Elewly-Selected RuDsrt'B askeibail Commission Montreal-Glasgow Cu-U r Glasgow curling rinks battled u, Tru'V a 12-12 tie ' Tuesday night in a f:' School To P rovide Senior Team Invites High A newlv-rlccted Princp Runer I "CHir team will stack up to the school is expected in a few days. Three other teams Man- According to information received by certain m..i. I any of your teams." LINDSAY I Meanwhile, the commission is 1 ions, uoiaon 11 Andersons, ann Columbia Cellulose already i have registered. Prince Rupert Doily News Wednesday. October So, 1953 NO-NAMES, RESIDUALS TIED IN MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Shirley Ginn and Marie Hilti tied for ladies' high single in the Friday Night Mixed Bowling league when they rolled 223. Betty Wade took ladies' high triple honor with 5f.6 Don Fraser with 278 took men's high single and Helge Holkestad won men's iugh three with 680. No-Names came through with high team single of UOU and Residuals with 3147 took team high triple. No-Namas ana Residuals are tied for first place In the standings with li points apiece. Other standings are Conboeds 13 Northlcnd Dairy 12, MB Wildcats 12, Savuy 10, Bulger's 10, MB Lucky Strikes 10, Timber-Tics 9, Pilots 6, Hl-Bullers 5, Nelson Bros. 4. CARTAGE AND STOR" MOVING . . . PACKING r.. i nateur basketball authority :st night invited Booth Mera-. v ial High School to provide one ' ' am for the Senior league in . ... le 1953-54 season and aiso nod-f i d approval to an offer by Tei-! to join the league. Heading the new basketball I I p:nmi.ssion as chairman is Fret! j j .'. vviiies. Civic Centre represents-1 j fe. Other members art R H ! I (imill.'r. ' . . , members, last year's coach 's i Alex Bill (G&AI, Don Hartw'g jiMiinsons) and Helge Holkestad ! iCCCt were "not Interested" in j coaching again. ' i Commission chairman Jones suggested that reason for this was the lack of authority the j coaches had over players. "We have to sranu behind the coaches," he said. "Players must be taught once and for all that they don't run the show they just put it on." i But the commission ruled that j each senior team must hav at j least nine players "benched" on league opening night Nov 7 to qualify. The rulint; was made to give nn opportunity 10 a maximum number of eligible players to register on senior teams. Experienced haiidllns :,v,'r .' ,f,! ! faced with &nie major problems: It Is short two coaches. (Mansons and Gordon & Andersons are uncoached so far I e It feels coaches should have more authority over teams and w seeking to pat some ""teeth" in administrative policy. e It Is seeiTiij, a more satisfactory method of player registration in the senior league tviiu-wme Kiir-i - fm'. M0VEwn',,MSE...R51ip'r Phone 00 or 68 ' " L''1 ( !ir' 'l 1 i F, Adveitisingn2hoJ)q;iY Ncw$ c . The board understood that several qualified senior calibre players were lorming a team for Inter A competition- If High School accepts the board's invitation into the upper loop, the Inter A division would be elimi- ""' 'ilimi Davidson, school repre-. ntative; Jack Marchant, Rusty i rd and Bob Armstrong, mem-1 rs-at-large. ' iMr. Marchant was named sec-. ctary. and Mr. Jones will also t ct as treasurer- The offer to the high school 1c join the senior circuit was iiiianimous from tilt- n.- Jjuai 1 els ii.Oiii!,i .I.,rl; T:v..'; ri'n'-'- ' : "ormal acceptance or refusal bv senting Mr. I)avid.-on in his ul sence. The board also accepted an i offer by Ab Hart, represent im; j the Terrace Basketball Assoclu- j ticn. for an exhibition game : TV 11 1 W I f jrTf X ': rupiter Captures Cambridgeshire NEWMARKET, England lAP) Sir Gordon Richards rode Ju-I,;ter, a three-year-old chestnut colt, to victory today in the Cambridgeshire Handicap stakes Newmarket. King of (he Tuciors, ridden by Kn Ciethin, was .second and :,viir Colleen, ridden by J. Sime, "as third. i ,'J vCv. V , here opening night bciween the I , inteiior town and a ci'y team. ; j While Hart's fuither request t.) 1 (join the league was, i;p!)'oved i!i piincinle, further study of "niji bid will t'-l:e place. j : W!.-n cfi;cd if tho Terrace I team v. 's of a calibre to Vom- fete with the city seniors, Ha: c j , CH'.-l-r.-tl: i $350,080 Dangled as Bait For Sugar Ray to Fight Olson Hy GAYI.E TALBOT ; eluding pararach. NEW YORK (API Sugar Ray! -Of ( c u-'.e.1, ' Robinson was' T'obinson, who came out of Har-'ouotcd as having said, ' "the' . -m a skinny kid to becom? one fine! decision will have to be i ,, the greatest ring fighters of made by my manager, " George i them all. has been a big-timer Gair.ford." j Xv all of his career, and ha will ' That. :omdea a gor.g back' j) it change now that he is play- : somewhere in th.3 inner recesses. I .1 6 tri' medium night clubs as Since when was Sugar Ray Rob- ! T . .... ,1 X . .,,n-.u-ui,ti u. iiison uepcnni!igur)on uainford When he announces he has or anyone eke to inuke his de-been urged to come out of re- cisions for him? It spoiled the firement and challenge Bono Ol- whole story then and there, even fifi for the middleweight title before officials of the IBC pro-vhich he, Robinson, renounced fessed their bewildermert lvst year, the lure daneled be-, 'Th nicn on ;ne f!,ht b t ore him is a coo $350,000, a . have known almost from the ' aUgTnaZnh? Roblnson;"t that Oainford nor anyonl .pagination. - .Clse ever told the pitted v0t. The fact the p,omot?;3 would pugilist what he was to do, oed to gross at least $1,000,000 cither inside or outside the ring! f-t the gate and thrnncrh tola. ' i : 'w. . . r . ii' .i iv iws r i r islon to pay such a guarantee, ' j irin't faze the great man. , ; There wasn't a doubt in our; 'V.nA that the fcwerful Inter- ! ) ational Eoxing Club had, in- i i eed, caught Robinson backstage ' ind begged him for the sake of j f 350.000 and the present 48 "ates to attempt a comeback ' ' ntii we stumbled over the con- ! ? . " 1 I I V V V 1 IF 1 l H. a v' X t , i 1 T7r Wf II fhey call your Filchock Them In Fans' Sides At Winnipeg ' WIHNiPEO (P flinging Fran-: ie Filchok brings his Saskatche-'an Roughriders to town tonight ?ar the first game of the two-i ame. total-point Western In- m eg if! -J. V v 5V . , f4 . - w.j tiki ... . j. ..J 1 . . .1 ,. . Alt' 1 ..:J-, - r ' re it ft tU'. .;:'-;i-":..v:.:--' .:. " '7 . vi .... . . . 1 .3..-. 1 i J. v -'I , 1 mm m m WaJiif i no ixev Maybe your son doesn't want to be a doctor. provincial Football Union! ?mi-fina!s, and Winnipeg Blue1 ;l'.onib?r fans aie jittery. i. Tn r'ix starts against the Bomb-! crs tliis sea.-on. the Roiu.hians; '' vv manap-cd four wins, two of 1 . ;hejn wi'b Ijllchok hcndihig th.i i ; ;i-''HtfarteVhaik. in his last : .."i-eaiance in the new Wiimitieg ! i.dium. the oid master e?lled a ..lav less sains and niu hed n 3-SPEED RADIO-PHONOGRAPH MODEL V-566 1 ouchdowu strike as his t-am von ig-13. ', Filchok was forced back to ec-Hve duty when import quarter Olenn Dnbbs tool; to the bem-h "ith a hip injury. fr $23. ou . n in wainuf 0 ftf Mnnlh s All sons can't be doctors. If they were, there 'd soon be too many doctors, 'and not enough patients. But that's not . the point. The point is that your children deserve the best possible start in life you can give them. That will cost money. The sure way is to start saving now. No business of the piggy bank or the sugar bowl either. It's got to be a regular, systematic operation. liy long odds the best way is the Canada Savings Bonds way. They are safe, convenient securities. They can be turned into cash instantly without loss or discount. They pay good interest. World't finerf 3-sped Record Changer . . . offers thrilling "true to-life" qualify from all your records. Powerful 6-tub9 AM Radio with world-famous RCA Victor "Golden Throat" tone system. Compact Modern Cafci'ne . . . X' Hockey Scores Western League ' ... Victoria 3. Calgary 2. Ok.iManan Senior Amateur . Vernon 8, Penticton 5. Westefn International ,.' Kimberley 7, Kamloops 1. "il.LAST NIGrTrTFIGHTS j- Los Angeles Rudy Garcia, J20'4. Los Angeles, outpointed Auburn Copeland, 125 Flint ?nch. 10. ly fmiihed, yet completely practkul in design. PROP IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION McRAE BROS. LTD. "The Store That Service Built" Phone 6 or 3G a run ) (03 V Now'j the fim to pef going. You can arrange H today with your invest-wenf teoer bank, or throvgh yow Company't Payroll Savings Plan. Vfv. 11 I lllllll II lll.tl I II .1, i 0 INTEREST EACH YEAR i J0R 12 YEARS .sJv ' a ' P. F. ENGLISH QUALITY ". - ?f! STve ' with af,'I""on . vi O " f, to in i 1 ii?! w "la' k . . . hrn you pai k . oz.rACKfT NVr ll""'h- ALWAYS CASHABLE AT 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, PLUS INTEREST, AT ANY BANK: NOW ON SALE .?iv,5'."- W' V". -,. is,