Prince Rupert Doily Nws Wednesday, June 30, 1954 MARLEUE REACHES SEMIS G ANTON, England C? Dolondinn champion Mailene Stewart of Fotithill. Out . reached the semi-finals of the British women's (jnlf championships today, defeating Arlette Jiicquct nf Bt'lcium 5 and 4 in her quai ter-fmal match. Miss Stewart led by four holes at the turn overcominc her opponent's longer drives with precision puttiiiK. She took single putts on five of the first seven greens JJU1LW Cafe Downs Motors 4-3 In Second Half Rally Sparked by Frankie An.salino, eleven, making sure of a ieiialty who scored a hut trick in the shot awarded Gondola by referee second half of R ragKedly-played Pat Forman. Prince Rupert Football league i, Ruiii-n. soi-cdy Motors game at Roosevelt Park last wincer. tied up the came about night. Gonodla Cafe roared back 15 minutes before the end of the to defeat General Motors 4-3. tivst Jn'f. inp the bill into ... AS SIMPLfc 5P AS A PHONE s-ALL L' , t..u di n a "" rnvnv till or the Nation. Adrian Tambourini oi)ened the u,e g0ul while Gondola not; lust half scoring for the cafe minder G. Viteri fumbled the Lindsay's CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. ball Five minutes later Rut ten tallied again, on a run in notching the ball into the far side of the net well out of Viteri's reach Dow n 2-1 going lni-o the second half and taking advantage of a J.n.nnUo KtntApr cnnarl EVn,lr Little League Names ..... Umps Tentative candidates for urn- I Ansalmo collected the ball from OUT OF TOWN ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED piring duties for the Lit "S J, H goalwards. Motors ; wore suggested at a n eeting of , cugtod,an Frank RuttPn never the Little League Association last ; night at the civic Centre. , . . . hnlln(,pH ln names were suggested r Eight ; A few m,tpS minutes later later At Ansalmo again found himself ln the clear and drove home a shot that Rutten never eot. his hands on Again about five minutes after ; AiK-nimo. who "t half time was going to quit the game because of alleeed indignities, not a pass from Egedlo Nordio and once more heat Rutten to the draw. ! Four minutes before the end of play. Viteri's inability to understand the rules protecting a goaltender. 1 dropped the ball and each of the nominees win , be a; ked if they arc willing to undertake the task. Proposed were Benny Windle, Johnny Comadina. A. Lctoumeau, Don Scherk, Steve Mintenko, Bill Sundberg, Ken Warren and Ralph Enriridge. Only one of the eight, Steve Mintenko, was present at the meeting. He asserted that he would take on the arbiting duties. The candidates named would be required for plate umpiring only. RUPERT DRIVING SCHOOL Apply Anytime PLEASE NOTE! LEARNER'S LICENCE is required by law before enrolling in our school. 215 Second St. Phone 99 after a Motors rush, and In the The meeting also learned that scranible that ensued Ernie booted in GM's third equipment for the farm teams HOUSEHOLD SCALE Has handy metal tray, clearly marked dial, sturdy and was now on hand and that dis- 0t. tribution will be directed by The league executive meeting. Ralph Pay. .scheduled to hear a Gondola Cafe ; The question of coaches for the nrotest. was postponed until 7:30 farm teams was discussed and Friday, at Annunciation school. COOKING TIMER Attractive white finished cose, black numerals on white background . . . Excellent relioble timer for jm f f baking. . ' -t.w UL XJ w SPECIAL COPPER TEA KETTLE Stainless steel, with extra heavy copper bottom . . . Has attractive black bake lite handle. Q 3-qt. capacity. Q.J J SPECIAL N'n local 708 reuresentatives were present to make a quorum. Bob Bone of the Canadian. gion stated he estimated that be- tween eirht and 10 Leaion mem bers would be available for coaching duties. It was the general feeling of the meeting that four roaches would be assigned to each farm team. ' The meeting defined ground rules for Alsoma Park as follows: I mgffia 11 ONLY 45 MIN. TO ALASKA I his advertisement is mu published or displayed hy the Liuor (.titi'iol Hoard or by ihe Gn'nmcnt of Bnmh Columbia. T3ES3SE At The SPORTS A ground ball hit between the ! bridge and a post which is to be set ua on a rough arc. IE0 feet , from home nlate. will be a three-base hit. A ball hit to the left j of the bridge on the ground was i ruled a two-rev hit, as was a ground ball hit to the right of j the post. A fly ball that is not caught, and does not touch the ground before clearing the 180-foot line between the post and the bridge was ruled an automatic home run. A fly ball out to right field which cleared the natural ground hazard, and to the right of the past, was ruled as a two-base hit Pistanee from horn'! plate to the hazard along the first base line is 140 feet, as measured by League officials. PROTEX MATS if" REFUSE CAN CAKE COOLER SHOP Niekle-plared, 9 x 13 inches in Footed style. SOC Just the thing for hot pots, pans, etc. Decorated metal surface with asbestos backing. Colorful floral design . . . Has foot lever, metal g insert pail. 4 I CJ SPECIAL SPECIAL Vis gyg rtuiAL 14x17 inches. SPECIAL 1.20 10 DISCOUNT on all sporting goods. Items for July 1st celebrations. THE BEST . . . - FOR LESS FRACTICE TOMORROW A practice of the Super-Valu farm team ha beerl schechilrd for 7 p.m. tomorrow nifiht at Phone 266 Office Opp. Post Office Gyro Fark, couch Danny ' Johnston said today. EXTENSION CORD SANDWICH TOASTER Just the thing for those ' rod ninhi- c:nnrks. Has heat in- NITE LITE Fits base receptacle, made of bakclite. Complete with bulb ho cord to fuss with. Assorted colors . . . complete with Sturdy mmr wm switch. DC SPECIAL Six-foot electric extension rubber or plastic covering, with bakelite plug-in and triple Outlet jm connection. W jf SPECIAL xator for accurate toasting . Beautiful chrome finish. I ,lmJ SPECIAL - - "I"-'"' V 'Hi III it t ENGLISH TEA SET Aneat21-piecemi-porcc CUP AND SAUCER "Royal Albert" cups and saucers in assorted patterns. Truly beautiful chinaware. SPECIAL 1.65 - 1.80 ENGLISH PATIO SET 20-piece luncheon set of English semi-porcelain. Plaid color ware and floral patterns. Four each, plates, cups, saucers, cereal or fruit g g m bowls. mmmM IJL.VD SPECIAL, Set ... a sct: ' aucers, consists or j"- - , and bum ffef cake plate ,breod plates, cream m r y H nndsugarbowl. Special Purchase! Thousands of Dollars Worlh of Diamond Kings from !f Carat to II ) Carals Offered at a l'rai iin- of Their Usual Cost Because of Slight Impcrfccti' ;! W e have bei n fur una t in purchasing a dazzling array of healthful diamond rings . . . solitaire? . . . 3-slone engagement rings . . . dinner rings in while or jellow gold. While these diamonds arc nol up 1" our usual high standard, the ,sii( natural inti'ctjrclitms do nol mar the dazzling hcauly of these fttottes and can only he delected hy an expert. If they were first ijualily they'd sell at much higher prices. As rings arc mostly one-of-a-kind, come early for hcsl selection. It's the opportunity of it lifetime to hoy a diamond lo last a lifetime m prices to isuil your Budget. tach ring is covered hv insurance for nn' year without extra co&t . budget terms available. See the Large . . . Diamond Ring SHOW at MANSON'S JEWELLERS 522 Third Avenue West SFttlAL, 3er O WE PAY SHIPPING CHARGES OUT OF THE ClTYj) AND PHONE 46