1 .... I - i ,n M .".ju.-. i -- -r,-.,, ,,M-,m..w. Today's Stocks Saturday February au. 1& r BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL 1 1 wxmz' h,mgm??. J! 3LACKWC0D on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD U u V.' Let Enemy Lead EADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Mr. Meek thought Miss Brash would never get through bidding in today's hand. He promised him- Uified Rits THE DAILY NEWS' "CIRCULATION" ' TODAY 3658 YEAR AGO . 3207 'self that if he ever got out t0 .p tne bidding 0pen future. ' j A It happened, the final rc-l.sult was something less than a catastrophe as Mr. Meek made live hearts by a rice play, The king of diamonds was opened and he won with dum-; my's ace. He saw that he could win 11 tricks if Mrs. Keen had both king and queen of .spades or if she held the ten of spades &m one higher honor, It then occurred to him that if the outstanding trumps w.ve divided 2-2, he could make his contract, even if both the kins :pnd queen of spades were in Mi. PERSONALS Mary Daffodil Tea, Q h e e n April 29. ;?fuw, Civic; Centre Sprlnn. April 20, 30, May 1. United May 6. W.A. Sprint; Bazaar! .1 Eastern Star! Order of the Tea, May 13. , Abel's hand (piovided the.ten,10 'tl-'iln't tlwi-n Inn 1 I a r,l.,r,. 2 S St. Peter's Spring Baxaar, May 20. nrsiN'Kss personals- PHONE 18 your Northland Dairy, tor aauy delivery except Hun-day. By looking after your mill; your milk will look after you. Keep It cool. All milk guaranteed. (Hi REFRIGERATOR Service" Dis-l tributor for Home Freezers, rood store Mereliandizem. Ice Makers. Free estimates on Refrigeration equipment of all type. Black 932. (40p) 32 I OR SALE MISC. ALL COLORS COMPLETE SIZE RANGE BLAZERS 821. 43 3 6X $3.95 8-12 $4.95 THE STORK SHOPPE 197 214 Sixth St. Green 184 (ltd 45 1ST CLASS house lumber. Cheap 2 for cash. May be Been at 20B3 Seal Cove Circle. (44p BABY buKsy. t'25.00. Apply Black 46 937. (43) 321 I OR ItKNT MISC FURN1SHED Cabins, Tatooch Cabins. 3000 11th Ave. E. 47 (43) 34 W ANTED MISCELLANEOUS . ...: WANTED - TOP MARKET Kn ts 1 Alu lor ra Iron steel, brass, enprjer. lead, etc Honest (trading, nromDt nav- at 'and j ! but (c) 35 BOATS AND ENGINES or CABIN CRUISER for sale "Eli- zabeth M" length 35 feet O A Beam 91-, feet registered ton-nage or 13 tons. Powered by a 78 h p. Oray Marine Lueser. Good appearance and condition, sleeps four, with galley cooking facilities and water elo.set. Price three thousand dollars ($3,000) t :i';h Boat may be seen at Prince Rupert Yacht Club. F'; h f acker Hull Toivo , jeiifn n j.i it. oeam o.w n (lem n Dangerous Suit of this,, he would refu.se on an ace and jack in the ":- - North dealer. Neither side vulnerable. North (Minn Hnwti) ft A 3 a H K QUI' D A 5 C A Kit WW East (Mrs. Kern) (Mr. Ahrl) 6 10 7 3 S K Q S H 6 5 H 9 2 . & K Q J 10 D 8 7 0 4! C J 8 6 5 C 3 9 2 KiMllll (Mr. Merk) j 80 5 4 2 H A J 10 7 4. D 9 2 C 10 3 I The bidding: ,' ' North Eiist 8oul.ll West Pass ' 1 H Pass , Pass 3 8 Pas?1 D Pass 4 8 H - All Pass lions of this situation. The point to remember, of course,-is that when you have a dangerous key suit, try to avoid leading Ityour-self. Let the enemy lead it. Ii will almost always cost them a trick. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT OUBERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe To VANCOL VER via Waypoints V FRIDAYS: SS COQU1TLAM, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: ; ( SS CAMOSUN. 8 p.m. r ; To Stewart and Alice Arm SS Camosun, Saturday, 6 a.m. To North Queen Charlotte Islands , . February 24 and March 10 Coquitlam, Thursday, 6 a.m. To South Queen Charlotte . Islands February 17 and March 3 Coquitlam, Thursday, 6 p.m. LES SMITH Prince Ru, ert Agent 511 Third Ave. Phone 568 CRIPPLING falls on slippery I lee avoided by wenrlnR Ice' Creeper: Straps under any footwear, il. do :Lnaid. 3 nalrs ' Crceperstrap: rstrans-R. ShawbridRe Shawbridee. i yue. (Hi lniirty H. f. Juhnirtm, . i.ki.) M ! CBC New.. G:05 Hrx-kr-y limwlr.. . 7 ::!i--Oman Music , B OH -I.I..U e the Wciill.li Had FrMlrif B houner 0 00 lilt Piuwle ();:)- The Music liox . . . 1(1:00, li; i,f-wb 1010 cue N.-ws 10 :l.'j - iJnrice Tune 10 :i0 ijixifitnci fmirj-:' 11(111 Hm I l -l l(iii,il Music iuin; M.jsZ A M 8::i0-Sunday jMnrnins Music :wj-niic Ni-wo uh Omii ntary . l:15-Tlie QitKH'.Inn li'.s 9 .10 -Harmony jfurljur I0:(10- -liC l:,irlpiicr . 10:15 Jur,l Mury j 10:30 Tiie Way ot the Spirit II M ( :r Nti II m Capital nepurt ll:;i(i KciigluUK I'wI.kI i CM. j l'i.'lO ?,'.V. rwi!i.ui'iuii,.i; Siu. Gii.li I i :.o critically Hjtat 1 1 is 2-0(1- Kiildli. Jik''k Varus !!::) Jnke and the Kul : S:!10 CDC Nw a 05 Ai.lt the Wiiiithcrman !i: la Weather Firitasl 3:1 5 -TIM! Way of tt Parent 3:30 Winnipeg Symphony Or-h. i 4:30- DixtltH; j;si:(! Artist , -5:00 -Suiulay cboralo 5:30 -Chamlx-r Music li:(iri - Kxuhc M i 7:00 Weekend R.vlew 7:20-.(.Jur l-tjt-r.ial Hiwiikee 7:30 Little Hymph.uiy Oin. : 11:00-NBC Syinplinny Orch. 040 Serenade j U-.3U Veftfitr tlour 10:00 J!C Ne 10:15 Seint; Snciety I 10:30 AustrHlian Knyal Tour' and Interlude 11:11(1 lira ii -i .n,it ind Sljrii-nrr MOiliV.T A.M. 7:0(1 nc. ' I'tiermeii's Bt.-yufeait VI.V-Musi l ( Puli 7 3c enj N -w.,: i-at.it. :T !.' MusJi-iil l lin k 7:45- Mnrulilt; Devotions 8:00 -CBC News: Weatlior B:10-tleie's Hill Ooou 11:15-BreuKfiuit Club 8:45-Lanrn Ltd. 0:00 BBC News arid ommeiimry 11:15 Aunt laicy oao-coim- what M.-.y 0 50 Time fKnai I0:W1 Muruin;; Visit 10:15- The Hi.ppy Clang 10:45-Musical Kitchen II 410 -Vour' iood Nnii'hlKir II :15-Klnderxarten nl the Air 1 1 ;30 - MesMiice Period ' I r llel's kililieii I'M. - 12:15 CRC News 12:25 CBC Showcase 12:30 Be. . ar.n u.oadcai. I'!:." lolerliide 1 :"M Itei-iM-ils for Vail 2:00 lleeord Album ! 2:30 l-ru.i.s-Cnnada Matlne i 3:16 IJravo Voyage i 3 :30 lloedown 3:45- B.C. HKUst Roundup 4:15- Musine Ware Slinks 4:30 The 1 hunui rhud Curse ."lain Mock IJtiolatiotiH localise 5:15 -Jiiu rnallonal Conir-ci.'.-.i 6 id -CB j Newi: Wi:atlu..- ij.JO -Itawhirie r.EORGi, :;.ir-.- 4 AUCTIONEER Plume Klaek SIM uni! Ke, e: CHOP SUE ... . . ...CHOWMEi.N Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. ' Hollywood Cafe For OutMd Orders I' bone US BLONDIE I WlSi-l I MAD My v'0?K M FiS! .SHED SO I CCKJ JLD SIT ' X COwN AW BEAD, TOO i4 Ll'L ABNER PUBI.1C, ACCOUNTANT. Income ! m,'nt ma,lr- At las Iron & Mela! Tax Kiwcialist. S. G. Fuik,!Llf. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver, Stone Building. Red 583. f !0m ! B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (Hi MAGAZINES, nove.ties. Eddie's ' .,,,, News Stand. (ci L CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries. WIMP mwM"T7Th cr.,,H0i radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Rmlther Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 632 Investors fiyndlebte of Canada . Ltd. and Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. T. M. CIIRIETIE Ph. 34 315 Third Avenue W. HeprenentMitvtt lor j?rmee Jtupirt, Terrace and Kltlmat fF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS ' SCOTT McLAREN CH.RTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. VI. Prince Rupert, B.C. " Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 f-lEtJ ' The Canadian Army ' Offers You Outstanding Opportunities . for Trades Training . You may be eligible for one of the many valuable skills and , trades offered by the Canadian Army. The Army con make yon . a master of the trade in which : you are selected experienca. ' is an asset but if you can meet (he requirements Ihe Army will ' fully train you in one of its . . modern Army schools acrosi Canada. ,- Here are iust a few trades in which there ore immediate ' openings: Accounting Clerks Electricians' . Radio Station Operators Telecommunication Mechanics Surveyors Doctor's and Dentist's Assistants , Technical Assistants There is a real future for you 'm fhe Army with the trades framing, high roles of pay, pension plans, free medical and denial care, annual leaves and travel. I be eligible for this training, you must have Grade 10 edu- cation or equivalent, be 17 to 40 years of age, and be physically fit. 1 ? - for hil information, write ar visit Ihe Canadian Army recruit-mg centre neaiesf your horn. .' No. 11 Personnel Depot, ' liiil II est 3rd Iveiine, - Vancouver, II.C. Telephone Cllerr? -ill I. Serve Canada and Yourself , . in the Army By AL CAPP TRUE- BOX TtSOLP.7- TH ASS TM the Pistol qme ah left mah GAVE BAfJl PLAVIN WIF.V SOU WAS Shop The Sale of the Yi ... v ...... i, uu., Xil. JJlUllllUU 4 to do this by the simple ex- 6 pedient of having the enemy iead spades for him. But there was some important preliminary work to be done. At trick two, Mr. Meek led a low heart to the ace. He then kd'a club and cashed dummy's ace and king. He led back a small club and rulfcd it with the ten of hearts. Next came a low heart to i ' dummy's king and both oppon ents followed suit. Dummy's last i club was ruffed in the closed hand and it was now time to give the rlefendr . their dia-1 mond trick. t Mrs. keen -won the uiamond h ad with the ten. She looked ; for a safe return but iiiere was ; none. If she led another dii- i mond, Mr. Meek would discard the eight of spades from the board and ruff in his hand, thus holding his spade losers to one. Mrs. Keen decided to return the trey of spades. But this was no good either. Mr. Meek play- i ed small from the board and , Mr. Abel won with the queen. 1he defense was now dead. As. before, a diamond lead would give Mr. Meek a sluff and' a i ruff. A spade ret. in would go 1 into dummy's ace-jack. 1 There are a thousand varla- 0 A I DINING PLEASURL. in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe fear I s still on. Still lots of real good bargains to be had. (46i THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. ! House wiring and eleetricti repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Ph: Red 165. (62) WORLD'S FINES . CLEANER ELECTROL' !X. Pl.ani Blue 7& for Pirus Jales ilerviee. c PI.UMBINO, aJ-omt:c oil heat- np. nheet ineU.1 work. Phone : M3. Call 630 6th West. Letour-! -'A neau. 4 1 feet, gross tonnage 9.57 netl22500 ner month and WILFORD Electrical Works I dealer for Ekohte Sounder, ithix vessel has no engine but 1 62 it there is a shaft and propellor. 40 HOMES FOR SALE CLOSE IN i Three-room cottage with space; for extra room upstairs. Price; $2100, low down payment. H. U. Heljjrerson IA. ' Real Estate & Insurance. 216 6th St. - Phone 96. or F. Wilson, Black 197 Eves, i 1441 1 WANTKI1 TO RKNT HOUSE or apartment. YounRj couple, two cliilrlrcn. Prefer- j ably unfurnished. Phone Black; ' 45pn LISTINGS WANTED LIST YOUR HOUSE WITH H. 0. llelgereon Ltd. "and prepare to move" Phone 96 or V. Wilson, Black eves. (431 PROPERTY FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS on Jth Ave Less than cost price. Black 932: 46p) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL well-established business i wants $10,000 for exnansinn purposes. Appjy Box 002 Dailv News. (48) Al'TOMOHII.ES 1948 5-passeneer Furd Coupe. In eood condition. Phone Green j 626. (46p) I LEGAL NOTICE SI II I (( K NOTICE Rxamlnatlons fo; the position of Assistant Forest Hauler will be held the tollowinu: centres nt the dates times indicated: 1 Mon., Mareh I. 9:00 a.m.. Burns Lake : Wed.. Mareh 3, 0:00 am., Smit.liers I Tl.. March 5. 0:00 a.m.. Terrace i . Mur. 8, 9:00 a.tn.. Prince ltunertl Application Iorms and lull particulars ma be obtained from the District f orester at Prince Itupert ' the Forest Rancor s ofiiee at ex-1 umlnatlnn centres. Completed application forms should be forwarded to the District Forester by February 2.l. j fHilinn this must w presented to the examiner 4lt the ume of the e-'; anilnalion. These examinations. are belnt: con-! ducted to establish ehihle lifts for: 1954 fire sea.son employment. From j ' such lisls aiipoiiitna-ntH to positions now vacant will be made accord 1 1 is , to candidates" standings In the ex-, nintnutions. Employment will be for period of six Kil months nt starting salary of. expenses c1 f"" HcauouMtcrs Candidates must he citizens nf one : of the nations of the British Com-1 monweatth. and must have resided In HrlMih (Viloinhlii fnt- ntie vein- Tlie cimdldate must be physically cap able of the work. I Candidates must be 21 years of IV HK ICSTITi: OK IMI.I.IIM, Mlll.l KSI'IK, IIIK HASI.K. TAKE NOTICE that as Adminls- i tr-iit.or4 flulv unnnlnKvl hv the nmivt of the estate nf William Clillesple. who died at Prince Rupert. Prov- I luce of Hritish Columbia, on the 14th i day of November. 1053. I require all j creditors and others havlntt claims against, the said estate to send the j mime to me. properly verified, at the addresa mentioned below on or before the 31st day of March. 1954, after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. Iwiying rentird only to stiijli isiiitma -l "Whlctt, I shall then have bceh nouftao ..".. , . - ? AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DA1KD at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thiF 10th day of February. 11154. Q. L. IlltODtE. -Deputy Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, nc (Feb. 20. 27. Mar. 0, 13 PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL tint! MINING MACHINERY Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Torts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort ami Service For reservations write ot call City or Depot Office, Prluee Rupert. B O. -- SAW Filing All typos of saws. Precision Saw ruing, it lstior anv tender not necessarily ac- , 4:S0 pn 0f previotu n rent m " .,'. ' minimum -n"r Crl " , f renW. 60 ! -nnta. .J.,,, Notice., 200. l'ral T ij0 Hefurids 13 I not ! rex"11""1 i ,,.., inwrted Incorrectly eawlnrailon unlM run lot such "run la received il uun of an I liierUon. NT AD REPLIES h holding replies h following News : ; 383 893 VUU I ies must be for in person IIMi I VI NTS n Week l March 7- hools will be open to each afternoon as Si King Edward $2. St. k Seal Cove 'moriiil & Annuncia- h 11 meeting will be new ,rch 12. in KinR Ed-ol at 8:00 p.m. Each present, an item conization Week, and be a panel discussion i in the subject: "How f Responsibility For the Complete Indi- Shared By: the Home. h. the Community, ind Labor, a'.iri the NARCISSUS will be I urdt'i nl lju.slne.ss for I'ntlily nieclinc of I Club, Sunday, Fcbru- nan Rummage Sate, M 8th Sireet. ; ' Prayet. Cathedral. M.ii' h 3, evenings. (47) s Dental Clinic Bake don & .:.dersoi:'s ' 1 U F A W U Lake Sale .'vei waitea. C: rd Party, March 3, :Hh Annual General f it the Pacific Coast Mutual Marine In-ompany, til's will be held tings Auditorium RlR ma Street, Vancou-Thursday, Feb. 25, 30 D.ai n A rhri. N t"Crrlary.Manaiter. (If V7A liiiniriiage T3ale, rhinu.Teaehlne nnnv, tf re nee, Lutheran larch 7-14. ReV. A. M. i-amro.se. Alta. Run-am. and 8 pm. Week v m. Evanaelistin icrnoons from 2 p.m. invited. (6H Norway Ma, sriuerade, V Riii ,n"iagc Sale, usic and Drnma en-,sva Secretary, Fire " entries accepted 15. 1 trick's Tea Catholic 'arch 17. F-tlward"pYA TeTTTTj ch 18. ",,u "nitTlrnTar7ia'u7i lihition n:.,i March March "K",. '"". NB April 1 "n Spring Sale Ap- j Canadian Legion. Je;. home of Mm f. ;r"'. April 22 ' W A' RmrgeSai - (451 laughters rr X Ctt, "f. April 14 of Mr"', Spring 1111 Ave j . 11 lirun-olcle.Wesl- April IS. 4a Oil I ,H,nnS Sal?. AprU West. 65) j mrnmr ip,.m0 a fe,.mert . ninil,. AnA ,rla n t the VARIETY STORE. ' 1477 j INVISIBLE Repairs, dressmal:- ing 727 Fraser St. (43p) MAGAZINES." Novelties. Eddie's '. . News Stand. i(. I H y, mim mm, m mm m. SMa ' ' I CARS? Bob Parker of t ourse. March 1st, 19;4 at 2195 Commis-(45) j sioner Street, Vancouver 6. High- - oSt or any tender not necessar- EARLY cveiybo'.v uses 90 ilv ll(.pe,,tPd. Further informa- . tion apply Fishermen's Co-op at Settled by His Queen of Hearts By CHIC YOUNG ' i J;AMAN JUST'S s J ' ' '. ?0. , .d' y f4, s:-5sfe.o jSS'fV'fi1 I t :' ' - (7 WfeUKfe PPOM J ' ' ( 44A-WA' f- ! r3iV BSTtE" J rrS? SUM TO SUM, "S, ' ' (r?T NEVER DONE ) : t THAN Tv TO ,l ?, , '( BUTAWOMAM'S; S.vt ) ( IS RISHT" JCl? WITH A J XirV WORK'S - J'o WAHA efcg r-J WOMAN) WITH '! !'. J-TVkx ever done ) frz 1 t- r-i Ti ( a mc in hej? ) , ty M( 6.51. draft 4 9 feet. At present i I Tenders will be received up to and including jen. 2&, lowest i eepted: This boat may be seen on i'1p flocK at Watson island lu UlSlrt'Ct IIICSI? OOUVS, COIl- fpt- ft Wllson-to pur- 'man. Columbia Cellulose 9?. I Ltd.. Prince Rupert, B.C. (46 FOR SALE by Tender Seinei packer Co-operator No. 3. Ten- tiers in writing submitted by above address cr 10 Hjron St., Victoria, JSC. ' "-. . (43) 32FT. Troller "'Fisher I " Ace Chrysler engine. Phone Blue 724. (48) 32 FT. Trolling Boat "R.N." Chrysler engine. Can be seen nt New Floats. (43pl 25 HP. Johnson & Speedboat. Phone Red 800. . I44p) 3(1 ROOMS I (lit RENT 2 ROOMS furni.shed, with range. 5v2 Fulton St., Apt. 3. (42pi 37 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and board for working man in private home. Phone Red 140. (43) 39 HOMES FOR RENT FULLY furnished 4 - bedroom home, $6850. 9-room hou.se. partially furnished, close in. Armstrong Agencies Lt. (43) 39A SHIES FOR RENT 3-ROOM apartment. Apply P. R. Plumbing and Heating. 46i SUITE for rent, furniture for sale. Phone green 848. (43) TWO-ROOM furnished. Private Bath. Phone Red 984. (58 40 HOMES FOR SALE OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 3 bedrooms, $850 down payment. f'nmfni'tiihlK fumilv home in good condition. Large living room cabinet, kitchen, 3 good Ai-mslronc Agencies IjCCI. JSI 14 O Phone 342 - Eves. Red 958 TV--YOU f VA4 M'.'-RlGHT Tl rD.DlbTN6,MAiM.''.''-BUTlf f YOU MIGHTA ,UiEDJ I SHOT I BETWEEN TH'EVES. J I IT TOOK ALLTM' STARCH FOOU.7 ) MAH BA 6V BUT J 16 . iyr.. 10 FT. plywood speedljont "Flyer", drifted away on Friday, Feb. 12, at Essinglon. If anyone picked it up please notify George Brown. i44p) THREE-Slrand pearl necklace between Civic Centre and the Daily News office. Reward. Please phone 749 or call at 817 McBride St. Ufnc) 20 II;LPYVANTKI I E.MALE , CONFIDENTIAL Secretary, Full , knowledee of shorthand (111U typing essential. Apply in writ- j in to P.O. Box bus, prince ku-pert. 148) 26 III II. DING MATERIALS PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Inquire about our budget plan for your home Improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,000. 6 to 24 months to pay. (551 27 11 IX For Your Fuel Requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or P52 (55) 29A SEWING MACHINES SALES Repairs. Rentals. Singer sewing Centre. Phone 8fi4. (c) 32 FOR SALE MISC. I u,Mir js 'I MAW K HllTA W Is (TILL AR'.'- I I VOL! -r VHU I 'S TH T'l I I If . 3RAIM) O' WATER IN THET . TH' W ONE WATER Piya'S A LOADED J rjVZXj) I I if f OUT? WATER T-mr-' J WRON6 Js LIKE ANOTHER.1? ; SVTi J rlP THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE " d . 1T5 sTgM;-e ijm't rr? i i 1 1 I 1 1 ioow vou diont, wone.. I ...N6vs mheo snouSh to (.---.:' 1 A MM WKEs HlS pamilY V"1;-:5 U 1 ! BUT IP J wiS a 4000 I I SEND MS KiC TO COUE36... J ' THE BEST HE KNOWS HClV. , A I 7ME, VOU HOULPWT :. y I -- .. - J 1 tf THIMKW TH4T ,P H6 SlVSS TH6 l-(fl , f ! . SITTIN5 T1EE J vTsSsXt,. V .-'1 ENOUSfllOve4N0 4 PiV SIMPLE JV.lt V ' , CRMNS VOUB LITTLE iTl luV Vti5 PUTy,..SUT H6 KE4LLV ISN'T.PM X-W i, OLO MAH, ' -JT ( (&ff W EVERYTHING GOES. Complete bedrooms and batlL Only $4200 household furnishings includ- Full price, and remember, only ing sewing machine, radio-pho- 850cio1wn-, , . off, Pw ;t Ol Ttee-and nograph combination, Fridge 3 Blocks to rock gas stove. Good bar- o vnA:TOO,?fZ' gairw. Phone Green 825. (45) to everyfhi ng Large hv ng room. - big cabinet kitchen, two good RECORD player and radio. Elec- bedrooms (large closets), full trie heater, auto heater, on basement (cement footings), pair 670x15 tires, Town and Low down payment. Balance like Country tread, recap. Auto but- rent. Full price $4750. t tery Muason sedan, Desoto mo- tor t.nr A nbellnrlnf I nanaffA IrnllPI' Apply 1401 Fredrick St. . Phone V ' (43) 137) Black 739. (471