' PROVINCIAL LI2.?'?.T, V. 4 4 )RROWS -' ' IDES VICTORIA, 2. C. 3 lcS I 29. 1953 ' October Daily 0 00 pardar.l rime. CI? i x..- jt '-! ; ; 16 8 KVl k 7:01J VDeli Delivery BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL r feet 169 18:40 , . - " 0:19 6.4 foct Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" X. 12:45 10.8 feet ' Phon 81 1 VOL. XLII, No. 251 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS S .., ' .. a di - I n n7onn r eman yJf" ih - - 4 (n WW f&m 1 ' - - . v ...... r..., iY a ZJ U y J CJ estify tV ".C n n I n o) f 1 '- Jury V5U J2 " k , '.V4 Discloses eld Facts Ajioclstrd Pre. J3 - V'- 1 Tvo Prospectors I Survive Big Slide (Special to The Dally News "DOK'KEEN. An elderly Dorreen man is and two others are recovering from shock suf v Hit. ,V f . , . K - .t -, -p 1 M r t ' ; v.- i ..ft. : -i 1 j- 1 a t S CITY. A -ami jury today istimony from a - : , - v ... ,? Ifit'cr who broke llcase kidnap-and later quit fered late last night when a giant rock suae crusneu th(4r placer mining camp on Lome Creek, 2.V. miles north of this CNR flag-station. i - it i $ I 1 ."."'. . t j . " r c-- ' -o i '.-' i 1:1 . M ' ' I 1 in anger over a d-d inquiry. Oicar Nelson, about 50, hiked out from the camp this morning Dean To Offer fcr. Louis snouiueis. and told W. E. Horwill, store Austin Hiili. who keeper heie for the past 30 years, how the sudden slide car L kidnap-slaying of Tito Salutes His Army Bobby Orecnleasc. New Formula ried Anton Iverson, 60, away, and knocked over Oscar Sikora, 45, Injuring his left leg. fcl st Louis police shoulders' handling MARSHAL TITO of Yugoslavia salutes as a con'tngent of the army passes in review during Yugoslav army maneuvers In Belgrade. Informed sources say that Tito Is quietly Increasing his armed forces by about one-third while await ng developments in the Trieste situation. Nelson helped sikora to uveir kiought his reslgna- On Peace Bid cabin, about haif a mile from neri the nvestica- i hp mlnine slip, miri then sDOIlt fcd his reputation as PANMUNJOM (AP) Arthur the rest of the night searching in 27 years on the Dental Clinic Goes in Red Dean, United States special en-vnv Wprinesdav will offer the Illness waiting to for the missing man. After seeing that Sikora was comfortable this morning, Nelson 'made his way to Dorreen, arriving shortly before noon. Communists a new formula fjr setting up a Korean peace con- But Service 'Must Continue' John Hugcr, St. driver who Rave tin that helped Irrence Todav he voiced con Aftpr Nelson related his story fidence "we are going to work sompthine out." n-ATlrlnnt T c U7IR-rn nolu'jwn onH nnli'u.a a infill nf ailnrantppH to Horwill, three loggers left for I ' .... v-- 4; iicaiu(.n v. . ' . . . . .j . . . ... . . ....... . r. " February, 1952 and June of this! grants were made up to between Irest in St. Louis of Mrs. Bonnie Brown Il-year-old divorcee ti aiding Hall in the Dean's oDtimistic prediction fr.iinu'prl thp i.hird session of the scene to take first aid to Sikora and continue the search year, ooo cnuuren niaue i.uuu, -tuu hhu .nm tuc luihl wumu bu ..t..i,u a- and I OUa 263 nf of i f.i.tl,... further "in "in the t Via Vtnla hole " visits to city dentists pieliminary talks to plan a for Iverson- The three Ro Korean political conference- Prince Rupert Children's Preventative Dental clinic is not only broke, It has a deficit of around $200. delegates to the annual meeting at the Civic Centre were told last night Yet the work of caring for preschool and first grade pupils in city schools must continue, said It was suggested that two or three service clubs could com- Scully, Ernie Lewis and Herb them had work completed on their teeth. Mr. Wilson stressed that donations from organizations in White were taken on a CNR IWl'TMKNTS I jury is expected to ttinents again.st both I bine in making support of the sDeeder Dart way and planned There was no noticeable progress at the two-hour, 40-minute meeting. Thp Communist deleeate In- A CUTE BABY makes an Ideal subject for a picture, so does a v handsome dog. May Mirln of New York took these two ingredients, mixed them with some water, and came up with the recipe for second prize in a dog photograph contest. How could she lose? , . U;S. Gives Cold Shoulder to cross the creek by rowboat. dental cunic an annual project, or that a service club could co Prince Rupert were badly needed There Is no direct access to s Heady. The hear- j huesday- j ordinate donations from its own lis week bliouiucu members and other organizations to Insure continuance of the peace conference as neutral. Irs he would refuse- Dean renlied that Kussia log- race, who were notified, will travel the same way. Thp nrnsnpetors. who have clinic's valuable work. DEPARTMENT HELPS lcallv should attend the confer- I lore the jury be-not wish to divulge ot my informants me catch the kid- ence and sit with Red cruna Uved lived In In Dorreen Dorreen for for many many years, years. Total estimated annual cost of I Korea since Corn- To Rusian Peace Talks By JOHN SCALI 1 toward arranging one. WASHINGTON (API Ameri- j There had been, speculation can 'officials 'have turned a cold (that Churchill was planning to, operating the dental clinic was had been at tne "e-reeK eg lft K()rea ..were rTW, he chanRed TOUGH WINTER: LOOMS AS BIRDS HEAD SOUTH VANCOUVER It will be a tough winter, If you believe the birds. ... ".. 1 There Is a great migration of birds to the south, the heaviest in years. Some believe this is a sure sign 'of a heavy winter, while other experts aren't so sure. Game department official James Cunningham says in all his 64 years he has never seen such a conglomeration of southbound ducks settling round the lower mainland. approximately S2.200 the meet- site ioc me ia vwu, mu"""a; 1 eaUipped with planes, tanks, ing wastoM.HnK of trrts amount Thtj wr-wortmR- at . Mklni munitions seflt from is provided by the provincial de- j about 1 miles up the creek, f' "t "Vnion .. id said tie would de- .sciusine his sources , f hnoiih jnnikw i which flows into tne bKeena. . . . . n , w, l .. .n I n hn..A stuck .inl, tn to was said to have tfn The Soviet. Union has openly knfldentlal lnfonna- :.. , a K.r minimum i Mpluin Kflirl 1l id:iie(l neaviiv supported your side by word and Ihe dl.itnct attorney mnt tnai rremier maiisu may be ready for peace talks with western chiefs of state. President Eisenhower, they IS lilUICU WJ Hit u,iuiiui . charge of $4 per year per pupil all day yesterday and the creeK treated at the dentists. at the base of the mountain was deed," Dean declared. Ihe pm bclore the Jury. view, during recent talks with Dulles in London, that some such meeting is needed if the' West is to find out at first hand what Malenkov is like and- what' i,ssH has thus Dlaved a direct had indicated he lole in the Korean hostilities.''; said, .will consider, such a- con-lonnfviunnlv nff.pr Russia has The financial report aZ&.J?. nilPrtinns sometimes provided "d a' 8 p clock last night informants beside? i "i .stilt think these air only kaking the case. I the money to pay the dentists I : " '" his views .may be. . . j ; ,,' ' AWAIT MOSCOW REPJ.V " r, , preliminary skirmishes' and there -js- still a '.possibility, we aije going .tdi w6r4 something ,ou of inquiry in 8t. Louis (ollowlne reuoi s 1 'silt officials,, said Dulles won. Issuance of Truck Licences I "eons ,.tht ; crashed jrtr.Mfk In time.- Up- to -this week' the these preHmhiary .talks,-.' ne loia. provedt.ifcs sincerity on .speclfiq moves' to.i ease East-West ' tenj siqrij sucjv ai! German ,andi Aup ' ' " ' -'' triari peace- settlements, Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill, has been plugging the Idea of an informal meeting with Malenkov, but in an agreement from Churchi-.l pi hst found dls-!n officer' accounts bis. oil,,!,. r,n,l c htnk hn ance OI Sill. Provincial government mines not to take any direct action at least until Moscow replies to the nnlv to have another bill pre Scored by B.C. Chamber reporters- "It seems to me I can detect an attitude of interest on their part and that they really want tARI) inspector J. W. Patterson is leaving Prince Rupert tonight and is expected to reach the latest western Invitation lor a Big Four foreign ministers' meetine. and France and the iOrecnleasc. 71-vear- VANCOUVER The second lillionaire father of i to come to some conclusion on this matter," he said. sen ted them which put the clinic in the red. Figures provided by secretary-treasurer F. L. Derry showed that between February, 1952 and June, 1953 the following children were formed officials Tuesday night said he has promised State Secretary Dulles to delay any move Pacific Railway," he said, "but the railways stopped their contribution to Canada's growth in scene tomorrow morning. Dorreen Is about 35 miles northeast of Terrace. annual convention oi me unusn among Tuesday ' i i rohimhia Chambers of Coin- other signers have been given a chance to ratify the proposed Of his new offer to the Beds, Dean said: ruorters only that he j nicrce ended Tuesday night with 't ' - v r , .-J ., - tl'-' I r i 4 - I . 1 u lit '1 '2. xv . ! ...r- k '1. i ' i . i- ' fi -i '-i' 4 1 ' : 1 v., i, I w . ..i. A 'K 1 r i . 1 ft - - ' ! i i t t. J "I plan to propose a formula tn t.hem tomorrow to see if we 1929." Initiative and enterprise of the Bella Coola Board of Trade in leading community construction nf a rngn fmm the Pacific to European Deience community treaty. The new Russian hint that Malenkov might be willing to mept with his western counter Terrace Oldtimer led some things " enarnc niv ' 'obUln a trucking licence as long paid a rccorci i ln,anvi, ! as they have the money." treated for dental troubles: King Edward school: 76 children made 252 visits with 63 having work completed; Conrad Body Found In Montreal can't get to work on a time and h was recovered. " The resolution, proposed by place first." Meanwhile, the chairman of the Korean repatriation com In Hospital Here H. L. Frank, well-known old-timer of Terrace and district. Is 1 . . .. iho pVinrnhprs- nirectorate anu the Anahim country won the accolade of the Chambers. parts came from Russia's United Nations delegate, Andrei Vistuu- EJ P H"ll bs " hv rielecatcs. said auth- MONTREAL B A man's body vhonl: 111 children made za visits, 86 completed; Borden: 81 1 rhilclipn marie 255 visits. t2 com-nlptpri: Annunciation: 34 child sky. VisiuiiR.y tuiu jN corre , "joPitie respmsible for enforce-ut;. men of the Motor -Carrier Act in spondents in New York Tuesday mission today said three Korean and Chinese prisoners have been slain by fellow PoWs in a camp for anti-Communists in a patient in Prince Rupert General Hospital. that "there is no special proo- , canana s wesi-tu.n r I was around 11m - i ,i,.,ii..t in t.hplr He underwent an operation lem" in arranging face-to-face with head, hands and leet missing and tied In a green blanket with butcher's twine was found today in a lane in eastern Montreal. Montreal police said the discovery by an early-rising Bour- Korea s neutral zone. The board was named the outstanding board of the year in the under 3,000 class for its work in providing the province's third outlet to the Pacific Ocean. Trail district's hustling chamber of commerce, represented by President Ed Gautschl, received here Monday morning and is Nicd to be In thr!""v:.,ur'" " - reported to be recovering well. He looks forward to visits from discussions between Malenkov and western leaders. He insisted such a meeting could be called "without a pre '"ere he could be '7 taken from him) ' knowledge." Hager ren made 99 visits. 31 compieieu. 'l'hliv-r.iv pte-school children made 96 visits with 27 completed between September last year and Inst. June. Average number of visits among pre-schoolers was 2 23 visits per child. Averace visits among school children is three visits per child. Hospital Staffs old friends here. hnnnidrii et.rppr. nmispnniripr ln- Licences were being issuea. u. charged, "regardless of whether there ' is a need for additional trucking services. Conditions are iimn In the 1930s, when test of sincerity and rlietorl o rrriipennip murrlpr flnrf lUTlinary of the Soviet the gavel of the year lor ooaius serving more than 3,000 popula an "expert job oi trying to con- i u Seek Pay Boost VANCOUVER fi A 10 per cent WEATHER Forecast conditions Ei3en- ppr! tripntir'v of the victim. i Union" the tion. Dulles have laid )n Await Then sa ri t.hp hpavt V-Dllllt Iiuwer Bliu there was no trucking Industry control. " Blame for the ( breakdown was Cloudy ! across-the-board wage Increase North coast region victim was asred between 25 and down. ..in, ......., ,ix. t.,ri., onH un ti hp snndht. hv worxers in luid to "government officials Wll.il OUM11J (JtUVWO IrtJ J w..u - n Thursday. A few showers along I three lower mainland hospitals ... . . t.. 1 nnnAlinllnn. II Decision who discontinued public hear the mainland mountains, vomer. in ioi incoming ucbuuhuuuo, v 40 and the killing was recent. Sidney Phinn, a factory foreman whose wife looked out a rear window of their home to see the bundle, reported the case to the Light northerly winds, occasion-. was reporteu ueic iucuj. It famaaes ; :' - .,- . .,;,. v-V-.:,. U - . .; U t . involved are 1.200 nurses and all v reachlne 15 ings formerly held to determine the necessity of additional trucking services. Knuomi rivll servants in key lav workers at Vancouver Gen Low tonight and high tomor s 'Reutr-rsi-.A row at Port Hardv. 42 ana iz eral hospital and another 600 non-professional employees In police. The 37-year-old foreman told nolire the blanketed bundle con nnw it D..u..i.. i positions have resigned, tne "hpcause the gov Tension Eases In Dispute UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Straining tensions over the hot Palestine dispute have eased since Israel suddenly offered on Tuesday to hold up her Jordan river hydro-electric project whik Sandspit, 40 and 50; Prince Rupert, 36 and 48. ML.ni,iHnn resolution said. sniri Judge's decision lo j had ernment turned Its back on North Vancouver uenerai ana Royal Columbian hospitals. William Black, business agent taining the body was not In the lane behind the Phinn residence wneiher thn Ifo ift I .. 1 Terrace Worker when he went to bed last night. v 'v luveicss "mar- FlVCnienrp" pnntmp. of the Hospital Employees' Federal Union (TLC) said the union will request "standardization" of Injures Spine Police, on the scene in live minutes, found the head, hands violations of the act. Earlier, Earle D. MacPhee, director of the school of commerce. University of British Columbia, told delegates B.C.'s future rests nn ripvelnnment of an extensive TERRACF limmv Glen. 22. a jf to slip through the lorce court Justice Rev- the United Nations security Council debates the issue. , , r'nskl rests the unn., workman at Dale Construction site near here, suffered severe spinal injuries yesterday when The council postponed until and feet of the victim had been cut off. The. neck had been tied with the same kind of twine wrapped around the blanket. The victim weighed from 180 to 200 pounds. pay rates for carpenters, electricians and other tradesmen employed in the hospitals and covered ' by the union's contract, plus Increased holiday-with-pay benefits, Mr. Black said. ' - ' - j : : ' i"cuicr whether these mese refu- rcfu- ot ' thom them .. Vnillll, xan nimiway a.ysi,... "i hnnp Canadians never forget . he was struck by a log. He was treated immediately at Terrace v" 11,11 Thursday its Palestine hearings to give the General Assembly's political committee a chance to what thev owe to tne wnauian '-'uci roillftllne i. . General Hospital. I Presiding at a test VI Iff tlin i . . iiinrriage oi a Joint Meeting May Prevent Strike viurnnvER. Union and Brash Private Crashes Buckingham Palace """Kariun girl to Nold French school- Ca Iprt f- . resume debate on American charges that the Russians ran a torture centre to extort germ warfare "confessions" from captured American airmen. UN Informants said the United States was prepared to present company officials will meet to , iu uom !'yl Irgal authority in morrow in another attempt ....i,i .t.ii,D nt i ton electric To Congratulate Hero ot Gloucester stand ..... .. , 1 j I ,i, I sailed n4ta?l Ih-micrh through t.hl the ; s . i7i V ' ,f rFncy -General Kir further evidence oi a more ei- and Wood ""o ehvp hi,. LONDON CP) Pte- George ing the Korean war, wanted tn be the first to congratulate UVU1U U OMinv v - power workers which could cripple Industry and public transit on the lower mainland J trnnnnllllAr TulPTlH niflrrl.w... ... . ClllU V fllltUU 'LI . . ' i nave been Announcement that taiKs wmi resume in the dispute involving Ann t r iriaofrln r.n workers D1US fective nature" to support her charges. Nationalist China also was expected to submit documentary evidence on the Issue. Israel's chief UN delegate. Abba Eban ,made the surprise offer to suspend work on the Jordan as the council debated Syria a complaint that the project aeprived the Arabs of water tor irrigation and breached the Arab-Jewish armistice. wfV that a rav, gates and up to the rea-car-peted stairs leading to the state ballroom. When Carne emerged from the ceremony, Wood was waiting with outstretched hands. Photographers took pictures. Now, says Wood, comes the worry: , "There will bt an aful chewing up from the O'd Man when I get. hnck to rpmp " another 500 electricians employed 'or Wood is a proud by anxious man. He's worried about another meeting with Lt.-Col. James Came, commanding officer of the , famed Gloucester Regiment, who Tuesday received the Victoria Cross at Buckingham Palace. Wood, a member of B. Company and captured it,h Curat at the Imjlu River battle dur "the Old Man" following the palace ceremony. Police at the palace gate were sympathetic but firm: No admittance. Undaunted, Wood wandered around the corner and Into a pub where he met a service car driver, due to enter the palace grounds In a few minutes- The driver was peisuad-ed to taki. alon i passpnijer on -- the vi,c divorce uivurce by contractors who do worn ioi the BCE, followed a meeting between company president Dal Grauer and John Raymond, im "wcauons til f"'y to ealn tv,... THE RAM WEARS a look of resignation as he permits this boisterous White Rock rooster to crow from his perch atop the vrnnlv one'-, h-M1 Bith a") tenants t. u Whwaton. 111., farm. md L vnelr na- vice-president oi me uik"-u escape from Trnn;tional Brotherhood of KlhCtncal "'Hit 1. I TuiMirs, . - r . i-