Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, August 13, 1953 Little Leaguers lo Stage Drive Details of Prince Rupert UMe Next Little Leay,lfl , Homers Play Vital Paris As "Majors" Records Fail League financial campaign to be W ia Friday htn .... . , tnkf linn,. u "L launched in the next few days lan- v" oose Pirates Trim Chums 22-10 As Both Teams Reinforced ! were outlined to members of the association at a.i executive meet- 'inn Tuesday night at the Civic: S"fIO Holidays hit both of the teams rates in me nun ana ruu.m.-a uenire. Th3 executive set play-off . BP.O.E. Mep'm, scheduled to play the regular ; the circuit, before the ball was Th'. dates for Little Leaguers as August Kith '---'- - ' M i j if; -tx v 1 I t '-' Ar.: 4 i . . -.i - Bv BEN PHLEGAR Associated Press Sports Writer The major leagues are two-thirds on the way through a f ?.iC'-busting campaign that threatens to endanger a flock of modern home run records. At least five already have been "toualled or broken. The National League Is well on the road to an ail-time seasonal total. j Little League baseball fixture ut louna. ! Aleoma Park last night and ; Thomas Lindstrom came back j both Pirates and Chums turned for the Chums with a two-bag-iuD short of players. However, a bvt and Hetherington was walk- more. No other club comes close te this all-time mark. The other records equalled or erased this season include: Most seasons of 100 or more homers by a National League club 22 by New York Giants who have 122 to date old mark 21 by the Giants. Most homers in five consecutive games 20 by St. Louis Brown old mark 17 by the August 19, 21 and 24, wnen me ; top four teams will meet in Clackmannan, smiiw" ctirtln rlpiith bums. in H i. i..,H i, ... --- i la :n:ii !S i')5 SOFT... so sah so i faulty ad placed by league pub- ed but the catcher picked him licity committee brought an- i off trying to steal second. Teddy I other team out in full strength Holder also walked and Allan! land with "leans" made to both Majore followed him with a j teams. Pirates defeated the . two-base hit. j i Chums by a resounding 22-10: Lindstrom who pitched the j ! score. ! first four for the Chums allowed i j Chuley Lindstrom started on only five hits, gave up six walk.;, j the mound for the Chums and i hit two batters and struck out : j gave up walks to Art Nickerson ! eight to let in 16 of the Pirate j : and Gilbert Chow both of whom n.ns. Hetherington allowed two ' stole trteir way around the sacks hits, four walks and struck out i keeping close to Babe Ruth's 1927 i "nKees- Consecutive home runs in an pace-the year the Babe clouteu . inning-three by the St Louis his never--quailed 60. j Browns-equals record held by a One mark wn ti'ed and one surpassed last night. numeroM teams. At St. Louis Kay Boone hit a j SNIDER CLEANS BASES bases-loaded homer in the ninth Grand slam home runs played inning, providing the winning j vita! roles in two National margin as Detroit beat the : League games last night. At New Browne 7-3. It was his fourth York Duke Snider of Brooklyn i and made it home. : two for six runs In the last two j Robin Cameron drew a walk innings. . and came in with the only j Sheldon Wong, Pirate starter, , Chum run in the bottom of the , gaVc up cix hits, three walks blasted his second bases-loaded grand slam drive of the season tieing a major league record j drive in three games as the Dod- shared by nine other players in- gerr came from behind to nip eluding Ruth in his Boston Red the Giants 6-5. And at Chicago lllsl- land struck out seven for six Ji:: run, Larry Thorn who re.ieved they sent 11 baiters to the plate, i at the start of tlu fifth inning Kent Kah drew a walk. Nicker-: gave up three hits, two walks son and Chow got on when the 1 and struck out one man for four catcher dropped the third strike ', runs. Sox days of 1919, Lou Gehrig and Ralph Kiner. YANKS 100TII HOMER At Washington, Yogi Berra homered in the first inning of New York Yankees' 22-1 landslide against the Senators for the Yankees' 100th homer of the season the 30th year since 1920 that the Yanke-ss have hit 100 or ana aneiuuii wong puunuru a solid three-bagger. Garry Hetherington started i Andy Seminick cleared the bases with a homer in the ninth for the winning margin as Cincinnati whipped the Cubs 10-6. The Cubs won tha second game of the doubleheader 3-1. The Yankees' lop-sided victory increased their league lead to seven games over Chicago White Sox who lost to Cleveland 7-4. Bostop beat Philadelphia 3-2 in 10 innings. Milwaukee clipped half a game off Brooklyn's lead now seven games by winning a double-header from St. Louis Cardinals 8-2 and 5-3. Robin Roberts be-j TEETHING TROUBLES TKER'3 GLAMOR ON THE COURT in this moment of diplomatic intervention by U.S. Ambassador to Italy Mrs. Clara Boothe Luce. The lovely diplomat lends her official charm to toss the opening ball foi the Globetrotters' first basketball Rame in Rome. The New York team is on a European tour. Extra Hole Comeback Staged By Young Marlene Stewart tho Chum second with a single and errors by the Pirate infield brought him home. Wong struck out to start the third but Anderson got on whtn a third strike got away from the catcher. Halvorsen found one he liked and pounded it for two bases. jr jg 0ft4fn fretful n4 ; -V pevith bteiuit of jSk n irrt-guUrity or an upmI w f " v. ' 'KSflf - J tjt iljvjj j I III. II lll j M tummy. 1 ry Umhy l a bleu. The iwct littW tablet hav been uwd by muthcra fur over SO year came the first pitcher of the , LONDON. Ont. fl If Mnrlpne WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES to oYtrcumc thia ennditKn. Equally rfttiv for eonatiuatinn. divaativa bgscta and ethrr minor itifant troublva. Na 'aiepy' aluff no Hulling afTact. Grt pachay today at your druKKiab inated as the seven-day championship hit the half-way marl. Hard-hitting Barbara Davies of Vancouver defeated Mrs. Helen Cleat, also of Vancouver, 4 and 3 to give Canada two quarter-final qualifiers. ! season to win 20 games as Phil- , stewart doesn't win another golf j adelphia Phillies beat Pittsburgh j tournament and that's unlikely ! Pirates 8-4. j sne can still take her place ! Roberts, foiled in his first at- ! nrnone Canada's greatest com-i tempt to win 20 at Chicago last petitors. Saturday, took matters in his Tne chunky five-foot kid with Lindstrom and Garry Hetherington both clouted themselves round trips. The Pirates drew a blank in the fourth, as did the Chums. Anderson teed off for the Pl- OPEN 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily own nanas weanesaay iugm . the twisted grin proved that But these matches were Inci- ' and drove across three runs. yesterday over the 6,225-yard dental to the stewart-O s.illivnn V Hunt Club course when she thriller. Miss O'Sullivan went I i m II I'aFi l 1 1 m IW? I postea a spine-tingling extra- extra- down ln six aBalnst Marlon's fiv hole triumph over classy Pat on the 16th and it left the Am erican irl only' one up. t She had a 25-foot putt for a birdie three on the 17th and OlSullivan of Orange, Conn., in j the second round of the Cana- i I dian women's Open champion- i ! ship. ! Marlene, eight feet from the pin The ronthill miss, shaky as a i school kid on the first nine when ; on her second shot, had to sink "Oil so beautifully soft" are the new Puree tissues . , . jofcr and stKing ... so gentle anil kinJ to the skin they're perfect In baby, and grown ups toc. Here is everything you luuL f: toilet tissue, hrnuglit to you at no extra tost! Now you can choose from two kimlsof I'urex single anJ i-ph For facial soft single ply, reach for the new, improved PI'RD. in the blue ami crcen Unci. For the ultimate in bathroom lair. it oi bow out of the tournament. cVia tvoilar! hi, thro, hnlao ,fan,l MONTREAL, August 13th No more wash-day "let-iown'' for me. Now when my w;ih is dune, it's not only cIchd, it's spnrkhng white . . . truly a "dream wash". And you know the simple Beoret? Just use Blue. Ye, it's easy to get sparkling white sheets, towela, pillow ras'-s and table linen when you use Blue. You and i know you have to rinse elothes clean, then it's simple to put a dash of Blue in tho water to get. them really ichite. Blue at onlv a few cents more, look for SUPFR PL'RLX in the nev SUMMER END SALE NYLON TOP DRESSES Kriskay Skirt, 2-C years $,80 PLAID BOXER SLACKS Part Wool, 3-6 years 9 8 C COTTON DRESS 1-12 years. Reg. $2.95 to $3.95 ( Q Q SUMMER BLOUSE . Regular $2.95 $ gg i S. SUMMER COATS 1 9 W Suitable foi Fall. EliJa 6-10 Bathing Suits, Boys' Suits, Jackets, All to GO white label. led down to a grim battle with one maae 11 ' ' ! her more-experienced opponent n the last-chance 18th Mar-I until she tied ii up on the 18th lent was iust off ,he svsen on i and won the extra hole to go her second shot while the Ameri-! into today's quarter-finals. can clubbed hers beyond the I Victory for the British open aP" into dP grass. Marlene I champion was the highlight of a ' nad a Par four bl't Miss O'Sulll-day that saw six Canadians elim- van's tniP rolled 12 leit past the ' i cuo and she missed the putt to is kind to your finest faluies you're not taking chances when you use it to get your washings snowy white. And the cost? ... A few pennies a month, that's ail. Yes, for the whitest wash, use RECKITTB BLUE . "Sura- Remember That Song r-.s. jame into the exira 1 send the hole. 3M mert nne and the living is easy"? Actually, summer is a busy time of year. That's why the experts Major League Leaders By The Associated Press American League Baseball lonighf KOOSEVKI.T PARK AB R H Pet. 445 76 149 .335 407 85 130 .319 421 70 133 .316 6:45 p.m. Hare You Ever Longed for A ' FAIRY HOD-MOTHER" to fP vl give you "new" f k$ (V jpp feet in ex- fti rivr change for the " old? Well, I know a more jjsJ Impractical answer to the problem 4 of painful corns and ealluses. It's Phenylhtm, the wonder-working ingredient in BI.IE-JAY Corn Plasiers, Phrny-hum gets right down untlrr tlie cora and helps push it out from vndirnealh . . . the first really new medication for corns and calluses in over seventy years I In actual tests, Pucnylium went to work 33 faster and worked 'Xt','e more surely than other lead ng remedies. Yliy don't v" enjoy this wonderful relief from painful feet? . . . ask for Blue-Jays with Phenylium at your favourite drug counter today. Vernon, Wash Minoso, Chi Rosen, Cle Kell, Bos Mantle, NY THE STORK SH0PPE 312 350 51 103 375 83 116 309 I ii,Itlt(v a- Avnrpwiv ... I I ,o. 4 say it s lmpor- tant to eat well. A good breakfast, for instance, with hot "CKEAM OF WHEAT",-gives you enough quick-starting food energy to last right up to lunch time. And herd's somelhing else for best summertime eating, there should he one hut rlkh wnh every meal. What could be better than "CKEAM OF WHEAT" as the breakfast "hot dish"? It's so smooth and delicious. And it gives you iron for good red blood and calcium and phosphorus for diets deficient in those elements. Yes, hot "Cream of Wheat" is good breakfast eating for a busy, happy summer! ,9 . riioiie jrreen in-i j commercial hotel ) new location . . . 210 6th Street) TWO AfW AfPOtD Runs: Minoso, 85. "Runs batted in: Rosen, 94. Hits: Vernon, 149. Doubles, Vernon, 34. . j Triples: Piersall, Boston, and Rivera, Chicago, 8. Home runs: Z?rnial, Philadelphia, 29. Stolen bases: Rivera. 18. Pitching: Lopat, New York, 11-2. .846. Strikeouts: Pierce, Chicago, 138. ' National League AB R H Pet. Irvin,.NY - ... - 395 64-434-339 p(ibr Rendy And So Are You when liin mealtime comps around. When y.m give .him FRbNCHri I N.ST AM POTATO for supper, you don't have to worry aliout bouipe potatoes, hrfoielKUWi It actuay stakes jut v-i n nut fi tr'H V vwn o, hfM-AP qfij 4ip ft Sorffintvol irvmifoi cream creamy hialie(l potatoes with FrenVs Instant Potato. Ani it a so ieootI for baby. You we, it's made from top quality pot atoes, pre-cooketl by a special process that preserves t he important nutrients. Simply follow the inslruetions on the paekape to make exactly the amount you want with no waste. Ineiih'ntiiiiy, baby's serving Is prepared differently from grown-ups' servings. The package will tell you how. pxME'S OXFORDS I Rchosndlenst, Stl 416 80 138 .332 ! Furlllo, Bkn 382 62 126 .330 1 Thompson, NY 297 69 97 .327 lAshburn, Phi 44G 78 145 .325 I Runs: Musial, St. Louis, and Dark, New York, 88. Runs batted in: Campnnelldr i Brooklyn, 104. ! Hits: Ashburn, 145. Doubles. Musial, 36. Triples: Fondy, Chicago and There't Definitely A Dileranco Sizes 6 to I Monk Straps or Ties Calf Uppers Long Wearing Ncolite Solos Reg. Price to $12.95." . . . your family will taste it r i n h t away. Pickles pickled in H E I N , W H I T K VINEGATt are perfect. Thai a because en-tal- Bruton, Milwaukee. 10. Home runs: Matthews, Milwaukee, 36. Stolen bases: Bruton, 21. Pitching: Burdette, Milwaukee, 10-2, .833. Strikeouts: Roberts, Philadelphia, 142. BOY'S LUGS It Coet To The Cottage With Me. o. Hei anse wherever Spc 1 can no'l water, V 1 rnn have a cup -Z& of N E W IN-' L3; -H. STANT CHASE , Ptta A SANBORN V COFFEE. You ir-W '"il'flaT knnw' mc' real coffee, made by a Dew process that keeps th flavour anil aroma, in fart, the very colour and texture of freshly ground coffee. And talk about magic I New Instant Chan? A San-b6ra dissolves instantly in hot or cold water. It's go easy to prepare . . and so eeononiical. Saves me up to 40c a pound compared wilii regular coffee. Once you've tried it, you'll want to make it your regular coffee . . . everywhere you go. $ M.95 jf u& s- ".4 Sizes 1 to 6. CLEARING AT Also Neolite Sole Brogues Hard Wearing Smart Looking Reg. Price $6.95. elear Hi'ini White Vinegar is distilled and aged by the firm who made pickles famous. li s full-bodied in flavour uniform in streneth . . . and it makes pickles your family will rave about. So ask your grocer for the thrifty folios jug of Hcins White Vinegar and. incidentally, if the free recipe bottkiet, "i'iekiing Sue. ifft't attached lo the jug write to me far youra . . Barbara llrent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. T4&i CHILDREN'S SANDALS AND STRAPS Crepe or Neolite Soles' Reg. Price up to $4.50V CLEARING AT You Don't Hare To B A IJay Fever Victim to appreciate the gontle softness of Fare-Elle tissue liamtkcr'-liicfs. But for 295 to $395 those who are, Kace-EHo provides more nose comfort VANCOUVER 7ia Waynoints than any othi'r tissue. 1 he reason: It s made of the purest Canadian cellulose with no harxh filler to irritate tender tkin. It's hnl-frre too and more absorl)-ent. ... And Fare-Elle's velvet-smooth earens gives luxurious comfort yet costs no morel And only FACE-ELI. E ofTers 3-I'LY strength in regular or big man-size tissues. So rememlier to ask for Face-Ella by name whether for hay-fever or ordinary use. ES WOMEN'S SHO Pumps Casuals High or Low Heels. Some formerly priced as nigh as $12.95. Harm You Seem Them You'll be fascinated by the new GUHN'EY i Rantses. They have all the lalest. features C SUNDAY ES Camo&un, 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS August 12th and 2Gth ES Coquitlam, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISI ANDS SS Coquitlam, MIOnight Aug. 19th and Sept. 2nd FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 668 CLEARING AT and they're actually 'Kitchen Tested'' for perfect cooking aiij bukiui?. Take my tip see your Cuiney dealer tomorrow. He'll be glad to show you the new Gurney Hanites . . . from the "Deluxe r4 jifThzz. 1 1-,l),e Top" model with the divided top range lle-rr 4t3L v ll "'at (rives you plenty of elbow-room Dual I'ca-4 J ,ure '1DU,'! Minder and a host of other "Deluxe" FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Rupert) Prince 629 Third Avenue West Phone 357 ' leatures ... to the new "three Quarter lable Top" Range and the trim ' Deluxe Model MG88X". All of them with modern improvements to delight the heart of any good cook . . . and U, of pomcft, with ti fwuou jUiuiit tound eomtrutUufi.