Krmce Kur-eir DOny iNc-wi Friday', February 1, 1952 ALLOA. tl'! taint A coal mine being omit heir is expected to yield 3.000 tons u! coal a day-tor 50 years. Alioa is in & P4 smcxi USSiFSE 0 L!3 r BLACKWOOD on (CLOSURE TIME IB a.m. on day or publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. P. ease refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notice. Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. FOR SALE A r i- n ro ni a riAnnn MUZZY ONLY TIIOl fiHT HE ( OXTROl.LKD THl'MIS One thinrr (or perhaps I had hotter say another thing-) llr. Muzzy finds it hard to understand i.-the matter of trump control. In today's deal Mr. Champion was furious when his opponents' North dealer CARPENTERS all of rmir mvr fli4 ott our air prer i !.. nwiitaa w jrMkt- Mrhi tnir. flit ir mm tMMff. PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 P1C.GOTT Pl.ACK Box 1011 Station B Agent: Bus Terminal Lsland City Builders John F. L: Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hr.i,: 10:30-12:30. 2:00-S:fH1 . Eves : by appointment only 21 - ?S Besner Black Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT fames Block 608 3rd Ave. Vv. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE ROP.IE & CO. ACCOCMTAMS ft AUDITORS Besner Bltx k Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all ILs branches 204 4' h Stf-At Phone 85S WE WENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY SEPAIRS ' For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave, MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CIIANDI.EP'S STITJIO 218 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prlnee Rupert LONDON P Parts of the 12 bells of St. Bride's church, built by Sir Christopher Wren In the 17th century, now have been removed from vaults under the church. The bells were hidden there during the blitz days of the second world war. ANNOUNCEMENTS f Catiiolij Car 1 f-oruary 7. r.m 'I t a. r uarv a. i - .- - IO.DE. I....: lit-:.; Day t-a.; February 13. a hme of Mr.! - Jti'.s Munthf. Le: Pal- 13 . , R. Johu.ion -Si FfU'til Av West. U. F. A. W. U. - A, dance, o-i i: , Hail, Fci a i v 22. Conr.ul P.T A Haw- - kins'- dance., f ' o C.1U- Kid Strc-i Si-li.H. ' I Annual M.u .ni ball. I a LTfi'brtiary l.i. United ciisuci Y .11 L a. j ' February 2,'i. St. Patrie and Home. I -,kii: S:i -. t'atlhili" ILdl j Mai ell 20. (.'. rd parly ami aiai'-ii iue ol rati It pin. Le-. mo A:ixi:ia."v fc-r.le Sal April 9. Job's Ua;i ' April i0. Women ni '.'n'.. i Spriiii Apul 1 7. Catlii era i; i;.o:aar, April 19. i'K:so:, RELIABLE niut Mi'." .vi.I care irn' children. 2k;s S al Ce. c- C-eie. i t;,o 1 WILL ca; L ;; Oay.s tor Ap- j l'-y ' 13 7 ! t I APPL1CATI0NS j App'-a'.ioris will row aeiiepted for employment J commencir.g Aprii 15. 1552. I il Canip M;naers. Man a i: d wife preferred. Children 1:0 ob;eclion. ; i2 C'px membfrs for Fih I P. rkers. ! ! Auply J I J. CLAUSEN & SON I Box 543. or Te R' d 919. , HELP VATI11) -MALE I ! THE BHITISH COLUMBIA! CIVIL SERVICE REQUIRES A I MECHANJCAL INSPECTOR for I the BC F.i-est Sci-vi.--.-. K.1-' son. B.C. Salary: S248 risinc to ejj ni-r niMiiiii. mrfluoin liioino Cost-or-Living Bonus. Duties'. Under ciirec.ion-to supervise tne maintenance and repair 1 01 mecnanical equipment m a Forest District: to inspect and report on equipment; to examine and test for competency operators of equipment. Qualifications: Preferably Hish Siliool Tiiduation or equiva lent: fh"r.j!i;ii Know iedue repa.r o,'s and procedures on all types oi vincl.-s and equip ment: a number of year.-,' post war experience as a Karaite mechanic preferably with at least 3 years as foreman or service mar.a'-'-r; knowledge of and experience with 2-cy".l(-outboard.-; and fire pumps, tractors, chain saws, lighting plants, marine engines, etc. Candidates must be ii:!': h .subjects, not over 45 years of ae, except in thc case of ex-service men who! ""xrJcKtne OPTOursJ Room STONE Bit- PliOKj BLUE j' P0 Kj ELECTRO KALES ASL C lea ders, p.,i;, Mifcb lt,,r. Phone Blue Ko Brick. Stone anrt Tiie SetUi4j j.,,! K. SORt' Plniiip B- HANDYy i HOME Sci GENERAL C0V: Building and t kitidi roofs -. cr OIL BIT.'. . PHosr P.O. Bex 1670 MATTx UPHOIiiT Phone Blut !!. ; 234-lrd ! Prince R.-pc H. G. helg: Lnint REAL ESTATE 41 Phone 98 EvenL- Oil Heotino:f LAWR1E MAO-1 .Blue IK Complete service! t burners asi 1 1 Stoves, Hrattni t 1 Train Set. For the East Dally except Stir: From the IjkI Daily except M : ca knudt EXTRA FR' rrery suit H1 and HoM' LIN the tar 220 Sixth St. 1 Dy 11 mm RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject o Change) FRIDAY 'PM. 5 20 International Cnmmentary 5 30 The Un.e Kaiv.'i r G uo siiptwr rfiiaae ( IS P.r''.nal AMiun; 6 in MUMi-ltt Prtiram (i 4r Satan y Buriifite Show , yj j ilC N; A i MS (.'1' s Roundup H Ml ttkatrlu Km.. J.fJ o i;.!uie to CBU !t 'Kl e'tllK'KWitttoll I ; ' 9 CI ( .tn:.r(lau rihort Stories y 4S The lao ralure of Power CC N.-ws ,0 lu t BC Ni-ws in IS P:i.lio; I in an K ai. h Hoy-i 1 1 M) W-.Hiier K port and Si'.m-ufT ' .SA'leltDAY A M 7 no Mu-i. ! n.r S i) Cl" Newt to H. r. 's mil IVokJ j 8 IS Hits unO Enror.-1; :nt Mornll: I vouens 4r. 1-UtM- Convert ! 'j On liKC Nt's and Commt-ntary y IS s.:('1(fi.' ISereniul.- !) ;;o ( I If .Stamp Club 9 4 i Sone ol tpe Wi st ft.S'J Time t-iip.iO in (mi ( liiidrenS I h?:nre In (O V.orirl Chort-h News lo.4 e lit' N. ws; w.-itihi r Pa-port 1 1 no Saturdi-y Hate j 11 W.nrher li.'p.rt ii -!i M' V.aU(r PiTHKl I! i.I Faomcd Innrlude 'll 4S sieiai'Unavam Atl Kilss i P M ! U tH) Mid-(,:iy McKkIUs 111 "5 Pnmrani Hesuaie j 12 30 Muiai Protrntn 1!XI Piatti-r P.iradv 1! OO K.llet Club , i 3'l Tills Wn't 3 ..) c ue N.- ; 3:2a KetroraiM Ili'.erlude 3 '10 NBC S:nph..ny Orrh. 4 .10 ISporla Coil.-i;e 4 4S On the Reeurd LOST AM) FOUND 'lost Lady's Bulova wrist watch, black cord strap, vicinity Capitol Theatre. McBride Street to .fith West. Phone Bla'-k 607. Reward. (27pt ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furk. Stone Building, Red 593. (20ml TLNDERS FOR SALE-Tenders wiil be received by the undersigned up to noon of Saturday. February 9. 1952. for the purchase of the hereunder Motor Vessel: Name: "Irene." Length: 2-; feet. Beam: 7 feet. Depth: 3 feet. Powered by 7 HP East-hope Engine. Arrangements to inspect this Motor Vessel can be made with Mr. James Ar-seneau at the Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard between the hours of 4 and 7 p.m. daiiy. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. G. F. Forbes. Official Administrator of Estate of John Graham. ( 29 1 IN RE ESTATE OF JOHN Mr LFLLAN TAKE NOTICE that as Admmis- trator, duly appointed by the Cour. of tlK- estate ol John Melllan. who ched at Que-n Charlotte City. Prinh Columbia, on the 21st dae of Ortotx-r. 1051. I require ail creditors and others having Claims at-airest the said estate to send the -anit to me. po.-rly verified, at the address mentioned I io'. on or before the lath day -of March. P.I52. afo-r which da-p I ihall pr'iceed di-.trit)uw the enat to th'ise er.-tl-Jid by law, havm? rt-trard only to . such claims of which 1 shall then I have been no-ified i AND Fl'RTHEH TAKE NOTICE that i all persons indebted to said estate are required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith. IIA'I Ell at Prince Rupert. Bc. this 301 h day of January. 1952. Gordon Fraser Forbes. Official Administrator. Prince Rujert BC lJ31.FI,7 8pi IN PE ESTATE OF ERNEST FREDERICK READ TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by the Court, of the estate of Ernest Frederick Read, who died at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on the 25th dav of November. I95l, I require all creditor;; and others having claims acamst the said estate to wnd the same to me. properly verified, at Hie ndu.ess mentioned below, on or before the 15lh day of March. 1952. alter which date I filiall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, having regard only to such claims of which i shall then have been notified AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to said estat are required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith. HATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 30th day of January. 1952. Gordon Fraser Forbes. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B C. (J31 .PI .7 8p LAND REGISTRY ACT Re Certificate of Title No. 2206-1 to Lots Nine I9 and Ten ( 10 1 , Block Twenty-eit-ht (281. Section (8), City of Prince Rupert, Mnp 923, JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist . John Butger I'd. Third Avenue ,KK(.K PAWF-S AUCTIONEER Phone frrn 810 and Rrd 127 WELDiNG Government Certified Operalnrs nign Pressure Tanks Kefricrralion Stacks ami Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 223 1st 11. Plume Green 8X4 mm 'it DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe W RAT HALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING! EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone .reen 130 Box 178 PLUMBING HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith SEIkins ltd. P.O. Box ?", Used Car Buyers Kasinr; of credit regulations payments extended to IX months. What this extended term means to VOL' 1948 Monarch Sedan New .seat covers, smart maroon. Monthly payment. was $1,1 01) NOVV$45.00 1950 Ford Fordor S197J.OO Monthly paymvnt was sm.oo Nov?63.00 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service' She's the Fruqol Type 1 C ' a. .VH pra SALE Oid model 2'0 tannine. Phone Black 720 1 alter 6 p.m. l ?Rn. I FOR SALE Attnt's 1. lenfftn 15 HP. Vivien Can be . at .v.-- Floats. 28pi FOR SALE New 30-30 Winchester. j S'Jb 00. Room 20. Prince ; Rupert Hotti. (27p j I r'UKNlTURE for Sale Bedroom , rues, raatai. cuc:t of airtight heaters, cnesi-riie;a ; nedi complete, cribs, etc. I.ow-j est possible prices. B. C. Fur-! I niture Co. Third Ave. uf I ( BOYS' and girU' ,-ki slacks, all ; v.-Ml, be.-t qu.i it v made, all .cies, pri-eu vi : rea-SMiiabiv. ; B. C. Clothiers. itft j - ! iF'OK SALE Reconditioned fur !'iiti J2" "O arv.i uo F'''4 11''- fiilttie Ltd . 3rd Ae! 45c .'FOR SALE 40 ft. (lie Phone Green fe FOR SALE 8 jut ! walnut om-r of task, six cnair.s. Duffel Cl.llia CaOiiK-t. Ai.-o 'A air.: ten wauon. one enma can;.".--! t.itinn finish, c it PI.ins fror.-. Ph.,ne Black 511 or ?a!i at 7o4 f'h Ave. V.'( :. FOR SALE- Eieetru: l -..-s 01o vol:. 3 B0 , 'V pha.-e. ( ca J 11 F- 1- 3 li p.: 2 -I h p. wilii pinup Tivinr -a!e. Vai-iitine Dairv Prinee Rupert BC. Poo;,. R-d 272. '2&i FOR SALE Sin?er treadle sew-j . ' im in ichme. one -ashlr.o machine. Both in eoocl condi- I tioii. Phone Black 4115. 23p- ! . CAKS I OK SALE j FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth c m- vert.bie, 5 pa '-nser. Can be seen at Frizze'.l Motors. i28p FOR SALE 1950 Custom deluxe , Ford Fordor. Buy now be fore the spring rash. Late mode; used cars are becomine scarce. Tins car can be purcnased as is with every accessory or will be sold at a reduced prije with:. lit extras. I! you want a first class car. better look at this one. Phone Black 480. i31ci SWAP WILL EXCHANGE 2 bedroom furnished house for 1 bedroom furnished apartment centrally lo:.-a:ed. Phone Red tS5 af'er B p.m. (27c : HEAL ESTATE j WHY PAY RENT? ; $1700 00 cash, balance a.s rent. you immediate possession Ieives of this four room bumia-i 'W. basement in.o floor . Full price 3000.00. Exclusive with : Armstrong- Agencies Ltd. . Phone 312 Black 197 ( 23c WANTED WANTED TO BUY Bedroom sane, rteia 013. i28pi ROUTE BOYS j WANTED 1 : Good routes available for I right kind of carrier boys or girls at Daily News office with increased remuneration ' ; after 1 irt of year. WANTED ... TOP MARKET ; PRICES PAID for srrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. ' Honest nrading. Prompt payment , made. Atlas Iron Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St., Vancouver, 1 B. C. Phone PAcific 1.357. Hfi CASH fos scrap cast, brass, copper, butteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call B23 6th Avenue West City. itfi FOR RENT 002 or call BOO Thompson St. (27pi FOR RENT- Sleeping room, close in. Blue 433. . (28c I FOR RENT Room to share, Phone Red 471. (tfi FOR RENT General Electric floor polishers, $1 per day. Phone Blue 992. Pacific Electric, (tfi FOR RENT Comfortable steam heated room for gentleman. Phone Green 891. (tf-nc) , FOR RENT House keeping room Blue 41(3. HtDi WANTED TO KENT URGENT Furnished housekeeping room or suite for young couple. Phone Green 389 before 7. (28p) WANTED TO RENT 4 bedroom house. Halliwell, 1419 6th Ave. East. (30p WANTED 2-room apartment or large housekeeping room by working couple, close in. Box 278, Daily News. (27pi WANTED TO RENT Three n"r four room suite. A. W. Craft, Box 1000, City. (30p WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 ro"vm oreezeu itgai .our rA..:" aitamst his powerful liand. He led the king of spades an.i pot madder than ever when Mr. Muzsy promptly spread his carets on the table and claim--.'! ihis contract. " Give you the first trick and 'the ace of trumps and the a 'e of clubs." he announced grandly. Turning to the kibitzers, ii." added: "Not everybody would have bid my hand again." "And everybody would hav.-igut a better result than you're poinjr to get." snarled Mr. Champion. "Play cards, stupid. " "What are you going to take'" 'asked Mr. Mu.'zy anerily as he picked up his cards. "Go ahead and lead." CANTERBURY, England ff iThe Archbishop of Conterbury. Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, said in a broadcast: "We are all familiar with the people who are always worrying. At the opposite end arc- the people who do not seem to wony about anything. Between them, they do a great deal of damase." Shipping and General Moving, Packiog. Crating, C'artagJ and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2rd and Paik Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 68 CiET YOCR Fl RS IN QUICK higher prices now, than .may be available later: , Continued unsettled conditions do not warrant holding Furs; indications definitely point to possible lower Prices. "SHUBERT" still needs quantity of British Columbia Furs to compiet unfilled orders negotia'ed earlier that enable us to pay HIGHEST PRICES. For immediate shipments offering (Top grades i UP TO: SQUIRREL 75c ; WEASEL f53 50; MUSKRAT S3 00; MINK i Interiort S40 00; MARTEN $5000; FISHER $75 00. Don't miss this opportunity, which means MORE MONEY to YOU ship ALL your Furs IMMEDIATELY! Dept 190, A B SHUBERT CO., Winnipeg. Address shipments to 423 Hamilton St., VANCOUVER He I'ICIM I-; Id PI IIT KM OltlllM IO-IKM I TAKE NOTICE that COI UMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY. LIMI IKD. of Prince Rupert, British Ce.umbia. Puip Manuiaeturer. inn-nds to apply .for a of the following d. scribed ; land- - j COMMENCING at a post planted ; North West corner or Lot 5134 thence i East a distance of 100 fret to the ; North East corner thereof. t!..-iice 8 ;4- 52' w. aloiiK the boundary : of said lot to Die South Eav. corner i thereof, thence S 13- 57' W a!on . the east Itoundary of Lot 4C(7 to the j. South corner (hereof, thence lrr,.st a distance -of 3(K feet thence ( N 45" E a distance of 4'i feet. thence north a de.tancc of 2.t'iO feet, thence west a distance of dHO feet more or less to the hnrh-water mark on the shoreline, southerly alonK said hiKh-waler mark to the point of commencement, and c-on-tniitini' 7H acres, more or less, for the purpose of a booming ground and log storage COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY. LIMIIKu DATED November 27. 19.11. (J18.2S.F1.8) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IK PROBATE IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HOBILL And IN TIIE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" j ' TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judite W. O. Fulton. the 22nd day of January. A D ! 1952, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of William Hobill. de ceased, lat of the Village of Stewart. In the Province of British Columbia, and all parties havlne claims against i tne saia tstate are hereby required - ream red to Dav the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith DATED at the City of Prince Ru pert, in the Provinee of British Columbia, this 2;lrd dav of .liouarv. A D. m,2. Tj, ;du vulitcran Not I ll ( Mihs ttr:th S 111 H i 5 4 I - A K S C K Q 7 I Mr. f ll:llli)tMi I Mr. Keen ) S-IKJii) s io a H-A 7 l H - 3 2 l 4 l III H 3 2 C- A I' li S 4 a x.iii h (Mi Muf) s y 11 K J 10 !! 8 !) w J H 7 C -J In I Tlit- buidiiiK- . trill l-il Hmilli ! 1 C Pass I H 2 M P-" 3 H 3 8 4 H All pats I tZLT) Mr. Champion did lead. He continued spades. Mr. Muvy ruffed and led a trump. It won. He led another trump and Mr. Champion took the ace. Out came another spade and Mr. Muzzy ruffed again. At tills point he had the lone king of trumps in hw hand and tiie lone queen on tne board. And there was still a trump in Mr. Champion's hand. If he started to run diamonds, Mr. Champion would ruff The second lead, and his ace of clubs would complete the set. Piaying in a daze now, Mr. Muzz'y took out the last trump and then cashed four diamond tricks. THROUGH After that he wis through. When he led a club, Mr. Champion took the rest of the tricks with the ace of clubs and good spades. Always ready with an alibi, Mr. Muz?y pointed out that he thought he had a six-card suit in hearts. i I 4 LU "Don't give us that stuff." remarked Mr. Champion. "If you believed you had six-hearts, you'd probably have reached i siam." For be'it results, advertise! NEW CHENILLE BARGAINS FROM FACTORY TO YOl- Our nationally famous fully covered, no sheeting showing, baby cheniile bedspreads still at only $5 25 each. Also, ne-'.v luxurious corduroy chenille bedspreads, thousands of small velvety tufts at only $7 50 each. Both spreads come in all colors, single or double bedsize with either multi-colored or solid sculptured center patterns. First quality. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. (HP) o44ikr : i 654 SSc per 4oim p4l (or tfltptMi. P)m Imv lhM tttdy wktn tfw aVrvcr cili. Omi advcrtiKnwfll h not published m diipltyea1 by Liquor Coirttol Bowd K ri ill GevtrMNM B.iili Columbli. Me RLONDIE n ti oh. 1-3 i Turoc tzncz e .-1 I i 1 1 v--1-:.z r ;. il . t , -.rS-b 'sis For the MEAL that REFRk BEST JFi FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE BROADWAY CAFE For New Construct! and Repair World SEE GREER & BRIDDEM 1 are given preference. Applba- FOR RENT Two' double sleep-lion Forms, obtainable from! Ing rooms, close in. Phone Blue Phone 909 21T 1st Ave. W." 1 ,, 3 any Government Agent, the Civil S e r v i c e Commission. Weiler Building, Victoria, or the Civil S'-rviee Commission, G36 Biirrard Street, Vancouver, 'to be completed and submitted to the Chairman Civil Service Commission. VICTORIA. NOT LATER 1 HAN FEBRAUARY 14th. 1952. Utci POSTAL CLERKS. S1860-S25C0. for the Postal Service of Canada at Prince Rupert, B.C. Full .particulars on posters at of fices of the National Emplo; ment Service and Post Office. njHuL,.iiou i.inin, uucaiiiauie thereat, should be filed NOT LATER THAN 15 FEBRUARY, ,.952. with the Civil Service ... Commission. 6th Floor. 1110 W. Georgia St., Vancouver 5. B.C. (ltd SALESMEN WANTED EXCLUSIVE territories, excellent commissions, car allowance, unlimited opportunities for advancement in pernvin- pnt position. Please enclose o references, qualifications, re-rent snap to Box 238, Dailv News. 1 29c i HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lady for cleaning duties 7 p.m. till midnight. "" Apply in person to Prince Rupert Hotel Dining Room, Chef Lennard, 2 to 3 p.m. (30c) HINESE DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:3 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Order Phon 13S "9 ' - ' i- N - i oh- r mv i k 3 i i i a I i . ' i i'm ta.-..c l v a i r - iiii ,''r-,,' t J I - I t Y AH, LUCKY ME - ) III ,." I snwuw m (.u-i i. iir WHEREAS satisfactory proof of ; to furnish same properly verified to loss of the above Certificate of Title ; me on or before the 5th day of March, issued In , the name of William C. : A D. 1952. after which date cluims Baliey has been Hied In this office' j filed may be paid without reference notice Is hereby Riven that I ahull, to any claims of which I then hud at the expiration of one month from 1 no knowledge, and all parties in-the date of the first publication here-j dehted to the said Estate are hereby l Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of saici lost Crrtineate, unlesfl in the meantime valid objec-j tion be made to me In writing. UA ii-.u at tne nana Reentry umce. ' Prlnce Rupert. B.C.. this atith day of 4 If ' f r apartment or house for nuiet Christian people. Phone 190. (20pi ' ,- Andrew Thompson Deputy Registrar of Titles. (50p) GORDON P FORBES. Oflirial Administrator. Prince Rupert.. BC. (J25,Pl,i,15p