3 Murday. February 20. mi Willi Soa p Box Derby Set May 24 l '.-,. ders rea Plan M Je a Sou cm V ta.i'n for old f )- Pulisei Choir Hard at Work; ml C A nni r rrr r-f WJ'miu r 1Uitf lac e m iiion Ciii Drive Sal ur- Moose Whist day 8 p.m. rsin 11 ucn iv-i i i .r vi-.'ir-old hiL'h school band truniD- 'veItl . t oinr u'hn silriied fur some vrnra Prince Rupert's' third annual, regional competition at Mission Soap Box Derby will be staged City, from which a winner is May 24 this year, and for the sent to the AU-Amerlcan Derby first time in derby history here, at Akron, OUo. the winner will be sent to the : The Trades and Labor Council. s'1Lil!i,iifht In Edmonton will be heard, along 4 s X(.d chorus wjth Mike Colussi, well-known j vu rp sun-! accordionist, Olga Zabutney and Plans for a masquerade dunce were reported at the Sons 'of Norway weekly dance and whist party, staged In the SON hall last night. The masquerade ball, open to the public, will be held March 12 In the lodge hall. There were twelve tables in play for the whist party in which Mrs. C. Glske and O. K. Olsen took first prizes in women's and men's sections. Taking second pribes were Mrs. O. Bro-chu and Hans Pettersen, the latter winning on a cut with H. Dean Freeman. The door prize went to K. Phillipson. tlie CHPllU1 : on aim in a uutv, miu S in Ann u liquet, nil uuuuiiijjUMiu pianist, comparatively new In ,..,.,itc choir sponsors of the derby, announced the date, and plans to make the event official, today. Youngsters wishing to enter the derby are asked to contact members of the council committee for official rule books and ld ...... ti-l.w.n f?iliif U'Virt utMrlirwl f,,.. Many Attend Dominate Rites The Church of the Annun- ,:6e B'1 How to KEEP FIT offer 50 in llw eld dai fifty seemed tl signal to sto down -Uke IhinfS emy-wilrh ysT diet - (e snore rest. It's still food advice. But these dayi you csn (see fifty with many interestinit and settre years ahead, -Sf tiTe, -that is, if yon can avoid backarhe and tho "tired-out'' feelinf, due to kidney and Madder disorders, that often develop around that ate. For more than (0 years Dodd's kidney Pills hare been helpinf men and women 1 all ares f keep kidneys and bladder in food order, help mf theas to feel better, to work better, and get saore fun out W life. If you are approaching fifty, sr past it, Dodd's Kidney Pills Buy help you, too. You can depend on Dodd's. 54 '. some years at uic icuuuiuy ui Music In Brussels. formerly a , oup, years aim. has other information. Entrants will the best known j The 35-membcr Rotary chorus pumlx'rs Iromjhas been rehearsing for many !?w.mrrl 1 l? :a,pac'! be required to meet specificationf !TZ ''0,S;lo' the All-American Derby set- and relatives heard Comprising the committee in requiem high mass sung for Mrs. Ann up. last year, young Alan Majore i charge were Mrs. E. Sornes, Mr. Prinre. nmi concert, ana eariy reports mai-Rcd Mill- j cate this will be the most suc-ntuals and foIk;cessful concert to date. I ; 4 Ti"htat i fi T 8wePl throuh 311 heats unde- and Mrs. J. Johnson, Mr. and dav " h p 1 p S o r ? 'feated to win the derby champ-1 Mrs. K. Dehli, Mr. and Mrs. F. Smiths rVaV io"shiP' who Stevenson and O. K. Olsen. mass whne Rev , tho? sUh nunio-1 1 Mrs Ai,,ta oilker Is piano ac- Babe." "I-rt ; cainpanl:;t for the chorus. 'A. k J "SKIP " Fr. O. P. Mohan conducted: ,,w;M:u ,, a'' 7 ,,ew cliorai -,nc by Wnlw " Ifwml Drln,. Dnart n.rl ....... DANISH ISLANDS I.. out-of-town points, may enter. The Faroe Islands 300 miles Students of the Annunciation i school formed the choir for the t ..iiiown American Entrants will race in two I MhICWWc? (AI 8l?undwn,clae8: Class A, ages 13 to 15 and Whilcy Intermela were ii. .i., D . , , northwest or me siicuanas, 'a j DanLsh possession, have had cx- ft j, .o uil! Mature ; , l- in inslrii- ushers I Duvid to 12 inclusive. Barred from the race this year are winners of any soap-box races in 1953 not authorized by the All-American derby head- Pallbearers were C. Michaloff. Nick Pavlihis, Angus Macphee, Fred Caldcrone, Frank DcBlass and Art Murray. Tliirlnl watt in fho T?rtT,.in feturday Sermon r - -rr r , P.UKINi;T Catholic section of Fairvicw 'irit,ten frathie- Our Methods Safeguard Valuables Against Breakage cemetery I HAIINC H Rupert winners, and any young- A large number of friends also paid their last respects last night at Orenville Court Chapel. Sulniltcil bv MAJOIt W. I. I'Ol'l.TON : And they gathered it every morning." Exodus 10, verse 21. 4 fashioned idea of the busy housewife canning Ig Irr preserves in the fall for the long winter ,s lamely ejven place to the purchasing of same, a . . 11... ,...rwin, tliiiv Whiil m.imnt-lfs Grima lJtiuLo by Van M sters who won non-official races elsewhere last year. The official rules (all for the boy entering the race to build the car himself. And parents nnpHn'f. u-nrrv nhnnt. hitrh rnicte Your most fragile possessions packed and crated by our experts for really SAFE moving or storage. For dcpendableservice Coll 60. . A. A. Milne III j( :,ip. 1 mm uic "j ............. NIX YOI NGMAN' portrays the half-crazed alcoholic Blanche DuBois in Prince RujMrt f.lttle Theatre's forthcoming production of "A Streetcar Named Desire." Tennessee Williams' smash hit New Yotk play will be presented in its original form at the Civic Cent re Monday and Tuesday, March 1 and 2. indaayh of (iiniini! home from scnooi 10 smen mat. lempi-ul 1 luli .sauce boiling on the stove, and what nniics we have of having to help take the stones i-hcrrn'.s before thry were processed, h.it a larce DC. ' wilderness, but they died . . . ,t is experiment- 4 Rupert Church Women Plan With Pncumonio Tne rule book savs "total cost of the car must not exceed $10, ex-TUNBRIDGE WELLS, England ciusive of the wheels and axles." (-A. A. Milne, humorous Brit-; John G. Dyck Is chairman of ish author best known for his tne derby committee which also .'tories of Christopher Robin anil includes B. C. Rudolph and C. D. Winnie-the-Pook, was reported Mulroney. Boys wishing to enter seriously ill today with pneu- ; tne derby are asked to contact monia. Miine suffered a stroke , tne committee members for rule last November that left him books. World Day of Prayer Event uj lit auremvoc 11 " " - .. 1,.,.W h. ...111 llm r..f a... I Local and Long Distance Moving "LEAVE IT TO LINDSAY'S" 1 to preserve tne , "'" Women representing nearly projects, distributed by the Wom- en tail for sale Allegorical language.' Mavix-, every church in Prince Rupert en's Inter-Church Council of dir-n 01 Israel but lei us ioiiow 11 to me uni partly paraiyzea, dui ne recov-. Manna was to met yesterday afternoon at the Canada. Last year's total col- he sandy cleseri mate conclusion ered enough to travel to London t to preserve or oe gaincreu iresn every mora- nrauimuu umau iiiuiiac- vu iecuun m uiuun uinuuuwu u , . . 72nd birthday Jan. 18 0 g;lthT every lug. If It was stored it would rot plan the women s world Day 01 1 $31,406.53, mucn 01 wnicn weni , ; uma that would over night. The point that Jesus rrayer service, to c-e neia at me to Christian literature ior use 111 f hfth s imWN'FAI.I LET'S ALL HELP 1 - tl., Lri,L-,tl.'tnlri r il-iii,'..! rt 1 ta tit-L-t v. ,1 , , limc " God that there cannot gather up our religion in; iriaay 01 writ, Marcn.a. J'unds also were usea 10 aia Macbeth 's castle, where Siwaid is said to have defeated Macbetn In 1054, is on the Scots hill; h supply on the large doses and tho drag It out The world Day 01 rrayer is fjnns in missions ana ouiti . orrow morning, when It suits our convenience ceieoraiea annuauy oy vnnsnan , orgunusauous in iwumra "' as Africa, Burma, India, Japan, ; Dunsinane. ake sense until it will deteriorate. The grace women in almost every country ition cumes 111 Hint Kept US victors over lemp- ai int- same nine ui uay. so unit sus rhrist. who tatlon yesterday must be re- throughout the 24-hour period e broad of life ! iiewert today for the battes of there is a service in progress ,te mamia in the today. ' somewhere. In churches, hospl- I ii u nrni:illv Imnnrtaiit. to re. tals. schools or in the open air. Guides, Brownies To Mark Thinking Week at Big Rally fjoyt wi-k Is TlvnHn" Week. Guiding and Its history, and Girl Guides and Brownies in Brownies of the various pucks ' J ' yntwr . niemoer mai no mailer wnai u i t-ij uuui. ''TORY our personal feelings may be, or , Mrs. Basil S. Prockter was I our particular circumstances, cnuuman iui joinuajj i," "'i ! there will always be grace to be nlng session at which the order r,,i their sisters will oln In Dreseiuinc several ; Prince Rupert m i found every morning. service was muuu-u buu new Brownie songs and Guides i- i...,o Htir,h roMfosontnl vcr 1 across l.anaoa will vane wan. in rvCCU VUUr rCllLIUl Uliyc. n . . - - , . , .H1 .., rrn a in rv . ' : . .. i . .,r.i..in in tho .or. o nnmher nr events aesiunea 10 arc ditoih ""b1- .....i. a f.-t, t r elnPA II lin 111 mp ffllHTS Ililllll'U J uaiuu lit viiv m i - - - fire session. ! . ..r.".. rti,tr. Vice. . I . .ne. m-i wvh of the Girl of vour life. Renew It daily niMiiiH i. : I'riiiMniiir Rt i' it hi a m. l 'i 1M p tn. i ut b a . r, n ' lllti,,. 7'Xll movement around the Guide Go to church tomorrow and This year's service was prcpar-help your neighbor In his desire ed by Dr. Sarah Chnkko of gather fresh grace. ilia, who died just a few weeks j 1 ago. The same order of service world. Tomorrow, Guides and Brownies will paracic to various churches, to launch Thinking Wee! activities and throughout liU'll-l il Vmiiiii; Highlight of the evening, however, will be the Thinking Day ceremony in which the girls will contribute their pennies for the Thinking Day Fund of the World Association of Guides. Proreeds are for international aid to Guides. Another event of Thinking is used in every country. II. C'akirrwood of the " . ; """ I l-'l First United Church Presbyterian church wasi,h k the various companies mil in chosen to lead the service this j antj patis will hold open house rnnt n I) I l(',r,..-n U: ( year ana mis. w. rouiion oi at their regular meetings, lnvii- hft CluQfiAn IrmV U111 olvo the . 1 I.Un, tn rnmA Week will be a Gutders' Council address. Mrs. W. C. Hanklnson and'see them at work on regular sfssipn Monday n ght ; at which A MESSAGE TO YOU "No donation to the Kinsmen's B.C. Polio Fund is too small. Every nickel, every dime or dollar, helps to cure the hundreds of persons stricken with polio each year. "I have seen the raveges of this disease. I know how it con cripple. "Join the fight to beat the cripplcr. Give now, give all you can to the B.C. Polio Fund, Box 151, Prince Rupert, B.C. GEORGE E. HILLS, Mayor of Prince Rupert. U. Sit tvr W-St J flMllll Ulrifii Ol'.ti j HIV HW I Mi I' fraviM! i .'il 2 I" i hi ! liuiae ana cruwiuc icuuna projects. finalize plans for the big rally Actual Thinking Day is Mon- rriday night. tiny, but the major ThinklP"? j - Week event, a Guide and Brownie Try Dcily Nrws Clarified will be soloist. Various prayers will be given by representatives pf St. Andrew's Cathedral, Lutheran. First United, Regular Baptist, First Baptist and Pentecostal church women's groups. The service, to start at 2:30 p.m. on Ilmch 5 is open to Rev. I,, (i. Sirber. Minlstrr Siltth Ave. IV. and Musxrave 11 a.m. Mumine Worship errpicm: ' A Highway of His Heart" Children's Story: Monsieur Madeleine. Anthem: Children of Jerusalem. Brownies, Guides. Cubs and Scouts attending this service. 7:30 p.m. Kvriiing Worship Sermon: Which Sheep Is Black? Anthem: Prayer of Thanksgiving. COME AND WORSHIP rally, will be neia r rioay iiikih. Instead, as more convenient for the youngsters. The rally will be staged nt Utlili It 'Jli'.IJ ; Ml II N J M III Kir Sir. II. O llls. ii t oil women of all churches, and has King Edward school, where par iHlmk (II attracted an ever-growing con- ents and friends will see Guides grcgation in the past several j stage a pageant, with panto-years, i mime scenes depicting the work Collertion taken at the annual j ; .mues m various countries. ervtees eoes to many Christian Mnny of the Guides participat- y Wl.l II AN Cove "I 1 1 .liu a m Jir, 7:M pin liiniiun iiiihiili RUNDAY r.CIKXHS At First Korea, Latin-America, Pakistan, j ing will be In costume and a United. Henlnueis and Prim- Trinidad and others. j narrator will tell the story of nry nt 11 a.m.; Older pupils ol , 12:15; at Conrad United Hull. r f K I lf - n Ml'IIM i l lo ir. i,i. j ii .S-rrt. u ' lllid (ii;M ( all at 11 in. Visit Chatham officer and Lt. Whitman recruiting officer. Plans for a navy dance and a ra YOU'LL ;?r APPRECIATE W THESE l!17 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan .... $975 HIM! riymonth 4-lloor Seiltn. All new tires .... $1450 l'Ull Ford Tudor. Very good shaic $1 195 1.AKGE SKLKCTION OF 01.1i;it CAItS TO PICK FROM SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE It takes a lot of money for research and treatment of polio victims. The Kinsmen clubs of B.C. are working hard to see that money Is always available and equipment ready at all times to treat victims. DON'T LET THEM DOWN! drew's Cathedral Church visit, from t!CN officials .highlighted activities this week at IiMCS Chatham. The commanding officer and officers or Chatham will stage a fiance Saturday. February 27 in the Naval drill hall. Meanwhile Chatham personnel have been busy taking special r -nurses at various naval stations. Lt. Cmdr. J. S. Foster, executive officer of Chatham, is taking a two-week senior maritime wel- Sunday, February 21 '""""''"ii id 8::io a.m. and after Evensong. -Scmts. Guides, Brownies and Cubs will ""'"'"I in uniform. The Rector will preach. lleie for a thn e-day visit to i fare course at iiamax. discuss liK-al problems and train-I Lt. IPI Norman Jermyn and ing of reserve personnel were j Lt. IP) Roy Berryman are still Lt Cmdr. (TASi O. A. Hamer ; at HMCS Shearwater, Halifax, and Lt. (SB) W. R. Whitman, on a flying instrument course, from the naval divisions staff at and LS Eddie Dawes has com-Hamilton, Ont. Lt. Cmdr. Hamer i pleted his five-week PO second is a torpedo anti-submarine class course at Naden. NO CAUSE COULD BE MORE. WORTHWHILE '"-,:i'ils()iii- liii.l ...... .11 I llllf II I 0. ELKS No. 342 ALVARIETO NEXT SUNDAY, 9 P.M. THEATRE CAPITOL PROCEEDS TO THE EUROPEAN "SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND' lidtls available al AR1MURRAVS MEM'S WEAR. 99 IAXI and ID Ml This advertisement courtesy Fashion Footwear MWllirMI