31 Friday, February 1, 1952 SPOUT of Harlem Globe Trotters In; Basketball World Series th. WORLD King Edward Winner Again King Edward pacemakers In in Rival Series )cal NLJW YORK. Basketball's most spectacular production the coast-to-coast "World Series" between the 1952 College All-Stars and the Harlem Globetrotter will start March 30, A. M. (Abe) Saperstein, owner-eoach of the Trotters, has announced. (The Globetrotters have played twice in the PeeWee Basketball League. Students Thwart O.F. against each team. The single referee, Ronnie Black, had difficulty keeping abreast ol the plays. Lambie and E. Johnson led tha scoring for King Ed with eight points each, while Fleming was high for the Arrows with three. Quarter time scores were: 8-3, 8-0, 14-4 and 28 to 5. Scoring: King Edward E. Johnson 8, 3. Johnson 2, L. Johnson, Adams 4, Macintosh 8, Lambie 8. Total 23. Arrows Leeman, Strand, War-ner 2, Watmough, Fleming 3, Brett. Total 5. defeated the lagging Civic Centre Arrows 28 to 5 -Thursday The Arrows played Indiffer eens Prince Rupert.) tour which will hit practically The series will open at Madi ently and had unusual difficulty in sinking Iheir shots. King Ed son Square Garden in New York' ever corner of the erth. Future of U.S. Tennis ward led their opponents all TU t ...ill t l i n n and will be played in 15 cities Last Half Rally .me vkjui viiu uiciuue oo games in South America, six in the 1 th"Lh .i. ne, ?ame Eight fouls were called foar KITCHEN GADGETS By ROSS INGRAM lli-dreen 37, Ocean Falls 27 u a jam-packed house of student fans behind: u-Me-Hi Greens came up from behind in the tn win by 10 points the second of an interims with Ocean Falls last night. The two-game int score was 1(58-37. in as many days, .ending In Indianapolis April 13. Wow in its third year, the series, which drew nearly 400,-000 fans in its first two seasons, is expected to attract some 250,-000 spectators. The Globetrotters won the inaugural series in 1950, 11 games to seven, and bettered that mark with a 14-4 record in 1951. Cinir Be of Lone Island University, who coached the All-Stars the past two years, will direct the collegians again. The makeup of the AU-Stars will be Cake Icing Decorators Can Openers Kitchen Tools Cookie Cutters NEW YORK What's going to happen when the United States Davis Cup team is selected next year? If Frank Shields still is captain, will he go along with Dick Savitt? Those and other questions were making the rounds among tennis oiiiciuls today as delegate; to the annual United States Lawn Tennis Association's annual meeting scattered to the four 0 isvif , Sling Pins hj7 N. v n . . .11... I British Isles, 61 in other Euro-1 pean countries, six in North Af-1 rica, 10 in the Near East, 10 in ' Australia, 10 in the Philippines, ' 14 in Japan and China, and 10 in the Hawaiian Lslands. The j last game will be played in Guam, Oct. 5. The 1952 World Series schedule: March 30 Madison Square, Garden, 31 Hershey, Pa., Arena. April 1 Buffalo Auditorium, 2 Cleveland Arena, 3 Kansas City Auditorium, 4 St. Louis Arena, 5 Chicago Stadium, ft Denver, 7 San Francisco Civic Auditorium, 8 Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium, 9-il F-jsj Coliseum, 10 Tulsa Auditorium, 11 Cincinnati Gardens, 12 Detroit Olympia, 13 Indianapolis ColLseum, Bread Boards, Chore Girls Vy McAfee, playing one ; ".lines, sparked his , t c-.rners of the country Vegetable Brushes fcitii Die help ol maie unnreeedented blast announced at the close of the Shield's at Savitt, cl the attack for the one of the country's. college basketball seasons. Martin and Barbara Moore. The six majorettes who performed during both nights were Mar-flaret Giske, Alice Nicker.soii-Kcnr. Ingram,. Jackie Moore. Molly Simmons and Sue Mar- agan tin student tha captain discredit to of tsnnis, reply from i top players, whom accused of bringing the entire game j brought a prompt and IriiiiB Hour piuy Saperstein also announced an ambitious world tour for his Globetrotters starting immediately at the conclusion of the World Series. The Trotters will play 165 games on this Dick who is defending his Australian championship in Ade roved .shooting over i tin. Miss Lorraine Maynatd m;ht's exhibition, i couched the girls, while les shooting by Dunvl ; Mathews coached the Greens, with the help of hU; (iIR, 8, rAvlK ULJLLUL ifliAUl. j&m r uiyani on (leiemr, sparked their tcum ' laide. I "I thought Frank was a pretty i good captain," said Savitt, ob-j viously upf et by Shield's remarks. "I was a bit disappointed at not Vancouver I. mil whistle. SATURDAY AND MONDAY ol the game were CANADIAN "BONUS BABY" Bii' 8iaett of Sarnia. Ont. re-cefved a bonus of $18,000 for .signing a contract with the Boston Red Sox farm system. Slack, a right hander who hurled for London Majors, champions of the Ontario Inter-County Senior Baseball Association, reports to Lakeland. Fia, March 4 for spring training. The bonus is believed the high.-st received by any Canadian baseball player for signing with a United States major league team. 'CP Photo I being named to the team, but I iid and D. Hunter, 10 points. I Looks For did not think he thought all the things he said. I don't think ixst half, both teams ever have been a detriment to tennis." SPOKE Ol'T When Savitt's name came up for discussion as the No. 1 player ! Appearing for the second night iin preliminaries. People's Stoie lied Bo-Mc-HI Ralnblrds to a ' 41-22 defeat in the all-girls' . hoop fixture. ! Ralnblrds put up a good fight until the final quarter when Iheir defence fell completely ; apart and the clothiers went through to score 20 points to Ralnblrds' seven. For the winners, Buditrich and Hialn were top scorers with I'd and 13. In the first quarter, : sharp-.shc,otin Budinlch scored . 10 points to give her team a 12-3 ; lead. j Second una third quarters saw a. fierce rally by the Ralnblrds ' but lost all their gain and 19 PR Boxers Hopes Contenders for Golden Gloves Will Go Atain VANCOUVER (Special to Daily News i Big plans are being map- of . :teZZt Aa I in the country. Shields rose before the gathering and said; "I would not like to see Savitt ! cli lence. In the first urV.'ton'.-i Hunter and ".r.thbed the lead 8-0. .! period scoring see-k and loith to end 0.e;in Falls at hai! ot fighting in the cr with the eomblna-nl and M"Afee lejd-way. Third qu-irUr ens led m-22, th.jn ahead for the win. Chariesoii's biggest as lack of ability to One Goal in Two Games ranked No. 1. I have been with ""J "c kIhIm Golden Gloves which will be held him the last three months, and hpr M"ch 7 and 8. never once dfd he look like Further-' Already officials are meeting America's top player. 'more, regularly to . set up committees I think that his sounding I to organize the show, the biggest off after the Davlc Cup matches I haF brought discredit to the en- amal-'ur boxing spectacle in B.C. Habitants Beat Hangers and points besides in the sudden onslaught by People's In -the final I Creep up on Maple Leafs i tire came of l.-nnis " evt-r yar period This year, the Province show j MONTREAL (CP)-Goalies hadj j the whiphand In National on i , . . . Tt,..n.nT SCORING Hi-Oreens McAfee 10, Key ucuku iii'uuu iiiuiwaj i ml shots, missing all , it of 20 free shots, i.inu' .scries was Weil by a lull house of itctt .students, such as icrt has not seen for ai.s. Heferees were Gui'viih. ! will mean a lot more to every fighter who enters the tcuran-ment, because 1952 Is Olympic Yea:-. And a fighter's record in shows like the Province Golden Gloves mean a great deal when That undoubtedly ended Savitt's chance as far as the No. 1 ranking was concerned, even thouph ex-national champion Don McNeill said that personalities should not be Injected. In Australia, Savitt said he felt 10, Kristmanson 6. Cla; k 4. Webber 2, Becker 2, Peneff 2, Rhodes 1, Sheppard, Sankey. Total 37. Charleson D. Hunter 10. B. the Olympic team Is selected GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS VMS the newspapers had built up nis incidentally, the impression "sounding off." Asked about not madj by last year's boxing con- night with two games producing; only one foal between them. j Ji.jntren! Canadiens nipped; the New York Rangers 1 to 0 while Boston Bruins and Chicago B!i.:k Hawks played to a scoreless tie. Maurice Richard, back in action after a six-game layoff due to groin injury, sco.-ed the only goal his twenty-. ifth of the season. The Rook;. I was obviously tane, the drill team looking like a champion, he said: tingent from Prince Rupert has DOAAS' DEPT. STORE -:$ with the help jf band under direction I don t Know now a cnampion is not been forgotten in Vancouver supposed to look. Many boxing enthusiasts are still jlluber performed an- Hunter 4, Jepson 5. McAllister 4, Mlldrum 4, Frew, Heed. Dowl-Ing, Fisher, Neville. Total 27. Peoples Budinich 18, Thain 13, Pavich 4, Currie 2, Matson 2, Greenwood 2, Dumas, Bill. Total 41, Rainbirds Webster 7, Moore 6. Graham 2, McFarlane 2, Youngman 1, Marshall 2, Martin, Sharp, Shier, Windle, Hill, Mcintosh. Total 20. The net result was that Vic talking about the quartet of rhone Red 46 Mc Bride Sf'eet ti 4th Avenue Seixa? of Philadelphia was given Rupert boxers particularly the No. 1 ranking, with Savitt No. "Mouse" Morrison. Last year, lul display, cr times and "times-Me-Hi cheerleader! both teams with their ilsplay. Cheering were l.f.ma Webster, Patty 2 and Tony Trabert of Cincinnati when Morrison won the middle- : a b opportunity midway; No. 3 The original rankings as weight crown, beating Lon Bian- thrugh tne final period. The Montreal victory puU the ! submitted last December had co of the Vancouver Active Club, I Trabert first, Seixas second and It climaxed one of the biggest Canadiens only nail a game De- hind the second place Toronto Savitt third. : fights of the Golden Gloves. ' Meanwhile, in Melbourne, Aus-' "We hope to see some of Jhose mapie utaia. . p; B1llwrf hnw avnln this undisputed Ecston took over sie cup wapi.. nany nopnian gut . . rf - into the areument In favor of year," one official said. "They n the were good.!' fourth place by then- 0-0 tie before 3.218 fans, an all-time low attendance for hockey in Chicago. Closest approach to a goal in this game came not long after the hall-way point in the third period. Woody. Uumart's rap past Goalie Harry Lumlev was 1LEYS Sf Louis Gets Many Night Games ST. LOUIS Club owner Bill Veeck announced the St. Louts Savitt. I Hopman, a tennis writer for! I the Melbourne Herald, wrote , that the reasons advanced by ! Shields against a No. 1 ranking , for Savitt are weak. He wrote: j "If he wished to do so, Savitt i could point a finger at Shields' j and fay. 'He is the main reason 1 why I did not play at my top form during the three months he mentions.' I ' 1 "From the moment the American Cup team arrived in Sydney, I Shields ordered Jack Kramer to fill THE LADIES I SPORT JO shops wfsMS ANNUAL 0 Starting Friday, February 1st MEN'S DRESS PANTS Reqular 21.95 Sole Price 14.99 LEATHER JACKETS ...Regular 29.95 Sale Price 18.95 BOMBER JACKETS Regular 17.95 Sole Price 11.99 KERSEY JACKETS Regular 17 95 Sale Price 11.99 . 100 WOOL SWEATERS .. Regular 11.95 Sale Price 5.00 WOOL PANTS .. Regular. 10.95 Sale Price 7.99 GABARDINE SHIRTS Regular 5.95 Sale Price 3.99 BADMINTON BIRDS Regular 2.10 Sale Price 1.50 SKI BOOTS .' . . .. Regular 12.50 Sale Price 8.25 mild took high honors' bowling 315 for the' ingle score. She bowls ' in A Division. Also In a Dunbar, of Lucky disallowed because the rookie defence man, Jack Mclntyre, was in the crease when it occurred. Week - end National Huokej L"aoite schedule is as follows; Saturday Detroit at Montreal, Baslon at Toronto. Sunday Montreal at Boston, Toronto at Chicago, New York at Det .olt. y-nvied high three with B Division Shenton's 3, Man-son's 3, McKay's 2, Cook's 2. Tollers 2. Big Sisters 2, Suhiise 1, Rupert Radio 1, Commercials 1. Seventh Avenue Market 1, 75 Taxi 0, Co-op 0. i ' Standings A Division Annettes 17, Rosa Lee 15, Lyons 15. McMeekin's 14, Gordon & Anderson 12. Skeena 12, Cloverleafs 12, Stars 11, Wrathall's 10, Savoys 9, Lucky Strikes 9, Dlbb Printing 8. IJ Division Seventh Avenue 19, Division, Kae Raymond Browns have scheduled 41 night contests for Sportsman's Park during the 1952 season the most night games ever scheduled by the Browns at home. The name-game schedule includes eight contests with the Washington Senators, seven with the Detroit Tigers, six with the Philadelphia Athletics and five with each of the other American League members. I The rival St. Louis Cardinals s and Helen Sneer of direct a training schedule of run-1 I njnt;, calisthenics and skipping which was quite foreign to the! I ' preparation and training Savitt1 had followed to achieve his Wim- j I bledon and Australian titles. I '! with 265 for high :e, while Miss Raymond ' win the three-game 1 'j"0. Results "Savitt objected . . . but was told to 'continue or. else.' . . . fann-stars 2, Annettes Hockey Scores W.stern International Spokane 3. Trail 4 Okanagan Kamlnops 1, Kelowna 3. If you want to sell it, advertise t. News clnssified ol the National League announced a 55-game night schedule last week. Manson's 17, Big Sisters 13, Sunrise 12, Toilers 12, 75 Taxi 11, McKay's 11. Shenton's 11. Commercials 10, Co-op 10, Rupert Radio 10, Cook's 8. ;e 2, Lyons 2. Gordon n 2. Lucky Strikes 2, -l.Wrathallsl.Skeena . McMeekin's 1, Dibb Savoys 1. Kramer himself was crippled from It." With Savitt unquestionably one of the top players In the country, he is essential for Davis Cup competition. He's ((Oing to get For best results, advertise! VALUES For the Boys GAME SANCTUARIES - gig game hunting is prohibited j in both federal and provincial paiks, although angling licences may be obtained. The first rowing race In the history of college regattas was between Oxford and Cambridge ' Universities in 1829. better before he gets worse and the record shows he has beaten Australian ace Frank Sedgman. What Shields will do is anyone's Ruess. Perhaps by the time this year's cup team Is Belected, he will have made up with Sav FOR ALL For the Men DRESS SOX, regular 1.75 Special WORK SOX, regular 89c Special WORK SOX, regular 1.10 Special UNDERWEAR, Penman's 71, Regular 5.49 Special SWEAT SHIRTS, reg. 3.25 Special X sH'R,rS. R to lfi years 69c PANTS, 6 to 18 years 2-9!) JACKETS, Satm and Wool, lUlar 12.95 Special 7.99 itt. There also Is a possibility that Shield's won't get the Job again, or If he Is offered It, win turn It down. Whatever happens, It's a Job with enough problems to last the rest of the year. Reg f MITTS, regular 1.00 Special 59c BELTS, regular 1.50 Special 69c SKI CAPS, regular 1.98 Special 1.19 EARMl'FFS, regular 95c Special 50c UNDERWEAR, regular 2 65 Special 1.79 SOX, regular 1 39 Special 89c WALLETS, regular 1.69 Special 99c SKI PANTS, regular 6.75 Special 4.99 FLASHLIGHTS Regular 1,50 Special 09C 7A " V Let us carry the ball on your heating oil We'll gladly b responsible for keeping you supplied with clean-burning, non-wnate Standard Furnace Oil or Standard Stove Oil. it Prompt Service if Metered Delivery it Automatic ltefilla N. R. YOUNG Healing Oil Distributor Phone G74 Phone 674 20 DISCOUNT ON ALL LUGGAGE Seeing is believing ; , . It will pay you to shop at the Sports Shop WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired MOTORS BOUGHT And SOLD New ana Rebuilt Generators 6-12-32 volts Box 1307 Ph. Blue 391 ipmr sHoiP The NG CHAMPION Mn rl eno Smith an nf Niaanra Falls. Ont.. was chosen 1952 Canadian 8 "Bure-skattiiB chamntnn anrt selected for the Olvmcic team at the Canadian skating 'onshinji ni rv-v,,,...., -i. - 4., .nfni crHi inmn a feature nf her Phone Blue 69 i, u"iinwil, Will. MISS OHUUl, Hll JWn 1" a Biai.cm. oh, j r yting di'mAnir-.(i., 1 -ii j ... ,! nihiMiirh ch turned her ankle In the 622 3rd Avenue , "f.ttwuii ia an uu-iuuiiu mill'"' " V f mute of the final competition she went on to gain the highest marks in the national. , yy.tr 1 nyj iui