Sorrow's VICTORIA, B. C. ii 3154 lbi LTIDE5- I 11 IHfiS Ly, AUBU0 e stardan Timer Doily 3 47 18.3 feet 16-04 19 0 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 9:52 5.5 feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" 22 .24 6 0 ,eel Phone VOL. XLII, No. 188 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS m vim rnvrn O n fonnrnrfirm "VJ KZS UU VJU & Wan u u 4i vj u i U ... . ,1 'I . i . ! - - ...... '.v '. 4 vw F i'a.uu rv- I . if-.-. y J fo J4 . JJ V- ! Paris Bus, Subway Service at Standstill By The Caiiiutlan Preu PARIS. The crippling series of strikes in state-owned industries in France spread to government offices and some sections of private industry today, taking some 4,000,000 workers from their jobs. The strike of postal, telephone , snd telegraph workers went ! right that the government into its ninth day. Paris was j would not give in. He called on ": J" ' -. - - r- 1 - r ,1 - "; - ; ""'r.'' TT"!"! M - "7 v v - -i without bus or subway service Artists And Critics the strikers to go back to woil; for the good of France, but his plea fell on deaf ears. The government, by use of policemen, soldiers and non-strikers, was trying to deal with the mountain of backed-up for the second straight day. The railway strike was in its third day. Bank and insurance company clerks walked off the job today and so did workers in metal industries, including au KTIIK PLACE FOR ARTISTS, even young ones, so naturally art critics come In small This mne-year-old works on his canvas near the Notre Dame Cathedral while the aiiBstcrs do a very good Job of kibitzing. w A ti - 'r' i . tomobile factories. A few de-1 mail, but with little success, a few deliveries were partment store workers went Only .out. made. tence Reserved For Pair Convicted 'in 1 I f I l I I rnnters ana omer mecnmcai Most of the workers today , newspaper workers announced a were ordered to walk out for i 24-hour strike and said no i oniT 24 or 28 hours Rut. a hard appear in ' newspapers would i Fi ance on Monday. Urivmg While Impaired by Alcohol core of more than 1,000.000 already is committed .to stay out until the premier hacks down., tying up mines, railways, gas and electric works, and public health services. Laniel, a millionaire textile industrialist who learned to ,te W. D. Vance, in the corner of Third Avenue and " with resistina . ! Marseille, France's second-i largest city, was without public j transport today. ! In Lyons, banks were hit by a stoppage and cheques could not be cashpd. Metal workers Lrt yesterday, reserved , First Street. July 18. and al- 1 oleaded not m.m. .h.h THE ROYAL NAVY has a new class of motor torpedo boats. Pictured here, at nearly full speed- is the Bold Pathfinder. A sister-ship, Bold Pioneer, Is said to have exceeded 40 knots. The Royal Navy claims it is probably the fastest warcraft afloat Royal Navy Hails Torpedo Boat 'Fastest Fighting Ship Afloat' LONDON A squat, sawed-: 40 knots more than 50 miles lation with diesel engines," an iltd lie found Ken- j leged fights that followed. A counsel, Mrs. Willa Ray. Prose- c n,uri.i (uuij in artuiiu tiwrgc IgaillSl 1 UHlCr 01 I CUtOr Was T W Rrnurn QC. Th Lame uui. auu army uuun oiiu .OCo. ,hiv. ...j fight in the wartime French i ...V.... " ""T private buses took over thf underground, however, stuck his j chin out and said he would not ",ua' 1110H11118 were aajournea ritv-s transnort at until Wednesday. Au- r ; gFRN WAWnG !,,, .... , ... I The strikes went on and grew Police evidence showed j thot'j .. . t ... d. off little plug-ugly of a boat an hour. - admiralty spokesman explained. car wrme nis aouiiy j Laving liquor in nis possession ias impiiirid by alco-jwas dismissed. I Evidence disclosed that after .-urges against Harris, the accident opposite the Totem itum and not having . Theatre in w hich an elueny licence, were dismiss- man, Titus Campbell, had been knocked down, Harris, who hod Nurmun Turner was been driving, changed places i guilty of being in with Turner who parked the t the same car, of car. was the owner, while! Mr. Campbell was In the com- mier Joseph Laniel Wednesday yield. In a fighting speech Wednesday night, the 64-year-old premier exclaimed: "I say not to strike. I say no to pressure moves, direct or indirect, which have been im t.v... .,ui i ,o aim x ui lid ' been plawd in the police sedan following the accident, Const. spearheads Britain's bid to re- Bold Pioneer is powered by i "This principle Is the death main one of the world's greatest I diesel engines with a gas-turbine j knell, with certain reservations, sea powers. ("boost.". With disarming candor, , of steam used on Its own. In the This is the Bold Pioneer a ' uncharacteristic of the silent next 10 years snips which are motor torpedo boat which the I service, the navy adds that this not boosted by gas turbines will r , xi.. ji . :tvne of boosted cower is to the become obsolescent." : Wasson had thought it better to Fire Damages posed on the government." All factions of French labV .ordinary stam engine as steam The spokesman said Britain probably the fastest fighting ship t t t . x . wu to sail In Victoria's day. . 4beUevs sh has a four- to five- f was impaired by al- pany of his nine-year-old ward, (nwmt was rewrvfd Judy MeCurtenay.. at, 4,h Umu City Home .transfer the two men to the ! police van. When hf and fellow constables went to remove Harris j they encountered a struggle and i Harris was forcibly placed in i pressed him. Tha first walkouts ceT but the admiraTty acknow-1 "The gas turbine .s used as an j r lead on other countriesln irip h has already exceeded ' auxiliary Dower unit In combin- ! application of the turbine-boost aietion of other casts of the accident. from an accident at Harris and Turner, charged last week were called by the to chesterfield i Damage principle to fighting ships. Venetian blinds and the 'Socialist , Workers' Force, but , chair The Bold Pioneer, first of the gas turbine-propelled ships ln fh Korean Calls Kingpins commission, recently completed the van only to try to get out. : woodwork around a window Help of Const. Hill was re-!w8s caused by a fire this morn- quired as Harris tangled with ing in the home of Mrs. Const. Wasson. jc'alena Sandbar, 230 Fourth Three other persons left the Avenue East. Mrs. Sandbar 13 trials in the English Channel, to ine yommunisi-iea u e n e r a i Federation of Labor and the Christian (Catholic) Trade Unions quickly joined in. Laniel said it was the duty of the government of a democratic state to oppose the strike. The walkouts were sparked by j disclosure that the govern the complete satisfaction of even Vlivnn the most cynical old salt. TRUCK, PLANE COLLIDE AT MEXICAN AIRFIELD :. T, MEXICO 'CITY (APt A truck and an airplane collided at Mexico City's alrfWrf; The truckcrashed into a Douglas DC-2 as the plane was taking off arid ripped off a wing. No one was injured, but the truck driver was arrested. ! crowd of about 100 lining the at present in Norway ana tne uiyuu ixcymic iiiifjuiicij The 122-foot craft, with a take house was occupied by her son sidewalk and went to the aid BILL .S1I1NN Melvin. i Kim's real name was Kim Sung ' of Harris. Const. Evans held off noise which has been likened to a seagoing Comet, Is equipped The Prince Rupert fire de--: ment's program for rescuing ngrlmnnl fnUnA at. A'15 a m extinguished the blaze without j treasury from near-bank AP, Jo- He wag born 42 years ago 1 Turner on the ground until M.,n.h, i vi it Maismii Mm ii ln a smnll village near the Red i Harris was finally placed in the wn. Nam II, the two capital of Pyongyang, the son of police wagon, merged as kingpins ln an anti-Japanese nationalist. j Turm,r a!s0 put up quite u purged North Korean1- He became a member of the struggle, police told court, t regime, were revealed Chinese Youth Association of the j UncJpr cross examination by trouble. The file is believed to I' "wb employees off public payrolls have been caused by an electri cal short-circuit. Quakes Continue to Rock Islands Off Greek Coast ""fantastic imnostera" commumsl P1' wnen ne wa! ' Mrs. Willa Ray, Const. Wasson 17. with two 4.5-lnch guns, giving it a punch possessed by few other small craft. She tears past other ships of the same size as though they were standing still, and is easy to manoeuvre. With a 25-foot beam, a seven-foot draught and displacement of 130 tons. Bold Pioneer would prove especially useful in maintaining command of narrow seas, such as ring Britain's coast. She isn't much to look at her cut-off stern gives her an un cicnied using his "billy." said a lh"ir names from and upping the retirement age for civil servants. Workers also were angered that Lanlel's plan did not put a heavier tax bite on the wealthy. Communists chimed in with calls for a general wage boost. At tne age or ju, oecame.fhslt h h,rt Tllrnpr ,m the ed their names from f n North Koreans of ATHENS (API Earth tremors continued until their fifth day and unchecked fires commander of the guerrilla eround in the interests of corps In Manchuria. Turner and himself. During the Second World War Hp sait, tnat anv bl(Mltl nn Kim commanded a Korean army iTurnpr nuiy have gt (,n him corps that fought alongside theldurinR lnp struKRiP or before he Russians. . , j was finally lodged ln jail. Police The premier hinted the gov- could reach mountain-locked villages whose fate remained a mystery. King Paul and Queen Freder-ika, cutting short an Aegean Island vacation, nlanned to 'imalion raine from & " intelligence officer Hcnt eoiinci-tions in :"a. . as un imposter who1 Swimming Gala Slated Sunday The second . annual Prlnca Rupert swimming gala, sponsored by the parks board, will be held at McClymont Park this Sunday, August 18, starting at 2:30 pm., weather permitting. Competitions in the gala are oDen to all. Judging will be finished look but naval officers ernment would not make any , brought new horror today to reforms as long as the strikes three quake-ravaged Islands off continue. the western coast of Greece. , Ships of all sizes shuttled un- reasinelv across the Ionian Sea, leave at once for the disaster I say there's nothing to touch her in ine oaiue i u-uuiKiu, : sal(i Uiat another struggle special recognition from ! CH hf,n ,h n.-iipp Van ar- r. u 1 - anywhere. scene aboard a Greek destroyer, 2 I:',"'" ? a. N,,rth Stalin. He was oraerea u man- t rivnd at thp , with fivp nc- - "mi nniKni tne C)) Cina I awiarl 1 bringing hundreds of injured to JIUU II IIC LGVlCU i hospitals ln Patras, the closest " a K 'a,a"':BC '" Harris, Turner and during cupants, the occuDat m . .. I'M ton f the finiU dayS ' lh6 War !hiw others who had joined in I However, by the time he tne melee. the first time It. ... ! rearhc? Mcluria. JaPa nad Questioned by the defence as ; done by members of the parks On Liquor Charge Otville Antrim of Prince Ru- RUSHING FOOD Defence Minister Panayotls Cancellopoulos and Welfare Minister Constantino Adamo-poulos already were at Kefallinia surjervising relief work. Britain rushed , the frigate Ranger and the destroyer Dar that m,, ii . . Z . surrendered. to how Turner received Injuries i board and prizes will be given , .. u 1 1 , i, . won f in the in,n. ii.-.' Kim arrived at Nam-hl, hls .tr, his hearing, his ribs and to the winners ln their classes. -WEATHER- The ridge of high pressure wnich has been giving B.C. fiie weather for the past three days is weakening a little as an active storm pushes Into the Gulf of Alaska from the west. North coast region Southern portion sunny today, cloudy Fri big city. There still was no official estimate of the total dead among the 120.000 persons on the wrecked islands of Ithaca, Keffahnia and Zakynthos. Unofficially the figure was placed so far as juSt under 1,000, with also ijorrow'ed the ' blrth"lace' ,n Sl"Ptember' 1945iback, Const. Wasson averred f Prominent North k-,,1- : carrying secret instructions from . that he may have sustained All mothers and fathers are pert was fined $100 and costs invited to be present to see the or one month in jail when he ing from the Mediterranean is nrocress- their children nave iniann on now iu cumin ui u mem wnen lurners wiie, vum while he was , made in swimming and to see Korea. , attacked him land of Malta and diverted tne cruiser Gambia at sea to bring the story as detailed W'lgenre officer: He adopted the name of Kim II , holding Turner. them compete in the annual Vina events. "countless" injured. It was feared the uncleared rubble hid many more bodies. eppeared ln police court this morning before Magistrate W. D. Vance, charged with supplying liquor to Indians. The accused pleaded guilty to the offence which took p!ace about 6:30 last night in a Third Ave- stin to face trial are Sung, a Korean patriot who had In the event of adverse Turner, charged with obstruction and Henrv Talt and An weather, the gala will be held y,.. . i been fighting the Japanese as a KlllPn ' v I guerrilla in Manchuria. '"ICU, The real Kim II Sune was then Au food, medicines, doctors, tents and demolition tools to the disaster area. Three other British warships in Valletta harbor were under sailing orders. For many of the evacuees, the trio was their first look at the drew Derrick both charged with on the following Sunday, (nue cafe. assault and intoxication. gust 23". MANY FIRES Fires were reported still burning in the cities of Zakynthos, population 15.B00, and Argosto-lion, population 10,000. Both day. Little change in temperature. Winds light. Northern portion cloudy today and Friday. Occasional rain tonight and Friday. A little cooler tomorrow. Winds light, becoming southerly 15 through tht afternoon. Low tonight and high Friday at Sandspit and Prince Rupert 53 and 65. e Hurt about 53 years old; the imposter about 34 . In October, 1945. the bogus Kim appeared ln public for the were destroyed by the eartn F fash first time under his new name. disturbances. outside world. Many of the villagers had never before left the communities their ancestors founded centuries ago. The interior ministry said of tq . tJC6. is, ne was iiiiauuuucu o E ' R n 1 store a "victorious general" to more re rlt nPPea out when a than snn nnn North Koreans as- ficials of Kefallinia advised that Areostolion. the Island's 'chief . 1(t a police cruiser sembled at a Darade ground in u careened over the ! Pyongyang. a hllllln.. Egypt to Cut Off Talks With U.K. Over Suez Base ml lliloAl. --HUHUIU- chase through city ine story oi Nam us me ic-vealed that his real name was Kim Chang Man. He now Is about 47. He was born in a small Korean village hear Pyongyang. Nam II was propaganda chief of the North Korean Labor Communist party until he was appointed chief truce delegate ert 'n the crash whinh twisted heaps of Ifiniate 50 shots were me wild chase fr the Reds ln July, 1951. He was not a general. He ap- port, was "beginning to sinit underwater." Most or virtually all of the 120,000 islanders were reported homeless. Not letup was ln sight. The brief reports from the area said the tremors were continuing. CRl'ISER ON WAY From Naples, the speedy 20,-000-ton cruiser Salem flagship of the United States 6th Fleet-sped to the islands with doctors, stocks and medical supplies and food and a helicopter aboard. Another American helicopter was on Its way from Tripoli and others were expected from Germany. Without them, rescue and aid could come only by ship or amphibian plane. The islands have no landing strips. And only the rotor -blarled aircraft "M'iam Atl;n I noo foci Df Vnacnnnp onfi Pan. oncers as they fied ; niunjom truce negotiations first ian negotiator, submitted a report to President Mohammec Naguib on the latest discussions . The decision coincided witL unrest In the Suez canal zone. A British airman and two Egyptians were woundei Wednesday-Britain was reported to have made strong representations over the increasing number ot incidents. Egypt wants evacuation of the 80,000 British troops ln the canal zone. Britain wants assurances first that arrangements can be made to keep the vital waterway In good working order and to assure its defence. "i CAIRO (AP) Egypt today decided to break off talks with Britain on the Suez base and not to resume them, sources close to the government disclosed. Informants said the Egyptian government will issue a communique tonight announcing rupture of the informal talks. The talks, seeking a basis of formal negotiations which broke down last May, were started July 30. There were three Informal meetings.- The informants said Egypt's decision not to continue informal contacts with the British negotiators came after Lt.-CoL Oamal Abdel Nasser, chief Egypt scene on the i under a title of Ueutenant-gen- -stern ieral and later as a full general. outskirt.- ulf a1tt Allan pih " The real Nam II Is a man !...,. .n, .,.i... I' vr'. S! Anso dronn h about 50, trained in Russia. He was president of a Communist college in Pyongyang and also an " in? aUer instructor at the Kim II Sung Stop. upi to ttr fair w"di- S Joh" Foilis University there. He also was chief of the edu CITIZENS OF LANG SON, French Indo China, flee southward to French-held territory after a group of 5.000 French Union parachutists landed in the Red-held town to destroy a Communist supply dump. The town's resident's fled with the troops as they retired after completing their mission. cation bureau in Pyongyang and htui been educated In Moscow. ' V 1 .-4 f.