Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, May 6, l'J53 n Annual Music, Drama Festiva Buying for the Howe High Fashion Colors Brighten Shower Curtains Icially Opened Before Large Crowd Delicious and Pifferentl ...MAN MILLtR I Dorothy Becker welcomed the Dr. R. O. Large, School Board annual Prince Ku- participants from near and far. chairman, Introduced by Mrs. District Music and j She told the large opening Becker, gave his official blessing . ...... v y , ' .tiuii was oiiiciuny uuuiL'uce: music is one of the w hc""'is u uuiigiaiuiaicu "La v,M Ava nifiut fWiliiin n .. f the Festival AsKwifitifm "nn its . inrm. wuLLi iu wnwiiK ariiciri w navp - - - . ' KnlenrlM unrlf In KrinrrinCT a roal DIGESTIVE 100 P. F. English Quality m A generous-sized mea! biscuit that is iust slightly sweet. So suit cultural contribution to the community." A very pleasant 'extra' was an L 4 -J . & ; I By ELENORE ,LESTER A neglected item In home decoration is the shower curtain. You Jump merrily out of bed In the morning into a pleasant shower bath only to find yourself surrounded by a depressing shower curtain. Drapery fabrics, wallpapers judicator Praises Junior able for a bedtime snack, or for interlude of songs by concert refreshments when entertaining. Serwe nfestants in Lhorus Groups singer, John Dunbar. His selec tions were the Cobbler's Song, vttc ,, r. r. uigestive wnn ttJ'Vt'eA k. 'TP 'jar . KSON why music festivals are like blood from Chu Chin Chou: The 1ITA KOti erages men prefer. I t.r!lllKfl1t:innK tllAU nliia Wanrtnlttn DI.iia. K All...-, 1f, a aftci iKion in -i-ul-i ticlpunU so much." ray, and My Little Banjo, a fav- nc. " ' wants Obtained by competitors orite of John Charles Thomas. nacle their ap- roups The first of these was "uw- The evening was made both j I Pianoforte Solo (under 7 'entertaining and educational by iJacqualine iJacqualine Bowman Bowman 76 76, David ! music adjudicator, Mrs. Mary i, Hi ii'ripn Street "" '' and linoleum have all received the attention of fine designers in recent years, but the shower curtain has lagged behind with the old staple water waves on colors either dull or glaring. At last, however, something is being done. The manufacturers of shower curtains have gone all out this season with new patterns, colors and materials. High fashion shades like avo ;,!lt1' .. ., . iGalbralth 75, Arnold Hivett 81. Wood, of, Victoria. She found it Wood, the aajiiaicawr,;E1;llne Danipls Bttrbara Bu diliKlited with tills igrt 78 G,orja Co,'USK, 7? Maroon and I . I I yellow packet. 60S OZ. tjfl, Memm. t.i..u J hard to criticize and gave a great deal of praise and encouragement to all participants. ir. U,M1, U ,m"i Violin H,.li Orade llrmme ,. ioi geson bi, Bobby Anderson 83. The evening opened with "O ,;t number on the pro- j violin Solo (Glade 2 iWyvona Canada," played by the Aiyansh , a pianoforte solo lor ; McCoinbs 77, Marie Ridsdale 80. 1 Silver Harmonic Band, who were cado, turquoise, French blue, warm brown, charcoal and liine ! are now available, as well as! II, riiuuiu wit l ianoiorie MHO (under 8) thp firet ranl.Ptants nf lh ovpn. icr The adjudica riAiice. Margaret Forward 80, David Gal- , lng. Mrs. Wood was particularly this piece snouiu fcraith 81, Kenneth More 84 Get (arnation 4 with rhythm and gave Jacqueline Bowman 80, Maureen pleased wilh this fine band because of their , real feeling for music and good harmony. ve suuBCstions to tne'Rourke 78, Lorraine Johansen .is. 1 77, Daniel Gillis 82, Patricia Field 82. mm metallic shades of copper, bronze ! burnished gold, or antiqued sil-ver. These, are In frosty, opaque, or translucent plastics or silky taffetas. The patterns are influenced by the abstract or humorous designs now found in fine fabrics. One curtain has ladylike kittens" in a setting that suggests an eighteenth century drawing room. A taffeta striped curtain frsm te 2 Junior Choir mm Borden Street (,i praise from the nd-She admired the songs, the discipline of The Ladles' Rotary choir was given high praise by Mrs. Wood for "a very moving ptrfcrmance." DIFFICULT PIECE Next contestant, Ernest Mor-ven, gave a very stirring performance of "Stars in a Velvety Sky" an extremely difficult Violin Solo (Grade 31 James Logan 80. Sena Pavlikls 78, Danny Michalsen 83, Alan Lawrence Sleber 85, Donald L. Lewis 81. Action Son i Grade 1) Borden Street School, 80. Pianoforte Solo (under Hi I and their nice singing MAKE THIS DAY TEST FOR HER TRIP TO THE CORONATION Miss Canada, Marilyn Reddick of Aglncourt, Ont., has chosen a white gown of Not fc;aile 3 Junior Mioir piece. Mrs. Wood encouraged the Knilnr'a rwnr' Aniirpa Volfh tcivcd helpful advice. tingham lace over nylon with ruffled tiered skirt at back and inr iut ont wee Is derived from an old Mexican design, and other smart stylized patterns are offered in great Carnation Milk J lM bodied and creamy colored. That .our assurance of complete sat.s-faaion when you use it in coffee or on cereals and fruits. You'U never consistency or thin find watery color in Carnation. We buy top .... mi .nA nrocesi it with tiara of brilliants. The skirt took 20 yards of material; there is 14 yards of lace and underneath are a 12-yard satin petticoat and two crinolines. variety. me Carnation Milk in place of your present brand. Once you hat wed Carnation, ti l -tre sure that nn other brand tvill satisfy you-' rd them to sing "wnn go, Thomas Lindstrom 77, Delia i le""'B " rts. improve their key Haig 75, Nickey Raabe 75. I P'"rlcnc'- ne wil1 develop fine ;vp for more variety in j Pianoforte Solo (under 151 lskin and become a true artist, to be very careful of ' carol Nelson 78, Elizabeth Jones! Tne tw0 Native choirs which station, as words have 173, Thelma Pavlikls 79, Roberta followed were a "moving exper- j IReid 79. Allcyn Ritchie 81. lence" to the adjudicator, who selection of the after- I Grade Junior Chorus 1 ! seemed particularly thrilled with' loforteSolo under 15 Borden Street School, test piece ' tne "soul" that the singers putj n Danee No. 2, drew 83. own selection 80; 3, Borden lnto the music. 1 pful comments from Street School, test piece 83, own Tne Rotary mixed choir gave ( d 1 selection 82. a beautiful performance and re-1 Graham Alexander Installed i President of Canadian Legion quality - r the greatest of care (52 years experience at it too) in order to give you rich, creimy, heavy Carnation I i I " V??V Newly-elected officers and (marching contingent, j a gala smoker is planned for Mllk-Get Milk. Get Carnation Cttnanoa ITS CREAMIER. ;-iece was an extremely: urade 3 Junior Chorus 1 i""", executive tecutive for for 1953 1953 were were installed installed . anHihmi fl he n aved Rnrden Street School test n ere I tnuu urn chiiht. mis. t a general meeting of the: visiting American sailors, and a sanding style, with the 78 own selection 80; 2, Conrad Prince Rupert Branch 27, Cana-1 ; Coronation ball in the Legion dian Legion. auditorium will entertain hun Wood felt that the soprano section was a fittle shrill at times. The evening closed with a performance by the Prince Rupert Duties of installing officer dreds of persons the night of were carried out by J. S. Wilson, Coronation Day. shift gears and go from Street School, test piece 80, own ih" j selection 80; 3, Borden Street ourascd contestants by School, te?t piece 78, own selec-; that constructive tlon 79; 4, King Edward School, is helpful. "That Is test piece 70, own selection 75. aiinne nanu, wnu weir 111 cum- (Canadian Legion zone com-j Retiring president Alex Halg peuuon wnn me opening oana mander 1 is co-ordmator of the Legion ana receivea aimosi as nign praise. After the final adiudl- '-' ,"-re uiaimn coronation Committee leorge Mitchell Elected This Week cation this band closed with ' ' ,D"Mae: ;Li?' . . R'- first vlce-presidrntv Keith "The Queen." ; Class 4 - 1 Aiyansh Silver DeWltj' vice-preSIdcnt, Harmonic Band,, conducted by "lFrank H,Cks; eW-Henry m MacMillan ai The Sky , ' . .: Pilot rwrtnro 87: (hi. chicaen ; Pollowlnn" .the Installation, hairman of CNIB Branch i Credit Women's Breakfast Mitchell was elected and attention that the locul Club, Broadway Cafe, Satur- I Marine Band March 88 2 Prince oresentition Of silver badges' Jor 01 uie ruiice nuperv -- rcquin-n.. ,1 - - vor- , t., -.-r ia 'dav, 7:S0 ' ' he Canaan Nttlonr n He thtn .told. ol ' the work ;of , JZT l made bvZm Commander Wil- m m r ... . .. - lM tm i lor tne tnirju ai me m as a oohiiiibu'whw ... . son to the following: mmi mnoniiii h-r. lavt BiToncv ' i ture, 80; ( o I Chorale, at. , Bird."!!.1 C. L.' Bfiiker, S. A'. Cnlderw'oDd, ' A. ; E.' Dickens) '',11. succeeds A. St. John "it is the recognizee! srtal ! ; V'rT y, , ' 111 In-agency Charles Balagno aecnev Icr irr services services to 10 the uic blind ouiia !,ed unnninin Rnntr ss- (hi i B. Eastrmn. L. Halrrriw. Opor.e i .. ,1 11 ... Knth ku Mia rirtm nnn ann nm. uln" i..w..,i.. uv..n. nidlllitll HHa will uj K. w e-ch.ihman. vtnrlal govennents and It oper- Alcroft was elected 8eo- "-es UIKlrr o Dwes. Howard Hill, Co.; S.' D. ' Johhston, B. Johnsrij. 1- J. Judjre. L. W. Kerpin. William' J." 1 inchiim. Wcldon R. ' McAfee,: David McCullpugh. L. F. Parks.' W: J. Ranee. John T. Wilson. William Wallace, E. Woodward, Waltz of the Flowers, 84. Class 107 Cornet solo, by Ernest Morven of Aiyansh a Starf in a Velvety Sky, 83. Class 11 Adult Church Choirs 1 fivmixh Church Choir, con- , fSs"tr j Advertising in the Doily News Brings Results . i'-iKV" xeedlim Miss Wrathall, KMt'ar reporw wraiiiura F P Bird was named ine acparimenis, in cuimcc- tlon with the work.' succeeding Ted Boul- 10 mission ,uy ducted bv Hubert MacMinan ia Tnnn o- u'iNnn C. L-' Young - is year. . , ports lnyaluabie. v.. irnme Let Us Join Our Cheerful .' appointments were It was suggested that the In- Fum clece) 85; 4bl The. Th'p rnrnnntlnrt rnmmltW'fe. isly endorsed bv the coming executive ask Miss : l,flHInt Mnr nath Past.' 84. -. ,., i. ' k. tied meetliiR In Coun-'W'rathall to attend the annual , Kltwanc.ool-St. Mark's Choir. maH a5,i,in,r full nnrtininntinr, fr . meeting ol Ilic cmu in vancou- , , ri h v orcirorv Rush ml hv tho Wr,.n,.h in ihn mmini (ii !;y IntriKluccd Dan .vcr. May 25. : Come ' Let Us Join Our Cheerful nnrnnntinn Dav fcsllvltii's. local travelling' Miss Wnithal read the annual ; 0 (b) Hallelujah' Chorus, Two floats, sponsored by the scnlalivc of the CNIB report and then Mr. Madeley g itii IK" iinri the Yii- nrntsed 'he work of treasurer f. Class 14: Rotary Mixed Chor Legion Women's Auxiliary and Ihe branch will take part in the parade along with the Legion lave a brief outline of Ted Bouller. us, led by cnaries uaiagno rations work in nor- Peter Bird, manager or tne Triumpn- Thankeiving. 85: b Canadian Bank of Commerce lt Us Break Bread Together. 85. "f Hi" field n'nrc.sen- here, who took over from Mr. 'ii liriiu; the services of Boulter, drew up the flnanelul Foi" home refreshment buy Coke by the carton O'-hirq Uo CALGARY (CP) In one of Mi! !ar'rct prosrams en record the. Alberta jiovemmc-it telenh ine i-..-tein U ins' ailing almost noon telephones In Calgarv and riblj-l-t this vear Ca'aarv no-v h": r0.903 subscribers with a waiting list of about 8,000. ulc to ihr noal blind statement which showed a bnl-; rrs))-rt ivp tcrrltorlrs," ancc on hand at January 31 of li'iL'lon said. j j .rt'.l. ' the job of field trpre- M'. M"il-lev e-"'ide'l ttniiks ' Is to make rerom- to the Job's Daughters for thrlr lii protMT authorities "excellent job In tugging, under :r blind persons. the direction of Mrs. Alex Mit- !i!m:'ton has 160 reg- ' iv" nd l-o m"nioned th" "'its in his area "which members of the Business and I of time and work to Professional Women's Club and hrm." Miss Jean Ramsay, who helped 'fiilvy, cecut.lve officer in addressing envelopes and also addressed the mailing circular letters sent out '"'s been (ii the ItmM- by the branch. 1(1 years. He told of the1 H" alM mentioned the "won-h"',r and said there derful co-operation" received II Wind here three years I from the Dally News and CFPIt. now there are 1 8(10 " i , Generations of Canadians: have enjoyed the quick refreshment and unmatched flavor of ice-cold Coca-Cola. For family and friends it's the popular choice everywhore. OlTOMHTKlS"1 Fred t. Dcwdie Rocn 10. Stone Bulldii.g .f"". Blue 5il3 i the CNIB have had vinicmrr inu IHWDDIfP f"'r for 35 years It was 10 them In 1913--and Jit II . . . LUll - LVH r '"e many services offered prions and the wm-t ! us MEN'S JACKETS, I'opular styles, from , S'4-5( BOYS' JACKETS, new designs, from S10.25 Sec the Boys Health Jacket by rape 1 to rehabilitate them 'e them. W job to help them msclvcs to being blind llte Part in society . . ." !ldcley thanked the vlsl-'fving the group a ttpr Insight Into the 01 the Institute." 1 'ne thni t, fe'K 6 Bottle Bottle OAv THE SPORTS SHOP "Lady, you'll save plenty with a modern ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR!" Amazing how far a food dollar goes vfaea yooVt got mm of today's electric refrigerators on th joK. AS yoat atablas stay fresh and sweet, good for days and days. No spoilage even in the hottest weather, do mors dried sj, wilted vegetables. A big, modern refrigerator has a 1st of extra time saving, step saving, money saving featoras. Convenient . . . easy to install . . . long lasting. rlr Madelev snlri- "i re. u 1 I Will lint ha nMn f due to nrcssure of mv cannot give the time lead ers 7 p.m.. f Wcdnesdav, vs. c.y.o. " 1 IT' l UOfll Get quick relief for use-1 tc nr ,iUi itcioi i''1 lubri'J ma'0' dui' Arthur Carton' Virion Alirlifn,-t,J., ching muscles, the easy southing way. Rub in fast-acting Minard'S Liniment, fvery one welcome. M4-X (10?ll Pita diptiit 2c ptr ktltlt aanl ""'iii'T to discus- Prices n.UI i. . . . rviiHAne tm Authorised kottlw ( Coca-Cola vndw contract wilh Coca-Coca lid. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS; Phone 132 Prince Rupert, K.C. I "Coke" Is a regtatered trade-mark. SORE MUSCLES? fih.,U item 111 . .t rU1:'"' wnesday. ve r JJ'm' Me'nbers of of the U.F.A.W.U. (108i I .... I "KINO OF PAIN" UULkmiMENT