THE BELVEDERE IS STYLE LEADER OF 1954 PLYMOUTHS STARTS TOMORROW U.S.PK5oner$Who Helped Communist 1H0 Uptors I o be Uusted rrom services t "My views may be extreme. . - 'if- . ;J By EDWIN B. HAAKINSON all United States military pris-WASH1NGTCH (APi In- oners in Korea who co-operated formed Senators indicate that with their Communist captors k w www r r& 4 'if liiCA IN " . social ; or gave false confessions will be ! quietly ousted from the services. I Legislators, who asked not to 5 i Prince Ruuert Daily News Wednesday, October 23, 1953 l - rw' j. i - - iff -,r-. be named, said the ousters will be based on individual cases. The reported Pentagon prom- but I believe that those who collaborated and the signers of the false confessions should be immediately separated from the service under conditions other than honorable." The army has said that some men accused informally by their soldier buddies of collaborating with the enemy have already been released from service. Wilson has said the cases of such men, and of those known to have given false confessions about suh t nines a." (term war- as k i i nrn v SONCS ! ixe that those who broke under j Communist persuasion or tor fMn mm twi u MOIM mwt mnii mmmm m mtf t ax mr CMTaHT tures will be separted from the service may head off a potential investigation by the Senate armed services committee. Senator Richard Russell iDem. Ga.), top minority mem-b"" of the armed services committee, in a letter to Defence Shows ot 7 . 9:10 fare, are being investigated. Wilson said the investigation would determine "whether . . . ! there has been an unreasonable I failure to measure up to the standard of individual conduct TODAY ONLY stone shield. Interior trim and upholstery makes full use of the latest vinyl materials and nylon and rayon fabrics to achieve complete colour and design harmony with the car's exterior Plymouth for 1954 are available in three series: the practical Plaza, the distinctive Savoy and the style leader Belvedere. The longer, more graceful lines of the 1954 Plymouth Belvedere hard top shown above are accentuated by the increased use of new chrome trim throughout the entire length of the car. Ficah styling is also evident in the extended chrome headlights and the redesigned, brighter grille. The centre bar of the grille sweeps out and along the side of the car cuttinc throiuh a Di'rDi'ndicular MARl'IASu q LA KTK7 Also ""'"'I E RIVM- CAPITOL A Fimmm Plavers Thetirr which is exDected even of a prisoner-of-war." The army has not announced the bringing of charges In any such cases. Secretary Wilson in September questioned the defence department's policies on former prisoners termed by their colleagues as "progressives." MOST DIDN'T CRACK Commenting that a majority of U.S. military personnel withstood Communist cruelties or blandishments without cracking, Russell wrote: how$ 0 7 . 9:05 it' A -iX. 5 t iTrty Ends Today "THE JUNGLE" 7 and 8:15 p.rrv. "STOLEN FACE" Former UBC Professor To Sail Seven Years In Search of Data on Earth s Magnetism terrestinl magnetism. As things stand, magnetic lines of force can be measured and neutralized, but little Is known about how or why By ALAN HARVEY studying tropical storms and tak- LONDON 0' Backed by Cana- 'K f'lms of waterspouts, dlan dollars, a Sibecia-boin ' "It sounds dangerous," said Dr. scientist sets sail this week to Cwilong. "but actually you can spend the next seven years look- : V 0'-e llose' lney nlove so OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 they came into existence. One J ' recent theory attributes regional i Skipper Tells Of Worsl Storm In 24 Years ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. 9 When the 1,200-ton French fishing trawler Vaillant arrived In port here recently, crew members told an adventure story that ranked with the most nightmarish tales ever recounted in St. John's. During a tornado 400 miles southwest of Ireland, a mountainous wave struck the ship, ine at oceans to find out why the siowiy. magnetic changes to "flow movements" In the earth's molten core. J The seven-year search of the 'seas, if successful, should add much to current thinking about I Caught in trap v I I rf clashing emotion- S sJi I mm marintr conflict X I , I earth is magnetic. Versatile Dr. Bohdan Medusa Cwilong, formerly associate professor of physics at the Univer WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Snow Togs ad dangerous intrigue 4 jCA faged byt them, ( ' sity of British Columbia, once paddled 200 miles through Poland in a washtub, This time he plans to use a conventional 74-foot yawl, replaced later by a smaller craft now nnderonstructioii In Vancouver. Dr. Cwilong, whose accom j swept away part of the super BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD structure, smashed wooden par ' 'la MkjjMfcM titions in the officers' quarters. For Boys and Girls $7.95 $8.95 and up. flooded the crew's quarters with! plishments include prize-winning p'm i;."v' ; three feet of water and swept 40 barrels of coal off the deck. j Everything above deck was . All Ages. warped and twisted when the ship put in here for repairs. plays in blank verse and a run- j ner-up spot in a New Zealand ! national chess championship, j weighs anchor from Hamble in j Hampshire today or Wednesday. ; With him will be his English; wife, Marie, -and five assorted l crew members, including a chef i from a luxury liner and a 16- Selected for quality with an eye toward economy. All colors, too. Ovcrcall Looks Weak, But Just Sec Results Today's Mr. Truex is a high-ranking player and the winner of many tournaments. His vulnerable overcall against nonvulnerable opponents looks rather thin,- but he got a very fine result on good dummy play plus weak defence by Mr. Abel. Capt. Michel Des.jardin and his 10-man crew from Fecamp, France, told of the chaos during the remaining 17 hours of the storm. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE : year-old ships' boy, Roy Nash. The hand is from a team-of- 1 SEVEN-YEAR SCHEDULE I Here Is Dr. Cwllong's schedule: Three years in the Pacific, cov-'ering as much as possible of an "I am lucky to be alive." said the skipper. He had lust left his room when the wave struck, carrying away the sink and the door. t The ship shivered and appear and when it Mr. Truex'8 four tournament was first played IT'S TIME... ) teainmates, East dealer North-South vulnerable Noclh (Mr. Mutrr) fi A 7 3 H 8 7 1 D 8 2 C K "Hurrirane llumm holding the East-bid and made five plus score of 400 1 area of 15,000,000 square miles; , Two years In the Indian Ocean, West cards, clubs for a 6,000,000 square miles; Two years in the Atlantic, j ed likely to founder. After sev-leral tense minutes it put on a burst of speed and came out of j the trouah spilling water like a diving sea monster. The trawler took another dip. rose laboriously to the crest of a wave and rallied from then on. Alifl) i 4 The fall rains are here and winter is not far behind. Call us ' today to instal storm windows in YOUR house. ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDFR GREER & BRIDDEN LTD points. It is hard to criticize Mrs. Keen's decision to double the one heart overcall. She had practically enough for an opening bid, apparently two heart tricks and a singleton in her partner's diamond suit. Mr. Abel, with a minimum K 10 B J 8 6 3 3,000,000 square miles. "We want to find out why the earth is magnetic," said the 44-year-old scientist. "The ocean is the best place to do it. because there we are free from the interference caused by (Mrs. kmi) (Mr. hk a a s q h a to a a h- I 7 l A t A 10 6 4 I C U ulll Olr. Trurk) S IO 6 H - K y J S 4 D 44 J 0 6 a C 7 The bidding: Euit fckimn Writ tO 1 tl . 1I. 215 First Avenue West Capt. Desjardin said he had never sern such a storm In 24 years at sea. Phone M09 J opening and a lone heart, might TOTE. land masses." The irst stop will likely be Evenings 7 and 9 p.m. Matinee Sot. 2 p.m. have taken the double off with Lisbon,, then Madeira and the a bid of two rluhs Anvwnv hi. A FlMOI Ji PLAYERS TOUT! North All pman w; vhh spades and Mr. AbcPwc n the Jaclc. If he bad led the ace EM.'- n T USED To NEARLY BREAK MY BACK ITS COMING! and "another diamond t filial point, that would have assured ' him. f --M4riek -oVrIiuUad. however, he led the nine of i hearts. This was covered with ' the king and Mrs. Keen won To Polish up hy fipors Bahamas. Dr. Cwilong, whose re- i didn't, and one heart doubled sources include a $600 grant from became the contract h'-?" MaCK,enKe,( P'- Mrs Keen led her singleton dent of UBC, hopes to be in Van- aiatnond und Mr Abcl won with couver in about a year to pick up tne kln ani rt.lurned thc queen h second boat a 34-foot de- of des Dlllnmy., ace won magneUzed yawl which will beiancl a diaraond wsui. returned. called Non-Magnetic III. Mr. Abel ducked, the Jack was STl'DY STORMS played from the closed hand The party plans to spend scv- 1 and Mrs- Keen ruffed. eral months in the doldrums,1 She ltd back the nine of Goblins, ghosts, witches . ...they'll all wantiCoke. I , Twa6 Hard ( - AND KNEES WATCH FOR IT op ailTme Tiresome chores f but mow with the ace. She cashed the ace j or clubs, and led the king of i spades. , Mr- Truex was now In a position to make his contract sim-ily by ruffing low and leading the queen and a small heart Thii woufefhave put Mrs. Keen in 1 tuc 3cad with nothing Icrt but clubs and a club lead would put dummy in-, fir the cashing' of two good spades und the king of clubs. ' With a big gmlcry looking on, Mr. Truex made It look little more sensational: lie ruffed the king of spades with the queen of hearts and led a low heart. With 10-six of hearts left, Mrs. Keen went In with the 10 for her side's sixth trick. But now she was stymied as before. A heart return would be won by Stock the refrigerator with frosty -bottles of Coca-Cola . . . and you're ready with a happy welcome for Halloween callers. Have plenty ! get some cartons of Coke today. ITS QUICK AND HARDTIME DANCE FRIDAY LEGION AUDITORIUM Admission l.n0 Dannm Music by THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS EVERVONK WEIX'OMK ETASY """" IH HoTlH AT AIL ITS PONE WITH MY ELECTRIC w : . 4 .( , ..' 1" (..i?"L ... 1 ' 4 . , ' , - : ', ,4 ' ' - POLISHER ITS REALLY LOTS OF dummy's eight spot and a club return by dummy's king. In any' case, Mr. Truex would be able 1 to discard his three remaining diamonds on dummy's good cards. ' , j CHECKER-lPPtll LONDON L. D. Gammons, assistant postmaster-general, at FLY. D with w u y i rL w a luncheon meeting advised business heads to go outside periodically and call themselves by telephone. This is an essential part of his organization.. ELLIS . HOOVER ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER You, too, can get up off your knees, sve your poor back and your hands and, at the same timt, polish your floors to new, gleaming beauty. With an Electric Floor Polisher, you'll never need "elbow" grease", never need to push and pull a clumsy weighted brush. You just gently guide your Hoover Flodr Polisher over the waxed hardwood, linoleum or tile and the floors will fairly glow with a lovely lustre. Ask for a free demonstration in your home. km m Complete with 2 polishing brushes awl 2 lamb's wool buffers. Bottle Q A( 0 Carton 0(D Pirn dtpeiit It ft itlll to Ketchikan ' with connections to . SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and i Select and Moil Your Overseas Christmas Cards EARLY! Dibb Printing Co. Avtiirlit fenlw of Cc.-C. vndw unkact wl Cca-Cla M. NORTH 'STAR BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 132 Office WPK- Phone 266 "Colte" tS registered traOe-mark. T ' ' r'ii A. '