rhoof Man New Chief Prince Rupert Daily Npws Wednesday, October 28, 1US3 J. S. Wil son Re-Elected Dental Clinic President orthern Co-Op Council l i. r i i - aiiios, manager ox me vanuernoot to Mother 'To Avoid Color Bar By Taking Daughter To U.K. Any suggestion of fluoridation of the Prince Rupert water Dlv as a means nf nrfvint.inf7 fro-operative. Council, elected at that dental decay should come from a group of citizens rather than a onvArnmnnf hnHu Tr- o w tn-m ual im'f Liny iil-iu iuunudy ana mesuay r t I . 1 by an open meeting Monday Biure. 34 in "a scprngatert community" in Washington while he w.ts studying at Howard University. I-owwr, !le wv? he now ! shtHvhig in Lonrlon and thajf they have bought a home in Ki.i liirid in "a non-segregated rl'l";u "..b- niL'ht and a bs.nti.iPt. int Unpen as; ,,,,..-., k "f". IIIIC inl'at Oil 1 av 1.WC BCSfilUIlS the oik ,0-nperauves Qb g manaeer nr (ills IlOm Urtwaw" , U In the Queen George Dolsen, treasurer of the B.C. Co-operative Wholesale Society with headquarters In Vancouver. . .. manager of the Leroy L Rowe, Rupert District Pioneer Passes Leroy Leland Rowe of Usk, a resident of this district for many years, died last night at the home of his son, Vernon Rowe, 549 Ninth Avenue West. He had suffered a stroke Monday at his home In Usk. Born In Minnesota, the 63-year-old man had been farming at Usk since this spring. He came to this district in the early 1900's and was employed by the CNR In the early years. More recently he was emnloved at the Prince Rupert chlorinatlon plant lor two years. He had resided at Kitwanga for five years prior to moving to Usk. Besides his son here, he is survived bv his wife at Usk, a son. Marvin, at Kitwanea. six liilWiri ii -rn j-,--. j k hllinih - "i- BILL LAMBIE ... a new record vice-president. community. Mrs. Bruce's. action was disclosed Tuesday in New York 8nrrme Ci.rt. It corn-ems hi-r daughter. Pettlne Goodall. !), by, her marriage to Dr. McChesney Goodall, Jr.. a Yale medical' school professor. Custody of the girl was given Mrs. Bruce in 1 947 when she obtained a Nevado divorce from Oooriall. He was piven riehts ' of visitation. Goodall contends-that the custody agreement pro- ViihitA Aithop nnft,, fmn, I '!i . I ' . . fea (.- . : : I1 I ' ' ! A 1 v j . ' 7r Y ' ' j. Bill Lambie Sets flnzle, president or urge Co-operative lecretary-treasurer. ere named to the i problems of co Among delegates to the sessions were representatives of the two Masset Co-ops, most westerly In Canada, Mrs. Sam Simpson, president, represented Delmas Co-operative Association and Robert Mezger, manager, the all-Native haida Co-operative. The membership of Halda Co-op Is comprised entirely of Natives of Old Masset. NEW YORK (APIMrs. Bet-tine Field Bruce, daughter of the publisher and department store magnate, Marshall Field, is seek-, ing i:ourt permission to take her daughter by a previous marriage to England to rejoin Mrs. Bruce's prf"int husband, a Negro. The 30-year-old Mrs. Bruce nvf that because of racial difference she did riot elect to live with her husband, Eldridge Guild To ftun Bazaar Booth Women of tUt Mute Hospital' Guild will take care of the sewing booth at the fall bazaar, it was reported at the regular meeting held at the home of Mrs. S. Anton, 1453 Piggot Place. At the conclusion of the business meeting cards were played with Mrs. F. Shannon winning first prize and Mrs. H. Tweed second. Refreshments were served by the hostess to wind up the evening. Those present, were, guests, Mrs. H. Tweed, Miss S. Johnson, Mrs. F. Shannon, and Mrs. Mac-Dougall; co-workers, Mrs. H. Harrison, Mrs. S. Anton, Mrs. H. Antoniuk, Mrs. Hamilton and the chairman Mrs. R. Montgomery. New Sales Mark For Monarch ld creun unions, i in northern Brlt- fwere discussed at the girl out of the country. ,iiun, highlighted ciKeena neaim unit airector told the Prince Rupert Children's Preventative Dental clinic last night. Questioned by clinic president J. to. Wuson, Dr. Carr said it had been found In the United States that any move towards fluoridation that came from a government agency was nearly always voted down. When the matter was approached from the citizens themselves In an effort to prevent dental decay In the community the operation was usually passed when the matter came to a vote. DEMAND CIILORINATION He likened the battle which he said customarily followed any move toward fluoridation of a city's water supply to that which resulted In Prince Rupert when the army authorities, alarmed at the gross pollution of the city water had demanded chlorina-tion. Dr. Carr said he had on hand all necessary information as to the various methods of fluoridation. Including cost, to put the system into operation In Prince Rupert. , At the meeting J. S. Wilson was re-elected president of the clinic and Father O. P. Mohan nuncd vice-president. The Incoming executive, composed of two members from each school P-TA, Dr. Carr for the B.C. government and a dentist In an advisory capacity from the B.C. "- o b"f travels about 1,000 miles in the nUitert States from producer to rouowing up tne convention! me rain may fall on Prince at Terrace will be meetings here Rupert but the sun shone bright-ln Prince Rupert. Personnel of I ly for Bill Lambie in September, the two co-ops here will meet Bill, who is northern super-tonight with the visiting whole-, visor for the Monarch Life In-sale officials and tomorrow night surance Company was a busy grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. A. Kowe at ueiungnam and distant relatives in California and Aub man last month ... so busy, It Lwas learned today, that he set there will be a session for members of co-ops and credit unions, also attended by the wholesale men. ALLURING Pat Crowley makes it clear that the name "Pat" fits a gal as well as a boy. The movie discovery has resisted film executives' offorts to bill her as "Patricia" by displaying her charms along with a sign bearing her name underlined. This way, it's clear she's a woman not a boy. S3 (eelza (jroi -,o(iuaieelza urn, Washington. Funeral service will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Anglican church In Kitwanga. First United Rites Unite Slack-Jonas T pu m a new sales record by producing $280,000 worth of new business for his company. The tall, ex-ball player, and popular sports fan was too modest to let the figure out, but while he was in the south watch-.ng the World Series on TV, his company compiled the figures. Bill has made an outstanding study of annuities during his spell with Monarch and, as he says, he'll be glad to discuss the subject with anyone any time they wish. Jii u ancouver olin domadina JJea Js 'Rupert KEEPOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW lor a general check-up and tune-up . . . and we'll winterize your car tco. You'll be pleased with our service. The Coqualeetza Fellowship of , British Columbia will hold 1U (annual meeting, bazaar and so Dental association, would appoint a secretary-treasurer. A quiet, pretty wedding was I performed at 7:30 Monday' night, October 26, In the First! United h"Th. Prince Rnnert. j when Buryl Jonas, eldest daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Bruce : Fry of Oliver, B.C. was united 1 JJofy fame (jroup j John Comadina was named president of the Prince Rupert ! Holy Name Society at" that ! group's election of officers- He I CO-OPERATION GOOD Mr. Wilson said the clinic had cial next month In Vancouver. November 21 Is the date chosen for the affair at the Pender "V," opening with the bazaar In the afternoon and the meeting and social In the evening. Proceeds from the bazaar are earmarked for scholarships for NOTICE Co-np Membership Meeting will b; held at the Legion Hall, Thursday, October 29 at 8:00 p.m. All Kaien Co-op and Fishermen's Co-op members are v-"r to attend. Topics pertaining to Consumer stores and the B.C. Co-op Wholesale Society, will be discussed. A film will be shown and refreshments served. had wonderful co-operation from Kiddies' Music Appreciation Class Planned city dentists and it was suggested Superior Aufo Service that to help the dentists it would be advisable that the P-TA rep replaces Dennis Mulrooney, act- j ing president. Other officers named were ; Dan Delaney, vice-president; Bill Koughan, secretary;. Dr. L. ; resentative accompanying the I Native students and a fund for j a hostel for Native girls, j The social will feature iihow-ilng of films Including "Indian I Dances of the West Coast," "To- children should stay in the waiting room to keep control of the youngsters. A music appreciation class for pre-school-age children will get under way tomorrow at the Civic Centre. Miss Rusty Thain will conduct P. Charbonneau, marshal, and Archie Bowen and Joe Campbell, delegates. in marriage to Percival James Slack, son of Mrs. Eric Carter of Kelowna. Rev. L. G. Sieber officiated. The brunette bride, wearing a charcoal grey suit was attended by Miss Sheila K. Bennett. Groomsman was Bastian Groeneweg. The groom, who works for Heppner Motors and the bride, employed at the Singer Sewing machine company plan a wedding trip at a later date. They have taken up residence in the Money for the clinic service, $4 ! tern Heritage," with commentary for each child, should be sent In with the applications. Secretary- by Wilson Duff, anthropologist of ' thc course for youngsters aged Victoria, and "Loon's Necklace," ! tnree 10 six years, using recordE from the Vancouver Public Lib- and Pian music to teach the rary. I children a sense of rhythm and treasurer Deny said that next Wednesday those children in 5 WzzTt ; iAVA. tae word for this k:ess gown of ace- will wind up the ! some appreciation lor aescrip-tlve music, particularly music Grade 2 whose dental work was Incompleted when they were In Jrade 1 could be started. The following week, he believed, work Dancing affair. White apartments, Fourth Ave- y Diamond Tea ntrcal. The rich ,nue. I descriptive of the elements and I of the animal world I She plans eventually to Intro- imllic uold stripes sleeves and SI, duce the youngsters to tUiv tJa. 1 sics through such suitable works onorS ower mmrd with gold The highlands of eastern Af j-ica are rich in farmland and for est, minerals and waterpawer. ier closing' rung tf- kline flown'' the m US otjee j hijtjti voluminous skirt on the new Grade 1 pupils could begin. 1 Tw tfterrtirp wpre Mrs. M. Rldsdale for the IODE; Mrs. M. Ritchie and Mrs. E. Orom for Conrad; Mrs. H. Pinniger, Borden: F. H. Thomas, Kinsmen; L. M. Rice, Canadian Legion: Aid. William Bremner, City of Prince Rupert; Alex Halg, Rotary club; Dr. S. F. Carr, Skeena Health Unit; Mrs. E. Sinclair, King I available new iji Miss Joye Phipps, who Is to I as the Peer Gynt and NutcracKei j suites. ! : Assisting Miss Thain at the i classes to be held every Tiiurs-I day afternoon at 2p.m. will be jMrs. L. Hollby and Mrs. Roy I Wicks. The latter will also teach singing to the youngsters. l. fe Speech 'Edward; J. S. Wilson, P-TA marry Ronald Rhodes Friday, was thc guest of honor at a surprise hower at the home of Miss Drue Patrick, where she received many useful gifts. Refreshment were served by thdliostcss and her sister Mrs. D. Whyte. j . Quests Included Mrs. C. Vlcrs. armed 11 SetLs a it anno ConijoU';:.v;,:.;:.,:;i.-;Vvr;;v'-;.Ii;f; The meeting passed a motion v tending sympathy to Mrs. Jens Munthe and noted the clinic's Centre ic Visit ISH Li UIJ rJUllHC if f inctaWrdrrcs.'f to Dt .'MffiTKe"'v, ho scries of tjiiir. ! Mrs. Pjilpps, .MUscs . Ocorglna 'I his tdvcrusemeni is noi published or displiyed by thc Liquor Control Bord or by the Government of British Columbia. f edi" were oiitlln- i Mlfcliclf, Barbara Stalker. Marion helped originate the children's dental clinic here. rs of the Prinr Watson, Shirley Pierce. Annette It-Teachers Council Wlntile, Shirley Haugan, Arnil i'n thc Civic Centre Rhodes, Carmen Cardell, Bca 1 I Holt, Carol Splnce, Audrey Hiltz, tntre Is soonwin. 1 Beverly Dl Gulstini, Nancy Lund. ''"NANAIMO (CP)-Thc tiukc of Edinburgh, who will visit Western Canada during the period of the British Empire Games in Vancouver next year will be asked to visit Nanaimo while In BC. Aid. Robert Fawdry fathered the motion, suggesting that he visit the largest pulp mill of its kind in Canada, the Harmac mill near Nanaimo, operated by MacMlllan & Bloedcl, Ltd. bpnivenhvwiin and Mrs. D. Whyte. Those who THE FARMERS' DAIRY INDEPENDENT . . . AND PROUD OF IT ! -'mm manauer of ' were uiihuic lu niitciiu uu wnu nt gifts were Bunny Binisson, Klara Miller and Marie Lochgrin. "'Iks will be civen ' : and 19 as a pre-, '"lio.sccl course In ! ders 18. 'ill be o)i.n to a -1) people, who must1 at the Centre be- i ' 3. Will he free fnr red Masquerade (254) j I Elks Hallowe'en 'Ball, Oct. 31. while non- fharged $2. '-Teacher rnunfil Party, SUFFERERS 1 Legion Card day, 8 p.m. tJ the !.,( i Navy' Hallowe'en Dance, Friday, Oct. 30. Everybody wclconu. I (251) of Booth Mem-pl, wi,0 died sud- l the various asso- lilt part in th Stop miwralile Sinus nuffering now with Novo Sinus Remedy. Careful medical tests show that Nevo completely eliminates sinus suffering in almost all rosea even chronic cases, and those which have had recourse to surgical drainage. Safe for children and adults. PACIFIC PHARMACO CO. LTD. 144 WatprStrwt. Viinrouvr S. B.C. Clearance sale on boys' 3 to 12, at Star's (It) menibprshlp drive clothln8. slzes 'r their assist-' olyKwear. ft -ewivH . Moose Hallowe'en Party for j ii'.W,W0 ?jrom I children up to and Including 12 (jtouver th,7l edra"i years of age. Members' children H.' piaillaw,rim 1Lm.", 1 ' 11 Protect in TiVhiI ?.' 30' 7:30 ?.: P'n for ri i I Moose Temple- oii sent to the fed- 1 in Vancimvor ! JlanilbiKi n the recent Joint whlchMrs.Lor-i rt (KPoke on ntrt- ! ra we poor attor.H i P aid 4o nwk toji kydkmi ' ' Make this a happy Hallowe'en for the youngsters and a carefree one for the mothers! Hand out lots of crunthy, ripe and juicy B.C. Apples to the kiddies when they come a-calling. Here's a "sweet treat" they'll really go for, and you can pass them out as fast as you like! B.C. Apples are luscious tasting, downright good eating . . 1 the small fry can eat these rosy beauties to their heart's content. And.'while you're at it, get plenty so you can fix up some of those tasty B.C. Apple baked treats for the grown-up division as well! mm . . . or 3a(i All Styles and Colors os low as $1.95 Fashion Footwear - m& 4m you facte &mpt 7 'Mi y, NORTHLAND DAIRY Phone 18 Limited 4 -.wtgw northern Produce for northern consumers Far FREf apl rc i p book writ diract to B C. THEE MUITS LTD.. KEIOWNA B.C. "-pl SV1J r . .