nee Rupert Daily News Wednesday. May 26, 1954 ... j V f J ,. FINE FF.AT.1F.IIS Best known of the falcon slides in Canada is Uie sparrow hawk. n . ' land and ofc,. ered h i..u "lana waxi i Chuck Davey 7-5 Underdog CHICAGO i Chuck Davev. -lll Uavii i THURSDAY TO SATUrSJ BLACKWOOD on fZT BRIDGE ! By EASLEY BLACKWOOD f?1J who was given a boxing lesson by welterweight champion Kid Oavilan in his last Chicago RITA ON THE PROWL 'r-' ummy Reversal IMay Powerful Trick-Maker Stadium appearance, steps Into the same right tonight against slugging Vince Martinez as a 7-to-5 underdog. J A WITHAKI0fFUMEl COLUMBIA t Martinez. 25-vear-old Pater. I son. N.J.. fiehter. is ranked sixth j in the welterweight bracket and I has 20 knockouts amnrif his 2.1 The (lummy reversal play is a powerful trick-maker. Miss Brash won five trump tricks in today's deal, which is the same number she would have won if she had hefil A K Q J 10 of spades in her hand, with two small spades in dummy. mi victories in 36 fights. It Is his RITA l HAYIVORTH JOSE FERRER first Chicago start. Davey 28-vear-old former Mr. Champion led ihr rleoee - of hearts and duni! Michigan State collegiate champion with a master's degree in education, returns to the scene I of his most disastrous bout. me irHCHNICOLOR On Feb. 11. 1053. Cavilan I stopped the one-time television I Rlamor boy in the 10th, handing ALDQ nAT mm,. . a , I the southpaw swinger his first defeat in a rapid build-up to ! the champ'ou-sluo bliut. North dealer Bolli sides vulnerable! - Nurlh (rs, Ku) S K 6 5 H A J 10 6 ' D A K 6 C K Q 5 (Mr. rliiiiiipiiin) (Mr. .lttl) ! Q J 10 S 9 8 7 li K 8 7 2 H-Q9SJ I II) 0 8 3 O J 5 C J 8 C 10 9 7 2 Si. Mlh (Mivs Uracil ) S--A 4 3 2 H-4 DQ 7 4 2 CA 6 4a i 1AL i h' . tv; w Oavilan did his lob with such Miss Brash made a mental no'e of the fart that the trump suit, was sliejitly weak. However, there was not hint? in her manner to indicate that she was In any kind of distress. I.KVSI1 " OVI KS I I"' Playing t's if ih si nation was a routine one. oho led a heart from dummy at triek two and ruffed it. She entered dummy With a low club to the kint and ruffed another Ivart. A small diamond to the kins; put dummv in aKain for anotlv r h art return and rufl. The ace of spades vas now cashed and followed with a ' w-i'uivi'i; uiunv i- li.. - . I.A5T TIMES TODAY; ' ' "RHAPSODY" T O T E f Shows qf 7. 9 p.m. MMouru, T'!'AY RED SKELTON J 9 Pi"lJ."L"GREAT DIAMOND BiiRBpyi .... . ...... o,.. c ,s .eauy a rear view of the Llacki)urn Beverley a new British nir freighter, with Us tail boom open. Beverlcys, claimed theV the largest of type M the wod are considered specially suitable for the quick transportation' ol ca e and mea Powered by four engines they can, despite their size, operate from 1,000-yard runway" xTnty elch ab'efCarryi"B 25 ton or 132 Pane-. are already on order ?or Britafn'Sl'r Force" cao i thoroughness and comparative I ease that Davey was reduced In stature to just another welterweight. But instead of forsaking the ring, as some exported, the quit K-fisted Davey started his campaign nil over again. Since , that time he has had six bouts, winning hulf of them. Th" bidding: Nnrlh East 1 C Puss :) NT Puss 4 S Puss South West 1 S Puss 4 C . Puss 8 S All Puss HIS BLADE OF GOLD . A I rerun iu bit-.. Australians Preparing for Vote Mav9 I V w.liU 1 DM I t fteAHER KISS OF SURRENDER lo elect Ui Representatives to House diamond lean to dummy's acp i which'' M? !hnki" f fP1d' " n n the lpad f dummy"s last card, rt r C , nrUf k (',a,lmly. ri,!" 1 spade. Miss Brash discarded a frfJn ; Cham-: f;milU diamond, both opponenU n'en p.oq f ioned at this .- develop-. followed suit and Mr .champion ment and began to get a little won with the queen. But Miss Brash had the last three tricks "jj "-'-". ------ with tlle Pue'n of diamonds and m tlip two hifh elnhs Broadway Cafe bYUNEY, Australia P Aus- six-vear Deriori with hulf n, tralian voters on May 29 will membersh r ,"15 L "'e ?.,.nny yCars' m. Tno Present C0!"'-e.ect 123 members of the House $nwry SXj?Vn "r f " a"d " Cou of Representatives for a term ally Senate electtons hi . r", '? Wollacc's Dept. Stors .u ireramuminuueHUOtaoil the House of . Renresentatlvo. ! j .l.. , . : wnu kuc vuuui v oarLV ren- Menzies, leader of the Liberal cocilLitUVCi : but the dissolution nf hnth o, CHAMPION A.NGrtY I "The things that happen to u me in this game . . ." snarled a Mr. Champion. "How could you jump to six on a spade suit like II that? If you wanted to bid six why wouldn't you try s!x no r?N i HUDSON J V 'ftJ Ppw semblies in 1951 threw the normal electoral procedure out of gear. After the dissolution an election was held to choose 60 new senators, 30 of whom held office resents inc clominantly farming and grazing constituencies. In a few strongly anti-Labor seats, both Liberal and Country party candidates are contesting the election. Where Lnbor is ! likely to poll well, however, the i DTivernmmit norll&B BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKF '-TIT OKDI ltS Phone 200 Country party coalition, seeks re-election in a four-week campaign in which increased social benefits and communism have been the dominant issues. Opposed is the Labor party led by Dr. Herbert Vere Evatt. A total of 298 candidates have been nominated. At dissolution' the Liberal-Country party coalition held 68 seats and the Labor Opposition 53. i - wca uvuiu ell- . doi sing two candidates. The preferential votinu J trump?" "We couldn't make si: no trump," said Miss Brash sweet- B "That's not the point, Mr. H Champion screamed. "But do ' ou realize that to make six ..p uiij you had to f.nd the .spades divided 3-3 cau the lor three years and the remainder for six years. The election was held in April 1951. but the new senators' terms dated back to the preceding July 1. Consequently a Senate election had to be held last year, when 30 new members were chosen. The next Senate election will be held in 1956. Is used in House elections, all constituencies being represented by a single member. For Senate elections, where the senators arc elected on a state basis. th proportional representation saltern " Vi ' ii"- - (j -; For MORE I Fun In : The Sun TWO RES rillCTEB Of the 123 members In the House all but two hold full vot-ine ri?ht ?h im mn..,i,. .. II . hearts 4-4?" "You call that a lot to ex-B pect?" Miss Brash asked. Mr. Champion was speechless ?1 1 for a moment. Then. "I'm sur CENE EVANS -KATHLEEN HUGHES prised j cu r'.idn t ')id seven spades," h- itmarked. Miss Brash explained that "I bid much more conservatively iTARTS THURSDAY representing tne Northern Terri- VOTING QfALIFICATION tory and the Australian Capital! British subjects over the Territory tCanberrat vote only 'age of 21, with the exception of on matters concerning their Australian aborigines, are en-constituencies although they titled to vote provided they have have the right to debate any lived in Australia more than six matters before the Assembly. months ? Most of the constituencies have : The three main parties are the J about 40.000 electors, but there I l iberal party, the Country party are fewer than 10,000 voters In and the Labor party eaThfA th.e ,te,rritry seats- I The Liberal and Country par-The Australian Senate has 60 ties have been associated in gov-members normally elected for a ernment and in opposition for Not a worry when jou store furs here! Reliable, bonded, we Kuaranlee complete lur protection . . . expert care. CAPITOL! is usea. Progress figures arc issued at frequcst intervals at Australian elections nr.. I experienced obser-vVr. can forecast the result in all but a few seats by about 11 pm., three hours after the polls close. In some of the big country electorates votes from outlying centres may not be covinted until perhaps 14 days after the election day. Theatre Stages Play Contest u p.m. - 9:05 p.m Also "Carnival in April" 1 .r ' 1. '-slTt " 't ' ' TsT. t - - t 1! . , . " 'J- ''Is I i't 5 Xi ;.-':!' , , i' , :J 'Vai . ' ' vl 0 "A I ",'' 1 i I: i ,- .v 't V'i 4 ji t VfH J. 1 ' . ; : ft .. X; i n i' : i- ' j , i "Play" Clothes do makp a -,Mhan I used to. she aaid. difference. Wallace's are ! "Murh Ado About Mutton" A FAMOI'S PLAYERS THEATIlj ulw.'IVE tir, fli .ilrt.a v.-: W m you the latest. See Wallace'; stock now and remember Store Your Furs Sow Pay Ncxl Fall there's mure arriving every a day. "mi Call 974 For Children Permit jwith n (hi tnr. i..uV WALLACE'Sj : DEPT. STORE: CiI2ni3HIuD Bill Scuby Furs NUTHIN' DOWN AND NUTHIN' A WEEK WILL BUY JUST THAT, NUTHIN! l or mii.iII down payments and E-Z iiioiillily. teDDj.-ouy an A-l used car from Parker's. See these and many others A-l values: ! inc stories for children' ore h. I hi advertisement is not published ur displayed by the Liquor (.oiurul Board or by the Government of Untisb Columbia. m IHIIICCIiClllI T.J MONARCH Si:iN ; Automatic, transmission. All extras. A dream to drive 2295 53 FOUO SF.IHN Heater. Banff Blue. Anybfxly'd like this one 98 Tires Recouped New Tire Guorontce r DAILY SERVICES TO EASTERN CANADA AND U.S.A. 'I Pail.v 'I lansrontincntal flights from Vancouver ''" IH V KOI.I T z-imuii 51 FKKI I;T SKhAN lv Ti aiistainlineiilal riiViitu f....... c,i.. I.Ike new condition Si:i.N Radio, healer. K.xcellent condition. A-l Bmgain 1250 im? fiven a chance to capitalize on their talent by the Community Children's Theatre of Vancouver. The Theatre Is stc.nsr its str. nnd annual playwrltlnp; competition, with increased prize money, including a top prize of $200 offered. Plays for children aged 6 to 12, to be acted by adults uie eligible. The competition closes September 30 and results will be announced by November 30, 1954, The contest is open to residents of Canada only, and the play must be written in Knglish, but there Is no entry fee and' no restrictions on subject matter, locale of play nor number of entries per contestant. ' production rights for Vaneouver and New Westminster for the winning play become the property of the Community Children's Theatre for one year, and the sponsor guarantees the play will be produced within that year. Entries and requests for rules "V-nuld be addressed to Mrs finii " ...J...1V.J li 'III UVI IIIVl I Wjll in'M i:t: aimm r swings I'ossnti.F. on i' s NKW Tor K I ST SlltVKF ' e your I'luvel Allen t or , t -HI l' ki iiiH.otiuT at T ni:ii tj.Vi Hmr SI. lolip. Cienrina Porker's, where Prices ore Born, not Raised '.i0 FOItO PK'KIT New paint Jul). 1 1 on i;i c ii In I e coiidlti'i "4!l AN(;i,lA Radio, healer. nienilng black. Only 4TRANS-CANADA yf. . tliroughout 750. 450 i nil mm r- OUIt POLICY: CUSTOMER SATISKAC'TION OUARANTKK1) Plume !3 for a free demonstration of any one of ur i.irs. tvenirgs 7-10.00 call 7!1 or drop In lo our servit Crawford Moore Travel Agencies 215 Second Street Phone 620 Your Loco! Travel Agent NO lOI.KI.NG. hercs an crs story to end all egg stories. Mrs noyd Campbell of Lansing, Kan., holds large egg (right) which contained usual complement of yolk and white plus another whole egg (left), with shell and all. Now if wo can only train hens to lay eggs that, way regularly, just think what a convenience it would be if you want to fry up some ham and eggs. You wouldn't have to reach for two eggs. 654 Tun idnAKM . M ruM.ihid w dp,,J l Bndili Colmnblt. fn station on Mt Bride Street. BOB PARKER LTD. "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SEItVICE" Martin, Secretary, Community Children's Theatre, 1764 Allison Road, Vancouver 8, B.C. i Don't Miss The NiARLV-KIISW RUAMflAG 2 p.m.-AAay 29 . if. Sheardown's Parking Lot 2 p.m - AAay 2? s.' . t. . V!; f V i 1 I j u t r