I iM jy CABS 0 IHSPATCHFD PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL LIB?.AHT, 113 ORMES VICTORIA, 3. C. M U I J Iff IM 1 DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY - NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" I I Phone 81 i VOL. XLI. No. 27 ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS lft mmim K Elfli ItSPuf Many Voted w 9 v o) j 1 0 1 r Uda's Efforts To ' i Into High Gear ! vtT WVA (Canadian Press) Canada's defence Crash on Mountain GSassey and Daggett Aldertnanic Winners Youngs and Armstrong Lose Aldermanic Seats The heaviest turnout of voters In Port Simpson history saw both men and women flocks to polls together for the first time to elect a mayor and six councillors Monday. Indian Superintendent F. Earl Anfield conducted the election. Chief Councillor or mayor Is Paul E Prlc Two-year councillors are Wil- 1 j. xt .iieliiding aid to Europe, will be boosted during; -' Y'" They Never Occupied It USCai year, ijAienicti j.i.ui .- miui.-M.fi u. ii.i Fate- of Vancouver Island Training Plane Determined Pilot Dead VANCOUVER Flight Instructor Hairy O'Reilly, aged 33, said today. He did not give full details. j s reported, however, that overall "defence ii 1-1.1 i .1 tirn fiu itt aires will iiKeiy ue ueyuuu i,vn;,uw,miu. hiked into Granite Falls, Wash- lngton, Thursday evening, re-1 ;. porting the death of John F. Welsh. 31-year-old Royal Canadian Air Force reserve member, i fi. x n Two ex-mayors got back into Prince Rupert's ham Keiiy, Herbert Bryant and city council by the by-election route Thursday, do- ( EdecdBforone-year terms are feating two aldermen-elect from December who James Law-son, wmiam cooper, . , . , , . ,. Alfred Wesley and Thomas never took their seats because their qualificationsj white. had been challenged and they resigned to clarifv.the1 under provisions . of the new " j Indian Act, women are now able " ' Situation. i to vote in village elections. Ex-Mayor H. F. Glassey de-l il. fr tap- n Port SPS0"' 25 mi!cs north feated T. Norton Youngs in Al'iaVCil V C i ClOll ,of Prince Rupert, is the first vii-contest for a two-year term. The j lage on the west coast to hold vote was 494 to -345. I ft T.., M-"i i elections this year. Women took Ex-Mavor H. M. Dassett won II IT I IVO WWrtlS ' "very active part," says Mr. ye oiensuom reives jf Industrial Figure jj,.l Columbia Project lul career of one of ) who was taking a refresher course. Su-vivor of the crash, O'Reilly said that his training craft had "piled up" after it hit a turbulent area in Washington State and the pilot froze at the controls." The two-seater plane crashed on Mount Pllchuk while on a J ,i..mmn figures in m 'Anfield. a one-year term, defeating Allan i Was puip ana pup-i dec! .suddenly Thurs- Veteran of the Royal Navy In i And first big job which faces two. world wars, Harold Neville, the new council Is passing a new lo'mer Porcher Island salmon set of bylaws for the village, troller, passed away in Shaugh- Previous bylaws were cancelled Armstrong 471 to 367. The by-election was brought about after Youngs 'and Armstrong re-signed when their po- planned flight from Vancouver 1 1 Stcnstrom. 65, whose beeii linked with the of puip and news- to Patricia Bay. HONOR CHIEF SCOUT A tiny replica of a silver wolf attached t . a green and yellow ribbon wa presented to Earl Alexander, lormer governor-general. The presentation, made by Jackson sition was questioned because of nessy Military Hospital on Mon- upon adoption of the raw Indian the fact that they were sharing; day of this week, according to Act. One of the most important in city insurance commissions, j word received In the city. He was acts of civic legislation in Port t iLs country for nearly .srd away In Royal H i.,pita! .shortly bctore Doddi of Montreal, Deputy Chief Scout, was made to Canada's I Chief Scout for his inteiest and efforts on bvhalf of the Scouting Organization of Canada. ' (CP PHOTO) i Both Daggett and Glassey had : a native of England and if ty- , bimpson is expected to De a sys-been defeated in the mayoralty nine years of age. t tern of taxation, something en- rontest in December bv Mayor! Mr Neville inine th nnvni I tirely new to Indian villages. Sic was prominently G'Retlly was flown back here In a United States Coastguard plane. He received knee lacerations in the crash. j "Wi had been having trouble with the ladio," he related "and had been down to. the vicinity of Seattle.. We were returning in a northeasterly direction. We suddenly found ourselves In a mountainous area and, fearing we were lost, tried to return. Harold Whalen. . andJ Councillors already are work- Nlvv hpfore World War I The whim of the electorate Znt fct Ton i tos on a draft 0f such a byIaW served n 'was indicated In the fact thatld"n"B thato i ,served which wUl. give the village rev- with the Columbia Cu, and had much t: 'he conception of the land project. I Ai mstrong, at the December i ule ,u"'uuf rcu- mivci j enue irom assessed ipropenies jSockeye Salmon Fishing Seasons election, headed the aldermanic j that war, ne came to lanaaa poll with over 1100 votes, a rec-and took up fishing with head-ord in city history, only to be . quarters at Jap ,now Hunt's) A civic budget, also is expected to Include salaries for mayor and councillors and for village constables, of which Port Simpson has two. ' Churchill Winner of Confidence t - e i SEATTLE f Sockeye salmon defeated in yesterday s straight Inlct wnere h.e had purchased a 1 control seasons for the United i fiKht- . , , I P'ace. Immediately on the out- I ... . .. . . i Yrmn(?s had received an ac- I Kmoi, urr,.ii woi- tt v, m. PASSES I), (J. Stenstrom Committee members were ap- "Jut after turning we hit a turbulent area which buffeted the plane so much that Welsh froze at. the controls. Try as I would I could not wrench the controls free as he piled up." 1 a in indifferent health .ii morn lis, Mr. Sten-. worked until the end .inning of the greatest project in his long and :,ed career the $65 .gar Development Co. i built near CastlPgar. H'cka ago In Vancouver . I'd with senior officers e Corporation of Am-: : the final decision to Staws, canaaa ana ousnore . . i"""""' " ! nointerl as follows: waters have been set by the In- i ciamauou m i turned to tngiand to rejoin tnei' ,, r- 1 committee-Law m"ltte: Lawson son Imf, and fternational Pacific Salmon Flsh-j lotal number of voters turning Roval Navy. Bringing his war! Lf i-slfator for the Dominion government. At the end of hostili- fi,.i; Vo UMltf'illtO lL-lth the erics commission, rne seasons,-"- ' ---- ' . Water, Fire and Street E. Oround parties are now going LONDON (CP) Prime Minister; wnn i.ui vi;u in ici-uiu forcner lsiar.a aner in secona i are: Bryant and White. Powell River Co. and In 1947 he lnl brlnB "t Welsh's body. Churchill's Conservative party United States-June 30 throuch P al "ecemuer ciuuua. 'war. A year ago December ill I ness necessitated him entering the Prince Rupert General Hos- August 24 with 48-hour escape- fv illi the Arrow Lakes ment closure periods on Satur government downed handily on Thursday night a Labor par'y move for non-confidence in the new proposals for grim austcr- School and Health Kelly and Wesley. Lots and' Buildings Cooper .and Kelly. I Police Lawson and Cooper. ITruman Out joined the Cclanese Corporation' Aerial fearchers yesterday of America. spotted an oil slick In Georgia Although interested in golf, Strait near the mouth of the Mr. Stenstrom's flrt love In Fraser during the hunt for the sports was fly fishing and he Chipmunk training plane which had tested his skill in lakes -and disappeared late Wednesday The days and Sunday. Canada -- June 9fl thmiifih ity to help win the peace . - ; f . , ! pital. Later he was removed to ' Shaughnessy Military Hospital. I When his condition became worse i last summer, his wife, Mrs. Effie i Neville, sold out the Porcher A showdown vote on a Laoor - , r ifV, 4ov,, IJT Kr mnrV govcrn- f'(ik-end closure.- First named are chairmen. Entire council will act as finance committee. William C'ckh-er was appointed secretary; Herbert Bryant, secretary. .streams in every section of Brit-i Jil U was on the scheduled motion to censure the ish Columbia as well iv in many! route of Hie plane but It. Is now ,mont was 3)9 to 278. rtistrirW .f E.i-stern Canada. He . evklent that it hud nothing to After defeating the Fraser River and Areas 17 unci I" WASHINGTON i: 'President :it ua.s made, k while In Victoria on v bu.sine.ss, he was lid admitted to htw-appeared to rally fol-op" ration Saturday rlniMlay ilkscusscd de. le pi'jje.'t with other ilflraals. ISLAM) ADVISIK start Sin growth of censure Inland place and moved to Vancouver to be w ith her husband. Mr. Neville was a member of the Canadian Legion. was a member of the Terminal, o w"h the crasn. 18 will be open June 30 through ; Truman said Thursday he will Septomoer 28 with week-end have his name withdrawn as a closures of 72 hours. Two areas candidate in the New Hampshire in this schedule are In the Fraser j preferential primary. This will River district. ; not preclude his running for re- Offshorc waters June 30 election. His name was entered In City Club in Vancouver. li:s home was at 1025 Wolfe Avenue, Vancouver. Surviving are his wife, two Sarnia Fire vote, the House formally adopted Uie government's program 30(1 to 275. Liberals Joined Conservatives in this all-out test of strength of the Churchill government which took office three months ago after six years of Labor Robeson is Denied Entry nubias pulp Industry ) rjr jact D. Stenstrom of through August 10 with 48-hour j the primary yesterday. Market Act Ultra Vires Kills Three t d'-cade. Dave Sten M.'. Truman described the pri week-end closures. Robert J. Chooettler, director rule. Victoria and James A in Montreal; and two daughters, Mrs. Thomas MacKay, Vancouver, and Mary Louise, at home and a recent visitor in Prince Ku- been one of the mo.st individuals. He joined e Corporation o( Am-the day.s when the SEATTLE -Immigration of-' The of Washington State Department . v-tcori i.snrnv-il vote hinged on approval a Fisheries, rKi,rrir Wt, was named named chair-program chair of Chancellor of ficials .slimneii the Mincer. Paul of the prog ! SARNIA Three Sarnia CHARLOTTETOWN P.E.I (CP) workmen were fatally injured Prince Edward Island Supreme late Thursday when an oil-fired Court has ruled the federal Ag- '"ace exploded at the $18,000,-ricultural Products Marketing 000 oil refinery under construc- man for the next two years at a i.is Iir..t cunslilcrlnu a ri Robeson, onrf Vincent. William the Exchequer R. A. Butler to commission meeting here Thurs day. ' miiu a suiuiuic ram s',,,,er:.i servirex u. be an 'vin.-e and he was ad nounced later. Act 1945 ultra vires. tion at suburban Froomfield. Two others suffered burns and shock. it1 corporation In the 'P of the Columbia '" plant at Prince Hu- The ruling, it is believed, may have far-reaching significance to agricultural marketing throughout Canada. mary as "eyewash," not meaning a thing at the nominating convention. Airs. Nkkerson Laid at Rest Funeral was held yesterday of Mrs. Serepta Nickerson, 86, who divd Sunday. Ceremony, held irom Grenville Funeral Chapel, was conducted by Rev. L. G. Sieber. Mrs. J. ' C. Gilker, organist, played "Jesus Lover of My Soul," and "Abide With Me." Pallbearers were C. O. Camp Hallinan, attorney for the labor cut BritLsh Imports by UaO.OOO,-leadcr, Harry Bridges, when they i 000 a year and institute rigid attempted to cross the border j new domestic economies, into Canada Thursday. I The government has a ma- f fourteen over all other J' John P. Boyd, district director of immigration, announced hlsjParl officers had taken Hallinan from a Canada-bound train at the In-' , . ternational border and stopped fflin f.llCrl Robeson as he arrived by auto- I JII l VI J I I Hurts Five Hallinan returned to Seattle ! koy figure in the li-ii's protect, first in Protest Made Over Killing Fined for Theft j Of Groceries A middle-aged laborer was: sentenced In police court this: morning to a $100 fine or two; months in jail on a charge of' To Negotiate With Britain Egypt Quiet Today Military Trials for Itiolers CAIRO t Premier Aly Me- t to the attention of uflicer.s and In the months. In directing miliary surveys, re-il engineering. Allies Suffer Greatest Loss P: OTTAWA (CP) Canada ha.s protested formally to the Egyptian government over the killing of J. M. Boyer, Canadian trade theft under $25. Convicted of later and said he would protest Ktnf'llhfilttt Co.,!,.., u(nnli.Ar a fafff rJ orfVPrieK north ray W Five Dersons her Paslra today was reported . Mr. Stenstrom ! from the lobby of the Royal Ho-: the Incident but did not explain how or when he would bring iu .... '.. ..Mnu .. Ailvrt. Limn-i were slightly injuied when a preparing for negotiations wnn SEOUL (Pi Allied airmen shot commissioner in Cairo, during down 31 Red jets in January and Saturday's rioting there. lin k, i r Pi i,,,.,, n,,..rt. Police ! action. crack Canadian National Rail- Britain the first since Egypt bell. B. A. Petersen, Reg Webber, j Harry Menzles, Charlie Atkinson lost 52 of thvir own planes, the The protest has been delivered unk Pacific ni.iix-av : said he has a lemiuiv record oi l Both Robeson and Hallinan ways flyer, "The Northland," to of a ' hand in rninneerlmr ' convictions. Langthornc pleaded! a; e believed to have Communist day plowed Into the rear and Einer Mek. rar nasi, mr rorce reporiea io- iu me ngypuun luieigu imius- Burial was at Fairview ceme- day- The Allied loss was .the ter. 11 :i or ruction In the centr il I guilty. leanings. freight train standing on a siding with the last of its eighty- ' I IU1 greatest in any momn oi tne it is iikeiy me Canadian gov-twenty months Korean war. i ernment will seek compensation. " British Columbia tore up the Anglu-Egyptian treaty which allows British troops to guard the Suez Canal zone. The country remained quiet, today. The Premier has ordered mili- tery, with arrangements by B.C. Undertakers. I ir y ildiii later he foresook for the ouln nnrll j five cars jutting out on the main I line. I Four of fifty passengers und a news agent were injured.- nslry going to work I - WEATHER P.; Mills Ltd. ut Ocean, Pilot Who Flew Escapees From Behind Iron Curtain Free Enterprise Vital issue in Province Says Attorney-General Wismer . Synopsis Gales and rain buffeted the ! west coast of Vancouver Island j ii mil Harry Cook, a brakeman, tary trials lor tnose neia re-standing on the platform of the sponsible for riots and dlsturb-lreiglit caboose, leaped to safety, ances. - TODAY'S STOCKS n"n the ranks in the fie was named gen- j -' r at the B.C. plant j i I Ma he went to Aus- i i Pulp project, return-' Garage Employee Here last night as an active storm I moved through Queen Charlotte I Sound Into the Prince George re VANCOUVER (CP) Attorney General Cordon 1 'u'a the following vear! IM: St I.nwrnnno l?.,,-.,..! . .... . mi i .'r...li. .. . TwI....!- gion. The north coast escaped the full force of this storm because it was north of the centre. Mixed rain and snow preceded Thirty-two Year Old Czech Now Trying Hard To Become Canadian Citizen A 32-year-old Czechoslovakia!! raised in the High h. Ii. Jtilutstmi ('ft. I.til.t (('omit si uruwi to Australia in 1 s- VVlsmer sa,1 1 nursciay nignt a Vital is.-suy ia i... it. b'it a pi,ip nun ml Columbia politics is the preservation of private en 4 tne storm in tne souiaiem iiiuri- , . , 111.1. ..1 1. i,.rnrf uevnectedtn extend into' latara Mountains and -who coulcln t live without terprise. He repeated statements made by rremier Byron Johnson and himself that the British Columbia government is a coalition administration. the Kootenays this afternoon.! skiing." is trying hard to become a Canadian citizen 0,s.s-, nlonHnrr io lr-.rtlfnH forward v O "Mt WOIIK 'art of the war he cams '"ada and In TORONTO ' Athoiia Aumaque Beattie Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian ... C M & S Conwcst ... ' Donalda t . .09 . .22 .19 .75 .. .20 .199.50 3.90 .. .52 .. .19'. I iuty newsprint admin- Mr. Wismer said he could not would be isav when an election pr Called Eldona East Sullivan 9 00 Red Proposals on Korean Civilians MUNSAN CP' Red negotiators proposed today that the fate of 600.000 displaced Korean civilians be left to the good faith of to on the coast today but this is, ill 1 nnce Ivlipeft. not expected to last. However, Thrce-and a half years ago interior weather promises to in-1 John Skaladney lived behind the elude considerable sunshine to- i iron Curtain until an Impulsive morrow. Little change In the and desperate idea landed him current temperature pattern Is in the American zone of Ger-anticipatcd. many. Last summer he came to Forecast . Canada. North coast region Cloudy a war-time pilot in 'Czechp-and mild w ilh Scattered showers slovaklan Legion, Skaladney is today. Cloudy with showers along aiso a two-time winner In the the mainland and changeable Olympics and holds several oth-skies elsewhere tonight and Sat- er certificates of skiing prowess, urday. Winds southwest (25) ; in Prince Rupert since Scp- munist-held Czechoslovakia tn (.ermany in the American zune. He told the following story to a Dally News reporter who interviewed him in German, a language he speaks much better than English "which Is yet difficult." "On May 25, early in the morning, I received the order to held or what kind of a ballot will be used, but In the next breath he Instructed his audience how to use the single transferable vote. "After you give your first vote t4 me vim will have a second To Unite I VEIt P -George Home, ' the British Colum- rederatlon, Thursday B C- workers to unite II XI. liriivl,,nini VANCOUVER American Standard .26 Bralorne 600 " B R X : 04 Cariboo Quartz ,. 1.15 Congress '.. .05 Va Cronin Bablne 53 Giant Mascot t. .08 , Indian Mines 23 I'end Oreille 8.75 Pioneer 1.90 Premier Border 35 Privateer , 09 Reeves Macdonald : 5.50 Reno 04 Sheep Creek 1.67 Silbak Premier .62 Vananda 19 Salmon Gold .04 Spud Valley 18 Silver Standard 2.53 Western Uranium 3.30 Oils A P Con ' .55 Calmont 2.05 C & E 17.00 Central Lcduc 3.05 Home Oil 17.00 Okalta .'. 4.40 Pacific Pete 10.80 Royalite ., 17.50 choice. I hope the people will Allies and Communists. The Reds turned down a Unit see that by the use of the single ed Nations plan to have neutrals Hie transferable vote they will retain fly eight passengers to Prague. free entemrise and vote for fico find out where displaced Kor- ' Cltcuun- '"'nek,,, . today and southerly (15) tomor- tember, he is now employed asiWe were stationed about 100 row. Lows tonight and highs toJ a mechanic at Bob Parker's Ltd. 'miles east. There were many of 'ivl,i, , un suPPort ""1 uariv When ho Giant Yellow-knife 11.20 God's Lake 40 Hardrock .14 Hurricana 1 Heva OH7 a Joliet Quebec 50 Little Long Lac 68 Lynx 18 Madsen Red Lake 2.03 McKenzie Red Lake 4 1 ' McLeod Cockshutl 2.81 Moneta 39 Negus .68 Noranda 84.00 Louvicourt .26 Pickle Crow 1.58 San Antonio .'. 2.45 Senator Rouyn ' .19 Sherritt Gordon 4.60 Steep Rock 7.8a Acor,,, ""Bates at the & """u nere Hut i morrow at Port Hardy and jwo months ago his wife Emma j us who did not like the Com-Sandspit, 35 and 45; Prince Ru- ami two children, a seven-year munists. Instead of taking with pert, 21 and 45. 1 0ld daughter and four-year old me, the eight men I was sup- 1 son ,oined hun nere j poseci to take, I took eight of my U'f entcrprise parties." leans want to live and did not To the cheers of a liberal reply to the Allied selection of gathering he stressed the need or Switzerland, Sweden and Nor- maintalning a "political climate" , way as neutral observers of the In which the capital has coa- J Korean truce. fldence. I The Reds also rejected a pro- "Tf we have a socialist govern- posal to give the displaced pcr- ment here" he said, "it may not. ; sons' job to the international panics were inini, i In tl, o support of labor' THF TIDbS The five-foot-five, lithe and: friends. 0 ,1., .. ct.k..., o limn ae ilc loukinir mechanic hit the "When we reached Plague I '"zed the government ''UHlng Interim In not I UJ .1.. . "iCttK- bring progress to a sudden stop committee ot tne nea irosi,. ine but It will be a drag on the Communists said they wanted no was supposed to bring back 12 men all Communist soldiers. But I telephoned ahead to some (Ccntinucd on page 6) High 5:56 19.6 feet headlines of the world's larg- 18:38 15.9 feet newspapers in May. 1948, Low feet when he piloted a two-engined 12.31 6.7 feet, plane with 20 refujees of Com- Rovd r" 8 a report wheel and set It back 25 years. I part of the Red Cross because It i io.uuUsi.iou.. Thm. i our fir.ci. cnn.'Hrii." i lis is not not neutral. neutral.