LAUNDRY SERVICE GEORGE DAWES .,...' -1 Shirts Ironed AUCTIONEER , wm PRESS-WHILE-YOU-WAIT Phone Blact 846 and Red 1 I Pickup Island and Delivery Cleaning and Pressing a Black 627 744 2nd West w r'C v (Next to Liquor Store) CHOP ...CHOWMEIN SUEY . .' . -1 It 131 UU' I Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a-im Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 pEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Queen Charlotte Airlines u, i f rtujjj 1 mmrttri fri)tj Schedule trips to. .' r"' Kirimar and Kemano Tuesdays and Saturdays CFPR RADIO ClAi. 1240 Kilocycle 1 Classified Rates , time 4:30 pm. flay prevtout 3 cents ow word per In- rtli n: minimum :hri 60 ccnu 4 NotkM. 60 n!i, Card of 4, k. Death Notice. Funeral g'l'i, Marriage and Ergajemeat ai unceinents, 2.00. THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3499 yearogo 3288 BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL (8ubjeet U Chancer rji.p'ov anunw prio. No Rfffund T 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS wilt nut accept responsibility lined d inserted Incorrect! U BUSINESS PERSONALS WORLD S FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Phone Blue 70 for Paris Sales Service (c) Investor Syndicate of Canada ; Ltd. and Inventor Mutual - i of Canada Ltd. 1 T. M. CHRISTIE, Ph. Blue 064 t WEDNESDAT K:0 Hlipper herenadl. 6:45 Introduction to Wednesday 7:00 CBC New 7:19 enc New Rmmdup 1:30 Elijah 10:00 CBC News' . 10:10 CBC News 10:18 Talk on Bhakespeare 10:30 Short Story 1 1 :0 H eiil her Keinrt MiiHleal Ala'.leriilecei g,.-r wa-nK ciuHincaiioA unie ,non ol bucJi error la reejlvod n hour of flrst lnaertloo. Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays Ketchikan Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. -At Charter Service -Ar Contract Flying Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones i"6 and 620 DRIVINO to Vancouver, end o( week. Desire one or two passengers Box 840, Daily News. (252pj ROOM and board for working man, non-drinker. Close in. fiepresentative for Prince Rupert. Terrace and Kirrmit THE KOALA, a small quaint animal Is found only in Australia which will be visited by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh next February. The koala, easily tamed and perfectly harmless, feeds on certain species of eucalyptus trees. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk Stone Building. Red S93. (20m'' WANT AD uox Kii, Daily News. i251) I 1 1 :hii m unir Till .Mklinshl ' 12:00 Sign-oft , 33 BOATS AND ENGINES WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. . (tf) KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST REPLIES are holding replies the following News boxes: 527 3rd Ave. Phone 213 DRESSMAKING and alterations. Reasonable. Apply l 200 mhJH. J,267) NEARLY everybody uses 99. i ""iosi SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank S 55.00 275 Gal. Tank S 75.00 375 Gal. Tank $ 90.00 550 Gal. Tank $110.00 3 Prov. Tax Extra All tanks made of 12-gaujre steel Industrial Weldinq WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 88 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily 17 813 827 828 18-FT. cabin cruiser, Onan 10-hp. engine, 12-volt lighting system, Bell variable pitch pro-ptllor. Phone Green 489. (254) WILL sell 30-ft. boat or trade for "2-ton truck or car. Applv 1338 8t.h Ave. East after 6 p.rri. I252pi - 12-FT. plywood boat, brand new, with oars. Suit 10-h.p. motor. Only S90. Phone Blue 192. (Unci " 36 ROOMS Fva RENT IF "iOU WANT A JINDER DRn'fiWAY, 14-FT rowboat In harbor, Sunday. Color Kreen Finder nhnn.. Replies must be ailed for in person COMiMj events HOCK OR CONCRETE WORK, '.lent o! Tructa -aid Equipment t-n. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS (Red 213 Reward. (252pi In i:iii catTonaT Green 884 225 First Avenue S Legion card twrtjL idian r 28. IHURSDAT AM 7:(H) B.C Fishermen' Broadcast 7:J.- Mulenl t lw-k 7:30 CBC News: Weather Iteport :;i Mn viral n.M-k 8:00 CBC News; Wcathl-r d:10 Here' BUI Gooo K : 1 .1 Morning lletolimift S::l Krewfl Alhlinl 9:00 BBC News & Cnmmentarjr :l." Mn-liul .Manli-Ciii-l H:S0 MornliiK Concert . 0:69 Time Signal 10:00 Mornilis VIMt -10:1." Kidero of I lie 1'iirplr haje HI::tM KevhiiurH and I'miMtle 10:46 Jtmmy Hhields Show 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 11:15 KlnderKarten of the Air ll::lll .Mn'aer Ferlml 11:1 a Hea nd I na la n .Melodien P.M. I-S:IMI Horn X Years Too Hoon 12:15 CBC News ri:2i Ke-(irded Interlude 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast l'i:S."i Keeorilrd Interlnile 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 B C. School Broadcast 2:80 Trans-Canada Matu-ea S:!.'. Meenril lor Villi 3:45 Hit Parade 4 :15 As Tunes Oo By 4 :30 If lulson Bay K.prp?? 4 :4ft Talklni? to Twin 5:00 stock QuotMiiiiis .-.111 Vim-iiIIm- 6:15- Ir.t. fomty. 6:20 CBC News; Weather 5:30 Musical Program 5:45 Canada at Work ONE light housekeeping and one .sleeping room (joined)- Suitable for two men sharing. Green t06. 12511 its, Cubs, parents an.1 EFFECTIVE SPEECH ndn party, St. Andrew's Iral, Friday, Oct. 30, 7:30 All welcome. H. G. HELGERSON ' LIMITED f REAL ESTATE St INSURANCE tlioiie 96, Evenings Black 898 FURNISHED room, suitable Phone 667 days housekeeping for two men (255) Halloween ;)ital Auxiliary Luxury Stsc.-nsr Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11 :15 pm. For KETCHIKAN li t. 31. idiun Legion Ladles' Aux-F.ill Buzuar, Nov. 4. Concert, SCOTT MclREN " CHARTERED ACCOtliTANT .lames Block 608 3rd Ave, W Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.Q, Box 74 ka Music Trail Mluy, Nov. 4. COMFORTABLE, heated sleeping room. 338 8th Ave K. Black 910. 253p) TWO rooms, furnished ' and heated. Cloir in. Blue 433 (253) HOUSEKe'eping or bedToom. Near Bus Station. Red 298 (253i DINING PLEASURE. Commencing Thursday, Nov. 5 at 8:00 ' p.m. and continuing through Nov. 12 and 19, there will be a group of three talks on effective speaking by Mr. llankinson at the Civic Centre. Because of a space limitation all persons Interested must register at the Civic Centre before Nov. 3. These talks will be FREE for Civic Centre members and $2K) for non-members. Preference will be given to members of the Civic Centre. (255i WEDNESDAY Midnlgl.l Comfort and Service mage Sale, PR. Business jrrdftsMonul Women's Club, in For rescrval Ions write ox call City or Depot Office, Prince Rupert, B C. to .,. "-: opi-n at 9 a.m. Opposite Gilt Shop on 6th St. n Annual Banquet, Re-ance Day. Nov. 11, at 1:30 HOUSEKEEPING room. East. Phone-Red 87. 41 h Ave 125U rfw "j-u-vnri SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe PRECISION SAW FlLINt All Types of Saws " Shcrpened "IS 1st Ave. W. Phone WS t-A4 .... aTOTnftriin' tt.aaaiM TIIP.EE rooms and bathroom. 533 8th West. - : (255 1 Day! Thu dvcrltcmenl if noi publistied or dupUytd by th Liquor Control Bo4rt! or by tfic Ootmcnl i Ql Btrtnh ColiMnbi . r Ion Remembrance Nov. 11, at 10 p.m. 20 HELP WANTED I EM ALE 37 KOO.XS A.iD .JOARD Jets, Sirens Fail to Worry Wild Ducks BLONDIE LIU Fall Bazaar, Nov-. 13. Post Office is His Favorite Game BOOKKEEPER with payroll ex ROOM and board for working men in private home. Phone By CHIC YOUNG perience and typing required, i Red 140. (255) VES.BiJT N V HUS3AND M-V5 1 il tin- U F A W U. Rum? and Home cooking Sale, ( AH THn HAPPIE5T ( PART OFMV DAY-- Permanent position. Apply in -'OH HAVE A AUTCN AKD HFS - .-fiFTTiwr: unit . - . ' -' . - r : - - I for young 1 253 1 writing giving age. marital BOARD and room status experience and salary; ni!,n. Blue 639. expected to Box 835, Daily News. . . SUIT FOR THc 1 I NOT HOME YET (aftepaha.5 . rfj : r In riiro Moe (251) BUMSTFADr"' 39 HOMIS &UK KENT DE. Fall Bazaar, Thurs-Novenihci- ID, 1953. n fall Bazaar. Frldav. Na J II I, II, X I V J II) r r - mm V I III -i'. K I I k L lP I -t I . c It- , -4"." t - if. - " 4i j . , V c 1 i i ,i it ? j - it " i '1 , d .' " I 4, ft Ih- i ;f r ' . ra TBW W pa ' il 20. FOUR- ROOM self - contained suite, central, fully4turnished. Furniture' for I sale. Box 819, RELIABLE housekeeper, non-! drinker. Room and board in j exchange for light housekeep-1 ing duties in modern home; Box 836, Dally News. (254p) VANCOUVER (CP) International Airport, sprawling over the rich delta land near here, has a;;ain taken on something of a "wartime" appearance- This time the enemy Is the ordinary wild duck, and airport workers have declared open season. Ducks by the thousands have been coming in for landings and n't Purple Fall Bazaar, Elks Nov. 21. Daily News, fc a (251) 1'iT.M. Fall Bazaar, Novcm- 26 BUILDING MATERIALS FOUR-ROOM wartime house, First Overlook. Available Nov. 4 Blue 954. 252p) !yterian Ladies' Alrl Rn. 39A SUITES FOR RENT November 26. taking off. Their favorite land OCTOBER SPECIAL First quality outside white Houe Paint, regular $7 50 gal., October only $5.25 gal Philpott, Evitt 4: Co. Ltd. Phone 651 or 652. (254) ::tl Church W.A. Chrlst- I Sale, Dec 3. NEWLY decorated two-room apartment and light housekeeping room. Red 807- (255) KING OF THE ROYAL MOyNTED By ZANE GREY ing area is at the end of the new 8.600-foot Jet-age runway which cost more than $1,000,000 to build. The ducks pay no attention to I hedral Fall Razunr Sntur. I DIO YOU HtAZ ANV MOge LTD PHILPOTT. EVITT As CO. 5. VQAAjfff nAfM7 etm Asue to cavfAcr THREE-ROOM furnished suite. Central. Phone 667 days. (255) johh BJx.-eapiME swee that fAo THATPCOe til fS OP Trff. Fl -DfAJWTO fYr.' STRiKC FXCAA-A'VL BHrVP AMVOVt Of THCbC 1 1 MMMfWAr'6 Burl DSR, Srt? PEiCSOXAL lL SWTEBTHATHUHAiSiaClrre Phone 651 or 652 INQUIRE about our budget plan for your home improvement. airplanes In one week, two Trans-Canada Air Lines planes Die. 40 HOMES FOtt SALE f'E Friday, Oct. 30, Legion were grounded for compulsory No down payment. $100 to $2,000 "lorium. Music bv Rocky I ehecks after flying through to 24 mos. to pay. (c) tr.m n . .. , . . . T t w HERE is a house that will sell nuirklv Whv tr.rv rent, when -" "".vs. namission l .on. t flights of ducks 1 - i- V.H .MnAKlU. 1,UI Ml wfts held up idr 19 minutes ' kulr Avon-' trwiticte'4-i- R . .Mil W,.,n a , ... . . furnished for i S2MJD, rdoy,'n, balance- as monthly rental? Close In and In good neighborhood. Prince Rupert Realty, 345 Third Avenue West. fr5mir-vtri(-''teqtili'empnts? Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and. Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO LTD. 4 t255 fiALT Alcoholics Phone 651 or 652 (c) - ik. J iiv FOR SALE Revenue home yielding $95.00 month and four rooms and bath for owner. Furnished or unfurnished. Terms to responsible party. Prince Rupert Realty Co- (252) 28 FIRNITIKE IOK SALE FIVE-PIECE Kroehler sectional suite, excellent condition. 1742 2nd West. Green 2115. (254) LI L ABNER -She's A Vision? By AL CAPP ISIESS PERSONALS our ciasTneTad iTTthTs J economical six 2ti. J5 words 'ur 3 "- rj? cost $i-35: 15 i ll m six consecutive doyi I lm- And remember, you ICvVour ads-Jst call lny News. Uf-nc) tTnh M"'nery Co. Urn-,trlbutors ' Mining, WARTIME four. All newly decorated. Phone Green 785. (251) 29A SEWING MACHINES while the ground ciew plucked feathery remains from engine and exhaust pipes. OLD ROOSTING SPOT The trouble came when the huge runway was extended 4,000 leet, cutting through the centre of an oat field, long a roosting place for ducks. Maintenance crews have fired Very rockets among sitting ducks and nothing has happened. Jets scream low over flocks and they go right on feeding. Crash trucks, sirens screaming, have been driven back and forth across the runway just before the airliners are due to arrive. Officials are investigating a siren reputed to make a weird and thunderous noise that can't help but scare away the ducks. The tone is too high pitched to be heard by human ears. EKCOOZE. KE,TNRONE Y NEITHER DO I I -BUT VOO ARE AS MERCILESSLY Vl SHOWERAHTOGOTMAHll.'.'-OH.'NOT CLEAN AS I AM.T VOU OISIMFECTANT KIT.r- yONW HAVE OJ AE MV IDEAk.'.' MTfi ,- AM NEVER GOES ANY-THE FINEST m, , i SSTi t' whahwifdutit.' ' VfiguReinthe TT" 1 I '"HrB,i -r WORLD, MISS 'f. 4 ") Fi TTT'M Vu MO0HEN- f S 'SxKj 40A Houses Wanted to Buy SALESRepalrs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) BY a private party A two-bedroom house, with or without furniture. Box 828, Daily News. (254) t-OL'ginif nnrl rinnii.. 12 FOR SALE MISC. WE CAN START A RACE ) BUT CAIN'T ) NO.'- I MUST RON OF SUPERMEN . ' W FIX IT t AN HONEST RCE.f - .' . SOAHWIU.?J MY FAMILV MOTTO IS jr?")5 -THAT 1S-1F -Oo CATCH ME ON SADIE itOjr -"OS if V ; I'T HAWKINS DAY.' jKZJ - 1 Vi. r ' iirni c imuiiu, vancou- I'. Rp B.C. 42 WANTED TO RENf (tf) I.e. - 'SCAPING and irarrlonlnfr UfnlK. ENCYCLODEADIA Brit annlca 1951 edition plus two yearbooks. Like new. Box 815, Daily News. (259p) FAWCETT Corvette coal and wood range. Half price at $45 or nearest offer. Box 837, Daily News. (252) r h.,.' ,ut series, rock TWO-BEDROOM apartment or house, preferably semi-furnished. Two children, 7 and 5. Phone Blair, at 14. (253) . , i a 'i j . tdpn l awns and fences Free estl'"2tes. t -J;i.a806. (260p) lifco trt .Canadlan Ll(Ju"id k and ;?" for, oxygen, acety- 47 AUTOMOBILES LOW cost transportation '48 THE HEART OF JULIET JONES Ford panel. Full price only i By STAN DRAKE $485. Apply Northern Distributors at the Bus Depot- (252) (c) ELNA sewing machine, almost new, $180 cash. Phone Green 136 between 10 a.m. and 5:30 pm. (256p) OIL pot-burner range and washing machine. Good condition. 426 8th East. (253) IN THE ABSENCE OF ANY unw i.Aovi tire n i '4)1,1 OTHER WETHCO TDCElEWATE ISS JONES.' NO I'M NOT Il,.rai ,,.ur old "res- For a SA pe,see KNUTSON'S '"r 8t pSh& SERVICE, 811 K a . . iViNS UP I'MEiNS MY FAREWELL ID P6VON, VI T PirifFD thf omi v -rupee- 1 TWIS W VALEPICTCSY APPEARANCE t 1 IN THIS TOWN? AFTE WE 1 SUFFER THejouSHTHiS TURKEY TrT I SWAU. OFFER A TOAST TO J V I - - I DEVON .WITH DOMESTIC )T I II'I Y 4 B0 SCUSTVW GIVEN UP PlWEMStONAL ENTERTAINMENT '50 STUDEBAKER, good condition, now rubber. Phone Blue 639 after 5 p.m. (251p) 1941 OLDSMOBILE, radio and heater. Cheap. Phone Bll-more. . (260p) YOU CWNT HAVE TO WEAR McCLARY combination good condition. Green v-.. vrlD range, 697. (251) I'mlLE D. Guyatt'. firs 7om0 149 ' electHcal 1 All 9th Ave. West. re R las (265) SMALL-SIZE office safe. Can be . seen at 712 2nd Ave. . (253 Good ! (256) I 1951 NASH Statesman, rubber. Blue 394. f-MBl mm H Si Smat" 0" heat-u WU 6th West. Letour BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 31 WANTED M1SCEJXANEOU. CASH FOR ' Scrap, copper, brass, batterhs, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (cl GOOD TIMBER The kauri tree of New Zealand is valuable for construction of boats and production of resin. t...B.i, i Ri 1, WTiei. Eddie' c larg ain Hunters Are Bagging Their Limits Here .... Season Never -doles