rririce Kuuerr Uailv News Geoffrion, Murphy Suspended OI.B COVNTRY FOOTBALL M ft kVWnrW: -V As NHL Boss Pps Conduct I LONDON CP Following are results of soccer games played Clarence Geoffrion th-. MONTREAL (CP) rtrievif thH , i.ll - l.An. ,.9 I I... Kin , . t nmii leu. oi cniticiii, ui 1.11c a- itHLSt klici; i in the Old Couujry over week-end: In This Corner By DK'K AYRES League the two-handed U tional Hockey swuiik ovemcid , big stick last night in the sequel Murphy but imwd' J"' : to . stifK-swlnBliVK duel in diately followed ,,iu ' Madison Square Gardens Dec. 20. two-handed baseball swin ! In the harshest rebuke In some struck Murphv on ti, , .1 Since the curlers are, we hope, indulging in work bees to WATUHDAY ENGLISH LEAGI E IH ISION I Aston Villa 1, Wolvr.:siun !i. Klm-konl 3. Arsenal 2. HoHull W 3. Charlton A 1. Chelsea 'J, Carditl C. 0 HllUUersllelU . i. SunderlunU 1. Liverpool o W. Hrumwlrh 0 Mancliester C. 'J. Bnemelil U. 1 Newcastle U. a. MiddleshrouKh U. rtsmouth 1. luik'iiiium .. Hretujll N E buruhy 1 anemelil W u. Manchest. r V 1. ! years, Campbell suspended Ber- of the face and Murnt.. , ! nie' Geoffrion of Montreal Can-. ttie tee." '' I utiiens for eight games and Ron iMurphy of New York Rangers The opErali for five us punishment for the .... "' incident in w hich both were in-.; ,M,pfr lndilst,y Iron: jured. . 10 eoa!it- i His announcement, after a I r. i-uury jteomci Prince Georl SAILS FOR VANCOUY and Intermediate p, Each Thursdo al 11:15 pm. 1 1 ' " - ;., .,. - - - - A - I in it ir ntfllinii I ' . .. 4 : . fciHMHi irm For KETCHIKAl week-long study, said neither player was blameless. ! Campbell said: i "But it Is not sufficient to 1 con Mer rmly th eompaiuMve : results for the principals. What . is much more Important is the ' poswlble effect of the entire epi-: sode on the game as a whole. "Stick swinging is the greatest ! single risk to the careers of players and jeopardizes the en-I tire conduct of the spurt . . ." Campbell said Murphy, still in . hospital with a broken Jaw, first I menaced Geoffrion with his stick i while the Canadlen player was . aU'inpling to fight with his fists. Geoffrion suffered a blow on ; "the right side of his head open-, Ing a cut which subsequently re-; quired four stitches." WEDNESDAY Mij, Comfort and Sen! THE TROPHY ROOM of Shirley Thomas. 18. of Avlmer, Que., one of Canada's outstanding women athletes, is crowded with prues she has won as one of the worlds leading women riders. She rode to international fame in 19 53 in Canada and the United States as the only woman on Canada's four-member equestrian teim. jSL. lor rerrvtioin ; I Wfi ra City or Depou f I Prtner Rupert, Be l ISION 11 Derby C. 3. Bury I. Uoneoster K 0. Blackburn K 2 Hull C 3. Lincoln V 0 Leeds U. O. Nutt milium p. a Luton T. 3. West nam U. I. SCOTTISH LEAGIE I A Aberileen 8. Stlrllni! A. 0. Ci)tle 1. Cemc T Falkirk 4, Airdrletjnlans 1. Lumuton A O, bt. Miireti 2. LturiM u. hartick T. Kaitn H. t. Uunaee d. 'tuinaera S. tiinerniau 0. Id I -in it Albion K. 4. Dumbarton 1. Alloa A. 2. Mol.ierweil 3. Ayr C. 3. Arbroath 0. bunoee U. i. teiihouaeinillr . Ounlermime o. bt.. Jonnsuine 4. i-nr:.r a. 1, Iniia LunurK 4 Morion 3, Ciiwtleubeatii 0 Wutn t". I, Kiiniarnmk 1. FRIDAY ENGLISH IK AG IE IH ISION I Burnley 2. Preston NE 1 cnuriton A. 1, Bolton W. 0. Munchester U. S. Sheffield W 2. Mmuleatorough 'j. Newcastle U..3. bheltield 1, taUuuerMieiu i. 1. 'tottennam H. 1, fonsmouin 1. W. brotnwion 6. Ltverfiooi a. Ill ISION II Blrminphuni c. 3. Notu C. 0. bluckburn K. 2. Doncaster K. 0 Brentford 3. Oldham A. 1. Mury 4, Derby c. 0 Kverlon 3, Bristol 0. Leicester C. 4. Kotherhanf U. 1. Notts r 6, Leeds U 2. West Ham V. t. Luton T 0. scnltlsh l.efleueNti (inmes Rainmakers Stave off Rallying Dukes To Capture Speedy Exhibition 52-48 Booth Memorial High School Nickerson also tallied. For the Dirk Nickerson with 14 for the Rainmakers held off a rallying Dukes Berg sank lour out of Rainmakers. Bill Morrison scor-Duke of Connaugh quintet to five free shots plus a field go.u.jed 10 points for Bo-Me-Hl and ; score a 52-48 decision in the! Ralph Clasby potted two field! Ken Wallin with U was the IF YOU'RE READY m ,IM.e FOR THE PLUNGE WET BOB PARKER'S IS THE Besr Place to get first of three exhibition games : baskets and Ken Wallin talii 'd Dukes' second high scorer. slated for the Civic Centre this ; with the fourth. Bill Morrlsun week. : . BUT NOT SOAKED! collected his fifth foirf and was sidelined as was Jack Rtb.ip.Uuti for l he Dukes. Clasby's second field t'oul brought the New Westminster Rainmakers committed 22 fouls to the visitors' 18 and sank 18 out of 29 free shots while the Dukes netted 20 out of 36 chances. Referees were Vern Ciccone and Ole Slatta. In an exhibition Junior Boys i Second game is' tonight, and ', the final of the series is Wed- i r.esday night. ! Sparked by Bill l Mouse) Mur-; rison the Rainmakers took ad- j I vantage of their home floor and get the ice in shape tor the new year, badminton hasn't got going again after the holiday, the rain is stymying the skiers and the bowlers are taking a well-earned rest until the new year, that leaves us very little sport in this town about which to talk except basketball. And that's what we were going to talk about anyway, the Bo-Me-Hi versus Duke of Counaught High school game. Needless to say the 350 or so cage fans that were at the Civic Centre last night got their money's worth and will be back for more. What the basketball association and tiie Booth Memorial High school officials would like to see is about twice that number beating their way to the Civic Centre tonight to see the second encounter between the two fighting squads who put their hearts and souls into a really good basketball exhibition. It was a good game and we're sure even coach Bob Hind-marsh of the Dukes will agree. Sure Bo-Me-Hi won and its always a good game for the winners, but the local lads didn't have it all their own way. Rainmakers' coach Jack Evans was perturbed no end in the last quarter when he thought that he was going to see his victory float away at the foul line. Coach Hindniarsh was undoubtedly confident that given a few more minutes and the New Westminster crew would have taken it anyway It all depends where you're sitting. As a matter of fact, now that the Dukes have sampled our Civic Centre floor, it's in the cards that the Royal City crew may take tonight's game, but like last night's tilt, not with ease. Who'll take the third exhibition we couldn't say. We never realized just how tall some of our high school players were until they stood up along side the visitors whose measurements were listed yesterday. Six-foot-three inch Marvin Berg, who nearly played for' Bo-Me-Hi when he was working up here in the summer but wasn't permitted to, didn't get too many of the tip-offs when jumping against Freddy Krislmanson. If you think the Dukes didn't get a verbal dressing down at during "time-outs" for not getting some of those rebounds you've got another think coming. We got quite a kick out of Duke's Ralph Clasby, coming off for a rest and being relieved by Harry Keen. Said Harry, "Who's you're check?" Pointing to "Mouse Morrison," Ralph muttered "that big guy." For the edification of our visitors we point with pride to Mouse who, though still in high school, is British Columbia light-heavy champion. Never mind men, he's a lovable lad on the basketball floor. Of the 20 points ;hat Berg chalked up to lead the Dukes, 12 of them were free shots which he sank in 16 tries. Dick Nickerson was actually the best shotmaker of the night, sinking six field goals. It's hard to pick a standout on the Dukes' team because the boys played so hard and so well as a team. Keen substituted for Clasby in the second quarter and promptly racked, up six points. .Although ftcbagliati fouled out he was useful throughout and the Wallins contributed 13 points to their teams' total between them. For tht Rainmakers next to Nickerson and Mouse Morrison, Ron Ciccone was outstanding and was easily the fastest man on the floor. However, when it came to snagging long passes and making them pay off Rod Tait and Rey McKay were tops. Jimmy Stewart and Greig Forbes who didn't get into strip last night due to the ten-men-on-the-beneh rule, may see action tonight. The Dukes with only six men, had planned to bring a seventh, but one of their star centres contracted trench mouth just before they left the Royal City. POST SCRIPTS The school spirit was rife last night and leading the cheers and yells for Bo-Me-Hi were cheerleaders Betty Terrion, Lenore Nilson, Pat Willson and Shirley Pierce . Taking care of the Dukes while they are here, billeting them and feeding (hem are Gunnar Anderson, George Shenton, T. V. Black and Eugene Nelson ... A voice that rang out once in awhile last night with words of caution or advice was that of Bo-Me-Hi's acting principal R. II. "Slim" Davidson . . . Also adding encoui-agement and words of wisdom to those of coach Jack Evans was Don Hartwig. Well folks, that's all for last night's game, let's get ready for tonight's. We expect to see all of you i all 750 of you) there tonight. You won't regret it and it'll probably incite you to see Wednesday's too. The only BOTTOM you'll hit here is BOTTOM I'RKE! Here are some samples of the low prices you'll find today and everyday at Bob Parker Ltd. score to within one point ui 49-48 but Nickerson collected a completed free shot and R ' racked up a 13-8 first quarter; 4 McKay sank the clincher tor lead. Getting their legs in the league exhibition game Spores ! Shop downed Ormcs 25-19. , wm Lineups: ' ! i Bo-Me-Hi. second stanza. Bob Hindmarsh's ! WORLD PEACE M-.ifuin Rnrrr tt'ni hih m:m '47 F AItCO PANEL Runs good Stops px BU-MK-HI KnlWMARLna charges held the Bo-Me-Hi crew ; for ,he ight- ro,leotmS 20 of ! 14-14 as Marvin Berg made the !tn Dukf,.s ,)oints foikjwt.d by : free shots pay off and Harry .. Priced good Jj W. Morrison 10, F. Kristmansoi ;i Chop Suey House '48 FORI) Tl'DOK Radio, beater. A-l condition $975 '52 FORD KF.OAV Beautiful light blue. Heater. Ideal family car ! $2100 5 G. Morlson 1, R. Ciccone -, 50 Al'STIN A-40 SKDAV Heater. Good cheap U1 Third Ave. West Fhonr Red S78 transportation JJJ D. Sankey 1, R. McKay 8. A.! Ilelin 2, R. Tait 5, R. Black, R.i ! Nickerson 14. Total 52. j j ' I' DUKE OF CONNAUGHT M: Berg 20, D. Callin 2, K. Wallin 1 Aussies Laced In Doubles MELBOURNE i Tony Tra BOB PARKER LTD. "The Hume of Friendly Service" SPECIALIZING -CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Dally Clasby 3, 11, J. Rebagliati, R. H. Keen 6. Total 48. j Keen netted two field goals and ' two singletons. Dick Nickerson' one-handed long shots kept the i locals in the lead as' the half ! ended 27-22. j Jack Evans' Rainmakers had their hands full in the third I ! canto as the Duke outscored ' j them 12-9. with Bern. Ken Wal- ; i lin and Ralph Clasby all sink-, : ing field goals. The Dukes had , ; the game tied up during the ' quarter but the buzzer found the visitors still trailing 36-34. Both teams were equal on field goals in the final quarter ; which the Rainmakers took, 16- 14. Freddy Kristmanson finally 'T!0t his hook shot working just before he fouled out and Rey ; McKay. Art Helin and Dick bert and Vic Seixas. top Ameri-! can seige guns, crushed Lew is j Hoad and Rex Hartwig C-2, 6-4. 6-4 today to put the United States into a 2-1 lead over Australia in the Davis Cup cha!!eni round. This doubles event was of paramount importance to both countries, and now the U.S. has a decided advantage in that it must win only one of the two re A I , ! -' I ! . ! i II maining singles scheduled for Wedne-riay. They will pit Tra-bert against Hoad and Seixas aaaint Ken Rciewa'.l. Captain Harry Hcpman and the Australian selection committee gambled and lost by sending Hartwig into the fray instead of Rosewall, the youngster who dropped the .second singles match to Trabert Monday. - - Hartwig, new to Davis Cup competition, had a bad ease of nerves. In addition, he never had teamed with Hoad in a major tournament before, and could, not anticipate his partner s moves. Record Number of 21 Boxers Died After Bouts in 1953 NHL. STANDINGS i the, Bpxlngi Writers. Association j Had named welter champ,. Kid -( By JACK ILVNI,,lv ux i NEW-ORK'v-A recoVd num It: ..; "ir."'..1 I f i-i".mm IiiCi in inii I . Oavilan as theif""fiht'er f the year." Ring editor Nat 'Fleischer's board selected Olson over belrolt ' 20 6 103 B:f 4(1 Montrsal 21 12 3 100 13 44 Toronto 17 10 6 71 S4 40 Boston 14 14 5 81 1 33 New York 10 19 . 72 102 28 Chicago 7 25 5 71 115 1 Gavilan, Marciano and Jimmy t Carter. j Iber of 21 boxing fatalities in 1953 was recorded by Ring magazine in a copyrighted article appearing in its February Lssue. The records showed 11 professional and 10 amateur deaths with only two pro deaths in the United States. Dick Miller died after a Worcester, Mass., bout April 21 and Robert Lee Bobby Donald after a Miami Beach match Aug. 18. Of the 10 ama EARL VALLS OF TORONTO, heavyweight boxer, won second place among Canada's outstanding athletes In The Canadian Press annual sports poll for 1953. The Toronto heavy-' weight boxer hit the headlines during the year with knockouts over contending heavyweight title fighters. The new No. 1 challengers i were: Heavyweights, Valdes; j lightheavy. Harold Johnson; welters, Basilio; lightweights, Smith; feathers. Red Top Davis; pnd bantams, Robert Cohen. Randy Turpin still is No. 1 among the middle contenders and Jake Tuli in the flyweights i rrmrrcrn ; 1 SET A REALISTIC ADVERTISNG BUDGET FOR 1954 December is the month when every person who appeals to the public for patronage should plan his advertising program for the coming year. It's smart business to know as nearly as possible where you are going in the next 12 months. If you're a retailer, allow yourself 10 per cent of your normal markup for advertising purposes. Then spend it in varying monthly amounts according to the percentage each represents in ratio to gross sales. Of course, the best and first place to spend it is in the Daily News, the low-cost medium that greets your Best Customers every single day. behind champion Yoshio Shirai. Arthur King of Toronto was rated No. 8 and Armand Savoie of Montreal No. 10 among the challengers for Carter's 135- pound crown. te csjj TO YOUR NEW 1 1 I f ! HOME OR OFFICE 1 VJLJ I teur fatalities, six occurred in the United States. In 1952. there I were 17 deaths. i Ring also selected Nino Val- j des of Cuba as the pro boxer j making the most progress in i 1953. The 28-year-old heavy- j weight, six feet, three and 215 pounds, hit the high ratings by , upsetting Ezzard Charles at Miami and knocking out Heinz Neuhaus in Germany to become' the No. 1 contender to champion Rocky Marciano. Wallace Bud Smith, Carmen Basllio and Earl Walls of Ed- ; monton also were recognized lor 1953 progress. Smith took over the No. 1 ranking among lightweight challengers and Basilio moved into the same spot in the welter class after knocking down champion Kid Gavilan while losing a disputed split decision In a title bout. Walls moved Into the No. 5 spot among the heavyweights by twice knocking out Rex Layne. Ring selected Carl Bobo Olson, the middleweight champion, as the "boxer of the year" although To VANCOCVER Your Best CUSTOMERS Are Sure To READ Commercial or household furniture moved with care. Prompt, courteous service at low cost. PACKING CRATING via Waypoints FRIDAYS: SS CAMOSUN, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: . SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm Coquitlam, Satilrday, 6 a.m. To North Queen Charlotte Islands Dec. 18 and 30 Camosun, Thursday 6 a.m. To South Queen Charlotte . Islands Dec. 9 and 23 Camosun. Thursday 8 a.m. LES SMITH Prince Rupert Apent fill Third Ave. Phone 508 SHIPPING ,OCAI, OR LONG MEWS rmm t Dl STANCH MOVING LINDSAY'S CARTAGE And STORAGE Phone 60 LTD. "Leave It to Lindsays" Hockey Scores Western League Vancouver 3, Victoria 1. Calgary 3, Seattle 2.