r Prince Rupert Daily Mews As I See It Now Millions of Men Using Thursday, August 13, 1953 Four-Year Search Ends For Teetotaller 1 1 EYYK BLUE L 4 by ' vSjf Of J yj Ctmore LE.E- I I fm BLADF i independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ot Prlnca Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau ol Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Assoription. Published by The Prince Rurwrt Daily News Limited. J. 1. MAQOR. President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President Enjoy Extra Shaving Convenienie With Modern Gillette Dispensers! Subscription Rates: By carrier Per woei, H5c; per iconi-i. 1 (0; per year, 10 00. Bi mail Per month. 75c: per year, 18 oo. Authorized as si-rond Claris mail by th Pool 0B- Department, Ottawa. T - - 15r'v' - 'i 1 t v v Vi ; -I v. if; ; . : t H : . " v ; -4 (. . J . ,! " 1 iV'H ' l v" - - . J I . J j -. J y For the regular proof alone, you can buy taiy Gillette Blue Blatk , in a cM,vtm dipener that ZIPS out bUdn wrapped, ready for iuc. D,lptar its Bravo Milwaukee ABOUT a year ago I re-i ferred to a fine series of articles on Canada by j Austin C. Wehrwein of ; .he Milwaukee Journal. . They were, I think, the best v mm uum-ui COfTlDartmw,. t. permanent dispcxal of uied bla Ask for Gilletti Bliw EDINBURGH iRuuterst It took four years to do it, but the Edinburgh City Corporation has finally found "a poor, deserving and teetotal tailor." This man will benefit to th? tune of $50 from the will of a merchant wluj died h-'ie fiu years ago. The cor)oration ori;;inr.lly set ijiit to find 12 su h needy and sober tailors to share the annual inU-rest from a capital sum o( $18.B(MJ, hivesLcd for this ptirose by KU'hard. Cran.ston. Despite widespread publicity, uiny n men upijlu-ii lui the grant. The 21 others, including one from Canada, could nut meet ail the conditions. Merchant' Crwjston h'd insisted that they must be at least 50, and mu.it either have been born in or woiked for 10 years in Midlothian county. The name of the U t total tailor is being kept secret. GILLETTE DISPENSE tXTIA ; articles ever written on Canada j by a citizen of the US.A. and they are well worth study by j ijny Canadian who wants to see ; ' how Canada looks to a friendly, i keen, shrewd observer. j Mr. Wehrwein was later; ; awarded the 1953 Pulitzer priae . for those articles. Professionals i 'agree there probably never was j a more deserved award. But now Mr. Wehrwein h-isj CONVENIENCE AT NO - EXTRA COST 20 blades tl.OO 10 blades 50c Sand dunes, Liown by winds, move as iiiuci as 60 or 10 feet in on year. AD1.AI STEVENSON, defeated Democratic candidate for President, looks quite the fashion plate as he steps out in London during the last stage of a world tour that has taken him to 25 countries. At left, In a double-breasted suit, he's off to visit the b.S. Embassy. At right, his morning suit and top hat are perfect attire for a garden party at Buckingham Palace. come up witn an idea wntcn :tiiht bear great fruit, for good, i SPEAKINQ to the Milwaukee j chapter of the Bigma Delta j Chi journalism fraternity re- j cently. Austin Wehrwein pro-! posed "an exchange program between American and Cana- dian newspapermen." ' "We need Americans with an j appreciation of Canada more 1 than they need Canadians who I know us. They know us pretty ! i well already, although natural-ly. ' some of them have miscon-' mid there's another Welcome for you,.. CALVERT, HOUSE .Determination Paid Off OBJECT LESSON in community enterprise AN was provided at I'.'Ahi Coola recently when : -citizens of the town completed a 45-mile road which makes connection with the interior highway system. - .Th projwt brings Bella Coola into the select com- party of Prince Rupert and Vancouver as a west coast terminal. ; The undertaking merits attention not only as A a step in the development of coastal trade but also ; ;as an example of what can be accomplished in the Viace of governmental indifference and broken r. promises. The string of broken promises started back in 1 1894 when a road was promised to a group of Nor-, wegiang and Swedes settling in the locality. Nothing . happened and, with variations, the same experience t ,was repeated through succeeding generations. N: ' Finally in 194!) the community despaired of ' help and started building the road by itself. Although determination was plentiful, money was not, with the result that numerous improvisations were necessary. One of these was the human radar set in the person of an Indian guide, Thomas Aquinas. If the road-builders were unsure of their direction, they would ask Thomas, who unerringly put them straight. Thanks to the Indian's uncanny instinct ' they, hit the connecting road at Aniham Lake dead on. : -f The road, which cost $10,000 instead of the : $500,000 estimated for it in contracted labor, ap- . pears to be paying off. An oil line company has . , shown interest in Bella Coola as a coastal outlet and ."the provincial government has advanced $10,000 to A assure the project that promises of additional help are soon to come. r We in this district also know what it is like to "be surrounded by the cool atmosphere of indifference. Perhaps, like its Indian guide, Bella Coola' has pointed a good way out. To coin a phrase, "Maybe the government helps those who' help themselves." REFLECTS and REMINISCES jr. Are you broke or haven't you After hali a century of general ; been on your vacation yet? practice, Dr. Samuel Eagleson. ! ' . . . 82, Is dead in Maaoc district, On- ; Sharks, r.w and that equally vi- . . ,. , , . .. ! ceptions and serious ones i ! ! which a hitch on, say, the Mil- clous fish the barracuda are re-: llilu- uenve.ru a,iJO uuk ported numerous in Florida and never lost a mother. His i waters. Therefore it must be career took him back and forth Ik W i waukee Journal would clear up." i Liiar ij v -, 1 i rr m r n. f. jxr - , , , - r a Mr. Wehrwein thinks both the mm n,mar.ti to consider rather miles to i no 0j r,aHi : logical fishing across 1,500 square wm I might be interested in backing good. And from the fishes' point farm homes, villages and lonely the idea, but he (correctly) con- j of view, so is the peopling. bush camps. In the finest tra- ; eludes that a purely private, ditions of (lie country doctor, he ..i i v.n t 1 WHEN 1 1 1 1 vr uc HE ritTros FALTERS F.i,U,f'A Fia.i wuuiu n ..c rnbIE.o . nhi.J,.lo .nn mnfi. mm I The chief stumbling blocK j jack scott, Sun writer confess-j would be money. Unfortunately, PS he carries on all rieht so long dant and friend to several gner- He I some Canadian papers pay low- ; as he's never asked to give a talk, ations ol men and women. :er wages than do most of ours, He has struggled to speak, but doctored tneiu, operated alii and a Canadian would probably any attempt has Invariably been hours of day and night and slept I neea extra money w uvc ncrc. , painful for both the audience as between calls Aside from that I believe that)weii as himself. He says his oom trie anaaiaus anu nra- father was the same way. Most i Some accident victims wouldn't I ericans should get a -generous fniit, have had the notion that hv t h in r-n(ct if hv hadn't if not munificent allowance ; scott has always been capable been plastered In the first place. ! ' fn. t n.l nn n..lr..ln Inn, nn t tn . . ... .... I.I! in; 5t--v. iui uaici anvi cijich.omiii.ciii, "' on tne piatiorm ana siuing te-: I F-HVTT Fthittl toe respecuve couiunes. ifore a typewriter. ; A lot of folk sing with feeling, ! ivii. YYCinwciu nic, ,k t Inr nlh.r rvonn newsprint companies or Ford th. have th,lr wav (. i CALVtP.T t -s Foundation might ' pick up the the clty of Vancouver in the j check. ... . .'state of Washington will be in i ( ,. , ' ! future known as Port Vancouver : THE IDEA x to to be seems me a in order distlngulsheJ from natural, and could do tre-;Brltish Columbia. The change-mendous good. nas been a long time C0lDg Whenever I get in a period of i and while it is sure to have some depression myself about some-'effect, the big B.C. town would thing in the U.S. (such as the be hannier if it went further. Gold, Silver Articles fo Bear Hallmark with Queen's Effigy With Calvert Hoase in the camp fa-yet another welcome waiting for; Smooth, delightful, it's a whisky y.r.'L thoroughly enjoy! rr , GSSDCARS TORONTO (? British gold op in the family and much fine ! activities of a certain Senator, There has long been a Rupert on silver bears the Initials of her; my wife and I pick up and Vancouver Island, but up hare $650 eldest son, Jonathan Bateman ! travel by car across the States. ; we do not easily worry or expect and Peter and Ann Bateman, I We always come back home ! the worst. Hester's second son and his wife. to Canada wondering how you I , jean get such a wrong impres- Mrs. Mary Ireland, who won a '38 Plymouth .. 'j0 Chrysler 7-pass. Keilan $1125 and silver articles made this year will rate a special place in the collector's showcase. , In honor of the Coronation, tne 1953 hall mark stamped upon all such itenu '.vill include the Queen's effigy. Dating back to the early Hth century, the hall mark is actually a series of symbols pressed "Home to Mother"! T . .. 1l:ou,ury ,rom rcauu.-,; hog-calling contest in Shelburne. ; about it in brief wire reports, , 0ntari0i explained that she got or hearing about it on the ra- her hus-dio. lher practice by caiiing Nobody could live among hanA mic .n-m.ni ui.. caiviit iitiillt imtiiD, Ktil.mc c-t IHli ALiVtmiMMtNl li KOI rU.ll.lici. Ut OlHdU Y It.f WjUUU C.MIHOl OAIO OH ( IMt OOVt.NMWI Ot I."' '4! Ford Tuilor . $1350 '52 Studi buker f 'hanipion 5-passeriger t'oupe, air-rondilioned ... J2275 and not ordinary Americans Normal Process like them. lean's. Jack Cobb, pioneer trail-blazer intfl the mptnl rtennrincr rprp f riTjrwrri rb, UWa n n,r-.A t . -- . 0 , iviiu,. m iii-iv nuiu v.1 . " made, bv whom and when. This r-nnsnitinn tn r.Hrf hn ar-, THERE is of course a somewhat , , of Prince Rupert, has a valuable Tr, Austin Sedan $1050 . mark of identification and qual- nearly readv to vo home tear-L similar plan in operation be-; collection of Coronation coins 4 v SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. - ity was formally started in 1340, fully to mother: It's normal to -ween Britain anci anada. As a permanent reminder of an v.hen the Worshipful Company have problems in the first years Certain bright Canadians are occasion that millions will re- of Goldsmiths established the of marriage. .selected to go over to Britain ; member for a lifetime, the souv-; Oolflsmiths Hall in London. i That's the view of Ullian , ant!Q0 regular newspaper stints enirs Whlcn bave .been on dis-; 010TKlItIOS l-lRWTiOJ- '; 1 t'i lii'-i Thomson. eeral tarv,. of wi'h Papers there. ; pay. ar -- i rtJ xiVrhhV-,rwKh w-.K X.o-V One drawback !s the -make - . At one tima hall marks in- ciation of Toronto I suf,h big names for themselves .eluded the reigning monarch's .()ne thirri 0f all the neoole ! ,like Pat Keatleyi that their 0p Embassy Uapkins Mp3. Knox pncVed a pionio box, But when her brood cnuio shoutint'i Uio otike nnd pie were stnle mid dr'-It spoiled the whole day's outlns'- head. This started in London in wno come to us for help are original papers may have trou- .. 17-4 and stopped in 1890. husbands and wives who don't ble getting them back home However ,in 1935 to celebrate "r- along," she said in an inter- . again, and hence publishers , the silver jubilee of King George view. I might think to themselves. ,' V.tboth his effigy and that of But despite the stream of un-"why should we take chances Queen Mary appeared on gold hnpy counles into the offices of i on a scheme which might lose-and silver goods, the first time her organization, she believes ius our "est men?" : " in the long history of the hall rarlv all are capable of real! But these are minor matters. mark when a King's and a happiness together. j The main fact is it would do , Queen's head appeared together. Some of the blame for sauab- ooth countries good If key work- for lovely table xV S" x. George Carter of Toronto, head bles and quarrels can be placed j '"g newspapermen from both settings ... . Made from three thick' nesses of soft Cellulose . . they drape and fold like fine linen. f:wo, countries did a stint of duty in the other especially if they had to write for readers of both countries while doing so. Try Daily New3 Want Ads of tlie silverware department of on today's living conditions, she a large Canadian jewelry house, says. ' said a great deal of British gold : "Hourilng shortages are placing , and silver was purchased that special-p e s s u re s on young , year and he has not come across couples, eating up their money, any of it since. cramping them so they get on ''. Coil-actors of silver have great each other's nerves." Now Mrs. Bass, a wiser lnr.3. With Hand-e-wrap to aid her. Laid down a treat so frosh nnd Dweet The shout3 of joy repaid her. V1 4SS!s$i-y 1 JT --s. s .-.. A . I si l5iJi--Si respect for the initials "HB" in- : She feels a community could ' eluded in a hall mark. They be- ; do more to provide organizations long to a famous woman, Hester to relieve the young matron and ' Bateman, who ranked as one. of her husband of 24-hour duty ' the best of the early Georgian with their children. ,. silversmiths. - .i Miss Thomson and her mar- - About the period 1774 to 1800, riage counsellors also advise Mrs. Bateman favored a com- couules to discuss their worries, i paratlvely simple line of design, problems, hopes and dreams with Bhe evidently passed her skill each other.- - -- , -j,'-" ! Zmjr, "- ; I. ; : . - '; If : cr- - r.vcr.-' .; . I L ... ::M ' -,1 iZT- - I j : m f "v. ' '' '; : . j : . ' : r- '. j.;! s- ''2. - ''i anQ-e-uura Hand II HERVV HERVV I WAXED PfiPE R 1 yt j&W Automatic Ice Maker Refrigerator jit No trays to fill. it No trays to spill. No trays to empty or forget to refill ! Starts itself Refills itself . . . Stops itself ! FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE "r rr" Ant ing, Urt Hand -v-u rap Hvj'tU. Other Servei Models Available iu Electric, Bottled Gas or Kerosene, i Pop nrw refill roll Into your empty Ilanil-r-wrup rarton. Vnti Mve the rout of utw cunLuijirr - every tim. TEA NOW OH DISPLAY AT.. it. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 .