l,J lJ,JJ-ilBIBik-il-l-.--HH!ljll.. . Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, August 13, 1953 Cars Valued at $300 Million Line Lots on Toronto Street Firefly Put to Work For Scientists After Centuries of Idle Twinkling mnnnkl'm Jh. Innnrn ti o i Via allw n r. ...(.. ,.irui ,f innnn mrs. It stretches' weak simtjin. r... "M r 1 i M a) 7 OAK RIDGE, Tenn. (AP) scientists at Oak Ridge national science, which always is looking After centuries at idle twink- laboratories are feeling their for the answer to life itself, line and inspiring poets and way closer to solution of an Alreadv Already, Hollaender and his through Toronto' east end tor cars are give na comDlei1, miles. Ths men who work on It : cars are given a comm. ' n i. . v, nroat u hits ujav rif lilt w BLACKWOOD on By EASLEY BLACKWOOD little else tue iirefly has been ge-oia mystery, now pianis tan ii. nit snot "" "j Canadian motordom." The city ; 1 1 A fn una , associates " put to work ior science here. Using lightning-oug extrac street guide lists it as Danforth cash turnover the strwt a ) avenue. ' i is the biggest used cat m. They don't make automobiles in Canada one of' the bte on Danforth avenue, but the anywhere. There U ; ! used car lots that line it put an- 1 work in the used can sow i ' other car on the road every four this market place. Tht . turn sunlight into energy. It's .c... - called photosynthesis. the same chemicals the light- Aracng ointr things, the sci-,ning bug does to produce an entists have learned that firefly ! eerie green glow in a test tube, enzyme and extract from green j And thev ve found that the leaves contain a common chem- , . , . . ' . . lBhtning bug. as he flits around ical-a compound with the ton- ! nonchalantly mixes no less than o,,t,ioii i q or f Counting Hand Sometimes Shows "Unsafe" Lead Hest live chemical components, in- more than 100 used car lots on a business that, to a iarK : I this motorcar marketwav. , tent, depends Utmn rat.. . triphosphate, or ATP for short. ! They've iearned that ! ""-"'" ,VS"" hi rimntimr -a hunrl on tllP defence it sometimes I ,h. lnt. flre not broken, i for its life. One hart Jz' bp,.,meS -lear that vou must lead a certain suit in! glass-dotted blot, squeezed m wg um " , . nil Between ounuuigs. iney are ex-, , , order to have a chance to defeat the contract, inai panses 0 landscaped grounds, led in such regardless of the fact with streamlined air-conditioned The ancient Chine suit should be cases, tea SUH Miouiu ue au hi sui.ii i"t , ..offices where seller and buyer opolv ended In 18?t . ii i ii. 1 1 I. ...u:,.U a ii-nii H nntm?ll r tlVfllil u i nnrn- comfort dicker. ritirA. - ..i . . xea.iynt was found llial me" ifau is unu which juu nuum can sit in and. Besides the office there Is usu- wua in India, light in creases -the amount of ! W"un lu "la,ic -ATP in green leaves, just as ! Using the mixture, they have more ATP seems to increase the : been a'e to measure very small amount of light given off by 1 portions of any one of the. five firefly -extract. This, say scien- compounds by measuring the tists on Dr. Alexander Holloend-, amount of light given off by a er's staff, promises answers to : solution of firefly enzyme when such questions as how light., more ATP is added, energy is transformed by green j This ease with which the en-plants into chemical energy. zyme can be measured is one And since all living 'things, ! thing that makes it a valuable nclu(iin? man, ultimately make j scientific tool and why, in an use of the light of the sun for! atomic age, the little glow worm heir energy, the firefly may seems to glow brighter than open endless possibilities for ever. as "unsafe Champion In today's deal Mr win the first v;as permitted to him I i - TODAY to SATURDAY 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. MATINEE SATURDAY 2 p.m. I two tricks with the jack and 10 South dealer Both sides vulnerable Nurtli MI KrHKli) B- K 0 8 4 H 9 3 D K 7 6 5 C K J 10 (Mr. ( huiiiplini) (Mr. Mil..i) 87 3 8 2 SHEILA SHEILA CARTER CARTER I of diamonds, Mr. Muzzy playing the nine and eight in that or- 'der. j A third diamond was led. .dummy ducked again and Mr. rMuzzv played the queen. Mr. H-S 3 H A 8 7 6 D A Qll C Q 8 3 D J 10 4 Mcsqri K grjcHii'VJi C A 9 7 6 6 2 'Dale ruffed. Two rounds of ' spades were taken, clearing the, : suit, and Mr. Dale then led the j j four of hearts to dummy's nine. i Mr. Muzzy won with the ace and ; ' his return at this point deter- j Stiulh (Mr. Ial') . 8-A Q J 10 5 H- K (J J 10 4 D- 3 2 TOTEM A Famous Players Theatrt Also "DESERT LIGHTS" "SPARRY FIREFLV Estate Range Converto-Grid. Automatic Oven Clock Control. Independent Speed Broiler. Elictricooker up-down unit. Minute Minder. Oven Light. Appliance Outlet. mined the fate of the contract. Pretty and talented young miss above is eleven-year-old daughter of Wilf Carter, famous cowboy vocalist known to millions as Montana Slim. Wilf Carter, Sheila and his youngest daughter Carol, seven, will' be appearing at the Clvic Centre, Monday night, spon-' sored by Legion Branch 27. Sheila and her sister are making their first appear?jice in Western Canada but last year made a 15-week record-breaking tour with their Dad, performing, getting rave notices for their singing, yodeling, tap and ballet dancing. With the world's most widely known cowboy singer will be the 1950 World Champion old time fiddler. 27-year-old Freddy Lang from Penticton and Red GarreU and his Tennessee Pioneers. As you see, a club lead would somi, wrat have nut the hand down one. I 18 Pas Hurt ii 2 D 2 S 4 8 Pat. PaKS Ail ptiMS 7 H Pass Pass In spite of the fact that Mr. Muzzv couldn't see the ace in 39 s IS f,.' US' ' .-II Jff" Ik" "I. ,1.J knnrf tVio tilth . 1 WALLACE'S MEN'S SHOP A STORE FOR MEN Naturally the women, too, recognize Wallace's Men's Shop excellent taste and selection in men's wear . . . You'll like the pleasant surroundings, too. Wallace's Dept. Store Hi;, pan.l.wo i...U. w. - .v. of his good turn stands out. But unfortun TODAY "A QUEEN IS CROWNED" 7-9:00 In Color by Technicolor Two ureal stars in the one (treat love story of Africa SUSAN HAYWARD - ROBERT MITCHUM White Witch Doctoi In Color by Technicolor p.tely for his side, Mr. Muzzy- had a "safe" lead to make the ; Available for as low as S50 Down $17 per Month hearts, discarding all dummy's clubs. Thus the defonders were held to two diamonds and one heart. "As good as I am, I can't beat McRAE BROS. LTD. ace of diamonds. This would ; drop dummy's lone king and j lorce Mr. Dale to ruff. ) THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" three other players," said Mr. That was Mr. Muzzy's choice j ! f t; 1. 327 Third Ave Phone 6 or 36 Why rT i ; Champion d 1 s g u stedly. land Mr. Dale , j did j ruff. fi He then . d ,ead a club wn r ' hen you were in with the ace of hearts. Muzzy?" .. TODAY TO SATURDAT Lead from my queen right Cartoon - News "Bermuda" CAPITOL into the king-jack-ten?" ask 'd EVENINGS 7 - 9:00 Mr. Muzzy in a shocked tone. "I didn't know you had the A EAMOl'S PLAYERS THEATU ace. 2-4:23 Saturday Matinees Makes no difference," bark ed Mr. Champion. "You could count Dale for five spades and almost surely for five hearts. He had played two diamonds so he couldn't have more than two clubs at the most. Now if he had the ace of clubs, there was no way to beat the hand. Right?" Mr. Muzzy would admit nothing. "All I can sav," he remarked, "is that you'll never catch me leading from a queen into a king-jack on the board." LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . i PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide rnd World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. SPECIALS GOOD AUGUST 14, 15 and 2... C Plume fiO or Kft or. 2nd and Park An. Try Daily News Want Ads .V4.'fiCH.i Theyfe nof yM B A A ro"s for A 3 C SIIGAIiGr""ioted5'b- 49c jiimlg- FaicslVhita Lobcl, Lb. Aluminum Foil Wrap Alrol. 25-ft. roll Picnic. Kits . Duchess 31c 32c Molkin's 15-oz. 2 ' 25c PORK - BEANS ' " I ' ' j First Aid Kits Johnson's. Plastic case .... $J.98 MM Mono Hot Cups o t H 7" ' ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIX White, 14-oz. 2 ,,, 49c Fivp R-r,7 in rello ift W IBEEACH CHOCOLATE, 14-oz. for 53c l 1 L"X 4 w w w - 45cir 64-oz. jug. Now. 19C RICE FLAKES Nabisco 5',2-oa. Get All Your CANNING REQUIREMENTS at your INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES TODAY ! Yes, this instant cofTce is a fur cry fronl,fJ :2,,41c SLICED PEACHES Royal City, Fancy, 15-oz. uinui)i Hilling vtincc suusiuui." fluvored. 100 real coffee. 'JOT SUPPORT YOUR LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL KADOTA FIGS 9 Co Sampan in syrup, 16-oz rftr LOGANBERRIES Malkin's Fancy, 15-oz U t TOMATO JUICE 9 OCc v' Libby s, 20-w for t?J WHOLE CLAMS Y7c Saanich, lG-oz ft3 WHOLE CHICKEN $9 AO Park'.anc, 3-lb. 4-oi. Tin PICKLES A4q Libby's Sweet Mixed, 16-oi i 25c SWEETMILK Powdered, 16-ox. nhnrn's revolutionf tmw nrnraaa mQLoa i Ka HifFprellCe. 1 ' BeeCec 38c PEANUT BUTTER Squirrel Ke-use Mason Jar, I6-01. amazing process that starts with the fr colToe beans . . . carries their rich, full fla and aroma right through to your cup. CREAMED HONEY Bee-Cee Brand 49C Honey PARTY PACK NAPKINS Pkt. 19c it. Buy But there's only one way to prove ior txC mw T4 nUnu & Sanborn. j rhut fum tyta no flavor s FREE! 2-Lb. Tub IW" Independent Food Stores will Deliver Anywhere in town you'll make it your regular coffee! MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 LYONS FINE FOODS Phones 250 Red 465 WILLIAMS GROCERY Phone 656 ..fhe Ftew)r and Afoma of Ml FOOD STOGS Resty Ground (bfl&efc I THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE