f "wiwc... mini i Miwiiii Prince Rupert Daily News I V-.'. V 1! P THE iSnioinMsIl Refuses After 3 Yeai li rL PTTPDRnv ! lo Le! Remains o mh 'Hc Wednesday, Oc tober 211. 1053 l. I i Liwv --..ii nv,iy nn . DUBLIN i Reuters I Britain ' ; handert As I See It fby (Of in ore An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert mid Northern and Central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Tubllshed by The Prince Ruptrt Dailv News Limited. J. P. MAOOH. President H. Ci. PERRY, Vice-President PS - ,nVqv . ri l r:-' W H3 I has n fused once again, as sh- irUh I" to N NOT THE FACTS The Editor. The Diiilv News has riiuiii" 37 years, to let thf 6""o-!ll. riiiolii.' nf U . . Itl'CTi ... . i j-.i - - . ...UKr, vascment mi im G.Ujrp-. Subscription Rates: The article appearing in you.-."4" uunai ai muhour-j n ... ft ... " fc'V Kpnuuv at carrier per week. 25c: per month tl 00; per year. 1COO. no nor lVl.ihr 4 nwr I lie sir-i"v 111 tuuiny intnni, ; ever r.v man ter montn. V;c; per year. $8 00. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Oflicc Department, Ottawa. nature of M. M. Stephens, en- The Lonuon Rovoinmenfs lal-Uemain. unl? titled "Old Council f acts," was j t refusal was made known In wnt to Dwh state. not fact at all n coinp'ls me to i " "" uy onnrnu n n ki A. revert to 1913 when T D. Pat- ! spokesman for Prim stands in Right Kind of -Interest tullo was mayor of Prince Ru pert and the all-important ques tlon at that time was power. Minister Eamon do Valera I of Ireland Persistently since Aug. 3.' Casement 1910. when Casement was hanc-1 1911 tur his ed in Entland as a traitor, Irisn British comi.i, i in iin piKif av.ii we ic:u n rniiee Mr. Pattullo staked his polltl VI f T. llarvfy lias been clt'cU'cl first Vice-prfsiili'nt of ton- cal future with a urouD of clt!- iiuu.uauflwi imvc uiruucu mat 11111). the bones be laid In 9 oruv-1 War k ' I I zens ouruortiiiB to be directors .v llc wriii u. ( r I m;wlp n.arfv fur Viini 11 vmn.. (,m. ...,. i(i uis " -r.- , i-i -.iuj wax n-,...L t nv renietiiMj at M,. 'In.. 1. l . u" in the of a power company with considerable land holdings at Port Edward and capable of deliver-ine uower to the city Rale. Frank Keswick, MP j A WW days ao I wrote! aNiiit the humiliating riddle 'f the world-wide' Iritili Commonwealth: ; I!.;!1. ihiio -,c include within I hi uv.u bo tiers nearly a quar- I ; ter of all the human beings; I ! and have within our own hinds every known resource to produce abundance for all yet we have more and more fallen to 1 the status of poor relations of 1 Uncle Sam. We have learned that those who t:ke handouts also take orders. i With three or four times the ' lotiRh Bay, t)e Valera made the latest np- landed from , ,-J. " . . The scheme was stronely op- ! P';1 to Britain during a recent ' ine on a lom-lv m," posed by S. m. Newton who con- ! v-s" to London. j coast near Tr. tested and defeated Mr. Pattuilo m.KK.S ILF trammed lull orpin," for the mayoralty on the power i B(.re t lie bearded, fiery-eved ' ")!!1U"jh 80011 te bwue- I Casement was hanged at Pen-! ""''l"""' He therefore became father j tonville Prison, he said: "When j m -M and founder of the city hydro j they've done with me, don't let I ,re s rows,. w t. plant at Woodward Lake that ; my bones lie in this "dreadhil ,15 " 'lhe G- i:n lh., i . Mur-! '"Uiu'n was immediately installed after ; place. Take me back to the election In January, It 14. i louh to lie there." FIRST ALUKRTA OIL from the Trans Mountain pipeline gushes out of the Vancouver terminal. The.pipcline stretches 718 miles from Edmonton. population of either the U.S.A. or U S SR, we are ourselves disjointed and hence unable to compete with either of those Victor Basso Bert was a viem- ( "at wll( n body was cut : down from the gallows It wns the !.('. Chamlior of Cnmrnoiw. This is an hono'-which not only carries niiu-h pt'i'sonal dislnvU"!, 'for Mv. Harvey but also rt fh-i-ls ricih'tably on the city as a whole. In recent months Prince Rupert has not been fortunate in the type of publicity it has received. Whether man or the elements were to blame, our misadventures always seemed to take on particularly large proportions. We were apparently incapable of getting- into trouble in anything but a big- way, with the result that news about us made headlines right across the country. Our true place in the provincial scene cannot lib judged on the basis of occasional poor publicity. Tbe future of Prince Rupert is far more secure than that. Nevertheless, it is a gratifying- experience when one of our citizens goes forth and gains favorable recognition for the city. Mr. Harvey's new position is one of considerable importance and will do much to attract the rig'ht sort of interest to this part of the province. He is to be congratulated that his trip to Vancouver was rewarded with such success. two giants. I LONDON (CPUs-, I studs or cles-, w here. The studs ai f' buried in the prison yard beside .scores of murderers in ua-marked graves, for it Is an Entr- I re-stated my own conviction ber of that council that Mi Newton presided over and W. j. Raymond was reporter on the Evening Empire. Apparently Mr-Stephens was having a lor. sleep at that period. OTTAWA DIARY that the British world ret i ball iuuitc .... Ilh torn fh-.i .i - rW. could only regain its old ... .. . ., vum,u ,, the mjkfr( bodies shall rest where they ar.-not get ItieW to hanged . ' . . ot world leadership if it did so The curtain of silence which on a moral and spiritual basis has descended upon the govern bv vitalizing UN. ment s recently announced hous moderate middle-class income cannot afford to enter the market. The government believed It had the answer to this difficulty in mg policy is beginning to give 'AVOUtlTf A FEW HOURS after that article appeared In print I had a phone call from a British rise to a wave of speculation amongst Parliament Hill observ Next Mr Stephens tells us Cni. McMordie was not connected ' with the eh council in VXt'i j when the exchanse in police : force was made. What a blundering statement to be pub-' llshed as a fact. McMordie. Stephens ana myself were all j British officials, through the years, have .insisted that re-' nioval of Casement's bones would set a "difficult prece-' dent." Eut m-iny hrve argued I that the remains should be! its proposal to extend the period ers. Usually when envpmmpnk of national housing loans from Labour MP Frank Beswick. joiii: wiio sits for Uxbridae. ust out- come uu with a sniutinn f.r , lo J years ana tnus reduce virlo Tnnrirm nrnhlntvi im , ... the size both nf the immpriia I w, ..r in-ta I I had never met Mr. Beswick, national housing situation has down Pavmcnts and the annual , ell. And well I remember that.-' vTT t i f A H but had heard about his mag- 1 become they are understandably ' rfPa'ments h''b the buyer ; under McMordie pressure, I re- K f -&r ..f V II V iCouttfatj VAI1HUM M ADA'S . Ko.l VAl " I I0IN IIJO- k Hill GOING V III0NC I As Others See If , nniceiu one man crusade, tfe Jiamouoyani, aooui ii. .. j luetantiy accepiea rnairmansmp is a sort of Ross Thatcher ' in But in the present Instance.,! Bt -critics' of the scheme have ' of tne ,inance committee that British Labour. .after U first announcement of ihceri pointing 'out in voluminous enabled McMordie to become In a nutshell, the Labour MP its scheme to lower down pay- : correspondence that the effect chairman of tht utility commit-from Britain stands anew for a ments by lengthening the term ot widening the circle of poten- tee. 1926 Again we are given a very old cause the federation of housing loans, the government j tia' buyers will not in Itself in- faDle for a fart when we are of as many free and self-gov- has said no more on the subject, crease the number of homes. ' told tllat ,nr Provincial police erning British nations as care It has simply "clammed up," since the rate of construction j cleaned up or closed Comox to join. lie is now enroute home suspiciously as though on second now is at the capacity made Avenue. That Job was performed TIRE from Australia and New Zta- thoughts it wasn't too sold on Its possible by available labor and Dv'tne Al'niy authorities diums the war, five years after tin materials. But increasing the ..A. ........ , ... nmv n 'i rvtiifa tni.v fv..r FINE OLD , SCOTCH iji-f,uic ui uuyer uemana will;1 , bid up prices even above their' 1 lluvw no Wt'a what tcmpta-'jT. present high levels ; tions Mr. Stephens encountered , Cv, , land where he iias made scores own scheme, of speerhes to all parties, and While informed sources say-sill types of audiences. They that the government intends to have listened, with respect, carry through the alterations in After hearing Frank Bcswlck's l"n policy which it announced, story I suggested that, lie was they acknowledge that the public nhout half a century too late, rc-action to the changes was far II ifl IlliM-n L..r.i-i .-loir... tn, fiuni-lliln lhn U.. k.. .... ., , I while serving as a police corn- That s something the govern- j missioner, but I do know there ment definitely doesn't want to are a number of police commls- , WHISKY I bring about. Consequently, with- 8l0"s in the province and th .men of hi.; vision h'wlUt we Petted. Furthermore 't he sMimril ' out anv intention of shelving its ! cities they are connected with housing proposals, it Is giving appear to be doing all right, i , -,.,1 i ,i, ii. n-iii B-...iTO i,psS f ,..,.!, r,i m, ,...1,1..,. Ifac'ory Mcrtod ' ! NEV THREADS Naw Tir'," . 1 GUARANTEE I BOB PARKER LTD. thctn a serious second thouglit. i think Mr. Merrick and Stephens Its idea Is to devise some plan;would be well advised to leave whereby their almost inevitable ' that red-bait stuff to Senator inflationary effect can he nri- I McCarthy. back arountt ltioo, we would al- bring conceded by the Cabinet's ready have had established n economic advisers. working British Commonwealth Particularly do Federal ccono- Hut tied in i r,mii it- DIIUGGISTS, we noticed by a news story a short time ago, have indicated that they prefer to be called pharmacists, or something like that. We wish them luck but we suspect for the average man on tlie street they will remain druggists and their place of business a drugstore, not a pharmacy, or a pharmaceutical dispensary. It illustrates a current trend to give everyone a fancy handle, if possible. Junkmen in some quarters are called secondary products purveyors, we understand. Some big companies which had difficulty getting applications for file clerks got on much better when they advertised for a records attendant custodian, administrator, tc. Some wen', the whole hog and called the job din-dor of records. The same thing held true for a city that wauled a rat catcher, and couldn't find one. Hut it was easy to find a Rodent Extermination Officer. People are funny, but if it makes them feel any better to have their jobs graced with grandiloquent title, we suppose it doesn't do any harm. Cornwall Daily Standard. JOHN WALKED t H ativance uiooei oi tnni. parliament of mankind." .'.. ' MIL UIWVK'K I who In the trp , mists admit that, the urgent need ; vented. The problem isn't an ! GEORGE B CASEY i of the moment b n't so much for easy one and so far no solution i more houses ns for cheaper has been forthcoming. It may IJ-lL I 1 hour.es.' The truth is that. rt!the . well be that the new terms mnv n Scotch Whidty D KIlMAHNOCt, SC ic:' t Ilritish tradition pro- iviiiwi rujijiu The Home of Friendly Service" Phone 93 nouuees his name -Besick") ill- 1 , ' , s rwiui ra to mooerateiy pne- '' " " ri,,e whK'h rePI'esplts ed r. rlly eliallc.icc.s mv reasoning ' (at construction. The aim would lie says that' nil lhe rounlrlrs V, "a,X1,mUm w,hldl.the be to give It priority and allow, Children's Deaths 7lnn Hrivml-vrnn; 1 or clHplavert by l! i. Benrrt or bv ll ' KrtiiMli C.umhlft. . hl:r Canada ' Iritwl, f ii mt li Australia New 7.ea- , ""Vu . -pi u ru construction u Afri,.n. i(ja. rak-pcrnl,,!'; The trouble Is that sldcken off. In that way over-all 1. il 1- -r- -., ."lJ5"M - -..-- - ;i"vi ..i. , .."Jf' ;' v il -m. .-J will " .y '' ' " " 1 ' - ,l. ; -' V -v t. f r -r ' , s . 'r , - , - , - t - . ... . . . Brought Her Peace uiiK iwrc useii strain laoor ana material . pressures mil all the rest, I:. Inn, Ceylon that, the -average individual of would be little changed, DETROIT I APi A slight, 27- Hospital Administrator, Rep i had In go llimugh the statrc of i j nntion,'iMni before (here could, , be any hope of forming a true ; j federation. , . j This was for two rasons, he. i ' pays. A nation, like Australia or , Canniii his to demonstrate to ; year-old mother accused of strangling her two children says the act brought her "peace of mind." j She has been confined to ho.--; pltal under guard 1 Dnlina aKI.,1 A-U I Tt 1.. .. ..t 55-bed modern, well equipped hospital, owned b? Retiring Lockmaster To Start Search Of Rideau Canal for Buried Treasure -I that it is a nation. of Hi ine Missions. United Church of Canada. A: P'.i lit temporary, possibly permanent alter si! E:. client living accommodation at low rental. schupU. Starting salary $304.00. Apply giving record and references to OTTAWA (CP) Allan Moses. robbery. The money was in coin ' k" f i !1 of equal legal REFLECTS and REiViNISaS other nation's. ! i 1P,iring i, after .v,.. 31 vears of I shipped from England " In Iron Ray fm -. . nilh li e. I. -v. . u... 1 1 j . . . uoya loia mm she stranir eri .-i ,i 'nlrfn o oetore it it ran can s M uuuugH , . nie nmeau oouna oarreis. 1D 18-month-old " , v. , . Mark , Richard , 7 ------- - c h , ; ano nlize and freely , L : 'f ?"lfi.. ... 5 r ! Mr. Moses hints about Certain choked the life out of seven- ii--II hiiiv w- 'i.iiiir lh:i1 -nnrate rial ioim I- . evidence he has found but says year-old Terry Robert because . . treasure, e -., r no enout'h Modern version: A new groom lation of a hundred th.,iisiiii sweeps clean, and also does the Wonder how thev do it. Thi C. H. DRAKE, Chairmon, Wrinch Memorial Hospital, Haieta that, until recently - he couldn't 1 "tnp BibIe told me to do It" ... .. T-l. on . - . i j i i dishes. j might be a trick worth knowing. .thought of Edith Cavelj'sj ximr dr) h ab ; ..x ,ovpd mv chjldrpn but to. lu.storic phrase "Patriotism is he nt ta to go ou - J'day pmbubly mur,h I saw Satan in their eyes." not enough - and wondered how lne iy limits toJkt rnt hidden -as some p'ople think bvi the woman was quoted as sav-Ai tTiy people ..ever, slopped to "e len when the canal callse hp beJivg ,ne pkm i Ing. -Tve been in hell all my ngure im out url-itit wnat ll-io tne ufitlant ganant WHS T"' TT J- -the. barrels inJknil.nd w nA life. I feel wonderful. I hav. 5 peace of mind." Americans jjo -hadfb;e Sh prisoners of war1 in Korea 'were sublected to torture, according to Dr. Mayo. One man was asked 1.800 questions which, in the main, came pretty fast and werj not easy to answer. He was e hausted. We'll say so. tnnisn nurse, wno was executed 1 m""" " , untrustworthy lot by the Kaiser's men in world f"le of 11 lies. But he claims; J .. iVliiin in olm h.irinH lion-, I 1 UC KiaCSU Ctt ( PTl INf fHOU.VWOOH The west Is' hearing here's a strong chance of Hollywood playing it up again next year in the Jasper and Banff regions. It is said the screen barons admit that, south of the border, there is nothing to com- built, i Her husband, Claude 29-yearr war one, reany meant. i - , ' - : . . . i old faetorv wnrknr t otner points along wie old cunsa al l;oxt 01 aoout si.zuu.uou to : Get (arnatiofl' .-. nr.n,i.imr l Wllifh link Otlnilin Q II H Vinni. tirmiia n -.i a 1... ' iiuiiic w iii.:ii t-iaijeuy na3- mu. uaowiLr, recognizes my " --.i"i ..Hiiio-jiuuuc a noic wairr route or-i niiniiH I ninan llm, ..-n , I. .. r. . - point that Canada has nil ivn,vi. muiiutai diiu nir u r i s . . ... nnrp in q in.ni ...in. ...iniini,i ...iv. iv.. II er.a B,...., 9 i... i. ' Lakes I .nlfrm in In the thn uunnf event nt of .n with .itu I i - mnji livered both war the United States. The War of! S 1 del' ! d h 1812 proved the more-direct St. ! "2 ? i having killed them. COWARDLY? Pat Lydon, a , , ... u ..v. oiii,ir, Wli.ll uiillUC i Cldliuusilip wilii Ulc iir Dajn iiri-uiun ui tuc KAl.J . ' what is found north that is, j U.S.A. which would make it im-: canal builders show a great deal British soldier motion Picture scenerv Rral In- ' nnKeihln thut this cnimtrv u-iuilil nf rnnnn mm ntnlon in o ivj,,..,.!! his nurse of charged with cowardice has iai summer out in the ever join any federation which I been given a year in the clink, hills d-w two bucks an hour, did not include both Britain ' C.l. Lawrence River route a, dangerous and expensive transportation artery. Numerous boatloads of supplies heading up the lakes were Assistant prosecutor John Mo- j watt quoted the woman as say- i ing she "knew the Devil was in ! the baby" because he had hissed ; at her, and that she knew the I Devil was In Terry Robert, too, 1 U. ...... 1 . l- .... . I Carnation and the United States. ' His Immediate aim is to 'get ; Britain, Australia and New Zea-I land to federate. That Is, he j wants them to have one com- ' Seen in Japan VANCOUVER (CP) A ' sh an s nl" .way: fair i captured by the Americans. It's colore borne z.ooo laborers were em- trade" pact between Canada men aisnussal with igncminy. - ano Doara. He had been caught cringing in a Korean trench, while com-: All canned goods, states a rades fought desperately, Lydon broadcast concerning the trend testified he had wanted to light of commerce over the Atlant'c but felt helpless. And from what will be accompanied bv can-the public keep talking about openers At least, some folks are there is sympathy felt for the not plotting another war or soldier. It is claimed there were staging a new strike hundreds of similar cases dur-1 always t- .1 ... ,,i .. r i .i .. i . . . ployed annually on the bin nro- . . '.wlse . "e cou,an 1 navp ! v .- tiricijr net uauc uica, one niciiiand Japan, reported In prepara- eJ- full bt1 tect Nnwarlav nniv i :.. 1 lou"t against me so hard.' tan ) lion now, would "Increase sales hi rt" til -- anJ tlt.it cure !" wiicil- (jeuiJie wiiuiu oe tree to migrate as they chose, as we now do. within Canada, say. He believes that if those three (IS of dissolving pulps in Japan, which have been at a low ebb recently." s t in. always very milk lts f KIMGliTj I THt Mimctl LUSTDI INAMIl ! ing the Great Wars. First of all the publications to i countries countrles . all used 'secl the the same same Leander Manley, secretary- boats and the occasional commercial craft travel the picturesque route. Nevertheless th:; canal serves as a storage place for 255,000-acre-feet of Water from the Rideau River watershed. It is regarded as one of the biggest such storage areas in Eastern Canada and the , print in the new terminal city i "I" money, nV with wun tne consequence manager of the Canadian Pulp When both mates think they was "The Empire" founded by ! of ,wlPinK t all the present jand Paper Association, said it V It " t"ey aeserveo, Jonn Houston. Frequent inquir-I , 1,1,1 ,KC " great ! would als0 .-be faVorable to in transport department values it! fi aim niw 1 There's never S,, or color bt bxly use Carnation. Lvery c behold a happy marriage. ies have sought to find tin i b'nont nd prosperity 10 B S)- would rcsult- reason, and as far as known this ! Is given in Houston's admiration i Creation's ancient fruit the of the virgin Skeena region its! Long Summer apple was hailed again in immensity, natural wealth and j OSIIAWA, bnt. (CP) - Fine large Prince Rupert a few days back beauty. raspberries were another proof at nearly $13,000,000. ! 1 mm mm m a' i creased sale of sulphites to the Japanese textile market." Dissolving pulps are used in lhe manufacture of textiles, customs duties on which would be cut under the proposed pact "If the agreement is negotiated," Mr. Hanley said, "it will have a stimulating effect ,on Canadian production of dissolving sulphites." vmen oyro was right royally heard from- Ever since Eden, . mankind has in some wav or I TOUHQ VVOmatl I of the unusually fine autumn , weather. They were picked in j mid-Oclober from big clusters in a garden on the Lake Ontario shore near here. GENERAL p ELECTRIC Automatic Steam Irons i, unccnJicUmaliy gni-. Get Carnation I1 ALWAYS K)U! MAKE THIS 7 DAY TEST " fur jul one '. Caption Milk in P'" of your present brand winri urm periorming nis part, i f ft Wltere, the world o'er, one might : I TICS IO I OKC v 2 Irons i MB ' J 5 in 1 $2450 Once yon vav, Carnal,', - brand u iU that no other taiitly you. inmost say, have fragrant or-, I chards not been blessing the i Lite in JGII land, and they that dwelt there- ! 1 vancoiivfr ANCOUV ER irpt P) l nn 27-year-, on. The apple, through long L,h ld W0,nan thwarted by the years, has kept pleasing the eve end nourishing 6 thr tody '' yanCMVt,r Ja" nw,ron 1,1 -two attempts to take her own .. I life in jail durine the week-pnrl For the first time in 25 year, Po. matron J M Heath, a new newspaper is announced !( rine discovered tne first at-l?S bT,in? n thp!fi",t Sunday morning when I I' TM be Called the m tri,-d to lung hex- TtiPJ and cleTote l,'h-self with her girdle The woman Tl Recorder should flourish, ! using another article of lit r own for it will have an initial circu-1 clothing, CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 1'K.VI'INO TACKING STORAGE Mrst Avenue and McBride Street dion Product A Cono FingerHp Change from steam to dry ironing Dial-the-Fobric Control. RUPERT RADIO 6c ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue Phone 644