' ..I I - - . , , f ----- - y. 1. 1 . . - 1 ii'Vc .pfii Ci.y licWi -j f 1 ''' t. " " "" 'a'g't'li i. 'i YfT' rltllt r- Weanesiay, fca 24, iM f . w -' & " ' "T t RockMounT;- la $- fU- n j) Hed by British Overseas Airways , A. " , I 2 55. I P1"'" k B" ,n 12 ' CJ P X$ Corporation, British European " ' rr,, gj Airways and associated com- .dvcrtisrmen. b rot published or displayed by iht Lw C4 ' panies last year totalled 2.150.- ' r.,a (, ,L C J H,J. rl.,h., - rc,--r V- 000, an increase of 25 per cent. Doily News LlQSSltiedS V 'ty',''. 4 ; j 11 V DEADLINE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING II'-'Akta ) need wov.raAo.mjsw) aieo,rcyjLLAws.l ooixar. when voa oOf-rrV hi- ;j I I . ,T-XT CdkLAfl ( ii;t in at once when f&b OAtoy xVoear v, pop ( e riiM a chanck ) j.v -&? V i ! te8AvV! K'f.-r.- -rimV? "rrssbl i . r.M H BUSINESS PERSONALS Classified Rates time P"- PWou P"""?"""- flW) ... ,,M, ,,,'oistkv at ?c& 4VifL ; f&rady&s yjT I -.vr- -Ws ' FOR SALE: Troller Varuna, lie: ri-riifi.nl.- r Tine e:m."-i x77 ) II CjVx A? e ;ravv8 7r T i th moored at the Fairview Floats. 1 " inirie n:i. iu.i.u i.ie sSjieW l Tl ; 0$ 3r$ sf :-.1 rV IL Si L V S " i Ungth 82 ft, powered with an '!Vm!!'.aA' "'H'r M',, VlSVx-V ' Qt&'r&Fh JjXW 85 h.p. Chrysler Prince Rupert lCZ,rM TTA fei5QVTi SSS V J. ' Fishermen's Credit Union. ,ssllPd i the .m.e of Minnie itrm- ,..,it-' fi J (VrML Fff '9 Ah3? -fi-X "" '- , i A T ' X IM. THE ELECTRICIAN D. Gayatt. House wiring and electrical repair. 149 Oth Ave: West. Phone He 165. (139) CHIMNEY n n d chesterfield cleaning, Odd jobs. Phone MIX'. 38-FT. Olllnetter. Phone hed 224. niMiivnmiits, 12.00. Best offer. ,,,.,. , ,.. ,.,wn ,, t ,hei p J. f TT" h ''.j h-TV'iwir; J r"lVJji , -Sr -T wA i ' l' J t I. f (125. month from PTX C(' "T ' ' ,5260 T lf L 1 Irft u.e enpirullim of one 1 W - . - I liVO. ' j25i- V25 A ' ''i CfcSSa the Out, of the first miMieaUou 1 W -.iCSTv. . -X 1 Oreen 773, Mr. J. K.iiiiwUr. . "(1261 WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ROOMS I lilt KENT Pof, , P .Hloim. 0,,-tif,- Jt , . CC: KTN.v DlspT double prle. No Hefunde L ej not tcotpt reepnelbllity j wil"' "d ''rtw, lucorrertlf Lai wrong eiuelBraitioa unieee J-tmilun of tucn errore Is reoeltsd ("Hit" l M-irr i.r-.. ... y,- . . ; ... .. . A I , . . , I L " l F ,J - -1 ' , ,,, I FUI.LY furnished cottages at KLKOTROLUX. Phone Blue 870 for Parts Sales Service. (c) v,l,l ,,je,tl,m l u me in I . ' J i I I I AMAPKD1 ' (AND MV P.PEALt I I DQOO-WHV A.T,I I'VE SEEN v'J-'j Ol- SUPPERS AND j i! FILLED AND ( ARE YOJ SITTING lj Z ( MAN LONS ENOUSrt X & - ' iJA-iri) ntlhe linn Beelstry fl" Vh Jt Bf-V ll.I 24.1. -t? CMVBPeRLA.O W REAfJTO J V OUTTHEREIN -r'M V TO KNOW A TRAP A1 V' ZyTLT AO NV S.OUTFDRME ffft l?SfVL,:HTH r THE COLD ?jJ fM V, WHEN I SEE IT : . ' . 1 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tox specialist. t fi. Knrk. Rton Building. Red 693. (20m) Ferry Landing. Ideal holiday location with good fishing. Enquire of Mrs. Harold Neave, Francois Lake, near Burns Luke. B.C. I Up I COMFORTABLE Bleeping room Phone Black 3:ifl Oth Ave. V., i-4 J 1 M 1 VANT AD SPENCE & . Matiukr PaiP'.ina j Contractors, PI wine. 101 days. REPLIES mun H8l evening. (191)1 i r w ROOM or room and IkuuU. M7 WII.FORD Electrical Work, Motors bought, sold,. rewound and f e ore holding replies ihjiuh. lllll the following News boxes: fiPENCE & MATIUK, Painting ' contractor.1!. Phone , 101 - days, i nine 8H I - evenings. (147) THREE - ROOM self-eonlaliied apartment. No drinkers. .ri:'.3 8th West. Phone Green 032. (123p) 933, 948, 953, 959 .................e; ,4 )tSrf hifi'Satf liKf5iU''.'-"?: ffdtr-ifnv i :.. .s.i,.,..t sw.ie , , gQ -ffrfe . t&Wfe, -11 , ' fl Mfl MiiHic-nl I'rnKram I- -rs"'g ' " 1 - ' "'- " ""i i, " ' .,.:. 1 .4r, inuomiiu,.,. t.,' Wednee.rty L.'L ABNER . ,. , , . By AL CAPPT r'V ?-Vn pl'Lrir R"""-''-P TSSf VWARSHEALUrtll rH'POt. Cj -AJ SHt I L I AH BIN VOKKW ON ) AH OtST CAIH T J 'v-r'"""! L , 1 i lhel IS-HAMGIN' li rjB)i3 UVE ' T.C H Hf.R CASES'-AH BELIEVE vff F-'S R-RK3HTT I , k, J 1 ?R on mJX JrSSUt - I WHAR'STH'T SADLV GROUND ' AHOME.AM' Z t4 FOUND A BACH ELD ) COT A GAL. W PURTIEU'? V "0'"-P?- fi ' . ' , 1 ! 5 i5 .. ,r. . Jr.' I CRITTER? I CRIM'NUL CRICK.- A Ll'L fAMBLf TlruSXTX R3T HEPJT-OUUU8 A HFRE AS -A -RIGHT A. fi " Rephe, must b CARS? Hob Parker's of course. (1471 WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (120) colled for in person TWO-ROOM apartment. Private entranee. Men or winking couple. No children, 743 Oth Ave. West. -, (I22p) TWO-ROOM suite for couple, ' furnished. 000 6th Ave. West. SAW FILING All type of snwi. Precision Saw Filing, 215 1st Avenue West. (142) ;;,0 Czech Music tWpSS LJKEAFISH J l-OEST MKe'f 1 MOSAA'j f PURTP AS7 0A.6V fll ' i - (122pi DEADLINES ip.- set by a newspaper to tiMiie accurate production SAW Filing All 2-ROOM apartment, non-drinkers. 960 1st Ave. West. Apply 221 5th Ave. E. (1201 types of Raws, filing. 215 1st (118) Precision Saw Ave. West. 40 HOMES OlttsAI.E WILFORD Electrical WorkH dealer for Kkolite Sounders. (114) TWO SPECIALS AM . vvvv. j i vuicyi I v? w$ -tern . . Four-room bungalow with in- 7 -no Muslim i i.kk . i i.jw rv k a tj I K v I i 7r ii i? ,' i .' . fvw a i .nvi, ? j i side stairway to full cement j WILFORD Electrical Works dealer for Ekolite Sounders. (1301 basement, hot air furnace, laundry tubs, large breakfast nook and actually help you to iet the most for your .ilvirtiiing dollar. We ask that nil Display Advertising cnr,y be In our luu.ds by 4 p.m. two publishing days in advance id the day the ad is to ippcur. Deadline for Classified Advertising will remain ( 30 p in. the previous pub-iMiing d;iy. (It) Eddie's! off the kitchen, beautiful polish-(O ed floors in living room and bed MAGAZINES? Novelties." News Stand. CARS? Bob Parker's of course, (120) I S ir, Brenkfust Club ' ' - - B:4 5 leftovers VK;-.Oi er. W P.I API Yiy'WPry-A-" eorl-VCr ewf-BTA -rjMtsJl ctjvrnr. OF DOT-HATCH - 1 . U (H) H1MJ News (ilia Com;. &mml uirS'-NOSfjS6 irH'NAMk'VJ" V JJ "tt ' SIR A.mt I.ucy DIDN'TAHTELLVO'AwSTIN'TIME.'r- 1 IS jHfwHUT'S FUST COMES A v AN THEN CCWES . .OH THC6E. PORE t - 0:30 Ijmr Ltd WAS PURTIEP'U JvO' TWO VOUMG T JULIUS ON TH' WtSTEftN-COWEOY TEU CKGOON, CITV FCKS. t ,, T' f' COLOR. ,, 11...0 Y.,.,r (i,Hl Nr-UO.hor - IlT-?1 rffi-- 1 I -Mr -' NEARLY evctyooov tjtvs S " 15 FOUND rooms, Venetian minas. wvci lot, fenced. Price only $5200. Terms arranged. Four-room wartime, close ' to bus and school. Price only $2950. Easy terms. Exclusive listings. H. G. HELGERSON LTD. Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th Strert. Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 Eves. ( tlMING r.VK.STS .rlners nearly-ne-7 sale, GREEN budgie. Owner may have . i same by Identifying and pay-May Nig for this advertisement. Phone 160. Uti i i!23 ii:4:l (mmuiim I'.i.ir-ti,. . I" "!ri fi'. i'.C ; X' A: ' I IT'S! kW i '4 , T 5 , - VSSi ' i . 1 V .Spring Bazaar,' I ..HELP w.vvrEn wai.E Peter's FULL PRICE $2750 . , .. Compact three-room bunenlow Missionary Tea, (122) e.literian 2d. PERMANENT office position open, large fishing company in Prince Rupert. Good opportunity to learn business. Apply close to bus and shopping. Three level lots. Early possession. THREE BEDROOMS. CLOSE IN Immaculate family home, close vot m. Bazaar May 27. Box 961 Dally News. H24) t reat nearly-new Sale, May I 25 Situation"; Wanted Female to everything. Large living-din-; lne room combination, bright, i cabinet kitchens-three gixid bsd-' rooms and bath. Cement bise- ment- automatic Oil hen. R'me 7 Tra.,s-c Hnat... M.une. :' j h E HEART OF JULIET. JONES . i . . - By STAN DRAKE t'J 3:15 Brum Voyage , 4 - 1 K .-' ' ' ' -, f Jr ' 3:45 CBC News; Hit Parade L '. I' --', i H U ' I! l' 1 S. T ' f""""! t JjSUW1 " '-g.d.jLJ '' -- 1 T! ' i and Stock Qilf.tntlon U . , I I ILI pdx-"" rjf' , 415 VnrnliM ; ! , - 1 fi I I wSi:V , i 4 -SO Larr. In Quebec fS I W " J llVV 1 I 4--- : .s Tnlklne to Teens . 4 I till Vi I I II r...i I I .- n - --. . if l 1 i,r Ouirle 'lea. May 23 1 WILL look after two children, 1 Vian ttrtnm anH nvor fnf nrnrlf . nlted Church W.A. Spring , . ',h phnn ri'hp nns terms cm asking price of $6850. ARMSTRONQ AGENCIES LTD. wr. June 3. ' i U24p) Phone 342 Eves. Red 9 nja Ladies bake Sale, June 5. 1231 .6 BUILDING MATERIALS all Bazaar, No-; reshvlerian F .ber 25 i PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. WOULD you like to make over I Phone 651 or 652 i 10 interest on your monev. INQUIRE about our budget Plan Three-slorey house. Revenue KIKTI1S 5:15 At Home With the tennWts I ( . 'i Jvf'.vV i "' h I I fi-fAA I ''iW: " ' mJT ' -I . , . , t ' i 5 40 Internutioniil Comty. j M V-.f k , J : fll. S I II '"'r. A. ' . ' . ! 6:45 CBC News. Weather J iSS XrVT 11 'i J1 'A If' I . tr Business And tf P! fS Wrffll I ,f tWtl r-h' Siuo per monin, plus large suite for owner. View. Will accept fam N-norn to Mr. and Mrs. A.! for your noine i'"""-ien in the Prince Runert No down payment. $100 to $2000. (132) ily dwelling or car, as part pay ! 6 to 24 nios. to pay. ifial Hospital on Monday. Red 207 Phone ment. Terms, y 24, 1954. a son, a baby (1271 after 6:00 p.m. I I KL liter tor Craig. Utp) ' tl i I vaS - - i T ' I I i I B -l : ' Ml ,1 I ' Wi 1 III . '" '.) 1 OK UT. J!L. JTii 7-ROOM house and four lots in Masset. Central location, near dock. Write Mrs. J. Singer, Queen Charlotte City, B.C., for particu- FOR your fuel requirements:! ! oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace i i Coal Foothills and Bryan Mln. PIRSONAL DANCING NEW KUKI- TANKS ;- "'" --- -"-Y1 , B50 OM. Tunk' II 10 on '-j .''.' ' . k ' !H 1 '-'" , 375 C.,1. T,nk .......... W 00 Ui HALr WHiM PiP C JULIE-' I- AW,. JJST 6JT : . ' U 0H?t'T KNOW-'W W fjf jfv-. . ,J i ia rat., ill... iwnu.n . i , U27p) PH1I.POTT EVITT & CO. VTli. i " U.s . PlvmeJWlvOr- 'l I32) i llouso Wantetl to ISy , ; -i a, .(Uflns . f,.j,4y' INDUSTRIAL AVIXMNT. CX Every ! - room suite. Blue 277. (122pi iri'i-ii 84 Centals. Singer :. r:.cne M4. (O I DAY and SATURDAY i-";, Night I nr.SINKKS LOCATION'S Mrs. Rowe !'S5V Ri--' ' 3 yfZ ' FLKS' HALL FOR RENT Offices In the Stone Building, modern, steam heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3, Sl.me' Building or phone 424. (1241 132 FOR SAI.Iw MISC. i 1950 MATCHLESS 500 cc motor-; cycle. Very good condition. $275 leash. 317 West 7lh Ave. Black 902. (125pi" 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Battery Shop. Phone I DAY The Wcsternaires Dancing 10 2 i:nt WANTLI) TO Blue Blue 126. 126. . Ii LiM.MiT.fA. 1 I I? f F" , 0 BiCHBLOe ; i .K I TT. I " I - - ' -i r-nr w!i i-r ik, w-'...! u ti-; Tm l r..r w l "ft; I HOUSE, HOUSE, unfurnished unfurnished or or partly partly . , ttfjAVT- IV V" I 'Ja-S' .! ' furnished. Apply P.O. Box 105, 111!, LOTS, floor of house 24x36 started. Some lumber, flooring,' II I HI.. W-,- t.i 'I 0 - :,s.5ft . -.''l : 'i II V ' V lm ' ' . . KTURDAY ! shingles. Reasonable. 10 minutes Bennett & White Construction U24p) 'to Post Office. Box 900 Daily Co. (News. 124p) OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 llf f IIMIIll IWI -Ill- . ' '" . ., .. , , SHERLOCK HOLMES . ' - By EDITH MEISER ond FRANK GIACOIA ! Ki7ffl u'ti.wY J 1 - w T'.'fcV CAM CUT - I THE RUM T4?.l v I.ISTINC.S WANT I YEAR -old R.O.P. Leghorn laying I hens. $3.00 each and R.O.P. . Pullets, $1.75 each. M. Rowc, Kit-, wanga, B.C. (124) Vikcs Rhythm Kings Dancing 9-1 Ladies admitted FREE . More 1 1 p.m. SELLING YOUR HOME? We have several buyers with cash for houses up to $15,000. "You'll do better at," 1. f;E J MOTOR-blcycle, t'a h p. Pixie motor. Like m w. Can e seen at Dallv News. (123nc) 1125c) CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 032. II. ;. Haltrerson Lid. Real Estate mid Insurance 216 6th Street Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 107 (evenines (126) ASTRAL .Refrigerator. Phone j Green 804. liZJP' 3!H FOR RENT MISC BUSINESS OI'I'URIT'NITIES ' cabin for i ONE-room furnished 740 'I" - ouiet working man "'"" EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY (127) union ni. Popular 4 Star Resort IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 039. M. J. SAUNDERS ELKS MEETING Thursday Evening 7:30 p.m. INITIATION A1L MEMBERS URGED TO ATTEND (123c) .. - ' I Finest Fishing and aceommo- 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS dation. Turnover approximately " - " ' MONTANA ARCHIE ByJBOB rUBC NO eE6GE! IWHAT DIFFERENCE CASH FOR $38,000. Price $50,500. on easy terms. G. P. Silke (exclusive agent), Courtenay, B.C. .122) 'l ' 1 l cTnZ ) KOLI-PEA- INTELLIGENT' I HA.C ! IP SHE PKTrvr lr, I, ( ' i Rill AV, WPST. AUTOMOBILES AITMMOIHI ES . sr.ri.1 I -ovwt? 4 1 JERK V HE OOtSNT 9Wkkl Krrgu aimw ltj t s v if I - I i" SCOTT Ul I McLAREN MCLAKCIN 1 ' W-t TTT I . 1 r ap J OOHTf rs i J ( I O i FORD truck, 1948 2-ton, alum 44 40 Calibre Winchester car-j bine model 1892. Phone Black 800 after 5 p.m. U22p) GENTLEMEN , f COLOB MAI B' ? W UsJ ' '"V ' ' r&mjOR TABLETS are effec- CHARTERER ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, BC. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 tivp. weeks' supply $2; K.S 5 At TWO, Lli.nn,n ROOM and Board for young working man. Box 957 Daily 31) "'Cvll J l 1IU1 llltAlJ, Inum steel-ribbed box. in first ; class condition, completely over- , hauled. On view at corner Mc- ! Bride Street and First Avenue,; Prince Rupert. Apply John Mori-; son, same building. (123p; 124pl News. ONTACT Alcoholics nous. P.O. Box 343. 33 BOATS ANlJ ENGINES BUICK sedan with dynaflow and Bl'SINtSB PERSONALS radio. radio. First First class class condition.; conuiuon.. Fred Fred E. E. Dowdie Dowdie ' vtjs. n vifft V - l.$Vt3& "VW M lAWal I- I J 514 HP JOHNSON outboard motor, used one month. Phone OPTOMETRIST 303 Third Ave. W. Phone Green 960 PWdentoo and landscaping. 11901 I Contact Dr. R. G. Largo. (123 '38 CHEV coach, radio and heater. Six tires. Phone Red 441. irgs a isa mri fVl "wiis, evergreen planning, rock "s' fishponds, patios and Oreen 618 after 5 p.m. 15-FOOT Peterborough New condition. What canoe, offers? I I ' II iK...,i.....e.Ja E3 -l " .J '-'--ri- J ,rc cniiiuuiea. nru i U24p) i, Red 626.