed by the shining pic-1 VictiMia ior mice October 20, was hc finance com- mu'il. , ,rec Hills pointed ,olutiuns from the Popular Steamer Prince Rupert Personnel of HMCS Chatham to England to attend the Rval Instructed to draw up a summary of revenue and expenditures for the city which could be printed on a flyer for enclosure with annual tax notices, soon to be mailed out. Showing council members a sample of a flyer printed for Ewjulmnlt municipality, Mayor George Hills recommended that Prince Rupert take similar steps to show the taxpayer how the tax dollar was collected and spent. "It's good advertising and money well spent." Mayor Hills said of the proposal. The completed draft of the flyer will be submitted to the finance committee for approval before printing. pudding NO COOKING! No po to wash! Neil ing to do but add milk and ' mii! And thrilling ntw ROYAL INSTANT gives you the creamiest fixture, richest flavor in any pudding! No starch taste ... no lumps . . . no film! Trv delicious, time-saving ROYAL INSTANT Puddings tonight chocolate, butterscotch, vanilla. L have been busy with a variety of activities during the past week, highlighted by a social In the wardroom honoring Sub.-Lieut. Christine Worsley whose marriage to Percy Young will take place June 30. Officers and their wives and Navy Volunteer Reserve Jubilee. The two local men will be among about 150 Canadians sailing for England for the Jubilee aboard HMCS Micmac, leaving Halifax May 28. Chatham has welcomed back Lieut. Norman Jermyn, returned tures, show cases and the fresh- j ness of our Museum. I Even thoueh we are not ofTi- I cially open we had people bang-' ing at our-door and begging to come in. We relented in a few instances in spite of the fact ; the vacuum v as working and we who were cleaning were not ; in . welcoming attire or mood. I However they were so interested J and appreciative we were j glad they came. J During the week we had an ' Da. .' r m RAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 n.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight rt council woum jwii up and agreed he convention sub-of August 13. ,as given a recom-nm the health, so-o. police and licenc-Pe to change the t of the hospital flUe East. The pies-an hour signs will other guests attended the affair ! at which thp rptirlntr officer war Comfort and Service 'yPA COOX For reservulluns write 01 interesting young man, who was . from a prolonged training session at HMCS Shearwater, Nova Scotia, and AB Wren M. Gagnon,' home on two weeks' leave from HMCS Naden, and bade farewell to Wren Joyce Andrews who left presented with an engraved silver tray. Commander V. Johnstone, .speaking on behalf of Chatham personnel, said the division all Citv or Depot Office mth "Hospital Quiet JUStl MIA nun Prince Ttufwrt, B.C. Li 1 born and educated in Honolulu ! and had been teaching in Alas- j ka. He was homeward bound snd enjoyed our Museum. We have many children, some of ; the older ones being 'interested j in the exhibits and ask ques-! Week of Activities ia for training at HMCS Cornwal-lis, N.S.. followed by a holiday in England. Advertising in Daily News Brings Results ned by Cadet Squadron would be sorry to lose Sub. Lieut. Worsley, one of its finest officers. Chatham today announced promotion of three local seamen. OS Bandsman Bruce Sinclair was promoted to leading seaman, LS Stubbs to petty officer, second class and OS Bandsman Pat Mitchell also to petty officer second class. let Week in Prince enstrate their drill. The public :hr 45 boys of the ' is invited to the event. . e Rupert Squadron j FO Douglas McLean, com- ,F. plan a number' manding officer, will be in, ;o mark the week, charge for both church parade ,e day Saturday. and op,.n Commander Johnstone and OS Eric Brown have left for a trip lau, i.i i'"'.". Thi nrnrwicert new hniMintr tit Ki Saturday, scek-, to finance their lo help pay for a uii.ilinu, plans for being drawn up. U planned Include r cadi t broadcast ,it...ri tl'l'K at 6:30 cuet church par-nid an open house at 8 p.m. Mon-the b".vs will dem- 1 m 4 to fc ti. house cadets for classwork, will be built adjacent to the armories. Drill will continue In the armories. Lumber for the new building has already been obtuined, and as soon as working drawings are completed construction will start wilh the boys themselves, their lathers and members of the .sponsoring committee doing much of the work. W. omcn FOR A LASTING Canadian t '. Cadet AVcck was marked throughout the rest of the nation earlier this monih. out was delayed lit re to allow completion ti- arrangements h,i f) SHINE K the event and to ovoid conflict with other local activities. 4 - . j lif ':r. 4 tr . . . .1 . A" , 0 ."I :- I; , . H " t 1 :m ' J ' ' . . VXK, 4 I - ! - ' ' I .nations for then aar to be staged irnuun were made mlxrship cominit- rndrn. St a vm meal... I I Just-add ofe, hr When you order your drink, say ''111 have Coke". Then you'll ''-' know how much better your favorite dishes taste when you add - - I -. .... -. ' the uoinatthcd goodness of sparkling, ice-cold Coca-Cola. Tf . j y 7 f'ir ' " . w' ' 1' I tj"a . . f :- ; (?!.-.? k s I aV&I ' 7 ' r 4r X4;. ,v- V' nutn ol the Moose home . t Mrs. A. iiMh A , nue Msist. lie hle Ini: inc.,;. li.iii ni.s were .serv- This Week- . The a mm;.' gritrral nireiiiic (if llir I'l Itiipert Itislriet Music and Drama Festival As-siirialion udl be held louiulil in the Civic Centre at R p.m. New members are welcome. li-.s.s I'l-e.-icnt were Morrison, S. 3lUall, ..,s. li. I M.S. i.u;,ky, Kay Wood lliLchcui k. The Wttnirn of the Moose will hold a bazaar Thursday from 2 lo 5 p.m. ul (lie Moose Hall.' jon Tasty Illy Salad The Girl Guide I.oral As-tociatioii annual tea anil sale will be lielil Saturday from Z to 5 p.m. a( (he Annunciation School Hall, al (he (op of I ul-(on S(ree(. I imiT. fall or white 'imon ills into (Inily iriely of interesting oilier eoming oil, inn; s..i;iil that will i n srunnsK nun ! "in gelatine : uatcr f I'eus f'X let luce TtNU n hard lo relax in die den list's chair T llicn you'll be glad to kruw that Uic dcnlist'i drill now lio), a rival a new device which "dulls" teeth by means of a fin spriiy of aluminum otitic powder. 1 licy say Hie new technique lakes ttie "ouch!" out of having a tooth liwit Manufacturers in many fields keep coming up with new use or aluminum. And our research people arc oficn called on for help in finding a remedy for their pnxliiction aches and pains. Many times the result is another Canadian plant opening up to make a new and useful aljiminum pro-duel. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Altan). DINING PLEASURE il'il ,-v.v. 1 ilressmg and may- . 'la! inf in boiling il'l put a .shallow : mi ui iiinnld. When j 'I slieetl hard cooked 1 '1 liiniatoes. Fill alternate layers of m. rooked peas and ' Serve on bed of li;;h with tomatoes, dressing or mayon- bPAP.KLING NEW SURROUNDINGS .1 c Cafe! ommodore L I t ff m m s l-.4af...SUf Jill A y u uuvuu inn HDSr u o VWEtTENtB 4 Is. rr?: T R Authorised borllt of Coco-Colo under contract with Coco-Cola ltd. ... . 7V NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS When your doctor tecommendi low butter-fat (ormuls lot your bsby, ut Delta Concentered Prly Skimmed Milk. u Phone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C. fiwMinj ferferaf Tuef "Coke is o registered tracts morV j-