1 "--o.ciAL 1 1 V V- "-a" B, c. PROVINCIAL LIBRAS!, Borrows 119 3 ncioruA, b. c. .TIDES , May 7, 153 , siaiirtard Time, Doily 7 42 17.2 feet :' I 0:4!) 18.1 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vpelii irery 140 8 7 feet Published "Prince the the Great Northwest" ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port Rupert, Key to 5.5 feet 14:15 Phone fit X VOL. XLII, No. 106 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1...-.6".rtlV'-"'- , , ,, n ii i, i M1 r 'Mm Aflunbriig' IShc . 'A - f Ml ks?i,. ' V ' , - v 1 f , ' ' , Jury Deiiberated Only 50 Minutes James Albert Dudoward, 26-year-old Port Simpson fisherman, was acquitted Tuesday on all counts of a murder charge in connection with the death of C4 -t" his uncle, Wilfred White, lasf, September 5. -- The jury returned Its verdict i of "not guilty" 50 minutes after ence, Mr. Justice said to the! i":: j "Was the accused justified In; ulng the weapon he used in re- ; lalion to the force of the attack retiring at 5:05 p.m. Plea of self defence was entered by defence counsel Dout; Hogarth. Crown Counsel T. W. If.,..,,..,,,. AW 1 15 Y 1 The Musical Ride Brown, CC asked for a maximum verdict of manslaughter, saying by ahe deceased? That Is the very ( "I cannot see murder In this essence of the case as I see it.", cae I In his dramatic plea to the ' But Doudoward was freed on pury for 2n acquittal of the ac-j all counts. cused, Mr. Hogarth said that! iruirinnr-. in iho twn.rinu t.pinl i "Jlrnmie had his back to the1 MMi:i:il of cyc-cntchine maneuvres, Uie Mounties' musical riders do a sudden gallop eiu'h other in what apjicars to be an almost certain head-on crash but which actually to this .striking circle of men and horses. The mancuvre is called the Dome. Trie RCMP ride will be performed at the Royal To lrnamcnt In London after the Coronation. wall. He couldn't escape. He disclosed that White had attacked Dudoward on his fishing boat, wielding a beer bottle, atfer was forced to protect himself." ( Mr. Hogarth recounted events .t-i 1.1 at hiish Duke Buys B.C. Island throwing heavy wrench, a ham-! leading up to the fight on Dudo-j Establish Industrial Site !mer and a screwdriver at the 1 ward's boat, the Laura Louise.1 i accused. White had seriously provoked j Dudoward had defended him-, the accused, he said, yet iseff with a broken beer bottle ward "had done everything he THE HORSES PERFORMING m the RCMP musical ride don't frighten easily. A four-engine aircraft skims overhead but they don't budge an inch. Flags, bunting and tin cans have been used to train the horses not to bolt when big crowds act up. VF.R 9 The wealthy j southwest of New Westminster, estimate the ultimate estminster has bought j and said Its development as an merit, but commented: ias a weapon, lnmcung aeep.couiti ao io appease uie man. White bad been living with the Dudowards at Port Simpson. He was Jimmie's uncle, but behaved Father Welcomes Son With Hug As Young Man Walks Free i gashes on the face and neck of his opponent who died in hospi- tal later that day. Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson pre-! siding over the case, extolled I crown counsel In asking for a in 4'a very aggravating manner, i "You can imagine the project as big as the whole downtown district nf Vancouver. The Duke's personal fortune will supply the money." Blueprints for Annacis Island re island whicn. it is : inuuMrlul community will go become a $150,000,000 i ahead as soon as possible, site. Vancouver businessmen, who J. Hnrclinan, British ; have followed negotiations on the representative of the project, are credited with putting slay announced com-' the $150,000,000 tag on ultimate the purchase of An- ' development, id in the Eraser River.1 Hardman said he could not, What had brought the conflict to a head, said Mr. Hogarth, was White's continual assertion ' reduced verdict and placed as that he had built the Laura Lou it is stated, show development i snnn to the iurv the matter of ' By LARKY STASWOOU "It is wonderful to feel that respect for his country than ever before. "I put myself at their mercy. the ; Hudson's Bay Company store at Port Simpson, off and on. for several years. isa, the accused's boat, when , . similar to Traf ford Industrial 1 whether or not accused had been evidence had shown White only wind In my face again." Today I am a free man. Thank Park near the Manchester ship I iastified in using "such a bar- Now he's going back to fish- spent a little time at work; and Those were the first few words JIMS INVITED TO SEE ing, but he says he has greater God." canal in England, where 200 to barous weapon" to defend him ' 250 industries are concentrated self. wncn given $40 to Duy uis, naaj spoken by ZB-year-oici James returned without the tools and j Dudoward late yesterday as he and employ 50.000 to 70,000 per- I in explaining the law to the m HOSPITAL OPERATES left the court house. withesut, the money. sons. i jury and summing up the evid Claimed He Built the Boat - DIVERSIFY INOl'STRY 1 Proposed development would -AJtew -moments earlier. the sanic man had been sitting in the prisoner's dock in the court room while a 12-man jury filed in to return one of three verdicts: "Guilty of murder; "guilty of manslaughter;" or "not guilty." When the climactic moment MORE THAU 500 SAVED IN CHANNEL FERRY CRASH HARWICH, England t The channel ferry Duke of York, carrying 437 passengers and crew of 70 was torn in two today in a collision with the American transport Haiti Victory in, tne North Sea. . All passengers including a mother and baby trapped several hours in the after-part of the British vessel and most of the crew were rescued by ships in the area. those i nt" rested in having a look through the Prince General Hospital are Invited to make a conducted tour building on National Hospital Day. May 12. Doug in. administrator, announced today. Nurses will be on show visitors through the premises.' e of admission will be from 2 to 3:30 p.m. As an al feature of the occasion, the women's auxiliary will tea at the nurses' residence to which all visitors are (diversify industry, with empha-i 0n tne jjay question. White i and stood waiting, "but the ac--sis on manufacturing, and in- began telling a visitor on the ! cused did not intend to use that eluding light, medium and heavy boat that he (White! was the ) weapon then." ... , industry. builder. Dudoward had toldj "Jimmie thought, as he told '! Factories would be built by a ( white to "forget about the boat, 'you from the witness stand, that ' group and leased or rented to , We are having a good time." ! the broken bottle would scare l linn First, fnrturv said Hard- ! n..f tm,. tnoletorf until I Willie, but hp kCDt on Coming. man, is planned for 1954. Dudoward told him to get off the! "I can t think ; of anything came and George McAdams fore- In the meantime a $150,000:1,, Accused later called the Jimmie could tip turincr to pre-1 man ox me jury siuuu aim iuccu 2,000 feet long, will I notice to remove Ws -uncle from; vent bodily coniiici. ne was i me juugc uf wy, vy .YT,J'!- causeway be built from the Island to the lection Date Withheld Trial of Terrace Resident the boat "to avoid any trouble! forced to use the weapon he nact j uuaowara lootcca siraigm oeiore because Willie White was get-j in his hands," pleaded Mr. Ho-. him. . . ting very quarrelsome." - garth. I But as the prisoner heard the Then White had challengeo! "It was as Jimmie's first words ! verdict, his countenance did not shore of the Frnscr to carry rail j and road truffle. ! The causeway, it is said, will be built by the federal govern-I mcnt. after engineering tests by ntil After Coronation n,i,u,..rrt t.n HifhtH.it accused1 to oolice when he leamea oi cnange. u remainea as impas- Opens in Assize Court Here 'I did it i 1 sive. as stolid, and as expression- White's death self-defence." " countered with a bribe of liquor to have White leave the boat. In less as it was throughout 'the trial for his life. in asking for a two-day answer. White had kicked Dudo- Mr. Brown. A CP) Canadian vot-wait until after the n to learn the date of first August election since 1867 j the University of British Colum- would disfranchise "tens of i bla. thousands" because so many I Hardman said Transport Min-wonlri he awav from home or ' i.stcr 'Chevrier has assured the ,orri nr, th head followinz bv n.ioi,ir vprdirt. said that He realized omy siowiy mat ne fi- i :' - throwing the wrench, hammer j Dudoward "was in a rage'. He had ' was a free man. il election. Mr. Justice J. O.- Wilson said: ! Duke that "as soon as we require and screwdriver at him. ! it in mind to punish, mutilate busy with farm activities. Minister St. Lauren! "The accused may now be dis- it" the federal government will Standing trial on two counts in the second case before the spring assizes of the Supreme Court here before Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson is Phillippe Auguste Vachon of Terrace. Vachon faces a charge of breaking and entering with intent to steal, and of having in his possession by night, house This was followed by while ianci destroy; accused had been searched and the items found on him. When the owner was notified by police after Vachon's arrest several items in the store anc office of Little, Haugland & Kerr Ltd. had been found disarranged. A safe had been mutilated, and other goods removed. Nothing, however, was found missing. First witness to be called was i Mr. Brown at one time cauea : mu.u. build a deep-sea- dock on theCauing Dudoward filthy and ob six-foot -WEATHER , island big enougn lor one or iwu 1 ships, and expanding later to in the box but he didn't them here in court. Such names counter between the two men: tall, move for several minutes. Mr. ci Mairirie and JigES fight Of handle 25 to 30 ships. are enough to provocate any nor Justice Wilson said again, that breaking instruments : without throwing things. The accused wasn't really frightened of Willie White." "But I would like you to be lawful excuse. mal man to lose his sell control, said Mr. Hogarth. The name calling was followed bv a final challenge to fight, then White began his attack, a T. W. Brown, QC, is prosecuting Hear in the Commons but he did not write v-aecepteri speculation rtiite will be Monday, or Monday. Au- iiments rame Rftcr '1-mlng i PC-Toronto asked him. amid con-"Proar in the Liberal correctness of news-'s Monday that Au-ft dates had been se - " Purposely refrained "ins at even a tenta-;'"n about the next M'Uon before the Cor-he said. IB''t the rtnr,inatirm as fair in your judgment as you yourself would want to be Judg- Corporal Brue, RCMP, who arrested Vachon. - Jurymen chosen were: Albeit Dickens,' foreman; George Ferguson, Carl Mattson, Edward Capstick, Melville Peak-Voke, beer bottle in hand Two More Fish Entered in Salmon Derby attorney. Robert F. Dumont of Terrace Is defence counsel. Mr. Brown told court at the opening of the trial this morning he would call evidence alleging Synopsis Knuthern and central regions , of British Columbia enjoyed an-olher very mild night. Minimum temperatures ranged from 50 to f.5 nt the coast and from 40 to 50 over much of the interior. Warm air still blankets these areas but a relatively cool air mass from the Pacific is drifting slowly into the southwest corner of the province. Isolated Inte afternoon thunderstorms sire to be expected over the mountains of the lower main the accused was free to go. First to greet him was his lawyer, Doug Hogarth, who had pleaded for his life and won. "I must see my father," said the husky, dark-haired young man then who had been separated from his family since Sept. 5 last eight months waiting in prison cells while his life hung in the balance. Dudoward picked up a bottle I ed by a 12-man Indian jury,' In his hand, broke the bottom 'ended Mr. Brown. that Vachon entered the premises of Little, Haugland and Kerr Ltd., Lakelse Avenue, Terrace, Henry Arne, Lloyd Mooney, Frederick May, John Davidson. Robert Menziesv James Caruso, John Thompson." American, British Ideas Differ on War Prisoners on the night of October 28 last Father and son hugged each other. Others pouring from the intending to steal the property and chattels of the owners." crowded spectator gallery shook Mr. Brown said evidence Two more salmon have oeen entered In the Rupert Rod & Gun Club annual spring salmon derby to contest this week's prize. Entries made Sunday were a 19-pound, four-once fish weighed in by Jack Lindsay, and a 1 8 - p o u n d, seven-ounce fish his hands, silently. WASHINGTON (API Britain inounced that a "small group" Red-coated policemen came of Americans who "have shown and shook his hand. The freed would also show that housebreaking tools, a drill bit and a wrench were found on Vach-on's person, and how these tools man's sister, Audrey Dudoward, symptoms ol having succumbed to Communist indoctrination" were being flown to Valley Forge, land. Forecast North Coast Region: Cloudy today and Thursday. Occasional light rain or drizzle. Little change In temperature. Winds easterly 20. Low tonight and high ThursdayAt Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert. 45 and 55. and the United States have somewhat different ideas of what to do about released war prisoners who have been touched by Communism during their Korean captivity. npnrtant enough event ''"stilutional set-up of m ' the Common-' stand on its own and 'mmt'd or blurred or by political contro- ni"i5 argued that an Hion-it would be the ran from the .court house to bring the news to an anxious could be used for Debate Ends WASHINGTON 0 The Senate today ended its longest debate In 15 years by passing the Eisenhower-backed bill to establish state ownership of oil riches lying under coastal Vaters. The vote was 56 to 35. T Before approving the bitterly-fought legislation, the Senttte rejeeted a dozen last-ditch weighed In by Hector MacDon- Pa., army hospital for mental as mother, waiting in a downtown ald. The latter nsn was iarn well as medical treatment. Further evidence would show. off the Fairview t:o-op piuni, The British war office is send said Mr. Brown, that Vachon The army ' spokesman said ing all repatriated British pris Saturday: had been surprised by a police officer and that the accused had oners home promptly, believing No one is required to take attacked the policeman. When any psychiatric treatment with psmen Coronation Contest arrested, 1 amendments. hotel room. During the trial there was evidence of drinking which had taken place during events leading up to the tragic moment when young Dudoward had to defend himself from an aggressor who was his uncle. After the trial Dudoward said: "I'm never going to touch an that if any "disindoctrlnatlon from forced Communist teaching is required, the place for It finally subdued and out his own consent. The men have been told they can take the former in front or E. Lip-sett, near Cow Bay. This is the second week of the derby which ends June 21. A prize will be given for the heaviest fish weighed in each week, ns well as seasonal derby prizes. Boats and motors are now available for rental at the Yacht Club, which is the official weighing-ln station. is around the family hearth stone. treatment or if they don't want it they are free to go home. It's up to them, entirely." The American idea is to offer other drop of any kind of tied by City Businessmen 'bt every business man in Prince Rupert Is backing lllslm'" Club's Coronation Contest which begins this by., of nie contest to run four weeks will be an- a Stltuidnv returned soldiers psychological treatment If they want it, and if liquor. . "It is hard for me to think No Progress In Truce Talks that I'm free." not to send them home whenever their physical condition permits. A few of 22 released British soldiers who landed in England The Dudowards are going back to Port Simpson, to their ''k Bell "Bent here for Canadian Pacific Airlines, said had kind things to say of their his ft, home on the reserve. "Your boat is ready to go fish m Is worklnc with the Kinsmen to make the John Christie Pleads Innocent LONDON (CP) John Christie, 55-vrar-old owl-eyed trucking Cellulose Plant Closed Due to Mechanical Trouble; Due to mechanical difficulties the Columbia Cellulose Company plant at Watson Island will be closed for "several days," W. C. R. Jones, manager, announced today. ,' Cause of the trouble ls a fracture which developed Mon-; day in the giant chipper shaft which processes all logs on their way to becoming pulp. To arrange for a replacement, Mr. Jones departed this morning by plane for Everett, Washington, where another shaft is stored. During the shutdown the annual inspection of machinery and boilers, which had been planned for late in the summer, will be carried out, Mr. Jones said. He added that in the mean- ; time a number ol employees will be occupied with necessary repair work. treatment and some denounced the Korean war. But their gov ing," the 62-year-old father told ernment evidence no great his son. PANMUNJOM O) A United Nations truce negotiator said today "zero" progress had been made toward Korean armistice after the Reds rejected a proposal to free 32,000 North Korean prisoners who refuse to go home after a truce ls signed. The Reds again ignored Allied alarm. a rral success" and hinted that a plane trip to u er may be one of the prizes. mer of Unlon Steamships also is backing the Vfhn llc he did not disclose any details of the contest, Mr. r said he was certain it would be well-received by the 11 drill "r-. A U.S. Army spokesman here Jimmie, who spent some six months in the army during the final stages of the Second World clerk, pleaded innocent today to charges of murdering four women In his shabby back-street t nnrinri aDartment. preferred to make no comment War, is well known piong this some lucky ''v.i person cirwju will win be uc getting Reliving a boat mv trip . on the British policy. But he asserted there is nothing com part of the coast. He is a fish J'Ulhp acenrriP lrlp ls ltl the offln8 aboard an Ellis Airlines lerman and a trapper, but has Christie, for ?4 years tenant of the Notting Hill death house whir h has vlelded up remains of pulsory about the U.S. program to provide psychological treat "g to Karl Lundstrom, who said his firm is among also been employed as Indian baeki: "K the K'.n. i ktnin fmHi t.n nomination of Pakistan as a neutral custodian of 48,500 prisoners who refuse to return to their Communist homelands. six dead women, was committed constable on the reserve for over two years, as an employee of ment. , The U S Army last week an J'r the children. for trial. . ; .