8 l'jillL'C huuirt I 1 . if- With Smashing Right in First Round Rocky Marciano Flattens Walcott Smithers Gun Club Holds Crow Shoot Over Holiday SMITHERS Bulkley Valley i winter. Rod and Gun Club will hold a ' It is felt the release of these two-day crow shoot Sunday and birds after acclimatization in Mnndav ' pens will ensure their adapta- I ! 4 . v r NewStci PhUudelphfc rgjM AMERICA!, Clevelanrf at u.. fnintderable interest has been bility to these environs. Provl- aroused in the district and en Ex-Champ Slumps to Canvas As Spectators Boo Decision By The Canadian Press CHICAGO. Heavyweight champ Rocky Marciano exploded a right uppercut on the jaw of ex-chami) Jersey Joe Walcott to knock out the cao at N v"" r ' ft ? V " .' , . t . . : ' - I - ' Detroit 7, Philadelphia J, Tacoma Hockey Team Folds' SEATTLE CP' Tacoma coach Muzz Patrick told Western Hockey League leaders his Tacoma Rockets will not take to the ice next .season. He explained; "We're not making enough money." League officials then granted sion will be made for feed and grit in winter, as is customary in other areas. A work bee will be held May 24 to prepare the club's fish hatchery for receipt of 90,mio eggs this season from the game department's Lloyd's Creek hatchery at Kainloops. Only twu per cent lo.s was experienced last year triis are expected from Telkwa, ll-.elton and Smithers. Merchandise prizes will go to the three crow hunters turning in the largest number of pairs of rrnivr fee. Word was received from the BC. Game Department of shipment of 49 adult banded ring- 39-year-olil pappy from Camden, N.J.,. in 2:25 of the Ease Burde first round Friday night at Chicago Stadium a storm of boos. 1 necked pheasants to the club rnd f ihiierlings were placed in a the latter half of May. Release ( 1!1!lnbel. of district lakes success birds Is oi inese iarm-raiseu fi-'!v. Dodaer Rookie mm a wncn win suspension, haunchs. Walcott sat on his permit him to keep the leagues! h witn nis rignt franchise for another . . Tacoma hand, as ,,,,. referee Frank p.nnk sikora biKora planned to test their ability to s it . 1 On Insure! When Soeiol Credit i Sii-iv n the Smithers area , . .... j- ... jear. IN counted him out. It was the first hard minrh that landed in th? The move gave rise to specula- El This shipment will supplement some buds received last year and others hatched and raised here and which survived the past lion Kcuina may seeK admission i i..ii ,hm.i rnntpst Rated Best Leadoff Man Only . OUI,ll,lili&i.I u.w. . nruie league. Th. official announcement iook on.ee, odmim,. trotion of Hospital l. erroneously affixed the knock- f surance wQt 0 , d Remember When cut time at 1:25. Fans crowded at the ringside to shout in de- eoo. FRANK MORRIS of Gait, Ont.. proudly displays his whopper speckled trout to his admiring young sons. lie caught the 22-inch, three-pound, 10-ounce beauty in Mill Creek in Soper Park near the Gait arena. It was the biggest speckled trout caught in the district in many years. He used dew worms for bait. Son Wayne i right i", 1C, and Frank, 9, are with their dad. Unm, nvBon hattorprt rinnnv rision as the ring announcer, 15Hovirs OTTAWA $195.70 k People were bcino i. BROOKLYN (API Junior Gilliam, flashy Dodger rookie, is j rated Brooklyn's best leadoff man since Eddie Stanky in 1!47. Manager Chuck Dressen Is Webb to the canvas in the sec- Ben Bentley. raised Marciano s oncl round of tSeir fight at Mon-!nand 1,1 victory Bocchicchio Walcott s treal .six years ago tonight to re-1 Felix ?.. .! V. f it-.,,iv,t manager, protested to the ref- prived of hospital cote becousc of orreors i, eree that he had counted only , higb on Ule talented Montreal I boxhie title. Webb, the light . BASEBALL SUNDAY, MAY 17 AT PKINCK Rl'PFUT: Gordon & Anderson vs Commercial Hotel. AT TEKKACE Dounlrheader: Terrace'vs Esquires Game Times 1:00 p.m. premiums. Your Soeiol Cred ,,,.1.1,1 nlmnmirx. n mutl-ll HinC , ui Sikora. asked if Walcott rose Greco grad, who has been on base in every one of the Brooks' 16 games with IP hits and 18 walks. government hoi id wh'5 '-weighed 145 to Webb's 138 Plans Completed For Annual Kiddies Sports Day by City Kinsmen Club Plans are all set and "the rest out by the Kinsmen to all kid-depends on the weatherman to son are in charge of the Monday make the annual Kinsmen Club sports day. kiddies sports day at Acropolis 1 suspended ol! orreari ct the count of 10. said, "No. I could have given him one more count." IMDN'T IU.MI COl'NT I "I said down in Miami that he in order thot citizen; e a n be reinstated b( Walcott's handlers rushed vu n jiinci i Conmlt your Tfl A." I Cfda" P.icttte Airlin.f, around the ringside, yelling tint paying the current pre Zazcfe 23'Pound mtum. An important , old Jersey Joe had not hea,-d j the count. Customers mnr.y of whom i paid $50 for their seats roared concession for M JUST ARRIVED ... people. Don't be misled. Motif can help us if he can hit .200," said Dressen after Sunday's sixth straight Brooklyr. victory. "He's hitting .M0 now and I think h'.'i! be even better. "Most important, he gets on base. I don't caie how he does it as long as he gets there." In 16 games Junior has been up 58 times. He has one double and one triple among his 13 hits. Opposing pitchers, still probing for a weak spot, have struck him out only four times. It was the same last year at Montreal 100 walks. 18 strikeouts. So far your ballot first choice! Hill on Monday a big.surcess. i Inter-school competitions have been all lined up and trophies are ready to be presented the winners. George Cook Jewellers has donated two cups to be presented winning schools in each group. The games get under way at 1 p.m. In addition to the trophies, there will be individual prizes for members of the winning A Complete Line of FISHING EQUIPMENT THE Sports Shop their disapproval. Jersey Joe looked grim and tense as he came out for the first round, tying up Marciano, who was missing wild swings. Aside from a few left jabs thut bounced o.'f Marciano's craggy face, Walcott never took the offensive. Suddenly, the champ from Brockton, Mass., cut loose with SOCIAL CREDIT I 1 1 I tdfMtmxmm- i "i' l llf .(; I .uvrrviwmrni H usim hi Spring Salmon A 23-pound spring salmon entered in the Rod & Gun Club annual salmon derby Thursday by Dick Gilker tops this week's entries so far. Week ends 10 p.m.- tonight. Two other entries so far are a 16-pound, eight-ounce fish by Lan y Stanwood, and a 10-pound, 12-j.uncer by Jack Lindsay. Gilker caught his 23-pounder off B.C. Packers uock, fishing with a herring strip, no lead, and a 20-pound monofilament line. Prizes will be given for the heaviest fish entered each week during the season which ends June. 19. From June 19-21, a three-day special derby will wind i I A 'yr tH fn 1 BrUil Columbia Sucttl Cmlit iJ I . . . I he's up there leading the league teams, in runs scored and stolen bases. As usual, treats will be handed a smashing right uppercut that j landed flush on Walcott's jaw. Down he went, with heels up 1 in the air, settling flat on his j ' back. He pulled himself up on his haunches and sat there, I TTIonarch. I People who appreciate fine cars are turning staring with a blank expression on his face as the referee counted. Thus, with one punch, Mar ciano ended Walcott's hopes of up the spring salmon event The derby is open to aU j ring immortality, blasting his 1 areams oi Decomiiig me nrsi i former heavyweight champion ever to regain his title. j Marciano. now unbeaten in 44 professional fights, made short work of the old gent the second time around. It took him 13 long rugged rounds last Soptember 23 ' anglers, but compliance with derby rules is necessary. These are posted at the official weigh-inc-ln station at the Yacht Club where Len Nix is official judge. Derby tickets, good for the whole season and the special three-day event, also are obtainable at the Yacht Club and some sporting goods stores. at Philadelphia before he dethroned Jersey Joe with a short right to the jaw. Guyle Fielder MOONLIGHT SKATE 1 ft V Aid..: "'?". 1 . 'jf- ft ij--, . - I., t i u.I 3T W t v.- ft ' .... 4 - .r . t. ' I. . '7 i' 1 '4 v m -If .X . "" " ji .- . JU. i 1, A- Top Rookie In AHL League j NEW YORK IAP) Ouylej Fielder, 22-year-old St. Louis' Flyer centre already picked for the all-star team, has been named the outstanding rookie of the 1952.53 American Hockey League season. Fielder is the first freshman ever, to be named to the all-star team. In winning the rookie award, he garnered 26 of a possible; J5.' jjotes. .,he votes veei: least by 1 the '. league's.' seven coaches. ' . , j'i 1 Willie, Marshall of"pittsburgh, alsp a, centre, was second with 23 points. The Dudley iRedl Garrett memorial trophy also goes to Fielder. During the season Fielder finished second in the league scoring race with 83 points. Eddie Olson of Cleveland Barons, re r- K, I ' ''"'uc if us ncrc LilLiii" cars llic oilier il.iy aiul Dotlur ll.inisou sulci lie was sold on I i ' f Mcin;m li. I litircd a doilor would Ik jiu Ux i.i i lii ul.ir ;iImiiiI (lie car In- drove so mill h II jjj; t A ' cIi-cikI on it. Aiiyuay. I IimiL the hint and arranged miiIi our local tloak-r t lake nit- out ill r v f 1 ' a '"O'lu li. Il didn't Ijke lon to (omiiitc me and tlicre's a Monan li in our garage now. JV I , y It's a Ik .iiilihil lonki'i;; car. no doulit aUmt it. It's not more genuine sty Ic tli;..i am car l'e ever k y " f drixi n anil tliat j;ois for llic iiilirior as nell. You aii tell by the way K-olc look at it 1 1 ft '''''' I"','vl's a R'kmI impression. Yon kmm liat a stickler I am for engine H-iliiriuant c I "'' I , 11 "c"' '''''' Mo'i'-ircli lias a 12"-lli. V-K that's just jlmnt the MiiiHitlicst tiling tluy eer put I under a hood. l ucky thing c li.nl that talk aliout tas and I took I lie cui-fioiu my vBMaHHkiii.fei Am doctor's surest ion.'1 ' 'I lie same tiling could happen to you . , . why not see jour Monarch dealer today? r P If ' ;-r;V---T - s. . ' " If"".' C: IVvt "Ix ' I" Mf'w. - ym&- V'J " ' i ... . . . w u j-, I, in- mi hkiii mm ! m- r mmii ' AHfamntif Transmission, Orvrdritm, uiutf Htlrualt titet and fenHrr shift . fci J &'? a V jf fwnal at txlra cat uhsn mvaitablt- - & Jr M f GOOD DUlvfllS MlVf Sfi CAS j . . CIVIC CENTRE SATURDAY 9:30 to Midnight cently named the league's most valuable player, had 86 points GET YOUR ENTRY TICKET For the Rod & Gun Club SALMON DERBY Open to ALL Anglers VALUABLE WEEKLY PRIZES ALSO MANY SPECIAL PRIZES Tickets good for whale season,, including Grand 3-Day Derby, June 19-21 FIVE WEEKS LEFT UNTIL DERBY SEASON CLOSES I Tickets available at Yacht Club -".1 Official Weighing-in Station YOUR MONARCH DEALER WILL BE HAPPY TO ARRANGE A DEMONSTRATION AT YOUR CONVENlj ' . . I I USD na? 4? cmi or? whir t?irmi fan mm cmR mm iiMimiiiim