t Friii;- Rupert Dailv Nes Wednesday, June 30, ism cm ou Sliowvr JIt WW.""-' Wh on oti lltulaf Cotijih Miss Wrathall Off on Trip Miss Audrey Wrathall, popular secretary to the mayor and city clerk, will leave here tonight, starting a trip to the United Kingdom. She will visit various points in the Old Country and stay with relatives of her father at Morecambe, Lancashire. Travelling with Miss Wrathall are her cousins, Mrs. Percy KeiRhley and her daughter, Mrs. Don Parnell of England, who have been visiting at the Wrathall home for the past two weeks. They have also visited other points In Canada and Mrs. Parnell lias enjoyed her stay so much that she hopes to return to ('anuria to make her home. I ; - - 1 , i Siirclni Ui The Dully News FRANCOIS LAKE The Light- A Canadian National Railway official was scheduled to arrive here today aboard the Prince Rupert in the course of an inspection tour of this division. He is F. H. Keefe of Winnipeg, general manager of the western region, CNR. who will travel east of here by train, particularly noting progress on the Kilimat-Terrace railway line now under construction. McRAE BROS. McRAEBROS. .3777 ,1CBRQ g 7 I At the Fcotu, jjLVf fci At the Value , . ffiBkli " rjSjE g ,At the Name 1 5i&L, ITH o lm OC H .Ti-ri-'' 111 V 1 house Church Hall was the scene , fr I - . ..... r,... 1.... nll.ht AT i i or a gam pany oaiuiuay (when friends and neighbors i gathered to honor Mlsa Doris ! Loveseth and Mr. Everett Jef-I frey, whose marriage will take Illtlllllllllllll irwiiiinwiiiwu'iliiffl l!li!i!i!l IflBIl Will!! iiu. ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyhg ; I : . . I . . : : : i r : M . M : , : f 1 : : . 1 1 n -. : place shortly. Scientists Ired Hide Sun As Clouds Eclipse of for all your WATCH REQUIREMENTS Choose From These Famous Makes: The hall was decked with pink and white streamers and bells, ' and the honored couple were -ented on specially decorated chairs, to receive their many lovely gifts, presented In a box fashioned of four frilly hearts. A social hour was enjoyed and delicious refreshments were served by hostesses Sue Rensby and Claudia Jeffrey, assisted by several women. At the close, in thanking the group, Mr. Jettrey invited all to visit their new home after their marriage. 9.1 cu.ft. " ' - - , Ml - i.: II FRIGIDAIRE GRUEN LIGHT "N" S Al'C Y This brand new nylon-chromspun pucker dress for Informal summer O CULOVA VISITORS lll'liE mis r Crawford of Moscow Across top freezer Pantry door 8 (urge and convenient storage shelves. NEW LOW PRICE made of Schwarzenbach ROLEX . . i c ,t.,..H.iv in vwit i wear. i. . tT Ji rv,.oH.ir RhP weave, beats the heat, the ONLY CYMA MATTICE, Out. P' A low-hanging overcast today blacked r pciipre of the sun from scientific parties attempting to study the spectacle In this northern Ontario village. i " Overnight, a cold frost from the west closed in the area with ' a layer of clouds about 600 feet i off the grou'iH ' , Astronomers who spent the j : night making "last-minute ad-1 justments to instruments pointed at the rising sun, stood by i heloiesxiy as the moon brought ' Canada's first total eclipse In ; nine years. I Early Information at this point 1 Indicated there was no visibility ' for other Canadian expeditions, i In this vallage. kept awake all j'night hv the movements of pro Butter-keeper In door Porcelain vegetable crisper C Colorama styling ner son. .v... ui.. v.v.. -expects to spend several months here. burning rays of the sun, ana the rigors of washing and Is certainly easy to look at. jy ink OMEGA 5-year guarantee backed by 5 Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Mears and j children. Michael and Donna, snent their holidays at their Frigldaire and McHae Bros. Ltd. Frigldaire Is made by General Motors. J.C. Atkinson, ALL WATCHES FULLY GUARANTEED $33.00 Down $17.00 Month ranch, "the Saltier Place" here. ri Longshoreman, Preston. Miss Fisher, Mail Orders receive our Personal Attention Betty and Charlie Beatty and Pj' . l 7 A small Jane and Bill were visitors; L-MCO a I T 11 O at the Landing sunaay inter noon. GEORGE COOK Jeweller ax John C. Atkinson, well-known Prince Rupert longeshoreman. I died last night in Prince Rupert i General Hospital, at the age of I 74. fessional astronomers and a hoard of amateurs, the experts could do nothing more than pace about. As the moon started It's scheduled swing ncross the face of the CHOOSE YOUR 1954 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FROM THE STORE WITH THE Freshwoter Salmon The ouanamnhe is 'a type of Atlantic salmon which spends PRINCE RUPERT TERRACE fresh- sun at 6:10 a.m. EDT. nothing its whole life in eastern water lakes. iwns visible here except an al lllEMllMli'lillilllllillllllllll ii!ii!iiii:!.if:iiii!:nmi m o s t-lmperceptahle darkening thrnii"h the 1 500-foot thick Best kr.own to his fellow workers as "Poker Jack," he came to Prince Rupert several years ago and was employed by Lindsay's Cartage for some time before turning to longshore work. Ill health forced his retirement a few months ago. Born in Southampton, Cum clouds, growing deeper with the NAM! approach of the 89 second period of totality starting at 7.10.21 a m Canada EATOKTS - AND berland County. N.S., son of Ru Flo Chad wick, fus and Margaret Atkinson TO BACK THEM UP THE iefi home at the age of 18 and O u 03 African Hunter To Wed in Fall INTERNATIONAL HARVEST3 RCA VICTOR Kadio Combinations, Flecitic aiul lias Kanves, Refrigerators Itefrieeralors PHILIPS INDUSTRIES HOLLYWOOD i Distance swimming ace Florence Chad- We have olwovs been confident in the future of the area now known as B.C.'s "Northland Empire." Today, more and more, we see that our confidence was not misplaced, as we grow with the nrea we ore so pleased to serve. went to Boston where he was employed for many years by the Boston Railway Co , as a streetcar conductor- Coming west to Vancouver, he joined the Standard Furniture Company, after which he came to Prince Rupert. He had four brothers and four sisters, who.:e whereabouts are unknown here. Funeral arrangements will be i.i'inoiinccd Inter. MOFFAT'S LTD. Itaclio Combinations and Pliito wick announced she soon will !ke the h" r'urff Into matri Lit I'tric Kainrs ELNA SEWING MACHINE CO. mony with F. Wallace Taber African game hunter, lecturer Swpcrmalic and TcaJ'.sfu'nu and former newspaper man. "TIVc Rt'Wlnn WoiuU r ui mi Ab1' Miss Chadwick, 34, made the announcement Tuesdav night at Klrrtric and dan Ranees BENDIX CORPORATION Aulumati' Washers, Dryers, and Iluomalir Comhinaltuii EASY WASHING MACHNE CO. Complete line Wringer Washer-;, Automatic Washers, Divers ai.il I rimers. CROSLEY SHELVADOR Itefrigeraturs cocktail-buffet in her honor. Miss Chadwick and Taber. 38 ENTERPRISE LTD. (lil anil ( oniliinulii n IUiiem ACME CHROME LTD. l!l.-,t styles In stock tTiile-plalfJ clinune. redoes both from-San Diego, will wait to O u fa Baseball July l.st Ketchikan 1 un'il fall for the wedding. (152) , The swimmer and her mother vs. Hupeit. A complete line of VIKING Household Appliances carried for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY The EATON Guarantee: "GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED" head todav for Victoria. BC where she'll swim the straits of Fort Angeles Aug 12. On Labor Salt Lake Ferry operating all day Thursday, July 1. weather permitting. 1 1 1 Richard Scphton. District These arc outstanding names in the North American Appliance Field BEWARE OF NO-NAME BRANDS Dav she will make a distance swim at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Miss Chadwick, among her many feats, has swum the English channel both wavs and has crossed the rough Catalina channel of southern California. Agent. Mutual Life of Canada, U ' here on one of his regular visits ; For Life Insurance Counsel, j:hone 438. (153) Salt Lake Ferry operating Prince Rupert 328 W 3rd Ave OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT IS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION O daily excepting Monday. 2, 3, 5, 7 ; p.m. Sunday, continuously from 10:30 a.m. Weather permitting. Red 'JC8. tit) : It Is very important that all ClitncSe llslt u SERVING PRINCE RUPERT 03 Columbia Cellulose Company em Ui Philish ployees and other interested people, attend the meeting re and District ave garding the C:V: and C, Health 5 CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders I'lune 133 t'-. U 1 .. V Service Society, on Friday. July 2.' at 8 p.m. in the Dining Room, FOR 29 YEARS With... .Civic Centre. Mr. T. H. Wilt IF NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED AFTER 10-DAY TRIAL shire, C.V. and C. Manager from Vancouver, will be prese nt. . (153) in O 03 Your Money Refunded it No pulling k No skin irritation -k Will shove any board fc Rotory cutting action RESTMORE "Fornily Approved" Mottresses, Springs, Bedroom Suites O TYNAN "Kant-sag" guaranteed Ui 5 O SIMMONS Products including famous "Beautyrest, Deepsleep, Slumber King." O LA-Z-BOY Recliner Chairs and Swing King contour chairs. O CHROME A complete range in quality and style of guaranteed chrome furniture sets from $79.50. i Kodak's Brewnle Movie Camera 8mm. Chesterfield Suites O KNECHTEL Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Suites and Occasional furniture. jc oives a tast, clean shave. , ' ' Only $3.00 Down $J.OO Week o 03 UI Brownie Movie Team complete for only $30.oo 5 A full selection of Floor Coverings and Carpets from such famous makers as: Congoleum, Dominion, Armstrong and Harding. Dual-Purpose Furniture in all types from roll-away cots to hide-a-beJs O PHILCO REFRIGERATORS VANCOUVER LIST PRICES ON ALL PRODUCTS SHIPPING CHARGES PREPAID TO OUTLYING POINTS Brewnl Movie Projector FREIGHT PREPAID TO TERRACE AND KITIMAT Ltd let us how you thli quality movie learn, made by Kodak, at a budget price. You can buy the outfit now, or jutt the camera and add the projector and screen later. Camera with f2.7 lens, $45.75j Projector, $78.50; Screen, 5.75. fiflcKae 11 O 03 UI Srowni Projection Screen U u No transportation charges No packing charges A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy . . . For Over a Quarter of a Century" 308 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 'THE STORE THAT SFRVICF. BUILT" Phone 6 or 36 5 WRATHALL'S PHOTO 'FINISHING Third Avenue West Green 136 McRAEBROS McRAE BROS. McRAE BROS.