imCt Ku(jeil UUily he; et..!i-"r. v Kf'.r.i i v '! n- I V Birds First From Collect Victory Frostys '. u 4 -T-. V : V ft INI THIS CORNER HICK AYRES "4 t 1 -i I . I .i I ; - ' . , ' , y . ' ti r m i' , . . , i. i i f X ' 'Vi ' ' J ' . v .... . ( .. ' ' - , ; ; w ' ' ' ' ' V First game of the Senior B basketball playoffs between t A. -A. 'i ' j' A ..... f si A I'HANK I t: AMY, Notre Dame's football coach since 1941, except for the war p. ot fcivc iijj unjLuaii "x reasons "'"""a ul 'J l'H,'"a u IC1 L m i'JS lthi,P &sv j Screams of happiness echoed round the Civic -Centre jrym last ni.tht as j Sheila Hicks' Bo-Me-Hi j Rain birds chalked up their first win of the sea-!son, in seven, on tint;.-,. Id o w n i n g a stubborn ; Frosty 's Locker s q u a il ; 17-14. The game used up Frosty s last game and gave the locker crew a four-win-four-loss record with Dom's Department ; store team laidng the Girls' ; Basketball league championship with six wins and. one loss for a total of 12 points and ;":ll one : game to pl.iy. I In the close T'liilor Boys' ! league Sea Cadets edged Annunciation School 34-29 to move ; into a first-place tie with the league leaders Orme's Drugs. In - the other Junior Boys' fixture Sports Shop crept up to third place with a 30-23 victory over NBC Power. Desncrate for one victory before the season ended the Bo-i Me-Hi girls went all out to put Frosty's on ice. Sparked bv I Myrna Knot sen who collected 12 of the high school's total the j Bo-Me-Hi crew took advantage i of their .speed on the break lacKie on Knure kockiics cnampionsnip irisn team ai netit 24 yoa'-j ktcr ' and bows his head In a prayerful attitude as hll team battles a surprising Im'it uame came bacK to tie Iowa m me game s ciosmg seconds. Leahy had six unlHain 11 years at South Bend (ay hi Cagers Here Next Tuei dis. Carl Coibin, John Valentine,! Jimnvy Sli-wait fa Jerry Johansen, Don Maddox. Snnkey, Dick M I liANCKS IIAFOE AND NOKKIS KOWIiKN of Toronto are pairs figure-skating champions of the world They won the title in competition at Oslo. Last year they won the Canadian and North American pairs title. This photo was taken just before th'-ir departure from Canada for ihe international competitions. Bob Vincent. Jim Auger a nd Ciccone and R..ij ,, uixon i ucner. ing alter the b v On roach Jack Evans' squad I will be manapp jj will be Freddy KrLslniaiison, I Personality ske Oreig Forbes. Bill Morrison, Gary ; of both teams ii ; Morioii, Art Helin, Ron Black, 1 Mandav. Calgary Clubs Vancouver 4-1 To Pull Within Four Points .The nnual battle for t tic Fran): Murkowski trophy, .symbolic of; International High school bas-i kethall compciition, rciunif s next week when Kctchik in lli---'i school Polar Bears ccmif to Frince Rupert for a two-gain' scries with Booth Memorial Hi :h school Rainmakers. The final two games of the l!).'.;i series, to bi piayed at the Civic Centre Tuesday and Wed ixsd.iy nights, February 23 an i 2!. will see both teams going all tor a ; "t win To take the tropl.y fiohl KaVlii, the present holders. Ho-Me-l'l win both games In l'J.'2 till I'olar Bears and Rainmaker.: p'it the fc. . game series and ,v tup Ketchikan squad had won Uie liophv in 1!):I they re t.' .!-! Thi- I roi ; i y w . : ii ! .: . : -, p c-( !H (1 to Wie school lor rom-P'-tMIrn by t.-ie late Frank Murkowski former president of the MUSEUM BOARD OF NORTHERN! ANNUAL MEETIN when Houghton pulled the trigger from the blue line. The puck caromed in off Brennan as he went down. At. Edmonton, Jim Anderson. Steve Hrymnak and Bill llueyk scored for Flyers. Aggie Kuku- aways and sank 50 per tent of their free throws. Only the persistent checking ( f Nellie Pavieli who led the Locker crew with B points kept Frosty's in the game. Bo-Me-Hi took the first quarter 5-2: lost the second 4-3. .won the third 5 3 and tied the final stanza 4-4. Frosty's inae-( uracy at the foul line could Monday, February 22, 8 p.m., Civic Ctj Members and all interested please on lowicz and Ron Murphy count- I ered for Quakers. It was Bucyk's first goal in 59 games for Flyers, j Murphy, who catapulted to fame on the end of Bernie Oeof- j frion's stick' in the National I Hockey League, scored on a solo ; dash while his team was a man ! short. Kukulpwicz picked up t he . . Cordon and Anderson and Columbia Cellulose 3C0 Club is scheduled for 9 p.m. tonight. The playoffs are to be a best-two-out-of-three series with the winners meeting the league champions Manson's Omegas in the finals for the Civic Centre association trophy. Second game will be played Saturday, February 27, the Tuesday date being taken up by the first game of Ketchikan High school-Bo-Mo-Hi series. Result of the playoffs is anyone's guess with CCC who lost 11 out of 15 games during the season still hot after downing the second-place hardwaremen 70-47 in the last league fixture. Both teams were sho.t-handed in that last encounter with G & A minus Joe Davis and CCG without their playing coach Poy Pay. Bolh teams should be at full strength tonight and Minor Simiimlsrn's squad will be definitely out to erase the humiliation of that recent lacing Out of the league's top ten scorers, CCC has four of them. Hill Sunberg, Sid Scherk. Don Scherk and Freddy Christcnsen. G & A only have two men that made more than 100 points in 13 or 14 games, Itupe llolkestad and Joe Davis. At the .same time comparison of the youth versus experience of both teams avails the arm-chair statistician little, since many of the younger players have been cagers since they were knee-high to a referee. Apart from I'op Pay iwho like ourselves claims to be the same age as Jack Benny Mel Thompson is the old man of the CCC .squad at 25 (These are the ages players signed in with nt the beginning of the season. I Youngest member of the pulp millers is Fred Christcnsen at 18, with Don Scherk, Harold Marshall, G.irdv Cameron all at the former voting age of 21. Don Scherk is 22 and the team s top scorer I'.ill Simbcrs is 23. .- On thj G &'A roster Hon Webber is the youngest player at Id with f Abbey the ancient of the team at 31. In between there are "young-oldsters" Jimmy Flalen at 23, Hob funic at 24, Itupe HnlkPslad at 20. Joe Davis at 27 and Ted Arney at 29. So there's nothing for it but to go to the Civic Centre and see which of these teams can dream up the fabulous series wo hove n hunch these playoffs will be. There's nothing like a team , well-put of the running staging'a comeback to take the trophy in the playoffs just the same as the runner-up always drives to get the silverware which it figured it rightfully was entitled to in league play. Besides the Senior B fixture there's another interesting cage clash tonight. We have the WOKD on the Inter A duel hctv.-r-'i league-leading North Stars and last-place Halts and Ni.keiMm. Should the bottlers win tonight's game then the Inter A playoffs will start on February 27 between the clothiers and second-place Fraser and Payne.-, HIT, a Watts and Nickerson prophet told us last night that "if lio-Me-lli I'.ainliirds" can win a game after losing six straight, then Watts and Nickerson can do it after losing 11. You can bet that Kill Met hesney's luckless crew will try. anyway. Basketball commission members around the Civic Centre recently were paying tribute to Jack Marchant, who was forced to give up his post due to other committments. Jack spent a great deal of his time working for basketball here and besides keeping time for the leagues for about three years, was always willing to help when needed, until he pot too busy. Jack Judge, who returned to the city from Vancouver this week, took in the Diamond Belt tournament at Exhibition Gardens while lie was down south. In his opinion the Belt tourney was better than the Golden Gloves. Don't see how it could be. Jack, without any Rupert fighters down there. Besides this years Golden Gloves "go" may see two titles successfully defended by Andy Marshall and P.ill Morrison and Billy Tuschiya may bring back a third title. - POST SCRIPTS-Frosty's basketball team who bowed 1o P-o-Mc-lli Kainbinls last night certainly missed the services of Nina Young-man. Nina was in the building however, guzzling large quantities of Imaginary booze while rehearsing for her role in "The Street Car Named Desire," scheduled for the Civic Centre starting March 1. (That's a free plug if we ever saw one) No matter how hard you try to do something right, it always gets loused up somehow. In yesterday's league statistics Don llartwig's field goals came out in print as 12 instead of 42 Anyone would think we had it in for the guy . . . Not only that but we left off.Mcl Holkestad;s:;name: altogether which was very bod wc lrie5 t0 'miXiAt everyone whether .triey played one game ocjl Meli -Total for 1 wo games was 1 field goal', ho free throws attempted, 2 fouls-and 2 points. Johnny Palmer Leads Texas Open; P have cost them the game as; they only .sank two free shots in 14 tries. Rainbirds committed 1 1 fouls, Frosty's 8. j Sea Cadets first hall lead oj 1 "4-8 stood them in good stead us Annunciation came back' strong in both the third and final quarters outscoring tfi:-sailors 11-5 in the third and 10-5 Any doubts about Calgary Stanipeders' claim to second place in the Western Hockey League were dealt with in Van- j couvcr Friday night. j Fresh from a 4-2 victory over Canucks m Calgary Wednesday night, Stampcders kicked off a West Coast tour by clubbing; the league leaders 4-1 to pull within ! four peint ?. i Edmonton Flyers beat Saskatoon Quakers 3-2 in Edmonton ; to move three points ahead of .New Westminster Royals and 'tighten their hold on. fourth place. 1 were beaten 3-1 In Victoria and the Cougars now lead l ist-place Seattle by eight points. I CaV,i"'y blasted 32 shots at Lui ise W'li sley while Bill "Brcn-' llSHl' kicked out. 13. .Stumueder .marksmen were Archie Scott, Steve Bl:u !;, Jim MeKadden and Jack Lundy, while delencenian Mid Houghton turned the trick tor Canucks. Stampeders went ahead 1-0, 2-0, and out-scored the home chit) '2-1 m uie final stanza. ; Brennnn's shutout was spoiled other Saskatoon marker with Flyers a man short. Vic Lynn became a six-stitch ee natty when he caught a puck in the teeth in the third period. Royal's goalie Lucien Dechne starred in defeat in Victoria. The nimble netminder booted out 41 in the last quarter. Husvik led I the winners w ith 11 points and 1 Smith scored the same amount I for Annunciation, j Bowes with 14 points led th; Sports Shop to its win ove-INBC Power. The Sports Shoo I crew took the first quarter il -4 : and the second 15-8 but NBC I came back to take the third I frame 8-2 and the final one 1 3-2. Top men for the power X with f"0" First National Bank in Ketclu- I i.j.'.. The K)53 serii.-.s, postponed in Dc -ember because of travvllin : i conditions, is ."pin between the ; Ketchikan and Prince Rupert; ' squads . i I in January Jack F.v.-ms loo j the Rainmakers up to Ketchikan , ' and came home with a one-whi- one-loss record. Kay's I i Polar Bears took the first name 11 -4a and the H'-M-Jlt cavers I took the second game 4fi-41. A scries victory by Bo-Me-Hi ', Rainmakers would give Pi ore I Rupert two wins to Kaylu s j thiee over the la-jt 'ix ycirs. j Ketchikan High school won th - trophy in 101a. l'.)-0 and ' j Prince Rupert won it in 19 ID. f the Ketchikan players will ar- j rive by plane Tuesday afternoon, i Ihcv will be presented to the; ' , Bo-Me-Hi students at a special ' -emblv later that afternoon. ; Wednesday noon tlicy will be ' ! gueil.s at a luncheon at Booili j Memorial hi vh s-' h nil and will of 43 shots blasted his way within two periods as Royals playecj a sluggish game. Colin Kilburn, Gene Achtymi-chuk, and Tony Schneider racked up goals for the Cougars and Ollie Dorohoy connected for Royals. Claude Evans cabably replaced Red Almas, recalled by Buffalo Bisons in the American Hockey League, in the Victoria nets. Swedish Team Edges Canucks j Mfghl's Figbfs In Stockholm squad was I.andie with 9 points. GIKI.S U,(,VE I!o-!Vle-IIi Kainhinls Knut-.scn 12, K. Jones. M. Farmer 3. Botrakoff, 2. Jackson. OLskc. Selvig, Wick. Martin .Wood. Total 17. Frosty's M. Younenian 1, Windle. Pavich 8, Marshall 2. Sharp, Home 2. Total 14. JUNIOR BOYS See Cadets Christoff 7, Hus-vik 11, Flood 8. J Howell 1. Iveson, McLeod 2, Lugrin 6, Nev, field. A. Howell. Total 31, Annunciation Bury 8. Lyons, Joe Arseneau. Jim Arseneau, Smith 11. Basso 2, Toth 1, Le-tourneau 7. Total 29. NliC Power Stewart 2, Lan-tlie 0. Desautels 5. Kelsey 6. Hargrove. Furniotls i, Way, Ritchie. Total 23. Sports Shop Ol on, Bowes 14. laird 2, -Mitehel),' Fleming. S. Wong'S.B. Wong' 5. H'ensvaid 4. Total 30. , 'i ave at midnight after the .sec-j oi '1 game. I Slated to take the fioor against IrWVuWffi.m tmHmi,mt I j I i in iliini i the Prince Rupert .quad are Juu j Bv Th.. A, r NEW YORK Rocky Castel-lani, 1G034, Cleveland, outpointed Krnie Durando, 160, Bayonnt-N.Y., 10. VrST BEACH, fia Irwin Schultz, 165. New York, knocked out Eddie Springer, 163 Coral Gables, Fla., 6. MET ROURNi5--MafshaU Clay-ipn, New Orleans,. outpointed 0 -r I I R.iller, Jerry Raines. John fiii-bert. Arm AiUonscn. Robert A:i- !ioi;i.s, M(ni,s ,sh,. ' VI'RO BL'ACil. Fla. i,D ... ; STOCKHOLM (CP) Toronto I tvndhiirsw fell 5-4 befcre a Junior Swedish hockey t-iim Frif v night putting an end to the 10- : game winning streak i hey ha 1 fiijoyed for a month. T!in defeat m-'ked the end of a iva;ni-up European, exhibition IfWeMfOt th'e"i;-Mon'ti l.uh. whl;-;ti : ftf !-!',ni-f--.yiit. : L'tifVfiilA, .-in':: tK t V V' I Brooklyn fjodgcra today brought I two mei" cf the National! i I.el-".ue .rir'.mpior ; m mi" witlij llli" JOu f1)'- -1 i "nil ' lyrif jfGcrmaine,- -,.ustralia 1 0. r f j r.a in certain u - fc Pvti- 1 Ps l 1 f ( er liribby Morgan. , v.iei i o':.k'y t-Hf.OTvluiishipiWje-: y.'i'er5ui.H ! 'InnlnK here-FridAj'-. A team. of--. ' T expatriate Canadians pros-gave ; Kollistn Rink p i i choose Kesselrinq Still in Running LETTER CARRIERS S21!lo - SatliO plus unifiirm aiid boots HIINC E III TI RT, I'.C. Application forms obtainable at the Post Office or National Fmnlovnient Office thould be filed not later than February 26, 1054, -With the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1110 Georgia SI., V. Vancouver, B.C. HAM ANTONIO. Tex. (CP) j then! their only other defeat, ' 11-:!. in Paris month Lyndliir'-ts won all their other nm tests in Switzerland. Italy ' and Germany. The Canadians trailed 3-0 in i the se:nd period. Alter a seo.'-.-le-:.s first frame, the youthful i Swedi-ii team rapped in thrio ; fast goals. Taliii s by Norm Gray, Harold jFiskaii and John i'etro evened i the count but in the finale Swe i Wazinf? 61 in the first round, ran into hard luck Friday, and Johnny Palmer of North Oaro lina. who thinks San Ani.i.? !o's " u wn" a par vi wnicn Plays Rowbotham The llolliston rink will meet the Rowbotham quartet next Tuesday in the finals of 4. ho Grotto Cigar Store trophy competition as a result of matches lust night. Holliston beat Oster-tag 9-8 and Row botham defeat- ' ed McKcnzie 10-7 in an even game not settled until the ninth end when Rowbotham got three points. 1 Rupert Motors round robi.i j results last night are as follows: ' Robertson 10, Moore 7; Johnson 10, Matthew 5; Wakley 12, Petei- I sen 5; Ford 15, Georgeson 5. den's Lars Soederberg sank his third goal. Gray's second marker only narrowed the gap for the 6,400-yard Brackonrid "artc , him Iat down tho ,ist-course "hing of Kit-, hen-. is the eastei on the win-i,.,.0 !-r. Out., is the only Canadian " ZJfSUr ll,uslted hl 1-ft in the tournament th" point by breezing round U twice three other contenders failed to ed a field of 90 into the third weiring Who can't win anv round of the $12,500 Texas open mocy'brrTuSe ThU pTobation-golf tournament today. Sllry ,)r0 sUtus whk.n sU a The Canadian sensation of the! month to go, ended the second first day's play, Rudy Horvath round with 131, tied with four of Windsor, Ont., who shot a others. CITY TRANSFER CRATING PACKING RTOHAGK Vernon Trims Ohnagan Champs f1 Hasf B D H wifh IE IL ia ! 5 i' to LOCAL cu.kI LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING 1 sented one of the few times this year Penticton has been beaten on home ice. Kclowna plays at Kamloops Phone Iiy The Canaillan Press Penticton V's may be finally .slacking off after clinching first place In the Okanagan. Senior Hockey League. Friday night the last place Vernon Canadians and Penticton at Vernon in the OSHL tonight while Trail is nt Kamneney and Nelson at Spo-. 950 FIRST AVF.NUE AND McBRlDE STRFF.T kane in the Western Inlern - tional Hockey League. .SMeSMRWttMa! BASKETBALL o scored six goals against them in: the first period, good enough i for a 6-2 win. 'Johnny Harms opened the1 scoring at the two minute mark! followed by Leo Lucchinl and Bob Ballance. Bill Warwick got! the only goal of the period for! Penticton before Jim Malacko, Tommy Stecyk and Jack Miller finished the scoring for the period. The .second period was score- j less. Penticton got their final ; goal when George MavAvoy fin-1 1.hed off a play from Orantj Warwick and McDonald at 3:45 of the third. The game repre KETCHIKAN wifh connections to 654 FREE HOME DELIVERy PHONE LUCKY LAGER BREWING CO1 WHITEHORSE and all ALASKA SEATTLE, Phone 266 CIVIC CENTRE TONIGHT Office Opp. Post Office b-i NEW WESTMINSTER, B-c- ; This advf rtisement is not ptiblisM or Hi'i-Wj'. Control Board or by the Government ol Po'11"